социально-экономическом развитии» [1]. Конечно, не стоит еще раз повторять о практической пользе проектирования, которая состоит в автоматизации и модернизации системы проектных умений обучающихся, поскольку проектирование в принципе подразумевает это.
К недостаткам такого метода нам представляется необходимым отнести: возникающие сложности с осуществлением грамотного поиска и идентификации актуальных проектов, которые связаны с какой-либо организацией или социумом в целом, а также не менее актуального решения сопутствующих проектных проблем; высокую вероятность комплексных многоступенчатых проектов, которые обучающиеся не в состоянии реализовать без помощи педагога, что значительно ослабляет эффект от достижения цели (студенты начинают думать, что без посторонней помощи не способны на реализацию деятельности); временезатратность проектной деятельности, которая зачастую не регулируется учебным планом, поскольку не является его частью (речь идет о внеучебной деятельности студентов, которая осложняет не только процесс проектирования, но и базовый учебный процесс, что может навредить и тому, и другому).
Выводы. Таким образом, можно сказать, что проектно-ориентированный метод обучения будущих специалистов сферы туризма в социокультурном пространстве вуза является одним из наиболее предпочтительных и передовых на сегодняшний день в связи с профильной направленностью на приобретение и усвоение обучающимися практических профессиональных навыков, которые формируют профессиональный потенциал обучающегося, мотивируют его к развитию и становлению на высшую ступень профессионализма. Именно результаты проектирования позволяют педагогу провести аналитическую оценку деятельности студентов и заранее определить специфику их направленности, профпригодность и степень проявления личностных способностей.
1. Аксенова Л.А. Метод проектного обучения в процессе подготовки бакалавров по направлению «Сервис» и «Туризм» для современной экономики / Л.А. Аксенова // Журнал правовых и экономических исследований. - 2017. - С. 101-103.
2. Белякова А.А. Проектно-ориентированный подход в обучении / А.А. Белякова // Студенческий электрон. научн. журн. - 2018. - № 8 (28).
3. Лихтанская О.И. Использование проектного метода обучения в подготовке специалистов туриндустрии / О.И. Лихтанская // Наука и туризм: стратегии взаимодействия. - 2015. - № 4 (2).
4. Любимов А.К., Борисова И.И. Внедрение проектно-ориентированных методов в практику обучения в высшей школе: методическое пособие / А.К. Любимов, И.И. Борисова, Е.Ю. Грудзинская, Л.М. Левина, В.В. Марико, И.М. Швец / Под ред. А.К. Любимова. - Нижний Новгород: ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2015. - 180 с.
5. Морозов В.Ю., Поправкина А.А. Особенности подготовки кадров в сфере туризма и гостеприимства в России: традиционный и современный подходы / В.Ю. Морозов, А.А. Поправкина // Сервис в России и за рубежом. -2015. - № 2 (58).
6. Субботина Е.В. Структурирование содержания профессиональной подготовки специалистов в сфере туризма / Е.В. Субботина // Вестник ТГУ. - 2010. - № 1.
UDK 378.14
doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Samoylenko Nalaliya Borisovna
Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol)
Аннотация. В статье проанализированы возможности открытых образовательных ресурсов, используемых в образовательном процессе для всех уровней высшего образования: бакалавриата / магистратуры на основе данных, полученных в Севастопольском государственном университете. На основе анализа литературных источников и проведенного эмпирического исследования авторы представляют и обосновывают особенности электронного обучения, различные примеры открытых образовательных ресурсов (ООР), их эффективность и целесообразность в развитии современной цифровой образовательной среды. В исследовании также представлены результаты эксперимента по выявлению современных инструментов электронного обучения, используемых как студентами в процессе обучения, так и преподавателями при обучении для проведения профессиональной подготовки студентов магистратуры.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное обучение, электронное обучение, открытые образовательные ресурсы (ООР), инструменты электронного обучения, онлайн-курс, студенты магистратуры.
Annotation. In this research, the authors aim to determine the capabilities of open educational resources implemented in the educational process for all levels of Higher Education: Bachelor's / Master's Degree Programmes based on the data obtained at Sevastopol State University. Based on the analysis of literary sources and the conducted empirical study, the authors present and substantiate e-learning peculiarities, various examples of OER, their efficiency, and feasibility in developing the modern digital educational environment. The study also presents the results of the experiment to identify modern e-learning tools used both by students in learning and by educators in teaching to conduct professional training of undergraduate students.
Keywords: professional training, e-learning, OER, e-learning tools, online course, undergraduate students.
Introduction. Over the past 20 years, Higher Education in Russia has been changed greatly. With the transition to the e-learning system in the 21st Century language class we need to consider the peculiarities of new online and real communication; the importance of changing interaction and autonomous learning; the issues of conducting effective learning [1; 2].
At the same time, some teachers still prefer the traditional way of teaching instead of exploring new teaching strategies for creating a learner-centered and interactive environment. Teaching in a new environment is the most important problem for discussion nowadays. The researchers study the role of a teacher and the learner in online learning. Teaching online differ from face-to-face teaching, that is why it is useful to consider the role of the e-tutor
in online education. The demands of online learning may also affect how both teachers and learners perceive the teaching and learning process [7; 8].
Like many higher educational institutions, our university has been hit hard by the global pandemic. The lockdown in the Sevastopol State University has emptied campuses, impacting on how students access the courses and on the work of academics across all disciplines.
Purpose of the research. The research aims to determine open educational resources applied in the educational process at all levels of Higher Education.
Results. The New System of Higher Education should be open, flexible, user-friendly, and attractive for students to meet their needs. It should also support the interactive style of learning. Moreover, in the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education released Draft Recommendation on Open Educational Resources. According to Draft Recommendation, there are 2 tasks for building inclusive Knowledge Societies. They are enhancing academic freedom and professional autonomy of teachers and organizing equitable, inclusive, open, and participatory quality education. Open Educational Resources (OER) offer materials that are available for teaching and learning [17].
At the same time, in the new educational environment the teachers need medium that reside in the public domain, are under an open license. There are e-learning, distant learning, web-based learning, and online learning practices. The students and tutors may use, adapt and distribute additional materials e-learning, distant learning, web-based learning, and online learning practices.in all these practices [4].
Also, the document encloses practical directions for the use of distance education tools pointing out the key elements of effective design and delivery of a distance learning program.
As universities and colleges are preparing for the remote learning and teaching
in the 2020-21 academic year, we focus on some challenges in Information and communication technologies (ICT) for use, adaptation and redistribution of OER.
Every individual learner has possibilities for OER, promoting «gender equality and incentivize innovative pedagogical, didactical and methodological approaches» [4].
Analyzing information about OER recommendations, for developing strategies to enable use and adaptation of OER we investigate the objectives and areas of action:
1) to encourage governments for supporting of high quality, inclusive education and lifelong learning for everyone;
2) to adopt regulatory frameworks to support open licensing of publicly funded educational and research materials [4].
It is beyond the scope of this study to examine the open educational resources (OER). Firstly it was coined in 2002 as materials in digital or any other medium. These teaching, learning and research materials can be used, adapted, distributed by others without restrictions [16].
One of the goals of the research is to present the definition of open educational resources. The accepted by the community definition of OERs is described as online available teaching and learning materials that are freely used by the tutors, students. Obviously, they are contained in digital media collections from all parts of the world.
Meanwhile, among the examples of OER we mention pedagogical materials, course modules, lab and classroom activities, games, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, simulations [3].
At present, the educators need free access to educational resources on a global scale. Thus, the paper describes the first introduction of the term open educational resources (OERs). It was in 2000 at a conference hosted by UNESCO. The term OER is preferred «digitized materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research» [11].
And in the UK, the Open University has released a range of its distance learning materials via the Open Learn project, and over 80 UKOER projects have released many resources which are used to support teaching in institutions and across a range of subject areas.
OER are produced to support learning and teaching and may even be created as part of the learning and teaching processes. Content created by students during learning activities could potentially form part of OER which raises considerable questions around ownership and attribution. It is anticipated that student-created content will be increasingly used to augment OER, and this has been a significant feature of the Jisc/HE Academy UKOER program.
We analyzed barriers/enablers to OER use, re-use and re-purposing:
1) Learners: equity re-access - not all OER are fully open, not all learners have access to computers, or to the internet; movement toward fully open resources; knowing what is available - learners who are not guided or supported by a teacher may not know what is available or how to access it; making resources discoverable by tools that learners use regularly - search engines; support and guidance - learners may need support and guidance to use resources effectively; provide options to engage with content creators or other content users (peers) - such as discussion forums and opportunities for collaborative learning.
2) Teachers: knowing what is available and how to find it; time - concerns about wasting time looking for content and then adapting for their purpose; central support teams to help with repurposing; educational context - the perception that each context is unique and that it is too difficult to adapt others content; make generic content open supporting several courses (e.g. introduction to statistics) [12].
From the proposed tools we choose the digital platform to use- Institution's LMS; the tutors use the publicly available platforms - Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams; try to agree with colleagues on the platform, to share materials/cooperate in creating materials with colleagues. From the recommendations offered the professionals we consider the most important are: plan and set up your course; consider timetable, content, assessment, communication; think over the way to communicate with your students; use the educational platform, to deliver the content: short videos, readings, critical thinking problems, research, consultation hours; search or create your additional resources if necessary; share knowledge [5].
The requirements of New Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3+, 3++ and laws in Russia underline the importance of e-learning implementation starting from the Bachelor's Degree Programme through all further stages (Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (Bachelor's Degree Programme) 3++, 2019). Researchers, scientists and educators integrate digital technologies and web opportunities in the learning process at Russian universities developing new skills and professional competencies for students and professors [13].
The paper also describes the benefits and challenges of e-learning model project in Higher Education. E-learning model in Higher Education also assumes the use of existing distant educational resources.
In our opinion improving the effectiveness of training can be achieved due to the skillful combination of traditional teaching methods with targeted and regular use of e-learning tools (ELT). The applying of ELT provides the lecturer a wide range of opportunities such as the presence of instant feedback "user - means of ICT"; the possibility of computer visualization.
The research is primarily aimed at the analysis of pedagogical approaches, innovative teaching strategies, methods and tools associated with the development of Modern Digital Educational Environment in Higher. Since 2005 the authors have taught on most programs and modules that the English Language Section has offered [101. Moreover, English is widely-spread in professional online communication. So, it should be considered as an important component of Professional Training in Higher Education [15].
The given research is also focused on the teaching on line advice that provide efficient teaching and learning of undergraduate students and participants of further Professional Training programs [13].
We explore the platform well in advance; find out how we can upload material; practice rehearse with peers or the school IT team; make eye contact by looking at the camera lens, look directly into the camera lens rather than at the screen.; learners will feel we are looking them in the eye; use gestures and facial expressions, a simple smile will tell our learners you are happy to be there with them; keep the audience involved, ask questions, incorporate polls and keep your teacher talking time to the minimum; keep an eye on the chatbox, assign a task and while students are doing it, have a look at the exchange of messages; check the compatibility of our device with the platform (powerpoint slide can look distorted; if we are planning to show a video, make sure that we can upload it, or that switching to a website to watch it can be seamless without glitches); have a plan B; have a back-up plan or activity in case something does not work [9].
Engaging students in our practice we: encourage the learners to formulate investigative questions around their learning outcomes and test their hypotheses; offer bite-sized assignments and videos and allow the students to pick and choose which assignments work best for them; have them develop a project incorporating several learning outcomes; have them come up with their own critical thinking questions around the content and then provide answers; discussion forums; topic question should be open ended; set out guidelines for posting in the forum; small group work e.g. give each group a different topic and have them create a short video and/or a few assessment questions around that topic in which the other students in the course would be required to participate [14].
For communication we use Email, trying to avoid overload of emails, consider using email for individual communication that is more private (illness, grades, etc.), and encourage students to post content questions to a discussion forum; virtual office hours; set up 1-3 office hours per week or more and keep a virtual video meeting software open for the whole time we've allotted.
Currently, not all teachers have the necessary level of training for organizing e-learning. Therefore, for the effective use of e-learning under the existing conditions and in the further change in the forms of education, the additional training of teachers both in the field of information and communication technologies and in the field of modern pedagogical technologies becomes relevant.
The university platform (http:// testmoodle.sevsu.ru) presents in the distance learning environment of the Sevastopol State University online courses, created by lecturers and professors in different areas of university students training: Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy, Institute of Information Technologies and Management in Technical Systems; Institute of Finance, Economics and Management; Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry; Maritime Institute; Polytechnic Institute; Law Institute.
The lecturers and professors of the Sevastopol State University learned: how to design the course; prepare and organize students for distance learning and interaction with the tutor; place the materials (lectures, files, books from electronic library, assignments, tests, etc.) in LMS Moodle; they studied the organization testing and assessment; how to analyze the educational process; they studied the legal resources of the use of distance learning technologies and e-learning in the Russian Federation.
In the process of online courses learning for various programs, they learned the technology of creating electronic training courses in the distance learning system, received practical recommendations for working in the Moodle system, they were presented with the format of the course; technology for designing testing and assessment materials for the distance learning system, and the organization of testing and assessment in the distance learning system.
Conclusion. The research data clarify that methods of managing students learning are focused on taking into account the individual characteristics of participants in online learning, their needs and the implementation of the principles of the organization of practice-oriented learning. Blended learning models in Higher Education can be used effectively as additional resources to consolidate or test students' knowledge and skills through their learning. Besides, OEP and OER are efficient in further Professional Training Programs.
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3. Cronin, C., & MacLaren, I. Conceptualising OEP: A review of theoretical and empirical literature in Open Educational Practices. Open Praxis, 2018 - 10(2) - pp. 127-143.
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6. Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (Master's Degree Programme) 3+, 2015. -[Electronic Resource] - Mode of access: http://fgosvo.ru/fgosvo/151/150/24 (accessed 11.09. 2020).
7. Framework for 21st Century Learning Definitions, 2019. Learning21st Century Skills. Partnership for 21st Century - [Electronic Resource] - Mode of access: http://www.battelleforkids.org/networks/p21/frameworks-resources (accessed 15.11. 2020).
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10. Jenkins J. Mobility and English language policies and practices in higher education / J. Jenkins // The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. Edition: 1st, Chapter: 28, Publisher: Routledge, Editor: Suresh Canagarajah: 2017- pp. 502-518.
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17. UNESCO (2019) Recommendation on Open Educational Resources. - [Electronic Resource] - Mode of access: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/ 48223/pf0000370936 (accessed 15.11.2020).
УДК 378.1
доктор педагогических наук, профессор Тахохов Борис Александрович
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Северо-Осетинский государственный университет имени К.Л. Хетагурова» (г. Владикавказ)
Аннотация. В статье представлен авторский подход к педагогическому сопровождению профессионального выбора учащихся старших классов. Рассматриваемый феномен раскрывается как системный объект, представляющий собой целостную многоуровневую, динамичную структуру, которая наполняется тремя составляющими: личность ученика (субъект), конкретная желаемая профессия (объект) и психолого-педагогическая поддержка субъекта деятельности. Выявлено, что осознание старшеклассниками сущности своей будущей профессиональной деятельности и методов ее адекватного достижения составляет ведущий концепт психолого-педагогической поддержки. Доказывается, что предлагаемый в работе «родительско-педагогический консилиум» можно считать эффективной формой помощи выпускникам школ в выборе послешкольного образовательного маршрута. Показано, что практическое воплощение персонифицированной организации профориентационной работы может стать основой индивидуальной подготовки специалистов и, следовательно, тем самым вузы приобретают реальную возможность самоидентификации в соответствии с трендами общественного развития.
Ключевые слова: выбор профессии. образовательный маршрут, педагогическое сопровождение, родительско-педагогический консилиум, рефлексия, самоидентификация, рынок труда.
Annotation. The article presents the author's approach to the pedagogical support of professional orientation of high school students. The phenomenon under consideration is revealed as a system object, which is an integral multilevel, dynamic structure, which is filled with three components: the student's personality (subject), a specific desired profession (object), and psychological and pedagogical support for the subject of activity. It is revealed that the awareness of high school students of the essence of their future professional activity and methods of its adequate achievement is the leading concept of psychological and pedagogical support. It is proved that the proposed "parent-teacher consultation" can be considered an effective form of assistance to school graduates in choosing a post-school educational route. It is shown that the practical implementation of the personalized organization of career guidance work can become the basis for individual training of specialists and, consequently, thereby universities acquire a real opportunity for self-identification in accordance with the trends of social development.
Keywords: choice of profession. educational route, pedagogical support, parent-teacher consultation, reflection, self-identification, labor market.
Введение. Проблема, которая всегда актуальна для любой страны и отдельно взятой личности, заключается в необходимости систематического пополнения вузов выпускниками школ и последующего их трудоустройства по соответствующему направлению подготовки. Правильный выбор вуза и специальности является важнейшим условием мотивации студентов к напряженной учебно-познавательной деятельности и предстоящей профессиональной самореализации, Именно это обстоятельство обусловливает морально-психологический комфорт личности и выступает определенной гарантией ее эффективной деятельности на конкретном рабочем месте. Поэтому так важна конкретная поддержка со стороны психологов и педагогов учащихся старших классов в их выборе будущей профессиональной деятельности. Сущность данного феномена определяется как поиск и нахождение личностного смысла в будущей профессиональной деятельности и стремление к его достижению (Э.Ф. Зеер, Е.А. Климов).
Изложение основного материала статьи. Среди публикаций по исследуемой теме имеются работы, характеризующие психологию старшего подростка с точки зрения его готовности к самоопределению