ОРГАННЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ МИГРАЦИИ ЛЕЙКОЦИТОВ ЛИМФЫ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
миграция лейкоцитов / лимфа / лимфоидные узелки / бляшки / лимфатические узлы / migration of leukocytes / lymph / lymphoid nodules / plaque / lymph nodes

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Мырзаханова М.Н., Мырзаханов Н.

Научная статья является обзорной. И данные о клеточном содержании лимфы и происходящих в ней изменениях имеют большое значение при суждении о миграции этих клеток через лимфоидные органы. До сих пор не были исследованы органные особенности миграции лейкоцитов, что имеет большое значение о суждении функциональных особенностей, формирует периферические звенья иммунной системы организма. Мы в своих опытах попытались исследовать состояние клеточного состава лимфы грудного, кишечного, печеночного и шейного лимфатических протоков собаки.

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The scientific article is an overview. And data on the cellular content of the lymph and the changes occurring in it are of great importance in judging the migration of these cells through the lymphoid organs. So far not been investigated organ especially the migration of leukocytes, which is important for the judgment of functional features, forms the peripheral parts of the immune system of the body. We have tried in their experiments to investigate the state of the cellular composition of lymph thoracic, gastrointestinal, liver and cervical lymph ducts of the dog.



Мырзаханова М.Н.

Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова, профессор, кандидат медицинских наук Мырзаханов Н.

Университет «Туран-Астана», профессор, доктор биологических наук




MyrzakhanovaM.N., Kokshetau state university after namedSh. Ualikhanov, professor, Candidate of medical science

Myrzakhanov N., University "Turan-Astana", professor, doctor of biological science


Научная статья является обзорной. И данные о клеточном содержании лимфы и происходящих в ней изменениях имеют большое значение при суждении о миграции этих клеток через лимфоидные органы. До сих пор не были исследованы органные особенности миграции лейкоцитов, что имеет большое значение о суждении функциональных особенностей, формирует периферические звенья иммунной системы организма. Мы в своих опытах попытались исследовать состояние клеточного состава лимфы грудного, кишечного, печеночного и шейного лимфатических протоков собаки.


The scientific article is an overview. And data on the cellular content of the lymph and the changes occurring in it are of great importance in judging the migration of these cells through the lymphoid organs. So far not been investigated organ especially the migration of leukocytes, which is important for the judgment of functional features, forms the peripheral parts of the immune system of the body. We have tried in their experiments to investigate the state of the cellular composition of lymph thoracic, gastrointestinal, liver and cervical lymph ducts of the dog.

Ключевые слова: миграция лейкоцитов, лимфа, лимфоидные узелки, бляшки, лимфатические узлы.

Keywords: migration of leukocytes, lymph, lymphoid nodules, plaque, lymph nodes.


The doctrine of the lymphatic system has developed for a long time and the first book about her written over 200 years ago [1, 2]. However, about the immune system and its organs and functions, we have learned only in the past decade. It has become generally accepted [3] selection in the immune system of the central (bone marrow and thymus) and peripheral (tonsil lymphoid pharyngeal ring, lymphoid and lymphoid nodules plaques in the walls of hollow viscera, appendix, spleen, lymph nodes and blood lymphocytes, lymphoid nodules perivascular, lymph, moving freely in the tissues in search of foreign genetic material for recognition and destruction) of the bodies. All the peripheral organs of the immune system are located in the following ways in the body of foreign substances. The same function - the function of biological filters have multiple lymph nodes, which lie in different parts of the body. Recently it is shown that the lymph nodes are not passive filters themselves possess a spontaneous rhythmic contractility activity [4]. As a result, lymph passes through lymph nodes, clears foreign, from all this, it should not get into the blood, that is, lymph nodes and its capillaries and vessels work on the immune system.

Moving lymphocytes in the body is in the process of recycling and is re-entering the cells in the circulating blood intraorgan migration, ending their hit again in the blood, either directly or through the lymph. Data on the cellular content of the lymph and the changes occurring in it are of great importance in judging the

migration of these cells through the lymphoid organs. In the scientific literature there is individual information about the cellular composition of lymph of the thoracic duct [5]. So far, no organs especially the migration of leukocytes were examined, which is of great value judgments about the functional characteristics of the formation of the peripheral parts of the body's immune system. We are in their studies tried to investigate the state of the cellular composition of lymph thoracic, gastrointestinal, liver and cervical lymph dog ducts. In the experiment 14 animals clinically healthy mongrel dogs were used. At the same time it studied 11 samples of breast, 14 intestinal samples, 7 samples of liver and 12 samples of cervical lymph. Obtaining lymph produced by the method described in the literature [6] with a slight modification, and lymph leukocyte count was performed by the standard technique using Goryaev camera.

The study of the content of leukocytes revealed that mongrel dogs in the lymph of the thoracic duct contains an average of 12536 ± 1572 white blood cells in the lymph of the intestinal lymphatic trunk - 11107 ± 269, hepatic - 6757 ± 458 and neck - 1562 ± 113 cells. Analyses have shown that the greatest variability in the number of white blood cells is the lymph of the thoracic duct, which is possible due to the depositing flow function on the one hand and the confluence of the veins in the vial from the thoracic duct of individuals. A leucocyte limits vibrations in the thoracic duct lymph ranged

from 9000 to 32000 cells, while this value in the intestinal lymph from 3600 to 9600 and from cervical lymph 1035 to 1850 cells per cubic millimeter.

The difference between the intensity rises and falls in the number of cells of the intestinal lymph; liver and cervical duct was less frequent compared with the lymph of the thoracic duct, which generally provides less variability in the number of cells in the lymph specified sources.

The possibility of varying the average migration rate in the various lymph ducts demonstrates the specificity of the participation of different parts of the peripheral immune system (dynamic nodes and blood vessels) in the formation of the immune status of these animals. At the same time, all other things being equal, we have noted the similarity changes the nature of fluctuations the number of leukocytes in the lymph, with the only difference being that in the gut, liver and cervical lymph these changes occur gradually, indicating a uniform distribution pattern leukocyte migration speed within these regions of the body .

Thus, we have identified regional characteristics of migration (recycling) lymph leukocytes, in our opinion, are the expression of a functional transport of white blood cells and the formation of cellular immunity in this type of animal.

Biorhythms lymph leukocyte migration

One of the most urgent problems of Chronobiol-ogy at the present stage is the problem of the study of biological rhythms of various functional structures and systems to form a holistic outlook on the activities of immune reactive structures in the impact factors of the external and internal environment.

Daily fluctuations in rates of non-specific resistance of general physiological laws are subject to change biorhythm. The highest indicators of phagocytosis, properdin found in the afternoon and evening (During waking), the lowest - at night and in the morning (in the sleep and wake period). In case of violation of ordinary sleep and waking (night work) change accordingly indicators of nonspecific resistance during the day.

From the meteorological factors (temperature and relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, the perturbation of the magnetic field, the length of daylight) the greatest effect on the anti-infective protection has duration of sunshine.

Seasonal and daily allowances rhythms of change in non-specific immunity and protection mechanisms should be assessed taking into account the nature of the climate zone, species and breeds of animals, as the epizootic situation. The latter can cause significant changes in the content of an interferon, phagocytic activity and other metrics.

Currently, it is generally accepted that the system of lymph nodes and blood vessels carry less protective and filtration as protective and immune function. Lymph nodes are located in different parts of the human body and animals have specific local features of the structure, which testifies to their various immunologi-cal competence respectively characteristics served by these agencies nodes. Simultaneous execution multilayer functions causes high functional load on the

lymph node, which led to the separation of the functional activity of the node on the steps in time - the formation of temporary functional jet lag, circadian allegedly [7].

In this work, a study was conducted of daily dynamics of the number of leukocytes in the intestinal and hepatic lymph dogs that have these ducts lymph-angio catheter. Samples of lymph were taken at 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 24 hours. In the experiment, 14 dogs and made 132 analyses. Counting leukocytes produced by the classical method. The results showed that the dynamics of the content of leukocytes in the intestinal and hepatic lymph throughout the day wore cyclical.

It is noted that the number of leukocytes in the intestinal lymph increased at 11 and 15 hours of the day, an average of 6,200 to 14,450 cells with subsequent return to the level of the average values, while in terms of the number of leukocytes in hepatic lymph we observed only a single peak increase, which accounted 15 hours of the day and its value was 10-47% relative to the average number of leukocytes in hepatic lymph (4635 cells).

Precise repeatability of the observed phenomenon allows us to recognize that we have established a previously unknown regularity in the migration of leukocytes throughout the day. Possible synchronizers observed phenomenon may be a change of corticosteroids and insulin concentrations, with the adaptive feature of diet and adaptations of stray dogs.

Thus, according to our data in dogs is a certain rhythm and intensity of white chronic-biological processes lymph cells associated with the adaptation of these animals under certain conditions externally environmental situation: food, climate, active conditional reflex adaptation, etc.


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