Djalilov Anva, senior teacher, the faculty of printing Тashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry E-mail: Yeshbaeva Ulbosin, doktor of technical sceinces, the faculty of printing Тashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry E-mail: Rafikov Adham,
doktor of chemical sceinces, the faculty of chemistry Тashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
Abstract: For the purpose of partial replacement of expensive raw materials in the conditions of "Toshkent qog'ozi" factory on the laboratory installation are received paper samples on the base of cotton cellulose and fibrous waste of the local industry. It is shown the possibility of obtaining the paper with introduction of modified solution waste of natural silk of polyacrylonitrile fibers with satisfied physic-mechanical and printing properties. Keywords: Cotton cellulose, modification, silk, polyacrylonitrile.
1. Introduction
Nowadays the need for paper and cardboard production in Uzbekistan consists of approximately 120 thousand tons, in cellulose - 36 thousand tons. The local printing market consumes annually about 110 thousand tons of typographical and offset paper [1]. The activating in the country printing houses daily produce more than one million copies of printed materials. From 1872 registered mass media in the republic printing editions - 740, only 175 of them are newspapers [2].
Fast rates of development in publishing and printing business demands creation ofnew paper products and working out recommendation to their usage. In Uzbekistan there are no sufficient reserves ofwood that defines relevance of production of fibrous semi-finished products from not wood vegetable raw materials in the paper industry. Meanwhile in the Republic, for production of paper and the cardboard are used imported cellulose and waste paper. But the high price ofimported wood cellulose, and tendency of waste paper deterioration testify about necessity of searching of new types of cellulose- containing raw materials. For cellulose production the important source of raw material is to use as alternative to wood cellulose, received from annual grassy and perennial plants. At the same time the country has the considerable annually renewing cellulose-containing raw materials reserves of local one-year plants (cotton, ulyuk (waste of cotton), rice and wheat straw, cotton plant and etc.) are suitable for production of cellulose [3].
In cotton-processing enterprises are allocated 100-120 thousand tons of waste which can serve as valuable raw materials for different functions [3].
Technology of paper production from cotton cellulose in industrial scale is economical inexpedient. Addition in paper stock the waste of the textile and chemical industries will allow to solve a problem of effective and rational use of raw material resources, to save expensive cotton cellulose, to reduce prime cost of paper, considerably reduce the need for paper delivery from the outside.
It is known that in the Republic of Uzbekistan annually are produced more than 14 thousand tons of synthetic PANfiber (Nitron) which is developed from threefold interpolymer (92.5% of acrylonitrile, 6.0% of methyl acrylate, 1.5% of itaconic acid) a wet rhodonite made as the form of staple fiber and a plait. At the same time 25% of the produced fibers are used in the national economy of the republic, others 75% are exported [4].
Nitron is widely used in production of textile cloths, yarn, the knitted products which are applied to produce the top knitwear, carpets, dress and suit fabrics. Because of violations in production schedules, at start-up adjustment of equipment for other reasons a certain number of defects - accumulate in production the waste of PAN-fibers. Using of such waste in paper production helps to solve also important environmental problem of utilization of this waste.
2. Research of given problem
Producing preproduction models of paper and assessment of their quality were carried out in the test center on cellulose, paper, cardboard products - UZRITS SBKI, "Toshkent qog'ozi" Joint-stock company on the approved production schedules.
The technology of paper production with addition of synthetic fibers essentially does not differ from production of paper from vegetable fibers. Synthetic fibers have the specific features: they are in need of cutting of fibers at the certain length, to research of ways of receiving steady suspensions,
in choice of binders for ensuring links between fibers in the course of formation of paper, its finishing [5].
In this work is developed the technology of receiving new types of the papers containing wastes of the cotton-processing and textile industry of Uzbekistan (fig. 1).
Figure 1. The production technology of new types of papers on the base of cotton cellulose from lint with introduction of waste of synthetic fiber
3. Results and discussion
Properties of ready paper are defined, first of all, by properties of initial fibrous suspension. It is of the greatest interest At technological forecasting of mechanical properties of standard sheet is the interrelation of durability the initial fibrous suspension and ready paper [6]. It is difficult to predict in
advance durability of the paper consisting of several components, it is defined by durability as individual fibers, as durability of interfiber communications. In the search was studied the waste influence of synthetic fiber on paper strength indexes. Results of the made versions of experimental papers are given in (table 1).
Table 1. - Dependence of physic-mechanical properties of experimental papers on composition structure
Indicators Options
1 2 3 4 5
Quantity of WSF * in pulp mass,% 0 5 10 15 20
Quantity of CCL * in pulp mass,% 100 95 90 85 80
Explosive length, m 3682 3585 3471 3314 2949
Explosive effort, N 31.0 31.0 32.0 26.0 15.0
Break, n.d.e 44 48 54 64 66
Ash-content,% 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.9
Note: * WSF - Waste of synthetic fibers. * CCL - Cotton cellulose from lint
Comparison of the received indexes allows to draw conclusion that in general inclusion of chemical fibers leads to decrease in paper strength indicators. It can be explained with the fact that at introduction of WSF breaks the supramolecular structure of cellulose as a result of rupture of intermolecular hydrogen links and because ofmolecular masses distinctions, polydispersion and polarity of macromolecules of synthetic polymers and celluloses. These data is agreed with literary data [7].
For ensuring strong clutch of fibrous massa we conducted research on introduction to paper composition of modified PAN-fiber (Nitron). At Chemical Technology department of Tashkent institute of textile and light industry is developed the technology of receiving new types of the modifying agents on the basis of natural silk waste, and technology of fiber modification [8].
Table 2.- Dependence of physic-mechanical properties of experimental papers on composition structure
Indicators Options
1 2 3 4 5
Quantity of MWN * in pulp mass,% 0 5 10 15 20
Quantity of CCL * in pulp mass,% 100 95 90 85 80
Explosive length, m 3682 3634 3626 3608 3506
Explosive effort, N 31.0 31.0 31.8 30.4 30.0
Break, n.d.e 44 44 45 42 40
Ash-content,% 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.7 4.9
Note: *MWN- the modified waste of Nitron
Comparison of received indicators (table 2) allows to draw conclusion that in general inclusions of synthetic fibers lead to decrease of paper strength indicators, but in different degree. Assessment of mechanical durability with invariable weight of ~ 80 g/m2 it is ambiguous and shows that at introduction of fibrous waste up to 20%, strength indicators of paper decrease by 20%, however, these indicators remain in the limits provided by normative documents on offset paper [O'z DSt 1114:2006].
Comparison of properties shows that in the nature change of studied indicators there are essential distinctions. At increasing in contents, MWN over 15%, explosive length of composite paper decreases by 2%, but remains at the level equal for paper on the base of clean CCL. Introduction to paper composition of MWN up to 20% leads to decrease in strength indicators of paper of all on ~ 5%.
The received results of strength properties of experimental papers can be considered positive. Introduction to paper composition of MWN improve fibrillar structure of cellulose, enter with it chemical interaction at the level of hydrogen links.
WNS used for modification of PAN-fibers contains in the structure various polar functional groups - hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino groups and others. Macromolecules of natural silk contact with fibers of Nitron due to hydrogen and covalent links [9-10]. They, probably, form additional hydrogen and cova-lent links with cellulose. Thus, proteinaceous macromolecules of natural silk perform function of the connecting cellulose component with synthetic fibers.
4. Conclusion
Use of waste in textile industry as a part of paper compositions allows to level a number of the objective reasons obstructing the possibility of manufacture of paper production at the domestic enterprises, to solve the problem of consumption printing papers.
Thus, using of waste in textile and chemical industries, including synthetic fibers, partially solves the problem of deficiency of raw materials for paper production of in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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