Научная статья на тему 'Organizational and educational games as a means of activation of students’ cognitive activity in foreign language lessons'

Organizational and educational games as a means of activation of students’ cognitive activity in foreign language lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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phenomena / context / person-oriented activities / phonetic and spelling-cal skills / innovative game play polideyatelnostnye

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N.K.Ravshanova

This article reveals examples of using the organizational and educational game in the context teaching English.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organizational and educational games as a means of activation of students’ cognitive activity in foreign language lessons»

Organizational and educational games as a means of activation of students' cognitive activity in foreign language


N.K.Ravshanova Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute

Abstract: This article reveals examples of using the organizational and educational game in the context teaching English.

Keywords: phenomena, context, person-oriented activities, phonetic and spelling-cal skills, innovative game play polideyatelnostnye

The game is often defined as a type of developing social activity, a form of mastering social experience [4]. Thus, the game is positioned as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon.

It is generally accepted that the main difference between a game and a productive activity is that the game is focused on the process itself, and not on the result. Actually, when teaching English, the result of a learning game will be the development of speech skills, which happens in the process of a learning game.

The game of students can be considered as a socio-cultural phenomenon that is in immanent connection with training and education as a personality-oriented activity [5]. Naturally, the game of students is perceived as a natural type of their activity (socio- cultural, communicative, corrective, entertaining, etc.). On the other hand, the game acts in a holistic educational process as a means, principle and method of organizing the life of groups of students.

The game is a special organized activity that requires mental effort and emotional stress. It always occupies an important place in a person's life, because is one of the conditions for the successful development of the personality and its abilities. Many specialists in the field of pedagogy believe that the game arose in the process of historical development from the needs of social practice.

Game technologies are a pedagogical tool that can, on the one hand, remove the language barrier, and, on the other hand, intensify the learning process, make it active, fruitful and close to the natural process of communication in the native language.

Gaming technologies acquire special significance in the framework of studying a foreign language as an additional specialty in pedagogical universities, where the goal of the educational process is not only to acquire knowledge of a foreign

language, but also to acquire the skills and abilities to teach a foreign language at school at different levels. and learning stages [2].

In this regard, gaming technologies in the classroom in higher education have a dual focus. On the one hand, they contribute to the creation of a relaxed environment close to real conditions, stimulating the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in a foreign language in practice. On the other hand, one's own experience of participating in various kinds of games is a clear demonstration of these pedagogical technologies and can be successfully used in further independent work at school [6].

The game organization algorithm includes: game selection and its design; offering a game to students; equipment and equipment of the gaming environment; breakdown into teams, groups, distribution of roles in the game: distribution of the main process of the game and development of the game conditions; the possibility of correcting the relationship of students in the game: the completion of the game, the result and analysis of the game.

Playing in an English lesson makes it possible to overcome the monotonous nature of the lesson, when repeated repetition of a speech sample is required in conditions as close as possible to real educational communication, with its inherent features: emotionality, spontaneity, purposefulness of speech influence [3].

A feature of the game in the English lesson is that it can take a different amount of time in the lesson, capture the entire lesson or combine several lessons. For example, there are so- called preparatory games that are aimed at developing grammatical, phonetic and spelling skills of speech. These games allow you to work out the pronunciation of unfamiliar or difficult to pronounce words, their spelling and options for using them in various situations. This type of game allows you to set students to study a specific topic.

Play is an active way to achieve many educational goals and objectives (for example, review games).

In linguistics, the language game has become a subject of study relatively recently. In the context of the theory of the associative potential of the word, T.A. Gridina considers the techniques and mechanisms of the language game and suggests, following E.A. Zemsky, the classification of "games", species [4]: a) in form b) by content; c) in form and content.

The basis of this classification is occasional formations, which are not usu-lexical units that do not correspond to the generally accepted use.

The learning game is a zone- of- proximal development- oriented game that combines educators a goal with an attractive motive for the child activities. Organizational learning games have the following aspects: 1. Lack of influence of age limits;

2. When planning a game, you can navigate for any number of participants;

3. Flexibility and multivariance of language situations.

The main flow of negativity towards organizational educational games can be reduced to two points:

1. There is not enough time in the lesson for teaching - games can be used instead of some exercises and with proper planning and implementation, the effect will be much higher.

2. It is difficult to associate an organizational training game with the content of the material; you can compose it yourself, taking the model you like as a basis and filling it with the content of the program material. which is needed at the moment.

3. It is difficult for the teacher to control the progress of the game - the teacher needs to plan the game, control the time frame (warn the students before the start of the game, how much time is allotted for it and, if necessary, remind them a few minutes before the planned end of the time) and provide assistance study nicknames, but not completely do something for them [5]. A distinctive feature of learning games from games in general is a clear structuring, the presence of an explicitly prescribed algorithm of actions, the presence of a role set or a role common to all participants. An essential feature of a learning game is a clearly defined learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. Such games are held in specially created groups, the participants of which, with the assistance of the host, are included in a kind of experience of intensive communication, focused on assisting in self-improvement, in overcoming obstacles along the way. It is customary to single out several principles for developing and running games [3. S. 7].

1. The principle of development - requires considering a learning game as a didactic tool for the development of adaptive professional and social thinking, which makes it possible to analyze professional and social situations, develop and implement effective models for resolving problems that arise in the process of life. The principle is implemented through the creation and subsequent elaboration of a bank of problem situations in the space of role interaction.

2. The principle of modeling focuses on the construction of game plots based on models of real life (professional, communicative, etc.) situations.

3. The principle of combining game and didactic goals - aims at setting two goals for any game: game (solving a problem, achieving victory, etc.) and didactic (personal growth).

4. The principle of activity requires the introduction of participants into the game by involving them in specific activities, due to one or another game role. It is by taking on a role, exercising role behavior in accordance with role expectations,

requirements and rules, that a person learns to interact with other people in situations simulating life events.

5. The principle of communication - determines the leading role of interpersonal communication in the personal development of game participants [1].

These principles reveal the advantages of gaming methods in foreign language classes. consisting in the fact that the situation in the game can be played as many times as you like until the participants are satisfied with the quality of the performance of a particular role. The game also contains two of the most important components of learning - the necessary motivation and a positive emotional tone.

Exercises of a gaming nature can be different in their purpose, content, methods of organizing and conducting them, material equipment, and the number of participants. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve lexical, grammatical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, creativity, etc.

Basically games are not purely lexical or purely grammatical. Lexical games can become grammatical, spelling, etc. The very fact that the game arouses the interest and activity of children and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, contributes to faster and more durable memorization of foreign words and sentences. This is also served by the fact that knowledge of the material is a prerequisite for active participation in the game, and sometimes a prerequisite for winning. The game provides an opportunity not only to improve, but also to acquire new knowledge, since the desire to win makes you think, remember what has already been passed and memorize everything new. Another condition of the game is its accessibility to children.

The knowledge acquired in the game becomes for each student personally significant, emotionally colored, which helps him to understand better, better feel the situation under study. This, in turn, requires the student to mobilize all skills, encourages him to master and deepen new knowledge, broadens his horizons and, most importantly, makes him master a whole range of communication skills. The following classification is generally accepted: tion of organizational and educational games (based on solving tasks) [1; 3; 5; 6]: Grammar

Mastering the grammatical material, first of all, creates the opportunity for the transition to active speech of students. Training in the use of grammatical structures, which requires their repeated repetition, tires schoolchildren with monotony, and besides, there is no possibility of obtaining a quick sustainable effect. The use of gaming learning methods will help make boring work more interesting and exciting. Lexical


Examples of phonetic games are a broken phone, I can't hear what word sounds, transcribed phrases and sentences (decoding). Duty letter, etc. Spelling

The main goal of this type of games is the assimilation of the spelling of the studied vocabulary. One of the "difficulties" of the English language, like all natural ones, the mismatch of spelling with pronunciation, improving the quality of students' written speech is one of the urgent tasks of English lessons at school. However, there is a limited number of exercises aimed at developing the skill of spelling. and those mostly boil down to rewriting, dictations and inserting letters. All of them are focused on the formation, development or consolidation of speech skills, improving language competence. Most games can be used as training exercises at the stage of both primary and secondary consolidation. The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson. Also, according to the type of game situation, [1; 3; 5; 6]:

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the use of gaming technologies in the educational process contributes to a more successful study of foreign languages, deepening knowledge in the field of future professional activity, provides practical and theoretical training, accompanied by the consolidation of acquired knowledge in practice, and creates conditions for creative use of a foreign language in a free form. The analysis of such pedagogical technologies, in turn, makes it possible to systematize the use of games in foreign language classes. language, to carry out a high- quality selection of gaming technologies, depending on the current learning objectives.


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