Научная статья на тему 'Features of economic events management in different sociocultural and political conditions'

Features of economic events management in different sociocultural and political conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Еconomics / management / economic policy / economic contradiction / economic interest / Экономика / менеджмент / экономическая политика / экономическое противоречие / экономический интерес

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sun Xiaotong, Sizonenko Z.L.

Modern society is a complex system consisting of various subsystems and levels of hierarchy, including economic, political, spiritual, cultural, national and other elements, each of which performs its unique functions. Management of economic events plays a key role in the integration of modern society, ensuring the integrity of its functioning at all levels of the management hierarchy. The object of the study is social and cultural space within the political and economic structure of society. The subject of the study is the management of economic events in the context of changes in the social and political structure. The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of managing economic events in the conditions of changing social systems caused by socio-cultural and political factors. The study argues that when social and cultural space changes, contradictions are inevitably formed due to different interests of different economic agents existing in different political planes of social life.

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Особенности управления экономическими событиями в различных социокультурных и политических условиях

Современное общество представляет собой сложную систему, состоящую из различных подсистем и уровней иерархии, включая экономические, политические, духовные, культурные, национальные и другие элементы, каждый из которых выполняет свои уникальные функции. Управление экономическими событиями играет ключевую роль в интеграции современного общества, обеспечивая целостность его функционирования на всех уровнях иерархии управления. Объект исследования – социальное и культурное пространство в рамках политического и экономического устройства общества. Предмет исследования – управление экономическими событиями в условиях изменения общественного и политического устройства. Цель исследования – выделить особенности управления экономическими событиями в условиях изменения общественных систем, вызванных социо-культурными и политическими факторами. В исследовании аргументируется, что при изменении социального и культурного пространства неизбежно формируются противоречия, обусловленные различными интересами разных экономических агентов, существующих в различных политических плоскостях общественной жизни.

Текст научной работы на тему «Features of economic events management in different sociocultural and political conditions»

Б01 10.46320/2077-7639-2024-2-123-182-186

Особенности управления экономическими событиями в различных социокультурных и политических условиях

Сунь Сяотун, Сизоненко З.Л.

Современное общество представляет собой сложную систему, состоящую из различных подсистем и уровней иерархии, включая экономические, политические, духовные, культурные, национальные и другие элементы, каждый из которых выполняет свои уникальные функции. Управление экономическими событиями играет ключевую роль в интеграции современного общества, обеспечивая целостность его функционирования на всех уровнях иерархии управления. Объект исследования - социальное и культурное пространство в рамках политического и экономического устройства общества. Предмет исследования - управление экономическими событиями в условиях изменения общественного и политического устройства. Цель исследования - выделить особенности управления экономическими событиями в условиях изменения общественных систем, вызванных социо-культурными и политическими факторами. В исследовании аргументируется, что при изменении социального и культурного пространства неизбежно формируются противоречия, обусловленные различными интересами разных экономических агентов, существующих в различных политических плоскостях общественной жизни.


Сунь Сяотун, Сизоненко З.Л. Особенности управления экономическими событиями в различных социокультурных и политических условиях // Дискуссия. - 2024. - Вып. 123. - С. 182-186.


Экономика, менеджмент, экономическая политика, экономическое противоречие, экономический интерес.

DOI 10.46320/2077-7639-2024-2-123-182-186

Features of economic events management in different sociocultural and political conditions

Sun Xiaotong, Sizonenko Z.L.

Modern society is a complex system consisting of various subsystems and levels of hierarchy, including economic, political, spiritual, cultural, national and other elements, each of which performs its unique functions. Management of economic events plays a key role in the integration of modern society, ensuring the integrity of its functioning at all levels of the management hierarchy. The object of the study is social and cultural space within the political and economic structure of society. The subject of the study is the management of economic events in the context of changes in the social and political structure. The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of managing economic events in the conditions of changing social systems caused by socio-cultural and political factors. The study argues that when social and cultural space changes, contradictions are inevitably formed due to different interests of different economic agents existing in different political planes of social life.


Sun Xiaotong, Sizonenko Z.L. Features of economic events management in different sociocultural and political conditions. Diskussiya [Discussion], 123, 182-186.


Economics, management, economic policy, economic contradiction, economic interest.



In the context of the socio-cultural sphere and politics, various authors [1], [2] offer different interpretations of economic activity and management of economic events. Some define the socio-cultural sphere as an association of enterprises producing goods that directly affect the lives of individuals in society, including many sectors of the economy, such as the automotive industry, the manufacture of household appliances, and others. Others consider the socio-cultural sphere as a group of enterprises performing socio-cultural functions important for the development of the cultural level of society. This

approach significantly limits the number of organizations, including only the public aspects of life: museums, clubs, libraries, theaters and similar institutions. Services provided in the field of social and cultural space management are often associated with such aspects of social and individual consciousness as understanding, perception, experience, and thinking, and often cannot be preserved for a long time in a material form. The production and consumption of such services usually occur simultaneously, for example, going to the cinema or to a concert. Unlike tangible products that disappear when used (food, clothing), cultural values can increase their value

over time due to their widespread distribution and increased influence. Accordingly, changes in management and economic events occur almost instantly, rebuilding public consciousness and economic policy and economic ties.


When the management of economic events in the social and cultural space is considered only in the context of enterprises producing goods and services that meet the socio-cultural needs of people, then certain organizations within the global space that are part of various international agencies engaged in this type of activity play a major role in determining the content of economic events. These organizations may have a state, private or public form of ownership, but all of them have political grounds for changing the forms and methods of management, which leads to both internal and external confrontation: "At the same time, we are talking about a split, and not about a scientific discussion between representatives of different political and economic schools: each of them They hold separate forums, congresses, conferences, etc., publish "their" journals, preferring to criticize opponents in absentia among their like-minded people, and form their future adherents in "their" educational institutions" [3, p. 27].

The main feature of the management of social and cultural space is that the financing of this area, as a rule, occurs by attracting funds from sponsors, charitable organizations, government agencies distributing budget funds, and other sources, and not from commercial activities. Even in the entertainment industry, ticket revenue accounts for only a small portion of the event's total budget, with the rest usually coming from sponsors. Thus, the nature and content of economic events are directly influenced by the current political structure and the current political will.

Managing economic events in changing social and cultural space with a multi-level approach that includes four levels of management that regulate the following aspects of public life:

1. The relationship between an economic agent and a society based on a system of normative and legislative acts that determine the processes of creation, functioning and liquidation of an organization.

2. Interactions between an economic agent in the field of culture, as well as between them and other institutions and enterprises, carried out through the conclusion of public contracts.

3. The relationship between the cultural institution and the potential audience (population), which is facilitated through marketing and pricing.

4. Relations between the institution and its structural units, employees and creative teams, organized through administrative acts and contracts.

Existing approaches and management methods in the economy and social sphere are determined by general theoretical management concepts, in which management is a cyclical process based on a universal algorithm, including from four to sixteen stages, depending on the level of detail.

The experience of managing large socio-economic systems is conditioned by two approaches: the first approach is program-oriented, assumes a strict directive impact from government agencies on the economy and the social sphere. It includes setting tasks, finding solutions, choosing the optimal strategy, creating a program and providing the necessary infrastructure. This approach is based on subordination of the subsystems of the managed object to achieve the set goal. The second approach is organic, it implies taking into account the internal capabilities and features of the management object, in another way this approach is called the concept of modernization, which operates with the idea of the limits of management and proposes changes within the management object based on the internal logic of development, rather than external influence.

From the functional and target aspects, three main directions of managing socio-economic processes within the framework of changes in the social and cultural space that determine foreign and domestic policy are distinguished. The first direction seeks to regulate the processes associated with the phases of the economic cycle and the need for large-scale economic transformations, especially in their social aspects. In this direction, the state plays a key role in managing social processes, taking anti-crisis measures to prevent bankruptcy, eliminate the industrial downturn, ensure stability, increase the competitiveness of products, reduce unemployment and increase workers' incomes.

The second direction of management is aimed at general economic processes, which focuses on the optimal use of key economic regulators, such as pricing policy, taxation, lending, investments in business development and the technological base of producers of goods. This direction is aimed at creating mechanisms to stimulate economic development and ensure the effective functioning of market relations.

The third direction of management is focused on ensuring more efficient use of available natural, material, labor and financial resources and is aimed at optimizing processes related to improving the use

of resources and increasing their productivity within the socio-economic system.

Politics in the general sense of the word reflects the totality of institutional aspects of public activity taking place in a certain space: "This is a double-edged weapon capable of bringing both tangible benefits and severe political and economic consequences, which will have to be dealt with at the cost of spending huge resources and a political crisis" [4, p. 90 ]. Within the framework of national international policy, international relations are also being formed, which, although they may be devoid of a single government, are usually subject to common rules. The formation of political regimes always depends on political and cultural influence, without which compliance with the established rules becomes difficult. And there are two main characteristic states: 1. The lack of cultural guidelines can lead to misunderstanding and unwillingness to obey the rules that are accepted by the majority, which inevitably affects the state of the economy; 2. International relations are formed unipolar on the basis of hegemony, which upsets the balance of the national social and cultural space and leads to resistance, in turn, disrupting the economic balance and exacerbating economic confrontation.

In the context of globalization, politics is often seen as a reaction to economic changes associated with increased capital mobility, changes in production processes, the growth of transnational interaction and technological innovations. These changes bring diversity to the economic sphere, but do not automatically determine policy, and national governments still play a key role in making policy decisions that are subject to various external influences. Internal political processes, electoral factors, and security have an impact on economic decisions, making the decision-making process highly politicized.

The key directions of the political process that have an impact on the economic activity of society can be distinguished through the following aspects:

The organization of legislative and constitutional activities, as well as the executive branch, which ensures the implementation of laws and creates conditions for the work of economic institutions necessary to maintain economic order. This aspect is complemented by a judicial system capable of ensuring the legality of the established order.

A well-developed system of local government, which allows taking into account regional and national interests.

Establishing links with the international community, ensuring the alignment of national interests

with global goals and promoting the pursuit of international development.

Within these areas, various economic interests interact, which inevitably generates acute conflicts and contradictions. Some social groups do not accept market relations and private property, considering them as a source of problems such as unemployment, social tensions and upheavals. At the same time, abandoning market mechanisms can lead to economic stagnation, a decrease in the interest of producers and lagging behind developed economies. The distribution of public and natural resources, their ownership, the fairness of the established order and methods of its protection are important aspects of the interaction of economics and politics. That is, a change in the social cultural space inevitably results in contradictions, which may take different forms, but always create economic clashes within the interests of various social groups in society.: "The quality of life and social development is determined by the availability of various social functions, and the emerging poverty in the modern world can be considered not only as insufficient per capita income, but also as missing or disappearing opportunities" [5, p. 21].

The main tools for optimizing contradictions are the development of tax policy, the formation of federal and regional budgets, as well as the interpretation of the concept of sovereignty, which can change and are quite flexible and adaptive when the influence of external and internal factors changes. The complex process of finding the optimal balance between domestic and international interests is one of the main tasks of political power in the framework of economic policy and respect for national social and cultural interests.


In the modern sense, the state is a set of various institutions and a system of political, legal, cultural organization of public life. Changing the organization of public life affects the interests of various economic agents from different social levels of society, which inevitably leads to a contradiction. Thus, the main and key feature of managing economic events in the context of changing specific aspects of public life is to ensure the effective functioning of government, optimal management of public processes, development strategies, solving current problems taking into account the interests of people and available resources [6], [7]. Effective management of such large-scale tasks is possible only if there is reliable information about the state of all significant spheres of the state organism, their understanding and analysis for the development of balanced solutions. The results reflect the contradiction between economic and socio-polit-

ical aspects, since radical changes in society were not accompanied by significant changes in the government structures of the state. If, instead of positive changes, there is an increase in bureaucracy, a high level of differentiation and formalization, inertia and conservatism of government bodies, and instead of personal

responsibility, anonymity of decision-makers prevails - this leads to a low level of trust of citizens in government bodies and a drop in the prestige of civil servants, as well as to self-isolation, alienation and sometimes hostility on the part of state bodies in relation to the interests of ordinary citizens.

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Информация об авторах

Сунь Сяотун, магистрант экономического факультета (Международный бизнес-менеджмент) Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова (г. Москва, Российская Федерация).

Сизоненко З.Л., кандидат социологических наук, доцент, доцент Уфимского университета науки и технологий; доцент Башкирской академии государственной службы и управления при Главе Республики Башкортостан (г. Уфа, Российская Федерация).

Information about the authors

Sun Xiaotong, Graduate Student of the Faculty of Economics (International Business Management) Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Sizonenko Z.L., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Ufa University of Science and Technology; Associate Professor of the Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russian Federation).

© Сунь Сяотун, Сизоненко З.Л., 2024. © Sun Xiaotong, Sizonenko Z.L., 2024.

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