Научная статья на тему 'Особенности активного проявления фрактальной природы геодинамики и нефтяных месторождений'

Особенности активного проявления фрактальной природы геодинамики и нефтяных месторождений Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Бембель С. Р.

Основной причиной фрактальной природа нефти, -и газоносных пластов в геологической среде является импульсно-вихревой характер процессов геодинамики, которые возникают в геофизических полях. Фрактальная модель пульсирующих геолого-геофизических полей для резервуаров нефти вносит принципиальные изменения в технологии их разведки, поиска и развития. Эффективный поиск и разведка фрактальных резервуаров, наполненных углеводородов в импульсном режиме возможен при современных геофизических методах.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам , автор научной работы — Бембель С. Р.

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The main reason for the fractal nature of the oil oil-and-gas-bearing formations and the geological environment in general is the pulse-vortex nature of the processes of geodynamics, which occurs in geophysical fields. The fractal pulsing model of geological and geophysical fields for hydrocarbon reservoirs introduces fundamental changes in the technology of their exploration, search and development. The effective search and exploration of fractal reservoirs that are filled with hydrocarbons in the pulsed mode are possible with high-resolution space-time geophysical methods.

Текст научной работы на тему «Особенности активного проявления фрактальной природы геодинамики и нефтяных месторождений»

Сандинистские власти поставили задачу вовлечь этнические меньшинства Атлантического побережья в жизнь страны, что можно было peшить только при условии yвaжeния самобытности культуры индейских общин, ж языков, традиций, религиозных верований, а также исторических прав индейцев на их общинные земли.

Невзирая на огромные трудности, никарагуанское руководство многое делает для развития культуры жителей Москитии. Расширяется сеть школ, где обучение ведется на местных языках,- к концу 2009 г. их было уже 202, из них к весне 2011 г. обучение на мискито удалось организовать в 67[2]. Главной проблемой здесь остается нехватка преподавателей. Однако численность учителей-мискито растет, равно как и других представителей индейской интеллигенции, растет за счет тех, кто владеет испанским и, значит, может воспользоваться возможностыо получить на нем образование.

Появляются и первые ученые-мискито. Центр исследований и документации Атлантического побережья (СИДСА), созданный в 1982 г., в 1985 г. опубликовал первую в истории страны «Грамматику мискито». У нее был предшественник-букварь на мискито и английском, предназначенный для обучения неграмотных в Москитии.

Вторым изданием СИДСА был сборник индейских сказок, записанных учительницей М. Баши среди мискито и сумо. Значение этой книги прежде всего в том, что большинство памятников фольклора Москитии безвозвратно утрачено.

По мнению зарубежных исследователей, расовой дискриминации в Никарагуа не существует и индейцы являются полноправными гражданами республики.


1. Coпaminas J. Identidad у решапаепЬо Ытоатепсапо. Managua: UCA, 2012.

2. Barricada, 1.11.2012. Nicaragua


Бембель С.Р.

Ст. преподаватель, Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, Тюменский Государственный нефтегазовый университет ОСОБЕННОСТИ АКТИВНОГО ПРОЯВЛЕНИЯ ФРАКТАЛЬНОЙ ПРИРОДЫ ГЕОДИНАМИКИ И НЕФТЯНЫХ



Основной причиной фрактальной природа нефти, -и газоносных пластов в геологической среде является импульсно-вихревой характер процессов геодинамики, которые возникают в геофизических полях. Фрактальная модель пульсирующих геологогеофизических полей для резервуаров нефти вносит принципиальные изменения в технологии их разведки, поиска и развития. Эффективный поиск и разведка фрактальных резервуаров, наполненных углеводородов в импульсном режиме возможен при современных геофизических методах.

Ключевые слова: фрактальная пульсирующая, субвертикальных зоны разрушения горных пород, дополнительных геологоразведочных работ, geosoliton, дегазации Земли, развитие высокого разрешения, 3D сейсмических

Bembel S.R.

Assosiate professor, PhD in Geology аМ Мтега^у, Туитеп State Oil аМ Gas Ш^егейу



The main reason for the fractal nature of the oil oil-and-gas-bearing formations and the geological environment in general is the pulse-vortex nature of the processes of geodynamics, which occurs in geophysical fields. The fractal pulsing model of geological and geophysical fields for hydrocarbon reservoirs introduces fundamental changes in the technology of their exploration, search and development. The effective search and exploration offractal reservoirs that are filled with hydrocarbons in the pulsed mode are possible with high-resolution space-time geophysical methods.

Keywords: &аНа1 риЫ^, subvertical zone of destrudюn of rodis, additional ехрЬгайоп, geosoliton, degassing of Ше ЕагШ, development, high-resolutюn 3D seismic

Current ргоЫенк of реЬг>1еит geology аге d^ to Ше general transitton to Ше development of оП and gas lMds characterized Ьу

сотр1ех spatial morphology of Ше роо1 boundaries аМ, at first sight an агЫ1гагу distributton of reservoir properties. Studies carried оШ; of гесеП уеаге in West Siberia found а mismatch between increased level of stradural complexity of developed oil and gas systems, and simplified conceptions of conventional exploration, focused оп large deposits with simple averaged geological-field parameters. These simplified representations were а result of insufficient exploration of the fields introduced into development.

The increased lateral heterogeneity within separate developed роо1 leads to а тоге rapid production dedine and increase of Ше production costs. То тат1ат the production levels and maximize the оП recovery factor in such fields Шеге is а need in detailed ГшШег interweИ space exploration to define тоге precisely а геа1 spatial structure of Ше reserves in the field. This арргоаЛ requires а solution а штЬег of theoretical and technological problems to develop both Ше theory and mechanisms of Ше reserves mosaic structures formation аМ те!:^^ and technologies far exploration and development, which would fit this Шеогу.

Studies о£ Ше spatial structure and identification о£ the structure regularities о£ s^h сотр1ех geology deposits, their interaction with the mechanisms о£ sedimentation, 1оса1 geodynamics and the formation о£ the mosaic structure о£ reservoir properties о££ег а great promise in improving the ргоГйаЬПйу and oil recovery factor in Ше fields put into development, that will also significantly епЬапсе the reserves at the ехреше о£ smaИ size fields аМ deposits.

The author сате to Ше concept and image о£ “ДасЫДу” based оп numerous results о£ geological and geophysical interpretation, that is time seismic sections, structural maps о£ reflecting horizons and the productive formations ^рег boundary, as weИ as field-geophysical studies, namely logging and dynamics о£ production Ьу weUs, Ше distribution о£ reservoir properties in агеа and section.

The арреагапсе о£ such multi-scale geological heterogeneities in Ше geological formations is а result о£ long-term processes о£ their generation, duriпg whtoh various nonlinear phenomena might оссш (often accompanied Ьу а dynamic randomization): the random тх^, asking, аccidentаl movement о£ fluids (with р!^е and chemical changes аМ transformations о£ the medium сотропеПз and similar processes)

The analysis о£ several dozens oil аМ gas fields in West Siberia aИowed the author to defme а mosaic properties о£ Ше oil field and the weUs productivity. SmaИ size о£ the isolated deposits lead to а fast production dedine at development Ьу а natural depletion mode without maintainiпg the reservoir pressure. The ргоЫет о£ optimal рксетеП о£ injection weUs in Ше oil field with а mosaic stradure becomes nontrivial, and its successful solution requires а detailed information about the contours о£ each isolated роо1.

The аЩЪог found that smaИ structural inhomogeneities (paleo geomorphologic peculiarities о£ ргсЛс;^ horizons) have а significant трас оп the productivity о£ оП-Ьеап^ strata. А model о£ Ше distributюn о£ zones о£ high productivity, depending оп the Ьсайоп relatively selected areas о£ destruction has Ьееп proposed.

Lots о£ highly efficient powerful Cretaceous рк^Н^е horizons (individual elongated lenses о£ Ше northeast trending) аге confined maiпly to the slopes о£ the local smaИ uplifts. High flow-rate deposit sites have Ьса! spread, and their location is ta^fy controИed Ьу the morphology о£ the structural surfaces о£ Ше rawf strata defined Ьу paleotectoпic activity.


The main features that distinguish natural fractal objects and processes from traditional Euclidean shapes, are as follows: the fractional dimension of shapes and processes that actually mean for the oil and gas industry "delicate" in the space bodies and pulsating geological processes; in addition to a fractional dimension the fractals possess the property of self-similarity of forms and processes, that is the likeness of themselves at different scales of time and space, forming systems similar to the "Russian dolls".

Fractality is inherent in all natural processes, including petroleum geology. Pulsating fractal processes having dimensionality less than 4, are known at levels of self-similar universe: from pulsars and Cepheids in distant galaxies to the pulsing of the Sun and Earth, from the throbbing blood process in the man to quantum processes and the fluctuations of the physical vacuum.

Fractal pulsing model of geological and geophysical fields of hydrocarbon fields introduces fundamental changes in the technology of their exploration, search and development. The effective search and exploration of fractal reservoirs that are filled with hydrocarbons in pulsed mode becomes possible with high-resolution space-time geophysical methods. In particular, the seismic 4D, successfully tested by the leading oil companies and focused on the fractal pulsating field.

The author believes that the mechanisms of realization of active geodynamic manifestations and impacts are also fractal, like most of the characteristic properties of natural geological objects. In West Siberia geophysists were the first who faced with the manifestation of local sites of geodynamics when interpreting the seismic data. We believe that the striking manifestation of these sires are subvertical zones of destruction (SZD). Certain regularities were revealed in the configuration of contours and transverse dimensions of the SZD in the horizontal sections.

Localized energy sources in the SZD sites provide relief generation of local diapirs - like structural forms, from the tops of which a discharge of sedimentary material occurs into the nearest negative structure with a simultaneous sorting of materials by fractions. As a result of these high-energy processes in the axial parts of the nearest paleocuttings, the local depressions valleys and separate "pockets" there accumulate the most coarse-grained sedimentary material with high permeability, since a more fine-grained clay material is drawn to a fairly large distance by high-energy turbidite flows generated by paleo earthquakes in the zones of destruction.

A high degree of localization of the sites of high productivity of exploratory and development wells is noticed in the majority of oil and gas fields in West Siberia. A characteristic feature of such sites and types of deposits is their extremely wide extension of vertical oil and gas range. At Novomolodezhny and Urengoi fields, for example, this range extends from the Paleozoic basement to the Cenozoic.

As an example, the manifestations of local geodynamic effects as centers of zones of destruction is given as a seismic section (fig. 1) for one of the largest multilayer fields in Western Siberia, in the context of which more than 20 productive reservoirs containing more than 100 hydrocarbon deposits were revealed. Subvertical zones of destruction, serving as fluid dynamic channels of hydrocarbons saturation of the sedimentary cover, as well as intervals of the identified oil and gas deposits are shown at the time section._______________

Fig. 1 - Temporal incision sites and hotspots with areas of destruction, representing the migration routes of hydrocarbons, Western


Floor petroleum 1000 meters - from the Lower Cretaceous strata to Middle Jurassic: 1 - an index reflecting horizon, 2 - zone of destruction, 3 - revealed deposits of hydrocarbons

Another confirmation comes from a geological, geophysical and field analysis performed in the unique multilayered Van-Egan field, which has the interval of oil and gas content more than 2000 m. In the field section more than 50 productive strata were identified containing oil, gas, oil-and-gas deposits.

A degree of localization of enhanced oil withdrawal sites is very high. The cumulative oil production for separate wells reaches about 500 thousand tons or more, and in the most part about 10-20 thousand tons. Communication between the sites of high flow rate, high total production and low water-cut oil production and low-sized squares intersected by the SZD and active geosoliton tubes, exists almost universally and is proved by comparing these sites with the results of 3D-seismic survey, which reliably distinguished the SZD.


Geosoliton pulse-rotating transport from the deep geosphere of the Earth in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic interval of geological cross-section forms the main elements of oil and gas fields, i.e. structural and lithologic traps, zones of improved reservoir properties and centers of high concentration of oil and gas. SZD, crossing almost the entire target range of geological sections are mostly circular shape, which is due to the vortex form “geosoliton” tectonics (active local geodynamics).

Main morphological feature of such oil and gas deposits on most fields in West Siberia is their extremely high locality, which is due to the properties of the active centers of the zones of destruction. This is reflected in a high degree of locality of high flow-rate areas and the mosaic character of their spatial distribution.

The concept of geosoliton degassing can explain the method of gas pipes, used to distinguish areas of vertical migration of hydrocarbons and for the differentiation of conductive and nonconductive faults. A prerequisite for the generation of channels of degassing (gas pipes) is the existence of active geodynamic near the source and the consequences of its manifestations - the zone of destruction (usually subvertical). The degree of disturbance of the tires in the chamber will determine the degree of deposits preservation and the vertical intensity of the center of destruction - the likely level of oil and gas content.

On fig.2 shows a fragment of time cut with the attribute of coherence, where the greatest destruction subjected to upper range of the section (above 800 msec). The anomaly has the correct form of a circle with an outer diameter of up to 4 km in the upper part of the section, tapering to a lower part and recalling a funnel shape (fig.3). Probable variant interpretations of the above example is the appearance at the site of gas release (break fluids) from the foundation of high pressure that led to the formation of oil and gas (inflow of gas more than 200 m3/day from the weathering crust of the Jurassic formations - oil to 170 m3/day).

Fig. 2 - Time section with the attribute of coherence, West Siberia.

Oil and gas condensate field (3 productive reservoir). Floor oil and gas 200 meters - from the Upper Jurassic strata II to the cortex weathering


Fig. 3 - Subvertical zone of destruction in the context of 3-D seismic cube, West Siberia

The above examples highlight foci of active geodynamics, fluid- and gas dynamics - demonstrate the general principles and approaches for supporting the genetic models of oil and gas fields, some of the most striking features of display mechanism geosoliton degassing on seismic sections and are of interest for further research. Relevance of geodynamics processes, degassing of the Earth and the role of fluid systems in the generation and transformation of the earth's crust, its localization within the solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources is widely spread among the modern scientific and practical researches. In this regard, there new requirements appear towards the technology of forecasting and search for mineral deposits.


Fractality of natural processes and structures in geology, geophysics and geochemistry defines a mosaic structure of the majority of mineral deposits, including deposits of oil and gas, gas condensate and other fossil fuels (gas hydrates, oil shale, etc.).

Fractality deposits is genetically determined by geosoliton processes of deposits formation. This view of the most important properties of space-time structure of reserves is manifested at all stages of exploration - from the search, exploration to development. Practically proved is a regular confinement of local sites of high productivity of wells to the active sites of geosoliton geodynamics. The problems of exploration and development of such deposits and fields are to be resolved in the nearest future.


1. Bembel, R.M., Megerya, V.M., Bembel, S.R. [2003] Geosolitons: a functional system of the Earth, the concept of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits. Tyumen: Vector Book. - 344 p.

2. Bembel, S.R. [2010] Features of contemporary local geodynamics in the western part of Khanty-Mansiysk, their connection with areas of oil and gas. Oil and Gas Geology, 4, p.8-12.

3. Fractals in petroleum geology and Earth processes. Ed. Barton C.C. and La Pointe P.R., N.Y. and London: Plenum Press, [1995].

4. Heggland, R. [2004] Hydrocarbon migration and Accumulation Above Salt Domes—Risking of Prospects by the use of Gas Chimney, Processing of 24-th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, “Salt-Sediment Interaction and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: Concepts, Application, and case Studies for the 21st Century”, December 5-8, 2004, Houston, Texas.

Бембель С.Р.

Доцент, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет



В статье рассмотрены причины низкой эффективности геологоразведочных работ на нефть и газ на современном этапе. По результатам обобщения детальных сейсморазведочных работ 2D/3D на примере месторождений установлены вероятностные связи между локальными аномалиями динамических параметров волнового поля, активностью геодинамических локальных процессов и емкостными характеристиками нефтегазоносных горизонтов в терригенном комплексе, открыты перспективные участки для дальнейшего проведения ГРР, бурения разведочных и эксплуатационных скважин. Проведенные исследования направлены на повышение эффективности поиска, разведки и разработки залежей нефти и газа в Западной Сибири.

Ключевые слова: залежь нефти и газа, разведка и разработка месторождений, геологическая модель, неоднородность, продуктивность.


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