ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF SCIENCE IN THE CHINA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Li Hujun

Currently, research in the scientific and technological sphere in China is carried out, firstly, in the public sector by various research institutes, universities, departmental and other organizations, and secondly, in the private sector, by various corporations.

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В настоящее время исследования в научно-технической сфере в Китае осуществляются, во-первых, в государственном секторе различными научно-исследовательскими институтами, университетами, ведомственными и другими организациями, во-вторых, в частном секторе, различными корпорациями.



Applicant for the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan


Currently, research in the scientific and technological sphere in China is carried out, firstly, in the public sector by various research institutes, universities, departmental and other organizations, and secondly, in the private sector, by various corporations.

There are three state academies in the China: the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Academy of Social Sciences. In addition to academies, universities, industry and defense departments, as well as local research institutions are engaged in scientific research. Their activities are mutually coordinated, and they form a single system that includes more than 160 research organizations, as well as their branches in large and medium-sized cities.

The functions carried out by the three academies are distributed as follows. The Academy of Sciences is engaged in fundamental research and is the supreme scientific body in the field of natural sciences, representing an integrated research center. Many departments of the Academy, including Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and the Department of Geosciences, have more than 100 research centers throughout China. The task of the Academy of Engineering Sciences is to conduct applied research, and the Academy of Social Sciences is responsible for the study of humanitarian problems.

In recent years, research carried out in universities has become increasingly important. Universities have become the main consultants for small and medium-sized enterprises on scientific and technical issues. At the same time, scientists from universities constantly collaborate with research centers of the Academy of Sciences.

Since 1986, the State Natural Science Foundation has been operating in the PRC. Its main task is the distribution of state funding for fundamental and applied research. Over a ten-year period, the foundation has used about 6.6 billion yuan (approximately $ 1.1 billion) to study about 52 thousand scientific topics. During this time, about 60 thousand scientists and technicians conducting fundamental research have taken part in projects financed by the foundation [1].

Focusing on the development of innovations, the introduction and commercialization of scientific results, the Chinese authorities use various tools to encourage scientific activities and support technology transfer. One of the most important instruments of such a policy is the creation of special

zones and incubators to support high-tech industries. The beginning of this was laid in the late 1980s, and the experience of the American Silicon Valley was taken as a basis. There are about 55 high-tech development zones in the country, the first of which, Zhongguancun, was founded in Beijing back in 1988. The creation of such zones allows to solve the following tasks:

• to form an effective high-tech infrastructure, which makes it possible to use the zones as sites for the development of innovations and interaction of the subjects of such activities;

• provide resident firms engaged in high-tech developments with various benefits, primarily tax benefits;

• to form cluster structures in order to enhance the interaction and cooperation of organizations.

Currently, 90% of high-tech companies and incubators are concentrated in the support zones for high-tech industries, a significant part of which are subsidiaries of state research institutes and universities. There are also private companies, including those with foreign capital. Only in the Zhongguancun zone there are dozens of educational institutions, 130 research institutes and laboratories, employing about 1 million people. The second largest area is Nanhu, located in Shenyang and covering an area of 22 square kilometers. On its territory there are 12 universities, 30 research institutes, 210 multidisciplinary research laboratories, 220 high and advanced technology enterprises, including 30 companies with foreign capital with a total value of about $ 7 billion.

16 years after the creation of the first zone for the development of high technologies, the first results were summed up. In 2004, such zones generated more than 550 billion yuan (about $ 89.9 billion) in value added, which amounted to about 8.8% of the country's GDP. Their exports are estimated at US $ 82.4 billion - almost 12% of the total exports of Chinese industry [2].

A related form focused on support, and most importantly - the introduction of high technologies, are business incubators, which have been created in China since 1987. The leader in the number of business incubators is the industry of information and communication technologies, the second place is taken by biomedicine.

A feature of China's development, including in the scientific and technological sphere, is, on the one hand, a significant increase in the role of the market, on the other, the preservation of the decisive role of the state in determining the goals and ways of the country's development. Government agencies at various levels continue to largely control land resources, large investment projects, infrastructure construction, access to markets in strategic sectors of the economy, in particular the automotive industry and financial services. The most important instrument of state

influence on the scientific and technological complex is long- and short-term national research and development programs.

The experience of the PRC in this area can definitely be called successful. At the same time, the Chinese leadership did not use any unique means. The specificity of the Chinese experience lies in the fact that the authorities of the PRC, on the one hand, actively borrowed the successful experience of other states, on the other hand, they adapted it in relation to their realities, taking into account the peculiarities of the economic system, management system and national mentality. As a result of such borrowing, a unique system of organizing and stimulating scientific and technological activity has developed and is developing.

In China, the Academy of Sciences, once created on the model of the Soviet one, and high-tech zones, organized on the principle of the American Silicon Valley, coexist. At the same time, both structures do not copy foreign models, acting in specific conditions prevailing within the country. The experience of advanced Asian countries, primarily Japan, was also borrowed.

Another important feature of the Chinese strategy for the development of the Scientific and Technical Complex (STC) is the difference in approaches due to regional differentiation. Occupying a large territory, the PRC includes regions completely different in socio-economic conditions. Obviously, policies to stimulate research cannot be the same in urban and rural areas. Realizing this, the Chinese government pays attention to both the economic development of the village and the availability of education for its residents and its improvement. Regions of the PRC differ in population (its number and ethnic composition), in the degree of economic development, in the dominant sphere of employment of the population. That is why the development of policy and legislation at the state level is accompanied by the adoption of relevant documents at the local level, which contributes to a more harmonious development of the country.

Although China is not yet a state fully developing on the basis of knowledge and innovation, it has achieved considerable success in the development of the scientific and technological complex. The experience of the PRC in this area is very successful and is of interest from the point of view of its analysis and possible borrowing. The PRC leadership plans by 2030 to significantly reduce the technological gap with the advanced countries, and by 2050 - to carry out industrialization of a new type based on science and education in close connection with informatization, that is, to create a knowledge economy [3].

Thus, a review of the Chinese experience in the field of reforming and developing the scientific and technological complex allows us to draw the following conclusions. Firstly, one of the factors of economic development is


scientific and technological progress and the introduction of its results into production [4]. Secondly, regardless of the economic system in the country, a prerequisite for the successful development of STC is the interest of corporations (private and public) in obtaining and applying R&D results and, as a result, an increase in the role of entrepreneurs in financing the scientific and technological sector[5]. Thirdly, in the formation of state policy in the field of science and technology, as well as in the development of specific measures for its implementation, it is necessary to take into account the experience of foreign countries [6]. However, the borrowing of such experience should not be carried out by full copying, it is necessary to create a thoughtful model for the implementation of appropriate measures, taking into account the national characteristics of the economy, political and social system, and national mentality.


1. Дин Жуджунь, Ковалев М. М., Новик В. В. Феномен экономического развития Китая // Белорусский гос. ун-т, официальный сайт. URL: http://www.bsu.by/Cache/ pdf/44703.pdf. С. 360.

2. China Science and Technology Development Report. Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST). Beijing: Chinese S&T Literature Press, 2006.

3. Кузык Б. Н., Титаренко М. Л. Китай - Россия 2050: стратегия со-развития / Б. Н. Кузык, Л. М. Титаренко. М.: Ин-т экономических стратегий, 2006. С. 480.

4. Ли Хуцзюнь. Инновационное развитие Китайской Народной Республики // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан), №4, 2020. С.184-190

5. Khashimova Naima, Marina Abdurashidova, Manzura, Buranova, Gulnara Saidova Features Of Financing Innovative Projects In The Republic Of Uzbekistan. International journal of scientific & technology research volume 9, issue 04, april 2020. Р.1196-1198. ISSN 2277-8616). https://www.ijstr.org/final-print/apr2020/Features-0f-Financing-Innovative-Projects-In-The-Republic-Of-Uzbekistan.pdf

6. Muminov N.G., Fu D.Yu. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AND INFRASTRUCTURE INNOVATION ACTIVITIES OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. В книге: Тезисы докладов республиканской научно-практической электронной конференции. 2019. С. 34-37.

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