Krajnov S.,
PhD, assistant professor of the Department for Therapeutic dentistry
Volgograd State Medical University Popova A.
PhD, assistant professor of the Department for Therapeutic dentistry
Volgograd State Medical University
The article considered the problem of teaching medical students in a mediating language, which requires teachers of disciplines in the specialty to take a special approach, using modern interactive educational technologies. Such technologies include: "mind mapping", the use of interactive and marker boards, multimedia technologies and presentations, role-playing games. When teaching foreign students, it is necessary to follow the principle of bilingualism, that is, gradually accustom them to Russian medical terminology, which should help students in passing state exams, as well as primary accreditation of specialists. The sociocultural adaptation of foreign students is of great importance, and, therefore, the role of curatorial work in the departments is high.
Keywords: higher education, medicine, intermediary language, educational technology, the principle of visualization.
Today, the Russian higher school has a very ambitious task to expand international activities and attract foreign students to universities. Undoubtedly, this is a chance to increase the prestige of domestic universities, but also a challenge that involves the need to optimize the educational process.
Education of foreign students at a medical university, especially in a mediating language, requires quite a lot of effort from the teacher regarding not only the preparation of lecture and methodological material, but also its adaptation for students. This is even more relevant in those disciplines that form the basis of future professional competencies of a young specialist [2, 7].
The large volume and complexity of the information presented in English can significantly reduce the rates of its assimilation and, as a result, the quality of education received [3].
It seems that the most effective way to optimize the training of foreign students and to solve the problem described above is to implement the principle of visualization in pedagogy [4, 5, 7].
For example, the technology of mind mapping allows you to structure large amounts of information in the form of mental maps, which can be devoted to: classifications of diseases, main etiological factors, links of
pathogenesis, diagnostic methods (including differential), treatment steps, etc.
Such technology helps not only in understanding and structuring the material, but also in mastering specific vocabulary (especially in the intermediary language), which is also of paramount importance in preparing for intermediate and final certification, when a large amount of information needs to be repeated in a short period of time. It is worth noting that the creation of mental maps is an excellent tool for teachers themselves, which has great didactic value [3, 4, 8].
Of great importance is the principle of clarity when illustrating lecture material. In medicine, there are quite a lot of very "emotional" and, often, figurative comparisons and names when describing various syndromes and symptom complexes. Dentistry is no exception.
For example, in textbooks you can find the following formulations: "barrel-shaped / screwdriver-shaped teeth", "enamel pearls", "marble teeth", "symptom of cockade", comparison of leukoplakia with "tissue paper pasted on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity", and a typical form of lichen planus with "frosty patterns on the window, fern leaves" (Fig.1, 2).
□Hutchinson's teeth are barrel-like and screwdriver-like form of the first maxillary incisors with semi-lunar incision on the cutting edge (the size of a neck is bigger than that of a cutting edge).
Fig. 1. The slide about Hutchinson's teeth
Fig. 2. The slide about clinical forms (streak and chalky-mottle) of dental fluorosis
And this is not a complete list. That is why it is extremely important to well illustrate such descriptions. Making lecture slides bright, emotionally colored, well describing the comparison data, since it is figurative memory that is one of the foundations of most mnemonics [1, 6, 7].
The same applies to treatment protocols, which should not be overloaded, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to strive for sketchiness and illustrativeness in the description of tools, materials, as well as technologies and manipulations. In the future, such a "squeeze" from a huge amount of methodological material will
become the basis for a deeper and more meaningful study of the discipline [8].
An important role in teaching English-speaking students is also played by illustration in the process of analyzing theoretical material in a seminar-type lesson. For this purpose, a marker board is perfectly suitable (with which the teacher can depict the necessary example, drawing, diagram, formula, etc. in "real time" mode), as well as visual aids [1, 5].
Particular attention should be paid to multimedia technologies, for example, presentations. Such dynamic programs allow for more detailed and visual
presentation of the material, illustrating it with clinical photographs, graphs, and informative tables.
Of great importance are role-playing games. These interactive educational technologies involve all students in the educational process, optimizing the process of understanding, remembering and speaking. This contributes to better assimilation of clinical material, and also increases the efficiency of memorizing specific vocabulary, and develops the skills of its use in simulating patient reception. As a result, the student feels much more confident, because learning in a foreign, non-native language is, of course, stress!
In the process of teaching students in the intermediary language, it is necessary to accustom them to Russian vocabulary, gradually introducing Russian terminology, implementing the principle of bilingualism, which should further help students not only in their socio-cultural adaptation, but also in passing the final state certification and primary accreditation of specialists.
Thus, the use of modern, innovative, interactive educational technologies is a justified, effective and necessary way to optimize the learning process of foreign students, especially when it comes to special disciplines.
Список литературы
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Крапивина М.Ю.
к.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Оренбургский Государственный Университет
Krapivina M.
associate professor, department of foreign languages,
Orenburg State University
В данной статье изложены подходы к разработке содержания курса иностранного языка для студентов неязыковых специальностей. Автор рассматривает необходимость учёта потребностей как студентов, так и работодателей к уровню лингвистической подготовки будущего специалиста. В работе также выявлены и представлены основные сферы коммуникативной деятельности в проекции на возможные ситуации профессионального общения современного специалиста. Показана роль преподавателя в организации процесса обучения и возможности достижения эффективных результатов процесса обучения иностранному языку для профессиональных целей.
This article outlines the approaches to the development of the content of the foreign language course for students of non-linguistic specialties. The author considers the need to take into account the needs of both students and employers for the level of linguistic training of the future specialist. The work also identified and presented the main areas of communicative activity in the projection on possible situations of professional communication of a modern specialist. The role of the teacher in the organization of the learning process and the possibility of achieving effective learning outcomes for a foreign language for professional purposes is shown.