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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gogolin Andrey Viktorovich

The article consideres methods of training and types of lessons of production training, when forming professional competences in students trained according to the program 26.01.09 "The ship mechanic " in the Surgut Polytechnical College. The author of the article imparts experience of formation of initial practical professional abilities within modules of the main professional educational program for main types of professional activity, training in labor receptions, operations and ways of performance of labor processes, characteristic for the corresponding profession.

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The article consideres methods of training and types of lessons of production training, when forming professional competences in students trained according to the program 26.01.09 "The ship mechanic " in the Surgut Polytechnical College. The author of the article imparts experience of formation of initial practical professional abilities within modules of the main professional educational program for main types of professional activity, training in labor receptions, operations and ways of performance of labor processes, characteristic for the corresponding profession.


competence, educational activity, industrial practice activity, training methods, professional modules, material equipment of production training, educational workshop


Andrey Viktorovich Gogolin

training officer, Surgut Polytechnical College, PhD student, Surgut State University, Surgut,

Russia. E-mail: gogolin .andrei@mail.ru

Transition of the country to market conditions of economy puts competitiveness of production, equipment and technology, personnel resources on one of the major places. In these conditions, people acts as the active subject in labor market having opportunity to dispose their main capital - their qualification freely. All this set the new tasks for improvement of quality and learning efficiency, education and development of future skilled workers and experts for educational institutions of professional education. To solve them is possible on condition of the high level of statement of educational process, first of all production training, which forms professional skills and abilities of trained [6].

"The main objective of strategy for development the Russian education consists in achievement the new quality of education meeting the modern requirements of the XXI century. It is training the competent personality, who masterfully use the received knowledge, is able to creatively use them in the changing conditions, providing the country with the highly skilled workers motivated to continuous self-improvement, social and professional mobility" [1].

Due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), educational organizations have to pass from an obligatory minimum of knowledge and abilities to the end result - development of professional competences [3]. "Competence", according to A.V. Hutorsky, is understood "as the aloof, set in advance social requirement (norm) to the educational training of a student necessary for his effective productive activity in a certain sphere". Competence is the student's possession of the corresponding competence including personal attitude towards its and the activity object. Competence is already formed quality (set of qualities) of student's personality and the minimum experience of activity in the set sphere [7]. In a competence-based approach student do not assimilate knowledge and abilities separate from each other, he masters them in a complex. In this regard, the system of training methods is determined in a different way. The heart of selection and designing of training methods is the structure of the corresponding competences and function in education. Pedagogics defines "a training method" as a way of mutually coherent activity of teacher or training officer and learners, directed on mastering knowledge, abilities and skills, on learners' education and development. There are the following training methods:

— verbal methods (an oral statement of educational material, conversation (question-answer method), work with the text);

— visual-demonstration methods (demonstration of visual aids, video movies, slides, labor methods and learner's independent supervision which are trained);

— practical methods (exercises, laboratory works).

Teacher or training officer should have the profound knowledge of training methods: their didactic essence, conditions of effective application; abilities to use them; management informative and industrial practice activity. Thus, the modern teacher has to possess versatile pedagogical erudition, deep knowledge of area of the scientific bases of educational process, organization and technique of training, education and development of learners, high level of professional and pedagogical skills [6].

According to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "About education in the Russian Federation", any educational institution, including professional, is independent in development and statement of educational programs and implementation of educational process; scientists of educational organization are obliged to form learners' professional qualities for the chosen profession [8].

Surgut Polytechnical College carries out training of skilled workers for profession "The ship mechanic". Knowledge and abilities of ship mechanic ensures trouble-free operation of the difficult ship equipment. Ship mechanic is engaged in maintenance, repair of the main power installations and auxiliary mechanisms, ship systems and technical devices, performance of ship works, mooring operations and swimming safety. The profession of ship mechanic is perspective and assumes possibility of further training according to programs of higher education, giving thereby transition opportunity from ordinary staff of crew in the command one.

The established practices are the following: during the employment, competitors have to combine two qualifications at least (mechanic and helmsman). The Federal State Educational Standard for profession "The ship mechanic" provides realization of the main professional educational program of primary professional education with assignment of qualifications 26.01.09. "Mechanic of independent control of the ship engine, assistant of mechanic" [5].

The educational program of skilled workers' training for profession 26.01.09 "The ship mechanic" includes the professional educational cycle consisting of all-professional disciplines and professional modules according to such activities, as:

1. Operation, maintenance and repair of the main power installations and auxiliary mechanisms, ship systems and technical devices.

2. Performance of ship works.

3. Provision of swimming safety.

Formation of students' initial practical professional abilities within modules of the main professional educational program for main types of professional activity, training labor receptions, operations and ways to perform labor processes, characteristic for the corresponding profession and necessary for the subsequent development of the general and professional competences by them by the chosen profession.

The educational, industrial practice and production activity of the trained proceeds in various organizational forms. The main form of education for both theoretical and production training is the lesson (the exception is training on production). During development of an educational program the following types of lessons are applied: introduction lesson; lesson on studying standard receptions and operations; lesson on performance of simple complex works; lesson on performance of difficult complex works; control and test lesson; combined (binary) lesson [2].

The trained at the beginning of their vocational education have a possibility to get acquainted with profession, material resources and working conditions of the ship mechanic and helmsman during educational and fact-finding two-day campaign by educational motor ship, organized by college during the autumn period before closing the navigation period. The educational group is divided into subgroups (7 people in each). The program of campaign contains fact-finding theoretical classes in the following disciplines: bases of operation of ship power installations, organization of ship, deck and mooring works, swimming safety, structure of ships, sailing directions of internal waterways. There are practical works on ship power installations, performance of mooring operations, safety of swimming, action of crew on ship alarms, control of

vessel, control of boat, control of motorized vessel, rescue drowning, first aid. After a cycle of educational and fact-finding campaigns, three educational routes, stages of passing and the end result are offered to students.

Lessons of production training for profession 26.01.09 "The ship mechanic" are approached to real conditions and pass in the specialized educational workshop of ship cars and mechanisms having material equipment of production training:

— equipment (board, school desks, projector, workbench, metal rack, rotary stand);

— tools (set of open-end wrench; set oknobs; set of screw-drivers; set of mandrels and snaps, strippers; measuring tool, electric tools);

— tutorials (posters on the structure of systems and mechanisms; posters on the vessel device, stands: qualification characteristics of ship mechanics; stands of mechanisms and systems of the engine; reference books on ship engines).

In an educational workshop trained professional skills are formed in the course of typical machines, mechanisms, devices, installations: the operating natural samples of units and knots, motor ship full-scale, engine of ship YaMZ-238, deck equipment. Here trained gain skills of the rational organization of work and workplace; they are accustomed to labor culture, observance of safety measures on workplace, production discipline. As a result of development of the professional module "Operation, Maintenance and Repair of the Main Power Installations and Auxiliary Mechanisms, Ship Systems and Technical Devices" (PM. 01) students have practical experience of:

— operation and maintenance of the main power installations and auxiliary mechanisms, ship systems and technical devices;

— choice of materials and equipment applied at service and repair;

— elimination of damages of thermal insulation, pipelines, heat exchange devices;

— performance of scheduled maintenance established by rules of technical operation; fight against corrosion;

— service of engines at reverse and maneuvers;

— preparation of engines and auxiliary mechanisms for repair.

During development of the professional module "Performance of Ship Works" (PM. 02) trained get practical experience of:

— daily care of vessel and ship devices;

— works with the measuring tool and the equipment;

— performance of metalwork and assembly and repair work;

— performance of loading and unloading works;

— performance of paintings.

As a result of studying of the professional module "Swimming Safety" (PM. 03) the trained has practical experience:

— actions on alarms;

— fight for survivability of vessel;

— implementation of instructions when leaving vessel;

— uses of collective and individual saving means;

— uses of means of individual protection;

— actions of first aid;

— elimination of consequences of various accidents.

Active forms of carrying out lessons with application of electronic educational resources, business and role-playing games, individual and group projects, the analysis of production situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions in combination with out-of-class work for formation and development of the general and professional competences are used.

Besides, during training students have an opportunity to master the program of additional education for majors "Mechanic Driver" and "Helmsman" and to be prepared for testing and interview for obtaining certificates of competency on the right to hold a position of mechanic and helmsman. Certificates of competency, as a rule, guarantees employment on an established post of mechanic and helmsman, when passing work practice at the enterprise after the second year or at the beginning of the third year. Development of programs of additional education allow to consider and master the maintenance of professional modules, subject matters and disciplines of

variable part, to give more time to educational practice in educational workshops. After the college, possibility of employment increases (not only by the enterprises of river fleet, but also in other organizations for repair and service of internal combustion engines).

The graduate of secondary professional education, receiving the diploma, can feel surely in actual practice and apply the gained knowledge, skills on sea vessels, vessels of an inland water transport, fishery and technical fleet, specialized courts, military and auxiliary vessels. Today, the question of staffing at the enterprises of river transport is particularly acute, as average age of most workers is 45-50 years, as a rule, these experts has spent 25-30 years of navigation. According to the current legislation, the retirement age of the branch is 50-55 years, as there are harmful and dangerous factors. As a result, veterans of work are compelled to pass to the facilitated work for health reasons, excluding professional harm and danger [4].

Thus, in modern society education and professional competence are important factors of ensuring social activity of each person. In this regard, training of competitive experts becomes one of the main tasks of professional education. Training assumes not only transfer of allprofessional knowledge, but also formation of professional competences demanded in their future professional activity. Today, dynamically developing society requires high professional standard of workers, competitive and demanded in labor market, capable to adapt in a working environment and further training, retraining and increase of the qualification.


1. Araslanova V.A., Araslanova A.A. (2013) Formation of professional competence of future specialist in records management and arhival:The First International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings of the Congress., (December 10, 2013) of "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria. 25-29.

2. Bakurov A.Yu. (2010) Organization, technique of production training in questions and answers. Petropavlovsk, 83 p.

3. Burmistrova E.S. (2016) Educational practice as basis of formation of professional competences at students of the specialty "Documentary Ensuring Management and Archive Science" of the Surgut polytechnical college. Educational environment today: development strategy. No. 2 (6). 87-90.

4. Gogolin A.V. (2016) Possibilities of the individual trajectories of training at training of specialists which are trained as a Mechanic ship. Modern educational technologies in world teaching and educational space - Novosibirsk: TsRNS publishing house. No. 6 115-119.

5. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2013 N 858 "About the approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary professional education as 180107.05 Mechanic ship" (2016) The Information and legal GUARANTOR portal. RU. Available at: http://www.garant.ru/

6. Skakun, V.A. (2007) Organization and technique of a vocational education: Manual. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M. 336 p.

7. Khutorskoy A.V. (2005) Technology of design of key and subject competences. Eydos Internet magazine. Available at: http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2005/1212.htm

8. The federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "About education in the Russian Federation (2016) The Information and legal GUARANTOR portal. RU. Available at: http://www.garant.ru/

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