OPPORTUNITIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION: BACKGROUND AND CHALLENGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Weichang Chen, Smetannikov Alexander P., Ezhov Alexey V.

The aim of the article is to analyze opportunities in higher education: background and challenges Methods. Analysis, generalization, supervision, questionnaire, pedagogical experiment. Results. The intensification of educational inequality is mainly defined from two aspects: the number of people receiving higher education and the difference in the quality of education at the same level. The article uses the number of universities in different provinces and the number of people participating in the college entrance examination to explain the inequality of opportunities to enter the university. It analyses the difference in university funding sources and the disparity in the strength of teachers to illustrate the inequality of education quality. Conclusions. The authors conclude that problems such as differences in access to higher education, unbalanced distribution of educational resources in universities, excessive marketization of professional settings, and irrational selection of students' majors are the main manifestations of inequality in higher education.

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Pedagogical Science / Педагогические науки Original Article / Оригинальная статья УДК 378.2

DOI: 10.31161/1995-0659-2020-14-2-103-107

Opportunities in Higher Education: Background and Challenges

Weichang Ch., Alexander P. Smetannikov, Alexey V. Ezhov

Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail: chen_weichang@outlook.com

ABSTRACT. The aim of the article is to analyze opportunities in higher education: background and challenges Methods. Analysis, generalization, supervision, questionnaire, pedagogical experiment. Results. The intensification of educational inequality is mainly defined from two aspects: the number of people receiving higher education and the difference in the quality of education at the same level. The article uses the number of universities in different provinces and the number of people participating in the college entrance examination to explain the inequality of opportunities to enter the university. It analyses the difference in university funding sources and the disparity in the strength of teachers to illustrate the inequality of education quality. Conclusions. The authors conclude that problems such as differences in access to higher education, unbalanced distribution of educational resources in universities, excessive marketization of professional settings, and irrational selection of students' majors are the main manifestations of inequality in higher education.

Key words: higher education, opportunity education quality, education outcome.

For citation: dnen W., Smetannikov A. P., Ezhov A. V. Opportunities in Higher Education: Background and Challenges. Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Journal. Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 2. Pp. 103-107. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0659-2020-14-2-103-107_

Возможности высшего образования: история вопроса и современное состояние

Чен В., Сметанников А. П., Ежов А. В.

Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия; e-mail: chen_weichang@outlook.com

РЕЗЮМЕ. Целью статьи является рассмотрение истории вопроса и современного состояния возможностей высшего образования. Методы. Анализ, обобщение, наблюдение, анкетирование, педагогический эксперимент. Результат. Авторами отмечается, что в основе неравенства в образовании лежит неравенство образовательных возможностей. Усиление неравенства в образовании в основном определяется двумя аспектами: количеством людей, получающих высшее образование, и разницей в качестве образования на одном уровне. В статье приведены статистические данные на примере высших образовательных учреждений Китая. В работе анализируются различия в источниках финансирования университетов и неравенство в численности преподавателей, что позволяет проиллюстрировать неравенство в получении качественного образования. Вывод. Авторы приходят к выводу, что основными проблемами обеспечения равных образовательных возможностей являются несбалансированное распределение образовательных ресурсов в университетах, чрезмерная маркетизация профессиональной среды и нерациональный отбор студентов по специальностям.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, возможности, качество образования, результаты образования.

Формат цитирования: Чен В., Сметанников А. П., Ежов А. В. Возможности высшего образования: история вопроса и проблемы // Известия Дагестанского государственного педагогического университета. Психолого-педагогические науки. 2020. Т. 14. № 2. С. 103-107. Р01: 10.31161/1995-0659-2020-14-2103-107

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••• DSPU JOURNAL. Vol. 14. No. 2. 2020


Higher education is an important way of human capital investment and the main means for individuals to realize social mobility in modern society. The core of equality in education is the equality of educational opportunities, which is directly related to the realization of the gap between the rich and the poor and social justice. Intensification of educational inequality revealed problems of social stratification. This will accelerate the polarization of social property and rights, promote the development of society in the direction of polarization, and increase people's dissatisfaction. A sense of fairness affects the degree of social integration.

The educational inequality refers to the unequal distribution of educational opportunities among all classes of society. The access to higher education opportunities plays an important role in the division of social classes and social mobility. The inequality in the distribution of educational opportunities can be measured from two aspects: one is quantitative inequality, for example, children from urban families are much more likely to obtain higher education opportunities than rural ones; the other is qualitative inequality, namely at the same level of education, there are hierarchical stratification. For example, children whose family economic status is in the upper and middle class have better chances of going to college than ordinary families, especially children from rural families. Families with higher socioeconomic status or parents with a high level of education will always look for ways to maximize their children's educational opportunities. Higher education in China still presents a clear pattern of social stratification and differences [1; 3; 5]. In this state, inequality in education will only decrease to a certain extent when the demand for education by children from dominant families reaches a state of saturation. Otherwise, inequality in education will be reduced. The society is still maintained in the form of maximum inequality. Therefore, economic development does not automatically lead to the maximization of social equality. Education is an important factor in regional economic development. The high return of education also depends on the level of economic development. Therefore, the level of regional economic and social development and the individual's motivation to obtain education directly are related to the action [4; 7; 9].

Methods - analysis, generalization, supervision, questionnaire, pedagogical experiment.

Results and discussion 1. Unequal opportunities for higher education

The number of people participating in the college entrance examination has been increasing year by year since 1977. The threshold for obtaining higher education has gradually decreased, and more and more people had the opportunity to enter the university. However, with the development of the economy, new inequalities and undesirable tendencies have emerged in the opportunity to enter higher education (table 1).

Table 1

The number of college entrance examinations and the admission rate of the undergraduate in some provinces in 2019 Source: College Entrance Examination Network

Province Number (10,000 people) Acceptance rate of undergraduate

Shanghai 5 29.52

Tianjin 5.5 29.9

Beijing 5.9 36.29

Hebei 56 19.1

Shandong 60 21.07

Sichuan 65 14.73

Guangdong 76.8 12.73

Henan 100 12.92

Due to the different number of people participating in the college entrance examination in different regions, the uneven distribution of well-known universities, the gap in economic conditions between regions, and the degree of family investment in education, it is indisputable that the number of college entrance examinations in a populous province is out of proportion to the admission of the undergraduate. Taking 2019 as an example, Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai still rank among the top three in the country's admission rate for undergraduate and are dominated by key universities across the country; while Henan, a large province with the college entrance examination, has 1 million participants, but the admission rate for undergraduate is less than 13%, which means that 130 out of 1,000 candidates can enter a college or a major, about 20 can enter 985, and 50 can enter 211. There are many reasons for this situation: Firstly, provinces with large populations and weak

higher education have fewer key universities, the admission rate of undergraduate is low, and there is a huge gap between the admission rate of undergraduate in developed cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai; secondly, rural candidates lag behind the cities in basic education and low family financial investment are generally at a very disadvantaged position in the college entrance examination. Thirdly, the country places too much emphasis on Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and other first-tier cities in the layout of national universities, causing unnecessary Fairness. The unbalanced allocation of resources and the unfair distribution of opportunities have seriously affected personal development and upward mobility opportunities in different regions [2; 6; 10].

2. The quality gap in higher education

Due to the uneven economic development in China's regions, the allocation of higher education resources is unbalanced. The more developed the region, the more funding for higher education and the higher the allocation of resources. At the same time, a large amount of funding flows into key universities and key disciplines such as 985 and 211 and double first-class universities, which causes large differences in research capabilities and teaching levels of different universities. The level of running a university depends to a large extent on its funding. Therefore, students in key universities will receive a higher-quality education and get more resources than students in ordinary universities (table 2).

Table 2

Statistics on research funding of some universities in 2016 source: Compiled by China High Industry Research Institute

Rank Name Research funding (100 million yuan) Number of teaching and research personnel Per capita funding for science and technology (ten thousand yuan)

1 Tsinghua University 50.79 5506 92.245

2 Zhejiang University 41.23 11115 37.1

4 Peking University 27.24 13772 19.78

7 Fudan University 25.66 9404 27.29

32 Suhzou University 9.92 3476 28.39

63 Yangzhou University 5.01 2261 22.16

84 Zhengzhou University 3.55 6129 5.79

89 Lanzhou University 3.41 1763 19.35

199 Qinghai University 1.34 2786 4.81

226 Xinjiang University 1.10 1173 9.37

Scientific research and faculty are the main indicators for judging the strength of a university. From the statistics of the research funding and teaching and research personnel of some universities in the above table, the annual research funding and per capita research funding of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Peking University and Fudan University are far ahead of other universities. In comparison, the annual research funding of 211 colleges and universities in most provinces is below 1 billion. Moreover, compared with the universities in the central and western regions, the universities in the eastern developed regions have a lot of adequate funding. Key universities can attract a large number of high-quality talents due to their geographical and economic advantages,

and there is a huge disparity in the faculty of different universities [1; 8; 12].

3. Unequal performance of higher education outcomes

American professor Coleman once said: "If we define equality in terms of the product or result of education, equality of educational opportunity is an ideal that can never be realized." One reason for the unequal results of higher education is caused by enrollment expansion. Colleges and universities have set up some majors In order to expand enrollment and to meet the needs of popular industries and hot jobs so that they are lack effective resource allocation and long-term planning. At the same time, some students make realistic and short-sighted choices on major in order to graduate smoothly in the future. They think if they don't have a good major, they

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can't find a good job, so they often ignore their own interests and needs, and blindly pursue prestigious schools and so-called popular majors.

When applying for majors in the college entrance examination every year, the majors with the highest attention and the largest number of applicants mainly include finance, civil engineering, international economics and trade, material design and automation, accounting, economics, electrical engineering and automation, and clinical medicine, law and English. However, the undergraduate majors with higher employment rates include logistics management, simultaneous interpretation, journalism, electronic information science and technology, foreign languages, nursing, electrical engineering and automation, accounting, geographic information, etc. Some popular majors can only choose postgraduate entrance examinations to delay employment. In 2019 more than 2.9 million people participated in the postgraduate entrance examination in 2019, and more than half of them took the exams for economics majors.

Berezhnaya I. F., & Galustyan O. V. Organization of the training process based on modular and rating technology at higher educational institution. Espacios. 2018. Vol. 39. No. 25.

2. D'Inverno G., Smet M., & De Witte, K. Impact evaluation in a multi-input multi-output setting: Evidence on the effect of additional resources for schools. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020. Vol. 290. No. 3. Pp. 1111-1124.

3. Galustyan O. V., Berezhnaya I. F., & Be-loshitsky A. V. Professional and career development of teachers. Sodobna Pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies. 2017. Vol. 68. No. 4. Pp. 158-172.

4. Galustyan O. V., Gaidar K. M., Aleshina S. A., Ksenofontova A. N., & Ledeneva A. V. Development of group subjectivity of pupils within collaborative activities. TEM Journal. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 854-858.

5. Galustyan O. V., Lazukin V. F., Petelin A. S. & Ostapenko V. S. Diagnostic activity of teachers at high school. Espacios. 2018. Vol. 39. No. 10.

6. Leone T. The gender gap in intergenera-tional mobility. World Development Perspectives. 2020.

7. Li C.l. Social Political Changes and Unequal Educational Opportunities, Chinese Social Sciences. 2003. No. 3. Pp. 62-68.

Economics and finance have the largest number of applications among them.

In recent years some colleges blindly opened new majors, from golf to grass-roots planting and silkworm rearing, to funeral services that sound a bit partial. Market and the development of city have given birth to many "exotic majors" in universities. Many majors have died midway or faced elimination due to various reasons [11; 13].


Higher education needs to pursue efficiency, but the quality of talent training and the overall development of students are the most important factors to consider. The equality of higher education can bring income increase of higher education recipients and intergenera-tional mobility. It is the main way to solve the gap between the rich and the poor even achieve social justice. The resolution of inequality in higher education requires a comprehensive breakthrough in higher education opportunities, quality improvement and fairness of results.

plaining socioeconomic inequalities in self-reported health outcomes: The mediating role of perceived life stress, financial self-reliance, psychological capital, and time perspective orientations. PLoS ONE, 15(12 December). 2020.

9. Svendby R. Learning by doing it wrong: An autoethnography inviting critical reflection of lecturers' disability awareness. Teaching in Higher Education. 2020.

10. Torabizadeh C., Rousta S., Gholamzadeh S., Kojouri J., Jamali K. & Parvizi M. M. Efficacy of education delivery through multimedia and text messaging on the psychological parameters of patients scheduled for coronary angiography: A singleblind randomized controlled clinical trial. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2021. Vo. 21. No. 1.

11. Wang L. Equity in Higher Education: Double Thinking of Progress and Results. Social Science Front. 2013. No. 1. Pp. 277-278.

12. Yao S., Shi X. N. Difference of Regional Economic Development Level, Education Inequality and Government Intervention. Higher Education Research. 2019. No. 4. Pp. 84-85.

13. Zang Z. H. Talking about the Fairness Issues in my country's Current Higher Education from the Perspective of Educational Sociology. Science and Technology Wenhui. 2010. No. 2. Pp. 10-11.


1. Bubnov Y. A., Gaidar K. M., Fedorov V. A., 8. Schelleman-Offermans K. & Massar K. Ex-

СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРАХ Принадлежность к организации

Чен Вэйчан, аспирант, экономический факультет, Южный федеральный университет (ЮФУ), Ростов-на-Дону, Россия; e-mail: chen_weichang@outlook.com

Сметанников Александр Павлович, аспирант, кафедра образования и педагогических наук (ОиПН), Академия психологии и педагогики (АПиП), ЮФУ, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия; e-mail: alexan-


Ежов Алексей Викторович, аспирант, кафедра ОиПН, АПиП, ЮФУ, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия; e-mail: yezhov.aleksey@outlook.com

Принята в печать 18.02.2020 г.


Weichang Ch., postgraduate, the faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University (SFU), Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:


Alexander P. Smetannikov, postgraduate, the chair of Education and Pedagogical Sciences (E&PS), Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy (AP&P), SFU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail: alexander_smetannikov@rambler.ru

Alexey V. Ezhov, postgraduate, the chair of E&PS, AP&P, SFU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; email: yezhov.aleksey@outlook.com

Received 18.02.2020 г.

Педагогические науки / Pedagogical Science Оригинальная статья / Original Article УДК 378.147(018)

DOI: 10.31161/1995-0659-2020-14-2-107-114

О структурировании содержания курса математики в педагогическом вузе

Я рахмедов Г. А.

Дагестанский государственный педагогический университет, Махачкала, Россия; e-mail: yari.85@mail.ru

РЕЗЮМЕ. Цель - дать методологический анализ ситуации, сложившейся в профессиональной образовательной среде в связи с необходимостью перестройки модели обучения математике и в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования (ФГОС ВО). Возникающую при этом проблему отбора и реализации содержания курса математики в педагогическом вузе разрешить актуализацией системно -деятельностного и ассоциированного с ним комплексного подходов к обучению математике. Методы. Отбор содержания математического образования осуществляется методами системного анализа и аналогии, выявлением категориальных признаков во взаимодействиях структурных компонентов математических моделей методических объектов из различных областей знания. Правила взаимодействия компонентов определяются в виде схем трех типов: логических, алгоритмических и комбинаторных. Результаты. Образовательная деятельность строится по схеме общество-культура-язык (знание, содержание) - объект (среда), в которой выделяются два аспекта: культурологический и познавательный. Такая схема деятельности обеспечивает формирование у обучающихся как общекультурных, так и профессиональных компетенций. Определена схема психолого-педагогической структуры любого знания, состоящая из системного и процессуального блоков комплексного мышления. В такой схеме знания основными атрибутами считаются мысль, знак и действие. На примере системного анализа понятия линейного векторного пространства устанавливается изоморфизм не только структур разных разделов математики, но и методических объектов из других областей знания. Такое сходство обнаруживается в лингвистических структурах языков и в классах предельных и непредельных углеводородов в органической химии. Вывод. Выявлением в системах различных предметных областей так называемых структурных единиц по определенной логической схеме строятся новые методические объекты. Общеметодологическим системным принципом структурирования содержания курса математики в педагогическом вузе считается принцип тринитарности.

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