OPTIMIZING THE PROCESS OF TEACHING ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Djumaniyozova E.K.

In this article highlights of optimizing the process of teaching English language.

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UDK 81-13

Djumaniyozova E.K.


Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: In this article highlights of optimizing the process of teaching English language.

Key words: teaching English, innovation, innovative activity, word.

There is a huge variety of English language textbooks in the world, and each of them has its own approach to learning it, which indicates that there is no single systematic approach to solving this problem. In our country, English is studied at school and then at University, but in the end only a small part of them speak it at the conversational level. To build the simplest correct sentence, you need to know the grammar.

At the initial stage of learning any language, you first need to familiarize yourself with the alphabet to understand the system of letters that denote the sounds of this language. Given the peculiarities of the English language, where several letters can represent one sound or one letter can represent several different sounds depending on its position in the word, it is necessary to know the transcription, that is, phonetic writing.

The analysis of the structure of the English language allowed us to identify a pattern of complexity of the English predicate and, based on this pattern, to develop an optimal sequence of step-by-step learning of the English language, which is presented in the work as a diagram. The basis of learning English is the development of its grammar while simultaneously fixing all grammatical nuances in spoken speech. First, the basic grammar is studied based on the verbs to be and to have, then modal verbs and only after that, the form of the English verb. Practical use of this sequence has shown a significant reduction in the duration of training among students.

English is now the recognized language of international communication. It is used on all national airlines and is spoken and written by hundreds of millions of people of different nationalities (for example, up to three thousand Newspapers are published in English in India alone). This is the language of modern business, science, office management, information technology and, of course, communication.

Now more than a billion people on earth speak and strive to speak English, English is the most studied language in the world, whose influence is so huge that it can affect not only the vocabulary, but also the linguistic structure of other languages. The widespread use of English in the modern world provokes anglocentrism.

One of the possible reasons for the spread of English is the richness of the dictionary (about 600,000 words, according to the Oxford dictionary, not counting special technical vocabulary) and a large percentage of international concepts (up to

200,000 words). Here you should add a wealth of synonymic series, which allows native English speakers to distinguish shades of meaning.

The American version of English proved to be a more successful competitor to the British language, and there were several reasons for this. One of them is that American English was particularly pure and correct in terms of language, since the settlers, people from different corners of Britain, found themselves together in new and risky conditions, were forced to discard dialect differences and keep in speech only what was common to them all. It is interesting that, being a modernized version of English, the language of Americans at the same time retains the obvious features of the English "Elizabethan" language of the 17th and even 16th centuries, which for modern Britons are quite archaic, disappeared in the 18th century. The discrepancy between the American and English versions was much more significant at the beginning of this century (in the early 20s, Sinclair Lewis's novel Babbit was published in England with a dictionary), but later, thanks to the media, especially television, this discrepancy was somewhat smoothed.

"In a number of areas of human life and activity - in the field of material culture, Economics and Finance, education and health, and many other areas - the American version is increasingly spreading throughout the world and tends to displace...". the United States currently has the largest number of native English speakers (in 1995, the population of the United States was 263057 thousand people.). it was America in the twentieth century that most contributed to the spread of the English language.

The differences between English in America (American English, hereinafter A. E.) and English in Great Britain (British English.) have been discussed for a long time in both special linguistic and popular literature. Disputes over which version of English should be considered "exemplary" and whether A. E. should be considered an independent language, finally separated from V. E., continue to this day.

The authors of this article decided to try to optimize the teaching of English, likening it to technological processes. Simply put, when optimizing technological processes, it is determined what the minimum number of ingredients and in what sequence you need to put in order to get the best quality product. In accordance with this rule goal: to determine the minimum number of words and a minimum grammar of the English language you need to know to "speak", and in what sequence should the complexity of grammar to learn to speak more and more high level.

The study of the structure of English grammar and the use of methods to optimize the process of its complication for language learners have revealed a pattern that is originally inherent in the grammatical system of the English language.

Let's first consider the structure of any natural language. Since oral speech is primary, language primarily consists of sounds that form words. A set of words arranged in a certain sequence is a sentence. As a rule, in an English sentence, the subject always precedes the predicate, and in such a sentence, the presence of both the subject and the predicate is mandatory. Thus, the minimum English sentence consists of two words - a subject and a predicate.

The simplest subject is a noun. The English noun must be formed by the article. A noun can have a definition expressed by another noun, adjective, pronoun,

numeral, or participle. The English noun does not change by gender or case, so if it serves as a secondary member of a sentence, it is governed by the prepositions of place, direction, belonging (of), and producer of action (by).

Based on the revealed regularity, we suggest the following sequence of studying English grammar.

Since the subject is most often a noun, the noun in the singular is studied first. The article concept is introduced. The definition is given for the subject in the form of an adjective, demonstrative pronouns this and that. Prepositions of place are considered.

The considered regularity of English grammar complexity is revealed based on the features of the English language itself, so we believe that in any language of the world, the grammar of English as a foreign language should be studied in this optimal, scientifically based sequence.

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