PARASAGITTAL MENINGIOMAS OF THE BRAIN HEMISPHERES (REVIEW) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
parasagittal / meningioma / arachnoid endothelioma / meningosarcoma.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Ravshanov Davron Mavlonovich

the article presents an analysis and review of modern literature on parasagittal meningiomas, which are one of the current areas of neurooncology.

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Ravshanov D.M.


Abstract: the article presents an analysis and review of modern literature on parasagittal meningiomas, which are one of the current areas of neurooncology.

Keywords: parasagittal, meningioma, arachnoid endothelioma, meningosarcoma.

The proportion of brain tumors in the structure of oncological diseases is small (0.7-1.5%), but the high mortality and disability of patients entails significant social, economic and moral damage to society. The term "meningioma" was first described in the literature by H. Cushing in 1922 to refer to expansively growing tumors of the dura mater. The development of these tumors from cells of arachnoid endothelial cleavage gave rise to JI. I. Smirnov to call them arachnoidendotheliomas. The annual incidence of primary intracranial tumors ranges from 4.9 to 15 cases per 100,000 population per year. An extracranial tumor, namely meningiomas, can occur anywhere where there are arachnoid cells (on the surface of the brain, in the ventricles, and in the spinal canal [2, 6].

Meningiomas are now called tumors that have their initial growth site in the meninges but differ histologically from tumors that can occur in various tissues of the body.

Meningiomas of the cerebral hemispheres account for approximately 47% of all supratentorial meningiomas. Among them, the incidence of parasagittal meningiomas ranges from 20.5 to 40.0%, which is a significant proportion of patients. [4,5].

The prevalence of meningiomas is relatively constant across age groups with no significant difference between the sexes. At a young age, meningiomas become malignant more often. The survival time of patients with anaplastic meningiomas ranges from 1 to 6 years. The incidence of meningiomas in both men and women has two age peaks: from 50 to 60 years and from 70 to 80 years. In the 8th decade of life, their frequency is 6 per 100 thousand for men and 9.5 for women.

With the introduction of modern methods of neuroimaging into wide practice, meningiomas are increasingly detected in the elderly, often quite by accident. Most of these neoplasms are located parasagittally and are 1-2 cm in size.

Tumors of the mucosal-vascular series of meningioma in the adult population are observed in 18-34% of all intracranial neoplasms, firmly occupying the 2nd place among all brain tumors (BMT), yielding in frequency only to tumors of the neuroectodermal series.

Modern methods of diagnosing parasagittal meningiomas of the cerebral hemispheres.

When the brain is damaged, the free movement of molecules can be limited or, conversely, increased. In 1950, E. Hahn discovered the influence of the diffusion process on the MP signal in the "spin echo" sequence.

Research on diffusion effects continued and formed the basis for using NMR as a tool to quantify the diffusion coefficient of water molecules. The first diffusion-weighted MP-images (DWI) appeared much later. And only in the last few years, thanks to the improvement of MR technologies, it has become possible to use DWI in the clinical practice of MR tomography. According to foreign authors, DWI and diffusion maps are important for the early diagnosis of acute ischemic strokes, informative in the differential diagnosis of brain tumors and visualization of demyelinating processes.

Modern principles of treatment of patients with parasagittal meningiomas include surgical treatment, radiation and drug therapy, symptomatic treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment taken and the survival of patients largely depend on the histological nature of the tumor, the age of the patient, the patient's condition, the localization of the tumor and a set of therapeutic measures, such as the degree of radical surgical treatment, timely and adequate radiation therapy.

Thus, the study of somatic and neurological disorders, evaluation of the effectiveness of modern diagnostic research methods (CT, MRI, MR tractography, MR spectroscopy and MR angiography). The study of the effectiveness of surgical treatment and radiation therapy of parasagittal meningiomas of the cerebral hemispheres is a very important problem.

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