Научная статья на тему 'Outsourcing: analysis and risk management'

Outsourcing: analysis and risk management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tropitsyna Yulia Sergeevna

Absrtact: The article considers the types of risks that arise for business customers and companies providing outsourcing services. The author suggests ways to minimize risks.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Outsourcing: analysis and risk management»

Секция 16. Экономика и управление

1 2 3 4 5

Московская область 0,998 1 2 1

Орловская область 0,305 11 12 11

Рязанская область 0,249 14 14 4

Смоленская область 0,218 15 15 16

Тамбовская область 0,492 7 16 14

Тверская область 0,295 12 17 13

Тульская область 0,314 10 9 8

Ярославская область 0,656 4 6 15

Взаимосвязь между показателями оценена по коэффициенту конкордации рангов ( W ):

W = 12D/(m2(n3 -n))

где D — сумма квадратов разностей рангов (отклонений от среднего); n — число объектов (количество регионов ЦФО; n =17); m — число анализируемых показателей.

Непараметрический анализ подтвердил высокий уровень взаимосвязи разработанного индекса с конечными показателями: коэффициент конкордации интегрального индекса технического потенциала с ВДС в расчете на 1 га с.-х. угодий составляет 0,852; с величиной ВДС на 1 среднегодового работника — 0,525; коэффициент множественной конкордации — 0,614. Связь между показателями при данных значе-

ниях коэффициента расценивается как высокая.

Применение интегральной оценки технического потенциала позволяет решить ряд прикладных задач:

— проводить анализ динамики технического потенциала и своевременную разработку корректирующих мероприятий;

— типизировать регионы с целью выявления проблемных субъектов, нуждающихся в принятии антикризисных управленческих и организационных решений, государственной и региональной поддержке;

— использовать при распределении внутри региона средств несвязанной бюджетной поддержки сельского хозяйства;

— оценивать эффективность принимаемых управленческих решений.

Список литературы:

1. Агропромышленный комплекс России в 2010 году/Сборник. - Москва: Министерство сельского хозяйства РФ, 2011.

2. Зенченко С. В., Бережной В. И. Система интегральной оценки финансового потенциала региона и методика ее формирования//Региональные проблемы преобразования экономики. - 2008. - № 2. - С. 27-37.

3. Сазыкин В. Л. Новый метод интегральной оценки//Вестник Оренбургского государственного университета. - 2004. - № 12. - С. 137-141.

4. Сельское хозяйство: Костромская область и регионы Центрального федерального округа Российской Федерации: Стат. сбор. - Кострома: Костромастат, 2012.

5. Сёмин А. Н., Квашнин В. А. Экономическая оценка технического потенциала сельского хозяйства регио-на//Экономика сельскохозяйственных и перерабатывающих предприятий. - 2007. № 1. - С. 20-23.

Tropitsyna Yulia Sergeevna, Kharkov National University of Economics, Postgraduate student, the Department of Political economy

E-mail: Tropitsyna@gmail.com

Outsourcing: Analysis and Risk Management

Absrtact: The article considers the types of risks that arise for business customers and companies providing outsourcing services. The author suggests ways to minimize risks.

Keywords: outsourcing, the outsourcer, customer, outsourcing risks.

Over the past years the demand for outsourcing consumers of such services. However, in spite of the

services has significantly risen in Ukraine. It enables us advantages of use of outsourcing services, not all

to contemplate about a certain benefit for companies- companies want to let their processes to be performed


Section 16. Economics and management

by outsourcing companies. One of the reasons of that is risks arising during the transition to the given business model. Such risks take place due to the very essence of outsourcing: a company transfers certain business functions to another organization within the frames of long-term relations. Hence, the company-outsourcer can negatively influence the product/service in creation/presentation of which is participates [2]. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that outsourcing services often bear risks not only for the owner of outsourcing services but also for the outsourcer.

The objective of the given article is to analyze risks related to the use ofoutsourcing as well as develop ways to manage them. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing scientific works of many scientists such as Bravard J. L., Kehal H., Morgan R., Singh V. P., Haywood D. B. and others, the risks of outsourcing were viewed as a factor of influence on the effectiveness of activity of the client and the outsourcer.

Main provisions of the article can be one of the sources to develop educational courses at higher educational institutions and for the training of specialists engaged in this area and can also be practically applied in the companies.

Let’s consider basic types of risks in outsourcing. Proposed classification will enable companies to understand what risks they may face in the process of use/provision of outsourcing services. We will also discuss the ways of their minimization.

Depending on the environment of manifestation, one can distinguish internal and external risks.

1. External risks are risks related to factors from external environment.

1.1. Instability of the country’s economy. First of all, it is inflation, deficit of state budget, deficit of external trade balance, unemployment, under-load ofproduction capacities etc. The given type of risk can be minimized at the stage of negotiation process. It should be weighed, evaluated and included in the cost of services. The risk is typical for the client and the outsourcer.

1.2. Country risk is a risk related to changes of economic or political conditions, which can affect the ability of fulfilling obligations. It can be minimized at the stages of negotiation process and conclusion of a contract with the help of detailed research of economic relations as well as influence of the state on the country’s economy. This risk is typical for the outsourcer and the client.

1.3. Tax risk is a risk that appears due to the difficulty of confirmation of an economic benefit under the outsourcing agreements. Tax risk leads to financial

and other losses related to the expenses for payment and optimization of taxes. Its minimization is possible at the stage of negotiation process and during the conclusion of a contract. To avoid the risk, one should do economic calculations of practicability of use of the outsourcing as well as keep statistics of contracts. The risk is typical for the client and the outsourcer.

2. Internal risks are risks arising inside the company. Internal risks are more regulated compared to external risks because the company can influence the appearance and development of risks as well as their elimination on its own.

In turn, internal risks are divided into qualitative and quantitative indicators.

2.1. Qualitative indicators are indicators that can be counted.

Risk of threat of future costs because the contract is long-term. The given risk can arise at the stage of contract performance. To minimize it at the stage of negotiation and conclusion of a contract, one should consider all possible conditions of changes of goods/services cost. The given risk is typical for the client and the outsourcer.

Absence of the required production capacities. The risk arises at the stage of choosing an outsourcer and at the stage of negotiation process. The client should use recommendations of partners when choosing the outsourcer as well as clearly set goals and tasks of outsourcing to avoid the given risk. The risk is typical for the client.

Unplanned temporary expenses. Minimization of this risk is possible at the stages of performance and end of the contract. To prevent it, the client should participate in monitoring, performance of services and acceptance of the final work under the completed contract. The given risk is typical for the client.

2.2. Qualitative indicators should be considered with the help of special methods of their evaluation, which can have error and certain conditionality.

2.2.1. Outsourcing risks influence the final result.

Lack of experience of the client with outsourcing. The given risk can be prevented at the stage of choosing the outsourcing company and at the stage of negotiation process by way of use ofrecommendations ofpartners as well as performance of trial stages of interaction with the outsourcer (creation of pre-serial samples). The risk is typical for the client.

Lack of involvement of the performer in the organizational process of the client. This risk can be minimized at the stage of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract with the help of transferring of responsibility


Секция 16. Экономика и управление

for the process to the outsourcing company. The risk is typical for the client.

Expectation of an impossible result. The risk is typical for both the client and the performer. The client can minimize the given risk at the stage of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract due to clearly set goals and tasks of outsourcing. The outsourcer can minimize this type of risk at the stage of performance of the contract relying on a more calculating forecast using past experience.

Risk ofleak of confidential information (loss of important knowledge for business inside the company). This risk can be minimized at the stage of conclusion of a contract by way of concluding an agreement of confidentiality.

Risk of reduction of workforce productivity of their own personnel (negative evaluation of changes, loss of motivation). Minimization is possible at the stages of conclusion of the contract and transition period with the help of stimulation of employees in the form of career progress, training of personnel, increase of salary in some cases etc. The risk is typical for the client.

Possibility of termination of the contract with the outsourcer (bankruptcy of the outsourcer, backsourc-ing in business). This risk can be minimized at the stages of negotiation process ad conclusion of the contract. To prevent it, one should consider a possibility of disposition of documented system or return of property. The given risk is typical for the client.

Change of credit worthiness of the client at planned resources and unsold unique product. To minimize the given risk, one should consider the possibility of loss insurance at the stages of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract. The risk is typical for the companies providing outsourcing services.

Change of demand (realization of opportunities) in the process of the contract performance. The risk can be minimized at the stages of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract with the help of detailed research of abilities of the outsourcer and demands of the client. This risk is typical for the client and the outsourcer.

Premature termination of the contract due to reorganization of processes from the side of the client. The risk is typical for the outsourcer. It can be minimized at the stages of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract by way of considering the measures of compensation in case of premature termination of the contract.

2.2.2. Competence risks.

Inexperience in the procedures of monitoring of the performance of the contract by the outsourcer. To prevent the given type of risk, one should introduce a

calendar plan on the processes of works performance at the initial stage.

Delay in performance of works. The given risk can be minimized at the stage of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract by way of weighing the risk. In case of delay in performance of works by the outsourcer, the client has the right to impose punitive sanctions stipulated in the contract. The risk is typical for the client.

Insufficient qualification of the personnel of the outsourcer. In this situation the risk can be prevented at the stage of negotiation process. The client should perform trial stages of interaction with the outsourcer, use recommendations of partners as well as assure itself of the professionalism of the participants (diplomas of higher education, training certificates etc.). The risk is typical for the client.

Unsanctioned use of idea. The risk is typical for the client. One should consider this risk at the initial stage of negotiations and conclusion of the contract. It is important to sign an agreement about prohibition of unsanctioned use of idea. The contract should stipulate the punitive sanctions in case ofbreach of the given agreement.

2.2.3. Technology risks.

Impossibility of technical realization of the idea. This risk is typical for the client. The risk can be prevented at the stage of negotiation process by way of discussion of their technical abilities with the outsourcer.

Poor quality of performance of orders by sub-contractors. The risk can be minimized at the stages of negotiation process and conclusion of the contract, which will stipulate punitive sanctions for the improper quality. The given risk is typical for the client.

Lack of effective project management. The given risk can arise at all stages of the contract. One should arrange a competence center at the initial stage of the contract that will be responsible for project management. The risk is typical for the client.

Difficulty of evaluation of the result and quality, absence of standards and methodology. The risk is typical for the client. It can arise at the final stage of the contract. It can be minimized at the stage of negotiation process with the help creation of clear criteria of quality and standards and transferring of responsibility for the process to the performer during the conclusion of the agreement.

Unsatisfactory implementation of project (consideration of potential and unobvious demands of an enterprise). Detailed preliminary preparation of the company for project implementation should be done at the final stage of the contract. The risk is typical for the client.


Section 16. Economics and management

Risks listed above are basic in the use of outsourcing.

Outsourcing is a powerful tool of business strategy realization. In case of proper use of the given business process, it can fundamentally transform your company directing people, processes and costs. Outsourcing is very similar to mergers and takeovers. It is a strategic tool. It is of paramount importance for both parties.

To successfully realize it, it is required that both sides set clear goals at the beginning and follow them in the future [1]. A large number of risks arises during the outsourcing. One should remember that risk is not a service and not a kind of activity, which can be given for outsourcing. But, in spite of the above listed risks, outsourcing continues to develop actively in our country.


1. Bravard J. L. Smarter Outsourcing: An Executive Guide to Understanding, Planning and Exploiting Successful Outsourcing Relationships: translated from English/J. L. Bravard, R. Morgan. - Dnepropetrovsk: Balance Business Books, 2007. - 288 p.

2. Markov D. Outsourcing. Analysis of risks and reasons of failures. Choosing a reliable service provider/D. Mar-kov//Vek kachestva. - 2012. - № 1/2. - P. 67-69.

Chernikhova Alina Gennadievna, The Academy of Marketing and Social and Informational Technologies — IMSIT, candidate of economic Sciences, the reader of Economy and Personnel Management Department

E-mail: alina_ch@mail.ru Davydenko Tatyana Vladimirovna, The Academy of Marketing and Social and Informational Technologies — IMSIT, second-year postgraduate of the training direction 080400.68 ".Personnel Management".

E-mail: davydenko-tatyan@mail.ru

The effective institutional labour market system as a direction for the long-term economical and social development

Annotation: In the article there are highlighted the problems connected with the institutionalization of the employment sphere. There are singled out the main institutions and there is proved their significance for creating an effective institutional labour market system aimed at providing long-term social and economical development. Key words: labour market, human capital, an institutional system, social justice

Черникова Алина Геннадиевна, Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий — ИМСИТ, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономики и управления персоналом

E-mail: alina-ch@mail.ru, Давыденко Татьяна Владимировна, Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий — ИМСИТ, магистрант 2 курса направления подготовки 080400.68 «Управление персоналом» E-mail: davydenko-tatyan@mail.ru

Эффективная институциональная система рынка труда как вектор долгосрочного развития экономики и общества

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются проблемы институционализации трудовой сферы. Выделены основные институты и обоснована их значимость для формирования эффективной институциональной системы рынка труда с целью обеспечения долгосрочного социально-экономического развития.

Ключевые слова: рынок труда, человеческий капитал, институциональная система, социальная справедливость


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