OXYMORON IS A POETIC LANGUAGE DEVICE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sadinova N.S.

This article focuses on the emergence of oxymoron in the Uzbek language and examples of its usage in literary texts as well as increasing the students’ need to explore the means of creating contrast in the literary text.

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Текст научной работы на тему «OXYMORON IS A POETIC LANGUAGE DEVICE»

N.S. Sadinova


This article focuses on the emergence of oxymoron in the Uzbek language and examples of its usage in literary texts as well as increasing the students' need to explore the means of creating contrast in the literary text.

Key words: contradiction, contrast, pragmatics, context, poetry, metaphor, oxymoronic compound, imagery, poetic perception.

Contradiction as a notion related to the different areas of science has to do with all aspects of human activity. Because of this connection, in the content of any text that is the product of human speech activity, one of the categories of cognition is reflected with the help of contrasting linguistic means. And these means occur in different levels of the language. In the works where the term "contrast" is used, some aspects of this phenomenon have been directly revealed, for example, contrast as a form of opposition or contrast as a literary method. However, as a recurring phenomenon, contrast is one of the ways to organize the text and its stylistic, functional and pragmatic capabilities are reflected in the fiction text. Context is the main source of contrast expression. The features of contrast can only be occurred within the context.

It is difficult to imagine the speech activity of human being which reflects his philosophical attitude on the basis of the contradictions in nature and society, without the contrast. The role of contrast as an important means in speech, as well as its functional and pragmatic potentials are realized in the textual interconnection of units that form a contradictory relationship to express a particular opinion. When the concept reflects the notions associated with the human mind, its reality is related to words, that is, linguistic units. The word is the main unit of the lexical level. According to its nature, it combines lexical, grammatical and semantic aspects, and performs various pragmatic functions as a unit of contrast. The concept of communicative purpose plays an important role in pragmatics. This is accomplished by various means. Contrast activation involving the sense of conflict, primarily depends on the communicative purpose of the subject of speech, and a specific type of context is realized within the contrast context.

The high artistic and aesthetic value of the work to some extent depends on the sensitivity of the antonymic words and phrases, the emotions of characters, their role to reflect their attitude towards others as well as the emotiveness and expressiveness of the words. Therefore, the author needs to be aware of the subtlety of the words chosen in the proper use of contrasting means. In the language of fiction, each contrasting unit is characterized by a pragmatic task that is defined, depending on the communicative purpose of the speaker and the textual requirements. In the fictions, the occurrence of a contrast event is directly related to the antonyms. The language unit chosen by the author to use in a fiction and the function of the language unit which serves to create contrast using antonymous relationship have a significant literary and aesthetic value. Through antonyms, the author draws the image of the human psyche, creates unique poetic images at opposite points, reflects various subtle relationships between people, and imparts controversial views of reality to the spirit of artistic images. In such a case, the human psychology and its contrasting units which is a brilliant means of expressing its attitude to others show their lingua-pragmatic potentials. Conflict in the text appears and is expressed in lexical, syntactic and methodological levels. Contrast appears in various forms in the text, especially in the poetic texts it is used as oxymoronic compounds and other forms of conflict. Antithesis used in poetic works is stamped in the reader's memory as a means of reflecting the lyric hero's inner world and the unique artistic scene of emotions.

Although pragmatics is a new field of linguistics, it is a subject related to poetry. These are distinct subject, but in fact they are interconnected. Pragmatics is understood as the expediency and result of an action taken by the speaker and achieving a certain pragmatic effect. It is a philosophical concept that means "work" and "activity" in Greek[10]. Consequently, the meaning of the work is reflected in its dictionary meaning in terms of the subject's actions and speech activities. Both pragmatics and poetics which reflect human mental, intellectual, and artistic ability, analyze creative activity from the point of view of the person, assess the realities from the perspective of the narrator, and then encourage them to use cognitive or intellectual signs. Cognitive pragmatics focuses on the structure of the speaker whose speech activity is based on mental processes. Approaching this point, poetics allows the writer to perceive the world through a linguistic factor that enhances the aesthetic and emotional impact of the poetic text, and to pass it through the prism of artistic analysis and to reach certain conclusions.

© N.S. Sadinova, 2022.

Actually the essence of all events occurring in nature and society is the unity of contradictions and the law of the struggle between them. For this reason, the most important principle in linguistic research is to reveal the essence of current events and to describe them based on different patterns of conflict. In particular, the cross-sectional description of events in fiction provides the author with many opportunities to enhance the sensitivity of the language of a work. Describing the characters in the work, revealing their features, and explaining them based on the relationship of contradictory words and phrases, provides emotional-expressiveness.

Apart from the antonyms, lexical units also include a group of other conflicting lexical units that are used to contrast in the speech. However, it should be noted that speech communication in the broadest sense can cover the age, specialty, social status and other conditions of the speaker, as well as the existing model of reality in the minds of people and the communicating relations of the community. Oxymoron which is considered to be among contrasting means is also based on the essence of contradiction. It denotes the opposite unity of lexical units according to their meaning and results in a new meaning. The main function of the oxymoron is to express the author's personal reaction to the described phenomenon[7]. Differing from the other phenomena occurring in the context of contrast, oxymoron represents a new meaning by combining components that have opposite contents. Due to this feature, it is considered to be one of the types of metaphor and contrary notions within it make up a new unexpected meaning. This peculiarity of oxymoron creates an impressive image. For example:

Wake up, my angel, get up.

Let's warm up in the fervid ice, go.

Let us run across the fiery river.

Let's go from here, just let's go.

(Rauf Parfi) (Uyg'on, ey malagim, tur o'rningdan tur,

Otashin muzlarda isinaylik, yur.

Yong'inli daryoda quloch otaylik,

Bu yerdan ketaylik, faqat ketaylik)

Often, the fictions are also named with oxymoron. For example: "The Optimistic Tragedy," "The Living Dead," and "The Alive Corpses[6]."

In the Oxymoron the author's reaction to the facts of reality, the various events and evaluating them in a particular position are shown in an artistic way. The linguistic dictionaries also use functional methodological features in its interpretation: "A methodical figure consisting of two interconnected concepts (two conflicting words), one of which is logically ignored by the other; It is used extensively in fiction for the purposes like imagery, expressiveness. The clouds are over me. It is stuffy. Shouting silence... (Rauf Parfi). My beauty, why are your eyes wet? There is a subtle grief in your eyes today (M. Shaykhzoda)[1].

From this we can conclude that oxymoron resembles antonym by their lexical-semantic peculiarities. But according to the possibilities of using speech formats, their purpose, method of formation and function they differ from each other. Their function of artistic and aesthetic sensibility is manifested in poetic texts. Unusual combinations used in the works of the famous poet Usmon Azim, such as "soft light", "hellish heaven" and "ice light" by Azim Suyun, are individual oxymoron. In the works of Usmon Azim we can find oxymoron with different meanings:

This strange hair is dark black bonfire.

If I stroke, it throws me into memory burning.

(Begona bu sochlar qop-qora gulxan

Silasam, kuydirib otar xotirga)


Carefully watching around the flock, Blocking the path of black coincidence.

(suruv tegrasida kezardi sergak,

Qora tasodifning to'sib yo'lini)


Glittering like a peacock, hey beautiful beast!

Here, tear my breast, and here, drink my blood! (Tovusday yaltiroq, ey go'zal yirtqich! Mana, ko'ksimni yirt, mana, qonim ich!

It is evident that oxymoron resembles antonym by their lexical-semantic properties. However, they differ from each other according to the usage in different speech types, their purpose, their way of emergence, and their function. Their function of artistic and aesthetic sensibility is manifested in poetic texts. The linguist N.Mahmudov states: "The quality of clearness appears in a specific way, as the artwork is, as you know, a product of artistic thinking. As we have seen along the way, transferring the meaning and metaphor are often present because at

artistic discourse the imagery stays at the forefront. The proportionality between a word and its object is often not explicit and direct in artistic speech. Artistic speech gives a great opportunity to use the word differently, to glitter, to pitch, to capture different meanings, to achieve its ultimate goal of impact[9]. "

A beautiful example of oxymoron can be seen in the poem "Black Sun" by the poet Muhammad Yusuf:

He is an unrepeatable person in the world./ Close stranger/ Cruel kind.. .Have to ask that weak person/ this is -a great person,/ About the Great Executioner.. ..His whole life/ consists of riddle,/ He is the same justice, / He is the same plunder./ He is a wise destroyer, / He is a skilled architect-built a structure from human bones. So dear to me / His image,/ When I take a look, he seems uncomparable./ He is kind/ He is cruel./ He is the sun/ But the black sun!

It appears that oxymoron is usually used side by side with meanings that do not overlap each other, but in this case it is necessary to think of art as a requirement[5].

Indeed, in the reflection of the linguistic world in the literary text, the contradiction provides the artistic and aesthetic sensitivity by drawing the reader's attention to the important aspects of reality. The development of linguistic science in the modern world is characterized by an increasing interest in the study of texts reflecting different types of speech. In the fields of social science, the text is regarded as a complex unit, structural-semantic derivation, organized communicative integrity, and spiritual completion in logical, grammatical, and semantic relationships, suggesting that the study of textual semantics is one of the pressing issues. There are many ways and means to express the thoughts in Uzbek language. When communicating, firstly people select and apply language units according to expressing thoughts in oral or written form, addressee of the speech and purpose of the speech. Accordingly, the chosen word or phrase will change its function. A word that means a certain concept may have a different meaning depending on the speaker's intent. In this case, the purpose of the speaker plays an important role. Positive or negative attitude of the speaker to the addressee, the need to assess the personality, objects or events, and the need to express one's psychological state and feelings create new ways and means of language. "The linguistic factor that provides speech imagery is directly related to word usage. This process results from the use of the vocabulary (synonym, antonym, homonym, paronym, phraseology and word combinations) that is appropriate the speech[2].

In Uzbek linguistics, lingua-pragmatic means are the manifestations of the development of the meaning of language units, and in their emergence and formation within the usual or occasional meaning new aspects of meaning are taken into account. When thinking about the use of lingua-pragmatic means within a literary text, it is more appropriate to approach them from the point of view of the poet's or writer's purpose, the individual style of the author, and their place in the text in which they are used. Because in any artistic text the specific peculiarities of the writer find their artistic expression using contrasting means such as his subjective attitude towards nature and society, changes in the society, events and people, the borders of his perception, his beliefs and outlook.

It can be concluded that in the works where the term "contrast" is used, some aspects of this phenomenon are directly revealed, for example, contrast as a manifestation of opposition or contrast as a literary method. However, contrast as one of the most common ways of organizing text as a recurring phenomenon requires specific research.


In the text, the occurrence of a contrast event is directly related to the antonym. The function and lingua-pragmatic potentials of the language unit chosen by the author in fiction and language units which have oxymoron emerging the contrast in the literary texts have a great artistic and aesthetic value. Through oxymoron, the writer draws a picture of the human psyche, creates unique poetic images that stand at opposite points, reflects the various subtle relationships between people absorbs the contradictory views of reality into the spirit of the work. In this case, the oxymoron, which is a brilliant means of expressing the human psyche and his attitude to others, demonstrates the lingua-pragmatic potential. For oxymoron used in poetic texts, first of all, a surprise and amazing the reader is a characteristic feature. Authors give an additional meaning on the poem, namely, regret, emphasis by using words together that create contrasting expressions. In poetic speech, the poetic image is further enhanced by contradicting the characters of commonly used words. Oxymoron as a means of contrast in poetry reflects the human relationships, human behavior and the assessment of the facts of reality. One of the features that distinguish it from other contrasting means is that it also gives some insight into the ability of certain artists to perceive reality and express itself in a specific way. Contrasting means in the artistic text reflecting the scenes of the linguistic world, the contradiction plays an important role in ensuring the artistic and aesthetic sensitivity by drawing the reader' attention to the important aspects of reality.


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SADINOVA NIGINA SAFAROVNA - doctor of philosophy (PhD), Senior teacher of the Uzbek language and literature department, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

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