Научная статья на тему 'Отношение к религиозной терпимости в международной политике и законодательстве Узбекистана'

Отношение к религиозной терпимости в международной политике и законодательстве Узбекистана Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
концепция религиозной толерантности и принцип свободы совести / Организация Объединенных Наций / религиозные конфессии / глобализация / ЮНЕСКО / Стратегия действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан. / essence of religious tolerance and the principle of freedom of conscience / United Nations / religious confessions / globalization / UNESCO / Development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Тошпулотов Шохижахон

В данной статье рассматриваются шаги, предпринимаемые гражданским обществом Республики Узбекистан по обеспечению межрелигиозной толерантности, в том числе политические механизмы реализации принципа толерантности, отраженного в общепризнанных нормах ООН и международного права, а также активная социальная политика религиозной толерантности в последние годы. Повышение принципа межрелигиозной толерантности в мировом сообществе до определенного уровня гармонии – сохранение стабильности в ряде стран, формирование и укрепление идей толерантности, межрелигиозной толерантности и мира стало ключевой задачей государства. Это потребовало объективного внимания к вопросам межрелигиозных и межэтнических отношений, разработки новой государственной стратегии содействия развитию религиозной толерантности в жизни разных стран. В этой связи особенно важно, чтобы Узбекистан, как полноправный субъект международных отношений, проводил активную политику, направленную на развитие и обеспечение религиозной толерантности. Соответственно, статья содержит исчерпывающие ответы на ряд вышеперечисленных вопросов и показывает, насколько важен принцип межрелигиозной толерантности в современном политическом ландшафте мира.

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Attitude to religious tolerance in international politics and legislation of Uzbekistan

This article examines the steps taken by the civil society of the Republic of Uzbekistan to ensure interreligious tolerance, including political mechanisms for implementing the principle of tolerance, reflected in the generally recognized norms of the UN and international Law, as well as the active social policy of religious tolerance in recent years.Raising the principle of interreligious tolerance in the world community to a certain level of harmony-maintaining stability in a number of countries, forming and strengthening the idea of tolerance, interreligious tolerance, and peace has become a key task of the state. This requires objective attention to the issues of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations and the development of a new state strategy to promote religious tolerance in the life of different countries. In this regard, it is particularly important that Uzbekistan, as a fullfledged subject of international relations, pursue an active policy aimed at developing and ensuring religious tolerance. Accordingly, the article contains comprehensive answers to a number of the above questions and shows how important the principle of interreligious tolerance is in the modern political landscape of the world.

Текст научной работы на тему «Отношение к религиозной терпимости в международной политике и законодательстве Узбекистана»

UDC: 341 (042)(575.1)

Тошпулотов Шо^ижа^он

Тошкент давлат юридик университеты «Умумтаълим фанлар» кафедраси укитувчиси E-mail: toshpolotov6968@gmail.com


Аннотация. Ушбу мацолада турли этно-компонентлардан иборат Узбекистон Республикасида динлараро багрикенгликни таъминлаш орцали фуцаролик жамияти сари цуйилаётган цадамлар, жум-ладан, БМТ ва Халцаро ууцуцнинг умум эътироф этилаётган нормаларида акс этган толерантлик тамойилининг сиёсий механизмлари ва юртимизда сунгги йилларда диний багрикенглик буйича амалга оширилаётган фаол ижтимоий сиёсат ёритилган. Жауон уамжамиятида динлараро багрикенглик тамойилининг муайян уйгунлик даражасига кутарилганлиги - бир цатор мамлакатлардаги барца-рорликни сацлаб цолиш, онг ва феъл-атвордаги багрикенглик, динлараро сабр-тоцат ва тинчликсе-варлик гоялари шаклланиб, мустаукамланиб бораётганлиги алоуида мууим ауамиятга эга булаётга-ни давлатнинг асосий вазифаси даражасига кутарилди. Бу уол объектив равишда динлараро уамда миллатлараро муносабат масалаларига эътиборни кучайтириш, турли мамлакатлар уаётида диний багрикенгликни ривожлантиришга кумаклашувчи янги давлат стратегиясини ишлаб чицишни талаб цилди. Шу мацсадда Халцаро муносабатларнинг тулацонли субъекти сифатида Узбекистонда уам диний багрикенгликни ривожлантириш ва таъминлашга царатилган фаол сиёсат олиб борилаётгани, айницса, улкан ауамиятга эгадир. Шунга кура мацола юцорида айтиб утилган бир цатор саволларга атрофлича жавобларни узида мужассам этган булиб, бугунги кундаги дунёнинг сиёсий манзарасида динлараро багрикенглик тамойилининг нацадар улкан ауамиятга эга эканлигини курсатади.

Калит сузлар: диний толерантлик тушунчаси ва виждон эркинлиги тамойиллари, Бирлашган Миллатлар Ташкилоти, диний конфессиялар, глобаллашув, ЮНЕСКО, Узбекистон Республикасини янада ривожлантиришнинг Царакатлар стратегияси.

Тошпулотов Шохижахон

преподаватель кафедры "Общеобразовательные дисциплины" Ташкентского государственного юридического универститета


Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются шаги, предпринимаемые гражданским обществом Республики Узбекистан по обеспечению межрелигиозной толерантности, в том числе политические механизмы реализации принципа толерантности, отраженного в общепризнанных нормах ООН и международного права, а также активная социальная политика религиозной толерантности в последние годы. Повышение принципа межрелигиозной толерантности в мировом сообществе до определенного уровня гармонии - сохранение стабильности в ряде стран, формирование и укрепление идей толерантности, межрелигиозной толерантности и мира стало ключевой задачей государства. Это потребовало объективного внимания к вопросам межрелигиозных и межэтнических отношений,

разработки новой государственной стратегии содействия развитию религиозной толерантности в жизни разных стран. В этой связи особенно важно, чтобы Узбекистан, как полноправный субъект международных отношений, проводил активную политику, направленную на развитие и обеспечение религиозной толерантности. Соответственно, статья содержит исчерпывающие ответы на ряд вышеперечисленных вопросов и показывает, насколько важен принцип межрелигиозной толерантности в современном политическом ландшафте мира.

Ключевые слова: концепция религиозной толерантности и принцип свободы совести, Организация Объединенных Наций, религиозные конфессии, глобализация, ЮНЕСКО, Стратегия действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан.

Toshpolatov Shokhijakhon

Lecturer of the Department of General Sciences, Tashkent State University of Law



Abstract. This article examines the steps taken by the civil society of the Republic of Uzbekistan to ensure interreligious tolerance, including political mechanisms for implementing the principle of tolerance, reflected in the generally recognized norms of the UN and international Law, as well as the active social policy of religious tolerance in recent years.Raising the principle of interreligious tolerance in the world community to a certain level of harmony-maintaining stability in a number of countries, forming and strengthening the idea of tolerance, interreligious tolerance, and peace has become a key task of the state. This requires objective attention to the issues of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations and the development of a new state strategy to promote religious tolerance in the life of different countries. In this regard, it is particularly important that Uzbekistan, as a full-fledged subject of international relations, pursue an active policy aimed at developing and ensuring religious tolerance. Accordingly, the article contains comprehensive answers to a number of the above questions and shows how important the principle of interreligious tolerance is in the modern political landscape of the world.

Keywords: essence of religious tolerance and the principle of freedom of conscience, United Nations, religious confessions, globalization, UNESCO, Development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the end of the twentieth century, the process of multi-ethnic awakening became evident all over the world. Especially in the international socio-political processes, the importance of the national factor is growing, and the interest of all peoples in their history and traditional culture is growing. In particular, the issue of religious affiliation and tolerance in the East and the West remains a topical issue today. Peaceful states can be built in these societies only if the reform process is widely supported by all the peoples living in the multinational states. Positive cooperation between social groups with different values, religions, and political professions, the elimination of extremism can be achieved by developing moral tolerance and intercultural solidarity skills. Prevention of conflict situations, educating the entire population in the spirit of tolerance remains the main task of the national and cultural policy pursued in the country. The fact that

the principle of inter-religious tolerance has risen to a certain level of harmony in countries worldwide is helping to maintain stability in these countries. The formation and strengthening of the ideas of tolerance, inter-religious tolerance, and peace in mind and behavior have become a key task of the state.

This necessitated an objective focus on issues of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations, the development of a new state strategy to promote religious tolerance in the lives of these countries. As a full-fledged subject of international relations, Uzbekistan also pursues an active policy aimed at developing and ensuring religious tolerance. In this regard, Chapter 5, Paragraph 1 of the "Strategy of Development" [1] put forward by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and adopted on February 7, 2017, was entitled "Priorities in the field of security, religious tolerance and interethnic harmony." aimed at

strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-religious peace and harmony.

The modern world is living in an environment of globalization, interdependence and integration, changes in social structures, increasing homogenization of forms of social life, large-scale migration and urbanization. Globalization, on the other hand, gives a new quality and sharpness to the problem of interreligious tolerance. Scholars point out that different cultures, religions, and civilizations have interacted in the past, and at the same time, there has often been intense animosity and intolerance. However, the main sources of these were in a territorially divided, isolated state. Nowadays, migration flows are overcoming existing barriers, uniting different cultures and lifestyles into a single space on the world stage. An intertwined network of social interactions is emerging. Religious tolerance in such conditions exacerbates tensions and hinders the functioning of social systems, both nationally and globally.

The rise of negative principles has created a strong need for a culture of religious tolerance to be established, creating a social movement against religious discrimination and tolerance. Scientists, politicians, and public figures from different countries have focused on understanding the problem of tolerance and defining its place in today's ever-changing world.

In 1948, the UN Universal Declaration was adopted, in accordance with which agreements on civil, political, as well as economic, social and cultural rights of man were prepared. Most countries on the globe have supported these agreements.

The issue of human rights is closely linked to tolerance. That is why the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Recognition of the inherent dignity and of equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of liberty, justice and universal peace." they are born with the same dignity and the same rights". [2]

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has made great strides in promoting religious tolerance. UNESCO initiated and coordinated 1995, the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, as the International Year of Tolerance. In 1993, the Tolerance Division was established at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris. In September 1994, the official documents of the UN General Assembly set out the main directions of the

program of action within the framework of the UN Year of Tolerance.

If we take a look at the history of tolerance in the world, we could see a differential distribution of it. For instance, in many ways, support for religious freedom belongs to thinkers who support the Protestant orientation of Christianity.[3]

In countries where the Anglo-Saxon legal system is in place, the Constitution does not exist in practice, and the legislation is regulated by the relevant national documents. In countries with a continental legal system of freedom, human freedom was primarily reflected in constitutions, such as the Constitution of 1831, the Constitution of 1848 in the Netherlands, the Constitution of 1848 in Switzerland, the Constitution of 1849 in Denmark, and the Constitution of Italy in 1861, the Constitutions of Portugal of 1911 and others. [4] The ideas of rationalism and legal positivism became the basis of American traditions; the Law on the Introduction of Religious Freedom was enshrined in the Virginia Legislative Assembly of 1786, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, and the 1791 Constitution. It is mentioned in the normative legal acts, such as the Bill (Law).

The modern constitutional concept of religious freedom was first enshrined in the Bill of Rights, the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution: what kind of Law should not be enacted."

This fundamental right to liberty is based on the natural and universal dignity of man, and all individual and collective rights and freedoms are protected by modern international law.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this

the right includes to change one's religion or belief and to freely practice one's faith and one's religion, the right to freedom of public or private education, worship and religious observance together with others".[5]

The United Nations has played a leading role in the development of international legal standards of religious freedom in the twentieth century. Article 55th of the Charter of the United Nations as one of its main directions: "Everyone is guaranteed respect and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of race, gender, language or religion." [6]

However, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was only a recommendation document, on the basis of which a number of other documents were adopted by the UN, which have legal force.

During history, humanity actively created such kind of acute laws in an international manner, such as:

Major steps in the history of religious freedom in the world:

1. 1776 Virginia bill of rights, First amendment

2. 1948 Universal Declaration of human rights

3. 1948 Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide

4. 1950 European Convention for the Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms [7]

5. 1966 International Covenant on civil and political rights

6. 1969 American Convention on human rights [8]

7. 1981 African Charter on human and peoples

8. 1981 UN Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief

9. 1990 Cairo Declaration on human rights in Islam

10. 1992 UN Declaration On the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities [9]

11. 1998 Asian Charter of human rights [10]

More important international instruments for

guaranteeing religious rights are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination, based on religion and belief, adopted in 1981.

The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights is one of the most important pieces of legislation in European legislation to ensure the right to religious freedom. Article 9 of the European Convention states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the restriction of religious freedom by law arises only in the interests of the public peace, public order, health or moral protection, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others." [11]

Tolerance must serve to restore and strengthen the country's glorious cultural, historical and spiritual values in the face of national, religious, and political intolerance. Criticism in the minds of people along with good thinking, civic activism, conflict disclosure, and the formation of cooperation skills, the education of tolerance should remain a characteristic feature

of a citizen of modern democratic society. Religious tolerance is of paramount importance for all mankind and the individual; that is, the principle of tolerance is reflected in the universally recognized norms of international law and is widely accepted as an integral part of international politics.

Accordi n g to the latest policy in supplying religious tolerance in Uzbekistan, it also indicates that we have noticeable development and changes in it. Especially, the draft law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" (new edition) has been published on the website of the Legislative Chamber on August 21, 2020. The document was developed by the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the ministries and departments concerned. The current law was adopted in May 1998. [12]

The dra ft Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations (new edition) clarifies key concept s , changes the procedure for registering religio u s organizations and provides grounds for rejection.

The new draft law consists of 6 chapters and 49 article s (23 in the previous version) and includes a number of amendments. It defines "religious content", "illegal religious activity", "religious organization" and so o n. It also outlines the main directions and principles of state policy in the field of freedom of conscience, as well as the powers of the competent state bodies in this area.

Accordi ng to the document, "In order to ensure public order, life, health, morals, rights and freedoms" in the country, the following is not allowed:

■ Violent change of the constitutional order, violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Uzbekistan, violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, propaganda of war, national, racial, ethnic or religious hatred, damage to the health and morals of citizens the use of religion in harm, in breach of civil agreement, in slander, in spreading instability. Fictions, public panic and actions against the individual, society and the state;

■ Illegal religious activities and activities of religious organizations for criminal or other selfish purposes;

■ Involvement ofminors in religious organizations by their parents or guardians against their will;

■ Any missionary or proselytizing activities that contribute to the disruption of inter-religious harmony and religious tolerance in society;

■ Private teaching of religious teachings, with the exception of teaching their children the basics of religious practice and morals by their parents or guardians.

The bill changes the procedure for registering a religious organization. This requires, in particular:

1. A document signed by citizens of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of 18 and have established a religious organization on the initiative of at least 50 people;

2. Resolution of the Constituent Assembly containing information on the establishment of a religious organization, approval of its charter and election of governing bodies;

3. The charter of a religious organization in the state language;

4. Information on the initiators ofthe establishment of a religious organization and members of its governing body;

5. A document confirming that the head of the religious organization has religious education;

6. Letter of consent from the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers;

7. From the local state authorities (Republic of Karakalpakstan) with the conclusion on compliance of the real estate of the religious organization which is to be used as the postal address with requirements of town-planning norms, fire safety rules and sanitary-hygienic standards Letter of guarantee from the Council of Ministers, regional and Tashkent city districts).

According to the current version of the Law:

■ a petition for the establishment of a religious organization for the registration of a religious organization, signed by at least 100 citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1),

■ the charter of the religious organization (2),

■ the minutes of the founding meeting (3),

■ a document confirming the location of the religious organization being established (4)

■ documents confirming payment ofthe state duty (5).

The draft also stipulates the procedure for

registration with the central governing body of a religious organization and a separate religious, educational institution.

In addition, the document clearly states the grounds for refusing to register a religious organization. Among them are cases when the organization is not recognized as a religious organization, and the founding documents contain deliberately incorrect information.

The bill prohibits the inclusion of religious subjects in the curriculum and does not apply to religious education institutions. In addition, the law prohibiting citizens from wearing religious clothing in public was removed from the Law.

The press service of the Ministry of Justice noted that the provisions of the draft fully meet the requirements of international agreements of Uzbekistan. In developing the project, the ministry added, the norms of international law, the experience of developed foreign countries in this area were studied, analyzed and used and also the views of international experts were taken into account.


1. Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3. Ahmed D. Religion and State Relations, 2017, p. 3.

4. Available at: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/training9chapter12ru.pdf

5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

6. Regulations of the United Nations. 1945, International acts of human rights: Sat. documents. M., 2002.

7. Available at: https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/convention_eng.pdf

8. Available at: https://www.cidh.oas.org/basicos/english/basic3.american%20convention.htm

9. Available at: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Minorities/Booklet_Minorities_English.pdf

10. Available at: https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/452678304.pdf

11. Available at: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/what-european-convention-human-rights#:~: text=The%20European%20Convention%20on%20Human%20Rights%20(ECHR)%20protects%20the%20 human,Human%20Rights%20and%20Fundamental%20Freedoms'.

12. The Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.

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