ONTOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE VIRTUAL WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
postmodernism / information technologies / virtual reality / people in the virtual world / virtual picture of the world

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Yuldashev D.I.

The article provides a philosophical analysis of virtual reality using the postmodern methodology, and identifies a number of problems associated with the increasing spread of virtual reality in all spheres of public life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ONTOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE VIRTUAL WORLD»

UDK 101

Yuldashev D. I. master student National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent city ONTOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE VIRTUAL WORLD

Annotation: The article provides a philosophical analysis of virtual reality using the postmodern methodology, and identifies a number of problems associated with the increasing spread of virtual reality in all spheres of public life.

Keywords: postmodernism, information technologies, virtual reality, people in the virtual world, virtual picture of the world.

Currently, virtual reality is a special living environment for a person, covering almost all areas of his life. In this article, we will try to make a study of virtual reality through the postmodern paradigm. Virtual reality is generated by information technologies that surround a person. Postmodernism is characterized as an era of new meanings and coordinates. In the era of information society, postmodernism is becoming a special kind of world representation and perception of the world. This type of worldview is distinguished by pluralism, the assumption of simultaneous coexistence of different opinions. Pluralism, in turn, entails decentralization, variability, contextuality, and fragmentation of postmodern discourse.

Postmodernism is often characterized as an ideology of the information society. Postmodernism is most clearly expressed in literature and philosophy, although this phenomenon is undoubtedly larger and finds its manifestation, both in public life and in relation to the world of the individual. The postmodern trend in philosophy includes a range of various trends that have been widely spread since the second half of the XX century. However, the postmodern era should not be considered as a clearly defined chronological event, since it stretches over time, originates from the late sixties and continues to the present time. It is worth noting that postmodernism is characterized, hence different currents do not mutually exclude each other, but rather on the contrary recognize the equal existence of each movement.

Many postmodern trends unite: criticism of the principles of rationalism and traditional guidelines in science. Postmodernism blurs the boundaries between truth and error, the beautiful and the ugly. In the postmodern space, there is only a mosaic of images and texts, events, often devoid of meaning. The concept of "postmodern" did not get its content immediately. So, until the eighties of the twentieth century, this term did not denote the worldview of the era, but only individual cultural phenomena. Modern researchers of virtual reality point to the availability of resources and methodological possibilities of postmodern philosophy that complement the principles of classical rationality, which contributes to progress in further understanding of virtual reality [2].

Postmodernism not only opens up new opportunities for the development of the world to a person, but also convinces him of the relativity of reality, closes him

in "virtual worlds", where communication with people is replaced by communication with phantoms. Transferring reality to network communications is a virtual reality. The ontological status of virtual reality is determined as an unformed reality, nonexistence. The global informatization of society has created a whole range of fundamentally new problems that have not been encountered before throughout history. The subject in network communications breaks away from the actual reality - the "I" of the individual. Modernity forms a new type of subject, this is a "virtual subject" that replaces the "I" of a real person for the duration of television exposure or communicative Internet interaction. The subject of perception of virtual images is a "deindividualized" person. As O.I.Elkhova quite rightly emphasizes: "the Virtual world with all the sophistication of its tools revives the theme of fairy tales and myths, turns a person to his image, which has no weight and is able to overcome gravity and is not subject to the laws of the earthly world, this image is beyond time, beyond withering and aging" [3].

A person in the virtual world already lives in the name of new values of the consumer society. The life guidelines of a modern individual are structured by the advertising text that defines the leading motivation. Reality is replaced by "hyperreality", which suppresses the reality that escapes from the person, becoming virtual, relative, conditional. Virtual reality allows you to satisfy the human need to construct an illusory world. The shade "as it were "constantly colors the virtual space, gives the event the character of illusory and frivolity. Today, the expression "be in the brand" sounds very relevant. However, at present, the sign no longer reflects some external reality. Simulacrum theory is used as an effective methodology within the postmodern paradigm.

The concept of "simulacrum", which existed in antiquity, gets its new sound, definition, and development in the works of J.Baudrillard. It is noted that total simulation translates reality into a state of "afterlife". The necessary connection between the signifier and the signified, the sign and the referent, disappears. The reality of the signified is no longer important, it disappears, giving way to a simulacrum. Modern reality is lost in the context of mass consumption and becomes a ghostly existence. Reacting to the ghostly opportunity offered by advertising slogans, people buy "brands" that are essentially empty forms. The brand for the average person is already much more important than the actual practical significance of the thing. A person strives to have a "brand" in order to somehow gain a foothold in the world, but such a support is unreliable and a person of the postmodern world is doomed to slip on the surface through a series of sign structures meaningless and endless. This" hang-up " in the process puts the issues of a person's spiritual orientations in the virtual world on the back burner. Thus, O.I.Elkhova in her research highlights the genuine and inauthentic modes of human existence in the virtual world and emphasizes that at present the most widespread is inauthentic existence, where a person loses his spiritual orientation and becomes lost in the virtual world, loses the desire for the fullness of the experience of being [4].

The realities of the postmodern era are fragmented and conditional, and the dominance of the sign becomes decisive for their existence. Knowledge of the world

is devoid of immediacy and turns out to be a mediated sign. A person objectifies his subjective holistic perception of reality, equating the world and the thought of this world in rights. Thus, in S. Zizek's article "Love your dead neighbor", one can find the idea that the screen, closing the viewer from reality, produces another reality, which becomes the main reality of his existence for a person. The person is no longer involved in real life, another dimension, located on the other side of the screen, looks more attractive to him. A global network can replace a person's everyday world with a virtual world. This new world (the world of possible worlds) forms a new type of person: the "click man" who models his own world with the mouse. Today, the latest information technologies no longer serve exclusively as a means of delivering, processing and storing information, but perform a culture-forming function.they help create a special cultural environment with its own special content and norms of social communication and interaction. Culture based on the information field generates new and unique phenomena. The reality of the world wide web has long been developing according to its own laws and lives its own life: it involves people in the space of Internet communication, weaves and unwinds patterns of images, presents the user with an immense array of sites, thus calling him to embrace the vast. The volume of information becomes so huge that the individual consciousness is not able to cover it. One of the problems of the postmodern era is the separation of individual consciousness from the amount of information and knowledge system that is still present in culture. The blog communication that has appeared and spread widely in the network allows us to come to a collective vision of the problem through individual interpretations. Readers become co-authors, and as a result we are dealing with a "collective author". Information that gets into the network becomes public and can be seen by thousands of people in different countries and on different continents. On the other hand, the depersonality of communication provokes people to make revelations that they can't afford in real life. This situation is well illustrated by the metaphor of "Windows". A person is included in many cultural and subcultural worlds, participation in which is possible through "peeping". A person models his world on the principle of "stimulus-reaction", trying to do everything in life. But as a result, people paid a high price for this: the individual's privacy became an illusion, and the preservation of identity and social integrity in the conditions of total inclusion of the individual in the space of virtual communication became a problem. A person is immersed in a kind of virtual masquerade, the participants of which have the opportunity to slide between different identities dictated by their immediate desires and needs. At present, modern man is getting used to think in a mosaic, surprisingly combining incompatible things. A mosaic-minded person, in fact, most of the time does not reason independently, is not concerned with finding the truth, and thoughtlessly consumes information. Modern man becomes omnivorous: listening to pop music, watching TV shows indiscriminately, eating Breakfast in fast food restaurants, and his knowledge becomes an element of television games. TV games become a kind of symbol of postmodern culture. In such games, the main thing is not to comprehend, but to guess, in time to extract various information from the memory


Man, transforming his world, generates previously unforeseen social factors that form structures that are already radically changing a person's life. The constantly changing world breaks many roots, pulls individuals into a global community, but at the same time isolates and atomizes people. Based on these realities, a picture of the world begins its active formation, in which a virtual component is included. This picture of the world in the most extreme and negative moments of its manifestation, invades the existence of modern man. In conclusion, we note that the increasing spread of virtual reality in all spheres of public life has created a whole range of fundamentally new problems.


1. Elkhova O. I. Ontology of virtual reality: Monograph. Ufa: RITS Bashgu, 2011. 228 p.

2. Liotard J.-F. the postmodern Condition: a translation from the French. N. A. Shmatko. Moscow, St. Petersburg, 1998. 160 p.

3. Elkhova O. I. Ontological content of virtual reality: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Ufa, 2011. 38 p.

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5. Farxodjonova, N. (2019). FEATURES OF MODERNIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF NATIONAL CULTURE. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University, 1(2), 167-172.

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