ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ КОЛИЧЕСТВА БАЗ ДАННЫХ ПРИ ОБРАБОТКЕ БОЛЬШИХ ДАННЫХ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
большие данные / обработка в реальном времени / распределенный вычислительный движок на одном сервере / архитектура / машинное обучение / алгоритмы регрессии / масштабирование / Big Data / Real Time Processing / Single Server Distributed Computing Engine / Architecture / Machine Learning / Regression Algorithms / Scaling

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Ахатов Акмаль Рустамович, Ашвини Ренавикар, Рашидов Акбар Эргаш Угли, Назаров Файзулло Maxмадиярович

Сегодня многим организациям и компаниям все чаще необходимо использовать большие данные для увеличения доходов, усиления конкурентоспособности, изучения интересов клиентов. Однако большинство подходов к обработке и анализу больших данных в реальном времени основаны на взаимодействии нескольких серверов. В свою очередь, использование нескольких серверов ограничивает возможности многих организаций и компаний из-за стоимостных, управленческих и других параметров. В этом исследовательском документе представлен подход к обработке и анализу больших данных в режиме реального времени на одном сервере на основе распределенного вычислительного механизма, и он основан на исследованиях, которые приводят к эффективности с точки зрения стоимости, надежности, целостности, независимости от сети и управляемости. Также с целью повышения эффективности подхода была разработана методика оптимизации количества баз данных на одном сервере. В этой методологии используются функции масштабирования MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MaxAbsScaler, QuantileTransformer, PowerTransformer вместе с алгоритмами линейной регрессии машинного обучения, регрессии случайного леса, множественной линейной регрессии, полиномиальной регрессии, регрессии лассо. Полученные результаты были проанализированы и определена эффективность алгоритма регрессии и масштабирующей функции для экспериментальных данных.

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Today, many organizations and companies increasingly need to use Big Data in order to increase their income, strengthen competitiveness, and study the interests of customers. However, most approaches to real-time processing and analysis of Big Data are based on the cooperation of several servers. In turn, the use of multiple servers limits the possibilities of many organizations and companies due to cost, management and other parameters. This research paper presents an approach for realtime processing and analysis of Big Data on a single server based on a distributed computing engine, and it is based on research that the approach leads to efficiency in terms of cost, reliability, integrity, network independence, and manageability. Also, in order to improve the efficiency of the approach, the methodology of optimizing the number of databases on a single server was developed. This methodology uses MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MaxAbsScaler, QuantileTransformer Power Transformer scaling functions together with Machine Learning Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Lasso Regression algorithms. The obtained results were analyzed and the effectiveness of the regression algorithm and scaling function was determined for the experimental data.




A R. Akhatov, A Renavikar*, A E. Rashidov, F.M Nazarov

Samarkand State University, 140101, Samarkand, Uzbekistan *NeARTech Solution, 411033, Pune, India

DOI: 10.24412/2073-0667-2023-1-33-47 EDN: QBRKTM

Today, many organizations and companies increasingly need to use Big Data in order to increase their income, strengthen competitiveness, and study the interests of customers. However, most approaches to real-time processing and analysis of Big Data are based on the cooperation of several servers. In turn, the use of multiple servers limits the possibilities of many organizations and companies due to cost, management and other parameters. This research paper presents an approach for realtime processing and analysis of Big Data on a single server based on a distributed computing engine, and it is based on research that the approach leads to efficiency in terms of cost, reliability, integrity, network independence, and manageability. Also, in order to improve the efficiency of the approach, the methodology of optimizing the number of databases on a single server was developed. This methodology uses MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MaxAbsScaler, QuantileTransformer Power Transformer scaling functions together with Machine Learning Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Lasso Regression algorithms. The obtained results were analyzed and the effectiveness of the regression algorithm and scaling function was determined for the experimental data.

Key words: Big Data, Real Time Processing, Single Server Distributed Computing Engine, Architecture, Machine Learning, Regression Algorithms, Scaling.


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0 A. R. Akhatov, A. Renavikar, A. E. Rashidov, F. M. Nazarov, 2023

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А Р. Ахатов, А Ренавикар*, А Э. Рашидов, Ф.М Р1азаров

Самаркандский государственный университет, 140101, г, Самарканд, Узбекистан *NeARTech Solution, 411033, Пуна, Индия

УДК 004.658.4

DOI: 10.24412/2073-0667-2023-1-33-47 EDN: QBRKTM

Сегодня многим организациям и компаниям все чаще необходимо использовать большие данные для увеличения доходов, усиления конкурентоспособности, изучения интересов клиентов. Однако большинство подходов к обработке и анализу больших данных в реальном времени основаны на взаимодействии нескольких серверов. В свою очередь, использование нескольких серверов ограничивает возможности многих организаций и компаний из-за стоимостных, управленческих и других параметров. В этом исследовательском документе представлен подход к обработке и анализу больших данных в режиме реального времени на одном сервере на основе распределенного вычислительного механизма, и он основан на исследованиях, которые приводят к эффективности с точки зрения стоимости, надежности, целостности, независимости от сети и управляемости. Также с целью повышения эффективности подхода была разработана методика оптимизации количества баз данных на одном сервере. В этой методологии используются функции масштабирования MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MaxAbsScaler, QuantileTransformer, PowerTransformer вместе с алгоритмами линейной регрессии машинного обучения, регрессии случайного леса, множественной линейной регрессии, полиномиальной регрессии, регрессии лассо. Полученные результаты были проанализированы и определена эффективность алгоритма регрессии и масштабирующей функции для экспериментальных данных.

Ключевые слова: большие данные, обработка в реальном времени, распределенный вычислительный движок на одном сервере, архитектура, машинное обучение, алгоритмы регрессии, масштабирование.

Introduction. Today, Big Data and Big Data analysis are considered as the basis for the development of science, economy, society, government and all spheres, i.e. a new stage. For this reason, many scientific and practical studies are being conducted on the collection, storage and processing of Big Data. But fundamental works in scientific publications are still insufficient [1].

The place of Big Data in the world economy can also be seen in the fact that the global size of the Big Data analysis market in 2021 is estimated at 240.56 billion dollars. In 2020, this indicator was equal to 70.5 billion dollars [2]. Also, the Big Data analytics market is projected to grow from 271.83 billion dollars in 2022 to 655.53 billion dollars by 2029 [3]. The main reason for this is that many organizations and companies seek to use Big Data to increase

(cj) A. P. Ахатов, А. Ренавикар, А.Э. Рашидов, Ф.М. Назаров, 2023

revenue, retain customers, or improve product quality and become more competitive. Big Data allows enterprises and organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their activities and make strategic decisions in real time. However, not all enterprises and organizations are able to use Big Data analysis solutions. This opinion is especially relevant to the representatives of small businesses, which form the basis of the economy [4].

A number of studies are being conducted by world scientists on Big Data processing and analysis. Such studies include parallel computing mechanisms in real-time processing and analysis of Big Data [5-8], Hadoop ecosystem [9-10], distributed computing systems [11-15], distributed databases [16-18], Blut technologies [19-22], use of Cluster technologies [23-24], Grid system [25-27] can be cited as an example. Distributed computing systems are based on the models, algorithms, methods and approaches proposed as a result of most of the research. Due to the fact that a distributed computing system consists of several independent computing machines that work together, their use for small business representatives has caused an increase in costs. Sometimes these expenses can be more than the expected income. In addition, distributed computing systems require fewer Big Data specialists and experts due to the complexity of designing data security, integrity, and analysis. For these and similar reasons, finding other effective solutions for real-time processing of Big Data remains an urgent research topic.

Based on the literature studied in this research work, and in order to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings, a model of using a distributed computing engine on a single server for real-time processing of Big Data is proposed. Also, in order to maintain the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the methods of designing databases based on artificial intelligence will be explained,

1. Materials and Methods.

1.1, Architecture of real-time data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism. Big Data processing and analysis using a distributed computing system is based on the approach of storing data on several servers. In this ease, each server has its own memory and operating system, and when requests are made by clients, the servers achieve efficiency by dividing requests or working together. An overview of the architecture of data processing in a distributed computing system is presented in Fig, 1, a.

The Big Data processing and analysis mechanism proposed in this research work is based on the distributed computing system's large-scale data processing and analysis approach. But the proposed approach uses a single server instead of multiple servers. In the process of storing large volumes of data, data is distributed to several databases on a single server based on certain rules. That is, if in distributed computing systems data is distributed to several servers, then in the proposed model it is distributed to the database of a single server. When a client makes requests, the distribution model forwards the requests to the appropriate database. When choosing the necessary database, the criteria used for dividing data into databases are used. During the execution of the request, the search is not performed among all the data on the server, this process is performed only in a certain database. As a result, the query is not performed on all the data has a positive effect on the data processing time. The architecture of data processing on a single server based on the distributed computing mechanism is presented in Figure l.b,

1.2, Positive and negative indicators of the approach to data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism. The proposed approach can provide positive

Fig. 1. a) Data processing architecture in a distributed computing system; b) Data processing architecture on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism

efficiency according to several indicators. This can also be seen in the comparison with the data processing approach in the distributed computing system in Table 1.

As can be seen from Table 1, the proposed Big Data processing and analysis approach on a single server based on the distributed computing mechanism is more effective than the distributed computing systems approaches in terms of cost, controllability, security, integrity, and network reliability. The availability indicator of this approach depends on the constant availability of electric current, protection from external influences, and this problem can be practically solved. The main problem in the approach is the limitation of the amount of data to be stored and processed, that is, the problem of scalability. This is related to the memory resource of a single server, the more memory the server has, the more data it can process and analyze in real time. Based on the proposed approach, servers with several terabytes of memory resources allow real-time processing and analysis of data in the Fast Data class of Big Data. Since Fast Data data processing and analysis can fully meet the needs of small organizations and small business representatives, it is not important to pay attention to the scalability problem of the proposed approach.

In order for the proposed approach to provide the expected efficiency, it is necessary to correctly organize the work of the distribution module in the server and correctly design the databases. The work of the distribution module is considered to be correctly organized when it is ensured that the incoming data is distributed as evenly as possible to the database based on a certain rule. Distribution of data based on a specific rule helps to determine which database to find them in the process of processing. Equal distribution of data helps to equalize the time required for operations on the same databases and, as a result, to minimize the total time of system operation.

1.3. Methodology for optimizing the number of databases in the approach of data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism. The efficiency of large data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism depends on the number of databases in the server. On the one hand, in the proposed approach time efficiency is achieved by increasing the number of databases, on the other hand, the increase of the database, which is not proportional to the volume of data, has a negative effect on the time indicator. Because the total number of databases is directly proportional to the time spent

Evaluation of data processing approaches on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism and in a distributed computing system according to various indicators

An approach to data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism




Safety Availability


Network dependency

Scalability Parallelism

building an infrastructure with a single computer is several times cheaper than a distributed computing system that includes several servers A single server architecture requires fewer specialists and labor management, and the implementation of processes does not depend on other servers it is more possible to install security-controls on a single server than to ensure the security of several servers availability is low compared to distributed computing systems

integrity is easy to maintain because the same data is stored in a single database on a single server

insensitive to network problems such as network failures, latency, quality of service and bandwidth overload

the size of the data is limited by the size of the server's memory resource only internal parallelism can exist

Data processing architecture in distributed computing systems

It is expensive due to the fact that it contains several servers and requires special methods and tools

since the processes involved depend on several servers, the management process is complex and requires special specialists

a head on a single server can threaten the security of the entire head system

Due to the fact that data can be replicated on several servers, availability is high due to the fact that the downtime of one server is hidden by another server integrity is difficult to maintain because the same data is replicated on multiple servers

It is sensitive to any network failures and delays due to the fact that several servers are connected through communication channels and are required to work cooperatively through these communication channels data volume increase is solved by adding new servers to the system High performance parallelism can be achieved through multiple servers

on the distribution module. Therefore, in order to achieve high efficiency in the approach, it is necessary to determine the optimal number of databases. In the study, Machine Learning algorithms were used to determine the optimal number of databases suitable for this data for real-time data processing. That is, based on the data collected as a result of the experiment, the optimal number of the database was predicted using various Machine Learning algorithms.

Optimization of the number of databases in the approach of processing big data on a single server based on a distributed computing engine is carried out based on the following methodology:

Step 1. Experimental tests are conducted on several servers individually based on the proposed approach. In this ease, the same set of data is distributed to different number of databases and the results of the processing process are recorded.

Step 2. The data collected as a result of mining is sealed for Machine Learning processing.

Step 3. Based on the sealed data, the optimal number of the database is predicted using various Machine Learning algorithms.

Step 4. Prediction errors of Machine Learning algorithms are determined and optimal algorithm is selected.

Table 2

Proportionality of the data collected as a result of the experiment to the time variable, correlation coefficients

Correlation coefficient


Based on all the information collected

Collected only on the basis of big data

d.tuple d.base

0.591772 —0.295736 0.558165 —0.116031 —0.102711 —0.108392 —0.124257 —0.087359 —0.087359 —0.087359 —0.093424

0.536529 —0.412476 0.487971 —0.247784 —0.241887 —0.172707 —0.247309 —0.210822 —0.210822 —0.210822 —0.219544

volume. MB RAM.MB RAMs.MHz

hard.d.r.s.MB/s CPU.MHz CPU.Core Cashe.Ll.MB Cashe.lAMB Caslie. L3. MB

Step 1. During the research and experimental tests, the following information was collected: d,tuple—total number of tuples in databases;

d.base—the number of databases where data is distributed on the server; volume,MB — the total volume of data in the database (Mbavt); hard,d,r,s,MB/s—the speed of reading data from the hard disk (Mbavt/sekund) RAM,MB — RAM capacity (Mbavt); RAMs.MHz — RAM frequency (MHz); CPU,MHz — processor frequency (MHz); CPU,core—number of processor cores; cashe.Ll.MB — the size of the memory of 1st cache (Mbavt); eashe,L2,MB — the size of the memory of 2nd cache (Mbavt); eashe,L3,MB — the size of the memory of 3rd cache, (Mbavt); d,tuple, d.base, time.seeund and volume,MB can be used to determine the optimal number of databases for a single server. All the collected information is used to determine the optimal number of databases when the server parameters change.

Step 2. It is very important to scale the data before transferring it to Machine Learning [28], The following data sealing methods were used in the study:

1) MinMaxSealer, This sealing method is calculated by formula (1):

here xj — is the variable at the intersection of the i row and the j column, Xjnin- is the smallest of the variables in the h column, Xjm— is the largest of the variables in the j column. The data collected using the MinMaxSealer formula is brought to the interval [0,1], 2) MaxAbsSealer, This sealing method is calculated by formula (2):


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xij xjmin xjmax xjmin



Jnew max(abs(xj))


Error indicators depending on the scaling functions of the experimentally applied Machine Learning algorithms. *degree—represents the degree of variables in the Polynomial Regression algorithm

Type of Algorithms Type of errors MinMaxScaler StandartSealer RobustSealer MaxAbsSealer QuantileTransformer PowerTransformer method-'box- cox" PowerTransformer method-'yeo- johnson"

Linear MAE 0.1030 0.1030 0.1030 0.1030 5.4786 4.4256 4.1186

Regression RMSE 0.1561 0.1561 0.1561 0.1561 6.8508 5.8557 5.6301

Random Forest MAE 0.0771 0.0705 0.0829 0.0833 0.0700 0.0600 0.0743

Regression RMSE 0.2614 0.2547 0.3072 0.3068 0.1770 0.2103 0.2650

Multiple Linear MAE 0.1750 0.6957 0.3500 0.1714 0.1009 0.4354 0.2882

Regression RMSE 0.2168 0.8617 0.4335 0.2123 0.1324 0.5528 0.3752

Polinomial degree = 5 degree = 5 degree = 6 degree = 5 degree = 5 degree = 2 degree = 2

Regression MAE 0.0490 0.1943 0.0602 0.0480 0.0275 0.4473 0.3393

RMSE 0.0834 0.3315 0.1200 0.0817 0.0421 0.5689 0.4090

Lasso MAE 0.2053 0.8160 0.4101 0.2011 0.2794 0.9946 0.8123

Regression RMSE 0.2515 1.0000 0.5026 0.2464 0.3223 1.0769 0.8722

here max(abs(xj)) — is the largest absolute value in column j. Data values are sealed to the interval [-1,1] using the MaxAbsSealer formula.

3) StandartSealer. The StandardSealer sealing method is based on formula (3):

xj pj

xijnew q. (3)

here Pj — is the arimetic mean value of the variables in the j column, Qj — is the mean square deviation of the variables in the j column, determined using formula (4):

O _ "j (4)

here Nj — is the number of variables in column j. The defaultSealer formula scales data values to a specific range, not [0 : 1]

4) RobustSealer, The RobustSealer sealing method is based on formula (5):

xij Q 2 j , , Xijnew Q3 j Q1 j (5)

here Q2 is the median of the variables in the j column, Qj — is the median between the median and minimum of the ranked variables in the j column, Qj is the median between the median and the maximum of the ranked variables in the j column. It is more efficient to use RobustSealer wi a large minimum and maximum range.

In addition to the sealing methods mentioned above, sealing methods such as Quantile Transformer Sealer and Power Transformer Sealer were used during the research. The main goal is to choose the sealing method that has the best result.

Step 3. Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression and Lasso Regression algorithms of Machine Learning were used to optimize the number of databases in the approach of data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing engine. It is known that Linear Regression is based on the formula (6),

f(x) = a0 + ai ■ x (6)

here x— is a known value, the goal of the Linear Regression algorithm is to find a0 and ai that determine a given f (x) the least error for a given value of x, and f (x) for the next incoming values of x is to find the prediction value of y.

The Linear Regression algorithm may not provide high accuracy because the optimal number of databases in the study depends on several variables. In this ease, the Multiple Linear Regression algorim is more effective. The Multiple Linear Regression algorithm is based on formula (7),

f (x) = ao ■ xo + ai ■ xi + a2 ■ x2 + a3 ■ x3 + ... + a,, ■ xn (7)

here xq, x1,...,xn— are the input variables and x = 1 a0,a1,...,an— coefficients to be found.

If the formula 7 is adapted to the rows of a certain data set, it comes to the equality in the form of (8):

/(1) a0 ■xoi) + M xi ) + a^ ¿p + + . .. + an ■ x|11)

',(2) a0 ■xo2)+ M x? + a^ + a3^(2) + . .. + an ■ xfi2)

-,(3) a0 ■ ^ + m ¿3) + a^ a^x^ + .. . + an ■ x n3)

yff- a, ■ x0 (m) + a1 ■ x1(m) + a2 ■ x2m) + a3 ■ x



+ an ■ xnm)


From here, it is possible to extract the matrix of predictions — Y and the matrix of variables — X (9) and the matrix of coefficients—A (10),

[y(1)i y(2) ,X - r^) Q) « -fi x2p) #) x22) x32) . • »H(1)l .. xn (2)

y(m) xo(m) -xo , x (m) xi , y i 5 x2(m) x3 (m) .. xn(m)

A - ao , al , a2,

an] .

According to the matrix transposition property, formula (10) can be converted into form (11):

(9) (10)




In the ease of using formulas 9 and 11, formula (8) can be changed to form (12):

S(1)1 y(2) = xQ2 , x

y(m) 1 1 m (m , (m , (m) an

The formula of Multiple Linear Regression can be expressed by matrices in the following short form (13):

Y = X x AT


The relationship between the data does not always represent a linear function. Often, the elements of the data set are arranged very irregularly. At such times, using the Polynomial Regression algorithm for prediction can be highly effective.

Step 4. In this study, the most widely used formulas of mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the errors of Machine Learning algorithms,

2. Result, When determining the proportionality of the data collected as a result of the experiment conducted in the study, the correlation coefficients shown in Table 2 were determined.

From the data in Table 2, it can be seen that the absolute value of the correlation coefficients of all variables is significantly different from zero. This means that all variables are proportional to the time variable. Another conclusion from this experiment is that data proportionality over time is more robust in large data (d.tuple > 1000000), Since the main goal of the research is to increase the efficiency of large-volume data processing, in the continuation of the research, those tuples that satisfy the d.tuple > 1000000 conditions were used. One of the main results obtained from the research methodology is the evaluation of algorithms for determining the optimal value of the number of databases in the approach of data processing on a single server based on a distributed computing mechanism. Table 3 shows the determined error indicators depending on the sealing functions of the Machine Learning algorithms evaluated in the study.

As can be seen from Table 3, the best result, that is, the smallest mean absolute error (MAE = 0.0275) and root mean square error (RMSE = 0.0421) was achieved bv the Polynomial Regression algorithm using the QuantileTransformer sealing function. These results are very good for research work. Because MAE = 0.0275 means finding the optimal number of the database in accuracy. This means finding the optimal number of databases wiin 1 error at most, or no error at all,

3. Discussion. The fact that the absolute value of the correlation coefficient of the studied data is higher than zero does not always indicate the correlation of these variables. In this study, CPU.Core,Cashe.L2.MB and Cashe.L3.MB are also independent of the time variable. Because in the proposed approach, the tasks are not distributed to the processor cores, Cashe.L2.MB and Cashe.L3.MB represent the size of the cache memory that stores the data previously accessed. The results of the time indicator obtained in the study were collected as a result of a single reference to certain information. In addition, since volumeMB and d.tuple variables are linearly related, it is sufficient to use only one of them in the study. One of the most important results obtained in the study is the change of error values using different sealing functions of Machine Learning algorithms. Many literatures suggest using sealing functions MinMaxSealer or StandardSealer depending on whether the data set obeys Gaussian distribution or not. But this research also shows that choosing the best sealing functions is a matter of testing them.

Conclusion. In this study, a Big Data processing approach on a single server was proposed based on a distributed computing mechanism. The studied literature and the conducted experiments can conclude that the proposed approach enables real-time processing of large volumes of data on a single server, leading to efficiency in terms of cost, reliability, integrity, network independence and manageability, will come. This helps to meet the need for large-scale data processing and analysis in many fields.

Also, factors affecting the effectiveness of the proposed approach were highlighted in the study. One of these factors is the number of databases on one server. MinMaxSealer, StandardScaler, EobustScaler, MaxAbsSealer, QuantileTransformer PowerTransformer scaling functions and Machine Learning Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression and Lasso Regression algorithms were used to increase efficiency and determine the optimal number of databases. As a result of the experiment, the best performance was achieved in the Polynomial Regression algorithm and the QuantileTransformer scaling function. According to it, the smallest average absolute error, MAE = 0.0275 and root mean square error, RMSE = 0.0421.


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Ахатов Акмаль Рустамович — доктор ского государственного университета имени технических наук, профессор, проректор по Шарофа Рашидова по специалвности 05.01.02 международному сотрудничеству Самарканд--«Системный анализ, управление и обработ-

ка информации». E-mail: akmalar@rambler.ru, тел: +998902716418. Количество опубликованных научных работ — более 100. Область научных интересов: обработка данных, повышение и обеспечение достоверности этого процес-

scientific works is about 90. Field of scientific interests: Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, information security, Big Data, Agile software development and JIRA.

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Рашидов Акбар Эр-гаш угли — аспирант Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова. E-mail: researcher.are@gmail.com, телефон: +998941816422. Количество опубликованных научных работ — более 10. Область научных интересов: большие данные, технологии распределенных вычислений, оптимизация систем управления данными, искусственный интеллект, технологии программирования, веб-технологии.

Akbar Ergash o'g'li Rashidov — a doctoral student of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. E-mail: researcher.are@gmail.com, phone: +998941816422. The number of published scientific works is more than 10. Field of scientific interests: Big Data, distributed computing technologies, optimization of data management systems, artificial intelligence, programming

са, автоматизация процессов принятия решений и управления при обработке информации, системы искусственного интеллекта и большие


Akmal Rustamovich

Akhatov — doctor of technical jH^k sciences, professor, vice-rector for international cooperation of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, specialty 05.01.02 — "Systematic analysis, management and information processing". E-mail: akmalar@rambler.ru, phone: +998902716418. The number of published scientific works is more than 100. Field of scientific interests: data processing, increasing and ensuring the reliability of this process, automation of decision-making and management processes in information processing, artificial intelligence systems and Big Data.

Ашвини Ренавикар — доктор, профессор, директор научно-исследовательского центра NeARTech Solution (Индия), зарубежный научный руководитель докторантов Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова. Е-mail: ashwini20.renavikar@gmail.com, тел: +919890247127. Количество опубликованных научных работ — около 90. Область научных интересов: искусственный интеллект, машинное обучение, информационная безопасность, большие данные, Agile software development и JIRA.

Ashwini Renavikar — doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of NeARTech Solution scientific research center (India), foreign scientific advisor to doctoral students at Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. E-mail: ashwini20.renavikar@gmail.com, phone: +919890247127. The number of published

technologies, web technologies.

Назаров Файзулло Max-мадиярович — кандидат технических наук, доцент, заведу-^ ющий кафедрой искусственно-

^^^ го интеллекта и информаци-^^Аф^^В онных систем Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова по специальности 05.01.02 — «Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации». E-mail: fayzullo-samsu@mail.ru, тел: +998990636901. Количество опубликованных научных работ более 50. Область научных интересов: искусственный интеллект, информационная безопасность, технология Block Chain, технологии программирования, Big Data технологии, технологии распределенных вычислений.

Nazarov Faizullo Makhmadiyarovich — PhD, associate professor, head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems of Samarkand State

University named after Sharof Rashidov, specialty 05.01.02 — "Systematic analysis, management and information processing". E-mail: favzullo-samsu@mail.ru, phone: +998990636901. The number of published scientific works is more

than 50. Field of scientific interests: Artificial intelligence, information security, Block Chain technology, programming technologies, Big Data technologies, distributed computing technologies.

flama nocmymeunn — 15.11.2022

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