ISSN 2223-4047
Вестник Maeucmpamypu. 2022. № 4-2 (127)
E.M. Maturazova, Z.A. Yuldashova
This article is a scientific-analytical study of the general mechanisms of non-specific adaptive reactions in the human body. The article also offers a variety of opinions on the human emotional reactions and the author's advice.
Key words: adaptive reaction, stress, transition, tension, emotion, nervous system, adaptation, temperature, mechanism, vegetative changes.
It has long been known that constant stress is a part of student life. Therefore, we aimed to organize the stress state among the students and analyze the stress state of the students during the leakage process. The student has to overcome the difficulties of the shooting period, organize a new role, and change the old ones, as a result of which he or she may experience stress. Students experience severe mental and emotional exhaustion in the process of learning, the breadth of knowledge given to them in a short period of time during lectures and practical classes, and its reduction requires the exhaustion of several nervous systems. Daily, interim, and final controls cause them to walk in constant anxiety throughout the year. Many scholars have dealt with this problem, for example, B. Cannon, Hans Sele, L.A. Kitaev, Yu.B.Sherbatykh, David Maryes, Yu.I.Aleksandrov and others.
The universal model of non-specific compensatory-adaptive reactions in the form of the body's response to the influence of non-permanent factors are non-specific resistance mechanisms. These manifestations of the body's reactivity are the basis of the general adaptive syndrome, or stress-response, and can be considered as a measure of the health of each individual. Of course, the long-term or extreme effects of such reactions lead to the emergence of adaptive diseases. Therefore, the only way to improve health is to increase the body's resistance to stress.
Physiological stress is a reaction of the whole organism, which includes a complex of non-specific changes of adaptive quality. These changes are manifested at the vegetative, humoral, biochemical, as well as verbal and mental levels, and are aimed at protecting my body from the negative effects of stressors of a physical or psycho-emotional nature. The initial type of physical stressors can be affected by a number of high temperatures, mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic effects. Among other factors, the lack of biological or social demand, the abundance of information, as well as the risk of life-threatening emotional reactions can play a role in the development of stress. Stress in life is a traumatic situation that can lead to problems that a person cannot cope with on their own, but the severity and recurrence of the experience is also significant. A special scale (HolmesRay scale) has been developed to determine the intensity of stress in daily life. This scale consists of a series of
© E.M. Maturazova, Z.A. Yuldashova, 2022.
ISSN 2223-4047
Вестник магистратуры. 2022. № 4-2 (127)
life events that assess the strength of the stressogenic effect in children. Typically, the sum of such events in a person in a year is 150 points. If these two contributions increase (300 points), then the risk of developing diseases in this person increases by 80%. If the sum of the number of events fluctuates between 300 and 200 points, then the risk of disease is reduced by 50%, if the sum of points decreases from 200 to 150, the risk of physical reaction to stress is reduced by 30%. The object of research of our work with students were students of Karakalpak State University majoring in exact and natural sciences. The most psycho-emotional effects (stressors) of higher education students were taken during the pre-exam period (pre-session) and in the subsequent period to determine the stress response on the Holmes-Ray scale. For this purpose, the time before the exams (sessions) was chosen when students were most likely to be stressed. The purpose of choosing such a time was the pre-exam assignments among the students, the preparation for each subject caused a number of difficulties for students. We mainly organized stress situations and causes of stress among freshmen and fourth-year students. Students were given two types of tests. Life events, Leak-related stress situations. In terms of courses, 1st year students were found to be more prone to stress than 4th year students. The test was conducted on a total of 100 students. The highest score. Life events were identified in the student of specific disciplines on the questionnaire questions and received a score of 491 points. Leak-related stress cases were identified among students majoring in natural sciences.
It was found that there is an increase in student debt, failure to pass exams, separation from parents, a large number of homework, and a high incidence of illness. Prior to the exam, it was found that they had difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite, and especially sleep disorders in most students. Many first-year students scored more than 6 points before the exam (on a 10-point scale). Fourth-year students scored 0-6. Many first-year students reported a slight increase in stress in the last 3 months, while fourth-year students reported no change.
According to some experts, the term Session goes hand in hand with the concept of Stress. Writer Anrea Morua at a conference of French doctors, The difficult exam has a stronger impact on the student than a strong diver. Fear and anxiety gradually become a disease; He said it would make it harder for him to shoot.
Observations show that it is not the process of answering oral exams, but rather waiting for the next turn that hurts the student the most. In view of these circumstances, the questionnaires were taken again after the second exams in order to determine the degree of stress among the students during the exams (sessions). The results obtained differed sharply from the previous results, and it was found that the difference between the scores was drastically greater. Also. The highest score on the Life Events Questionnaire was 255, a drop of 50%. The highest score for leak-related stress cases was 178.
A total of 100 students took part in the survey, of which 43 were boys and 57 were girls. The results were as follows.
Gender Life events before the exam Reading stress before the exam Life events after the exam Reading-related stress after the exam
Boys 179,81 130.3 94,1 101,5
Girls 189,74 176,04 132,4 121,4
Based on the results of our study, in order to prevent the stress-response effects of leakage exercises, we recommend the following;
1)Timely implementation of fasfelotorization by teachers, tutors for assignments, which must be collected from the credit module system, lectures, seminars, laboratories, practical classes for 10th year students;
2)To provide students with systematic step-by-step assignments and methodical instructions on the performance of control tasks in a timely manner in order not to cause excessive mental strain that exhausts students;
3)After the exams, students should take at least one day off to fully overcome the fatigue during the exams.
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MATURAZOVA ELMIRA MATIYAZOVNA - Karakalpak State University, Associate Professor of General Biology and Physiology.
YULDASHOVA ZARAFSHONATAKHANOVNA - Master of Biology, Karakalpak State University.