Научная статья на тему 'Parental attitudes of mothers and fathers in the young peoples’ view Abstract'

Parental attitudes of mothers and fathers in the young peoples’ view Abstract Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Prusik A.

We can notice transformations within the scope of functioning of the family nowadays. The rate of changes destroys the family bonds very often, impoverishes intrapersonal relations, destabilizes family life and quite often generates occurrence of improper parental attitudes. Parental attitude is described as nature of emotional attitude of parents towards their children. Attitudes towards children can have positive character it is conductive to proper development and child’s socialization, or negative one it leads to the state of deprivation of its needs.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Parental attitudes of mothers and fathers in the young peoples’ view Abstract»

9. Kolodziejski M., Rodzina i szkola w rozwijaniu zdolnosci muzycznych... czyli jest w muzyce sila, in: D. D^dzik, D. Szadkowski (Ed.), Szkola dla rodzicow-Rodzice dla szkoly, Wydawnictwo PWSZ, Plock 2010.

10. Kvale S., Prowadzenie wywiadow. Niezbçdnik badacza, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2010.

11. Lawson D. M., Brossart D. F., The developmental course of personal authority in the family system. «Family Process» 2004, 43(3).

12. Mead M., Kultura i tozsamosc. Studium dystansu miçdzypokoleniowego. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2000.

13. Napora E., Cechy matek poz^dane w wychowaniu dzieci, «Problemy Rodziny» 1995, nr 1.

14. Nowakowski P. T., Rozwazania o rodzinie funkcjonalnej i dysfunkcjonalnej, «Cywilizacja» 2005, nr 13.

15. Ostrouch J., Nieuchwytne. Relacje matek i corek w codziennosci, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warminsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2004.

16. Pachocinski R., Metody ilosciowe i jakosciowe w badaniach oswiatowych, «Edukacja» 1997, nr 3.

17. Papiez J., Przemiany warunkow socjalizacyjno-edukacyjnych na wsi. Badania panelowe, Oficyna Wydawnicza «Impuls», Krakow 2006.

18. Park Y. S., Vo L. P., Tsong Y., Family affection as a protective factor against the negative effects of perceived Asian values gap on the parent-child relationship for Asian American male and female college students. «Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology» 2009, 15(1).

19. Prusik A., Wplyw rol pelnionych przez dzieci w rodzinach z chorob^. alkoholow^ na ich dorosle zycie, «Swiat Problemow» 2006 , nr 3.

20. Przybysz-Zaremba M., Family in the life of Polish youth - what value is it?, «Journal of Educational Review», Vol 4, No 4, December 2011.

21. Przybysz-Zaremba, M., Dzieci z rodzin pochodz^cych ze srodowisk wiejskich - mozliwosci wyrownywania szans edukacyjnych, in: L. Hurlo, M. Przybysz-Zaremba (Ed.), Rozne oblicza funkcjonowania szkoly, Oficyna Wydawnicza «Prospekt», Olsztyn 2010.

22. Przybysz-Zaremba M., Pomiçdzy prac^ a domem - narracja kobiety przeci^zonej rolami, in: A. Dobrychlop, E. Kowalska, P. Prufer (Ed.), Labor czy opus? Socjopedagogiczne konteksty pracy ludzkiej, Oficyna Uniwersytetu Zielonogorskiego, Zielona Gora 2012.

23. Renk K., McKinney C., Klein J., Oliveros A., Childhood discipline, perceptions of parents, and current functioning in female college students. «Journal of Adolescence», 2006, 29.

24. Roguska W., Znaczenie wspolpracy rodzicow i nauczycieli w procesie ksztalcenia, in: L. Hurlo, M. Przybysz-Zaremba (Ed.), Rozne oblicza funkcjonowania szkoly, Oficyna Wydawnicza Prospekt, Olsztyn 2010.

25. Russell A., Hart C. H., Robinson C. C., Olsen S. F., Children's sociable and aggressive behavior with peers: A comparison of the US and Australia, and contributions of temperament and parenting styles. «International Journal of Behavioral Development», 2003, 23 (1).

26. Shearer C. L., Crouter A. C., McHale S. M., Parents' perceptions of changes in mother-child and father-child relationships during adolescence. «Journal of Adolescent Research», 2005, 20(6).

27. Verlaan P., Schwartzman A. E., Mother's and father's parental adjustment: Links to externalising behaviour problems in sons and daughters. «International Journal of Behavioral Development», 2002, 26 (3).

28. Wieczorkowski K., Komputerowe wspomaganie badan jakosciowych w pedagogice, «Forum Oswiatowe» 2003, nr 1 (28).

29. Williams S. K., Kelly F. D., Relationships among involvement, attachment, and behavioral problems in adolescence: Examining father's influence. «The Journal of Early Adolescence» 2005, 25(2).

УДК 037.376




We can notice transformations within the scope of functioning of the family nowadays. The rate of changes destroys the family bonds very often, impoverishes intrapersonal relations, destabilizes family life and quite often generates occurrence of improper parental attitudes. Parental attitude is described as nature of emotional attitude of parents towards their children. Attitudes towards children can have positive character — it is conductive to proper development and child's socialization, or negative one — it leads to the state of deprivation of its needs.

Keywords: parental attitudes, bonds, needs.



Bid3HaueHO функ^ональш трансформаци в сучастй ciM "i. Чимало змт руйнують ciMemi зв'язки, збiднюють eHympmHbooco6mcmimi eidmocumu, дестабтзують Имейте життя i дуже часто породжують нетипове батьтвське ставлення, що трактуешься як природа емоцшного вiдношeння батьтв до дтей. Ставлення до дтей може мати позитивний характер, що спричиняе нормальний розвиток дитини i ii cоцiалiзацiю, та негативний, що зумовлюе стан твелювання дитячих потреб.

Ключовi слова: батьтвське ставлення, зв 'язки, потреби.




Определены функциональные трансформации в современной семье. Многие изменения уничтожают семейные связи, обедняют внутриличностные отношения, дестабилизируют семейную жизнь и очень часто порождают нетипичное родительское отношение, что рассматривается как эмоциональное отношение родителей к детям. Отношение к детям может иметь положительный характер, что обеспечивает нормальное развитие ребенка и его социализацию, и негативный, что обуславливает состояние нивелирования детских потребностей.

Ключевые слова: родительское отношение,связи и потребности

We participate in the process of transformations within the scope of moral and social values, life aims, principles of coexistence, functioning of an individual and family. Sudden changes of conditions, which we do experience, determined by Zygmunt Bauman (2007) as fluid reality, cause that life cannot be stable for a long time. One of its features is uncertainty caused by dizzy pace of changes, impossibility to catch up with them. Such situation destroys social bonds. Intrapersonal relations undergo depreciation. The willingness to live up to social expectations, acting «under pressure» of environment, accompanying competition destroy very often family bonds and generate occurrence of improper family attitudes ex. excessive requirements imposed to children and young people.

Being on the run makes people forget about different important things, especially about family. Parents shift off responsibility for all failures of the child to others and they do not see any fault in their behaviour (M. Przybysz-Zaremba, 2010, p. 15).

Variety of the ways of reaction to the changes which undergo in the environment is characteristic trait of a family. Identical phenomena, events can give rise to different reactions in different families. The ability to adapt to expectations and needs, which change in dynamic way by people who create family is very important. For the proper functioning of a family it is crucial to make it possible for particular members to fulfil their tasks and roles without any disturbance. Mutual contacts of persons who create a family, which serve i. e. fulfilling of their basic needs, among which Mikolaj Winiarski (2000) enumerates a) existential; b) psychic; c) affiliating ones, are of crucial importance. Acting of parents within the scope of fulfilling of children's needs can have positive character - it is conductive to proper development and child's socialization, or negative one - it leads to the state of deprivation of its needs, what can eventually lead to shaping of antisocial behaviours. It is important to underline the fact that for the general functioning of a family, as Stanislaw Kawula underlines (1999, p. 57), especially for its educational activity - emotional life constitutes basic foundation. Emotional bond with parents constitutes quite important factor of proper child's development. There are elements of unreflective education (spontaneous, educationally unintentional) and reflective one (aware educational actions directed towards a child). The deliberate, planned and intentional educational interactions are of crucial importance. They aim at teaching children how to evaluate something correctly, make ethical choices, determine their aspirations, understand their role in the transforming society properly, make decisions also within the scope of parental attitudes shown in future.

Improper parental attitudes such as lack of understanding, helpfulness, closeness contribute to destabilization of emotional atmosphere which is in the child's family and very often have substantial influence on negative behaviour of a child (A. Prusik, 2010a, p. 99, M. Przybysz-Zaremba, 2011, pp. 589-593, M. Przybysz-Zaremba, 2012, pp. 157-176, P. T. Nowakowski 2005, pp. 41-51). It is quite an important matter especially because of the fact that young people state that they would like to function in the educational environment which is based on partnership, where is understanding towards children's needs, their choices, where egalitarianism is present in the relations between parents and children, where parents provide children with sense of security, give them love and trust, help and support them (A. Prusik, 2010b, p. 451).

Parental attitudes of mothers and fathers in the opinion of questioned young people The structure of a family is bound with the relations in it inseparably. The attitudes towards a child play a crucial role. Parental attitude is described as character of emotional attitude of parents towards a child. The tendency for specific behaviours towards a child and tendencies for expressing opinions about a child are within the frames of this definition. According to Maria Braun-Galkowska (1992, p.16) an attitude towards a child can be described on the basis of analysis of the degree of intensification of the attitude of closeness, helpfulness, directing and requirements. The attitudes which are in the middle on the continuum as proper attitudes (mature parental love), which are characterized by proper moderation. Describing mature love one has to take into consideration emotional closeness, appropriate helpfulness, rational freedom and appropriate requirements. Mature parental love, which is expressed in positive, proper attitudes is bound with better understanding and respecting of child's needs and determines its functioning within the family and outside it.

The goal of this research is to focus on the opinions of questioned young people concerning parental attitudes of mothers and fathers.

In the research the author used the Scale of Parental Attitudes prepared by Maria Braun-Galkowska (1992). The results of the scale present the image of parental attitudes in the eyes of the questioned. The Scale refers to four attitudes:

• Closeness - refers to emotional distance between members of a family,

• Helpfulness - describes the degree of helping,

• Directing - degree of encroaching on decisions, scope of left independence,

• Requirements - requirements imposed to family members, expectations towards them.

On these measurements one can mark opposite attitudes, which are unfavourable from the educational point of view. These are:

• Rejection, aversion, strangeness - Excessive closeness, emotional stickiness,

• Lack of help and care - Excessive care, excessive protectiveness,

• Lack of standards, total freedom - Supervising, excessive supervision,

• Total lack of requirements - Excessive requirements and demands.

Between the above mentioned attitudes are located:

• Proper closeness,

• Appropriate helpfulness,

• Rational independence,

• Appropriate requirements.

The examination of attitudes on the way of determining on their continuum let determine how far and on what axis do they grow away from the central values. The scale was used for measuring the interactions between the members of a family, attitudes which members of a family have towards each other. Young people who took part in the research were asked to point at continuum of a point which determined degree of similarity of the mother's and father's behaviour described at this scale. These descriptions constituted short description of radical behaviours which were characterized by deficiency or excess of following attitudes: closeness, helpfulness, requirements and directing.

Characteristics of examined population 400 persons took part in the research. Dominating group of respondents came from big cities (316 persons). 84 persons came from rural environment. Men were in slight majority in the research sample (204 persons, what constitutes 51 %). Persons at the age of 18-25 years old dominated considerably (374 persons, what constitutes 93.5 %). Group of young people at the age of 26-30 lat constituted 4.5 %, only 8 persons (2 %) were at the age of 31

years old. Considerable majority of questioned young people who took part in the research (316 persons, what constitutes 79 %) was brought up in full families.

Table 1

Attitudes Categories Number %

Closeness Excess 221 55,25

Moderation 153 38,25

Deficiency 26 6,5

Total 400 100,0

Helpfulness Excess 176 44,0

Moderation 197 49,25

Deficiency 27 6,75

Total 400 100,0

Directing Excess 130 32,5

Moderation 212 53,0

Deficiency 58 14,5

Total 400 100,0

Requirements Excess 156 39,0

Moderation 204 51,0

Deficiency 40 10,0

Total 400 100,0

Total Excess 683 42,68

Moderation 766 47,87

Deficiency 151 9,43

Total 1600 100,0

Source: own research.

The obtained results let notice that nearly half of young people who took part in the research perceived parental attitudes of mothers in the category of moderation. Such standpoint was presented by 47.87 % of respondents. Slightly smaller group (42.68 %) constituted persons according to who parental attitudes of their mothers were accompanied by excess. Categories of excess appeared in the attitude of closeness. In this case more than half of respondents expressed in this way about their mothers' parental attitudes. The other attitudes: helpfulness, directing and requirements respondents assessed in the category of moderation. Insignificant quantities were obtained in case of categories connected with deficiency of parental attitudes. In this case deficiency of closeness was pointed by 6.5 % respondents and similar quantities were obtained also in case of deficiency of attitude of helpfulness (6.75 %). Deficiency of the attitude of directing was marked by 14.5 % of respondents, whereas deficiency of attitude of requirements was pointed by 10.0 % of respondents.

Examining of possible dependencies between mother's education and presented by her parental attitudes turn out to be very interesting.

The dependency between mother's education and the attitudes of closeness, helpfulness and directing was not ascertained as a result of carried out statistic analysis. However, a statistically crucial dependency was noticed between mother's education and attitude of requirements presented by them.

Table 2

Mother's education and her attitude of requirements_

Attitude of req uirements

Mother's education Excess Moderation Deficiency Total

N % N % N % N %

Basic 5 3,2 6 2,9 0 0,0 11 2,75

Vocational 27 17,3 50 24,5 16 40,0 93 23,25

Secondary 65 41,7 94 46,1 19 47,5 178 44,5

Higher 59 37,8 54 26,5 5 12,5 118 29,5

Total 156 100 204 100 40 100 400 100

Source: own research. Chi emp. 17,3 > Chi tab. 12,6 by df = 6 i = 0,05.

It turned out that higher degree of education is accompanied by the excess of the attitude connected with requirements. The higher education mother obtained, the more often her parental attitudes were described in the category of excess by respondents. In the same way the lower education was obtained by a mother, the more often young people pointed at deficiency in the attitude of requirements.

It can suggest that mothers with higher education, who usually work professionally find the need of education and permanent development important, seeing in them chance for living an interesting life of luxury. That is probably why they set substantial requirements, which can be perceived by young people in the category of excess. These can be extracurricular classes, expectation of very good results at school. Educated mothers may be more aware of changes which occur in the world and of need of constant perfecting of one's skills. It is not excluded that high requirements are to prepare child for facing various challenges in future.

Table 3

Parental attitudes of fathers in the view of young people

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Attitudes Categories Number %

Closeness Excess 151 37,75

Moderation 189 47,25

Deficiency 60 15,0

Total 400 100,0

Helpfulness Excess 143 35,75

Moderation 219 54,75

Deficiency 39 9,5

Total 400 100,0

Directing Excess 97 24,25

Moderation 207 51,75

Deficiency 96 24,0

Total 400 100,0

Requirements Excess 140 35,0

Moderation 218 54,5

Deficiency 42 10,5

Total 400 100,0

Total Excess 531 33,19

Moderation 833 52,06

Deficiency 236 14,75

Total 1600 100,0

Source: own research.

In case of parental attitudes of fathers in the perception of questioned young people it was observed that nearly half of respondents perceived parental attitudes of fathers in the scope of closeness, helpfulness, directing and requirements in the category of moderation. Such standpoint was presented by 52.06 % of respondents. Insignificant quantities were obtained in case of categories connected with deficiency of parental attitudes. In this case deficiency of closeness was pointed by 15 % of respondents, whereas deficiency of helpfulness 9.5 % of respondents, deficiency of attitude of directing was marked by 24 % of questioned, and deficiency of requirements was pointed by 10.5 % of respondents.

Similarly in this case the dependency between father's education and parental attitudes presented by him was examined.

The dependency between father's education and the attitudes of closeness, helpfulness and directing was not ascertained as a result of carried out statistic analysis. However, a statistically crucial dependency was noticed between father's education and attitude of requirements presented by him.

In this case it also turned out that higher degree of father's education is accompanied by the excess of the attitude connected with requirements. The higher education father obtained, the more often his parental attitudes were described in the category of excess by respondents. In the same way the lower education was obtained by a father, the more often young people pointed at deficiency in the attitude of requirements.

It can be presumed that such dependency is caused by similar motives, as were suggested in case of educated mothers. It can be presumed that also educated fathers are aware that there are progressive changes in the world and for young people they see chance of better functioning in society

in education, awareness, activeness and resourcefulness. Number of initiatives, classes and duties -which are taken up by young people, when their fathers ask them to do it - can be perceived by them in the category of excessive requirements.

Table 4

Father's education and his attitude of requirements

Father's education Attitude of requirements

Excess Moderation Deficiency Total

N % N % N % N %

Basic 5 3,6 16 7,3 0 0,0 21 5,25

Vocational 33 23,6 72 33,0 15 35,7 120 30

Secondary 56 40,0 85 39,0 18 42,9 159 39,75

Higher 46 32,9 45 20,6 9 21,4 100 25

Total 140 100 218 100 42 10 0 400 100

Source: own research. Chi2 ^j,. 13,3 > Chi2 tab. 12,6 by df = 6 i a = 0,05.

Nevertheless, irrespectively of motives, by which are excessively demanding parents guided, it seems to be justified to draw attention to the fact that they very often fall flat. Just the opposite, it happens that young people rebel and against excessive requirements and sometimes they just cannot meet their parents' expectations. They look for acceptance in peer groups, sometimes they acquire antisocial attitudes in case of failures and lack of understanding by their parents. Conclusions The conducted analysis lets formulate following conclusions:

1. Parents with higher education show parental attitudes in the category of excess - but the excess is only present in the attitude of requirements.

2. The dependency between parent's education and the attitudes of closeness, helpfulness and directing was not observed.


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4. Nowakowski P. (2005). Rozwazania o rodzinie funkcjonalnej i dysfunkcjonalnej, «Cywilizacja», No 13.

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10. Winiarski M. (2000) Rodzina - szkola - srodowisko lokalne. Problemy edukacji srodowiskowej. Warszawa: IBE.

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