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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Orujova Gunel Azad

The article addresses the problems that negative demographic factors have in the pedagogical process and the neutralization of their impact. There is a need for detailed study of their essence in order to neutralize, correct and eliminate negative demographic effects in a timely manner. It also talks about the importance of diagnosing classroom demographic characteristics. As a result of the research, it is clear that teachers have to be more attentive to the pedagogical conflicts that have led to demographic problems, and that they have to use special methods of training and influence. This is because the chosen methods and forms of use allow not only to resolve the conflict, but also to regulate the performance, characteristics, and confidence of students in the learning and future of those affected by the negative demographic processes. One of the ways to neutralize negative demographic impacts is the indirect effects on education. Negative demographic impacts can be minimized by skillful use of direct and indirect effects. The result is that school psychologist, along with classroom teachers, subject teachers, and school administrators should choose the right direction to address the negative aspects of their students' psychological state, training and upbringing.

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L©2020 Контент дос™ според лщеюиягаСС BY-NC 4.0 Orujova Gunel Azad

(СС! 41/This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license м!лтттп * т ттг

|^^^Ee!ie(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) ONE OF 1HE WAYS 1O NEU1RALIZE ...

UDC 37.338

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.BSR.2020.0404.0003


© 2020

ORCID: 0000-0003-2251-0821

Orujova Gunel Azad, candidate for a degree at the Department of Pedagogy

Baku State University (1148, Azerbaijan, Baku, Z. Halilov str., 23, e-mail: guneloruj@gmail.com)

Abstract. The article addresses the problems that negative demographic factors have in the pedagogical process and the neutralization of their impact. There is a need for detailed study of their essence in order to neutralize, correct and eliminate negative demographic effects in a timely manner. It also talks about the importance of diagnosing classroom demographic characteristics. As a result of the research, it is clear that teachers have to be more attentive to the pedagogical conflicts that have led to demographic problems, and that they have to use special methods of training and influence. This is because the chosen methods and forms of use allow not only to resolve the conflict, but also to regulate the performance, characteristics, and confidence of students in the learning and future of those affected by the negative demographic processes. One of the ways to neutralize negative demographic impacts is the indirect effects on education. Negative demographic impacts can be minimized by skillful use of direct and indirect effects. The result is that school psychologist, along with classroom teachers, subject teachers, and school administrators should choose the right direction to address the negative aspects of their students' psychological state, training and upbringing.

Keywords: Negative Demographic Factors, Teacher, Student, Incomplete Family, Conflict, Indirect Impact.


© 2020

Оруджева Гюнель Азад, соискатель кафедры педагогики Бакинский государственный университет (1148, Азербайджан, Баку, ул. З. Халилова, 23, e-mail: guneloruj@gmail.com)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблемы негативных демографических факторов в педагогическом процессе и нейтрализация их воздействия. Необходимо детальное изучение их сущности, чтобы своевременно нейтрализовать, исправить и устранить негативные демографические эффекты. Важна диагностика демографических характеристик состава класса. В результате исследования стало ясно, что учителя должны быть более внимательными к педагогическим конфликтам, которые возникли на основе демографических проблем, и что они должны использовать специальные методы обучения и воздействия. Это связано с тем, что избранные методы и формы работы позволяют не только разрешить конфликт, но и регулировать успеваемость, успешнее формировать волевые качества и мотивацию учащихся в обучении, на которых влияют негативные демографические процессы. Одним из способов нейтрализации негативных демографических воздействий является косвенное воздействие на обучение детей через воспитательные меры. Негативные демографические воздействия можно минимизировать за счет умелого использования прямых и косвенных эффектов воздействия. В целом школьный психолог вместе с классным руководителем, учителями-предметниками и школьной администрацией должны выбрать правильное направление для решения негативных аспектов психологического состояния, обучения и воспитания своих учеников.

Ключевые слова: негативные демографические факторы, учитель, ученик, неполная семья, конфликт, косвенное и прямое воздействие.

Introduction. In a modern age, there are many families facing demographic challenges. Children who grow up in these families also experience different difficulties and psychological problems. The preparation of such children, and the pedagogical work with them, of course, is more difficult than working with children who grow up in normal families. Given the negative effects of demographic processes in our modern age, the study and promotion of this problem should be one of the most pressing issues in the educational process. Families facing negative demographic impacts have their own socio-psychological problems.

The more diverse these problems are, the greater their impact on students. In order to work with students from a troubled family, the teacher must have an understanding of the environment and what is happening there. Teachers need special skills to work with them [1, p.68]. Unfortunately, these issues are not taken into account in teacher training. They are more likely to be educated as a subject matter specialist and have a more general approach to student learning. Of course, it is not possible to achieve the desired effect. It is impossible to evaluate and blame them without taking into account the living conditions and demographic status of the students.

Negative demographic effects in the learning process. In order to neutralize, correct and eliminate negative demographic effects in a timely manner, their essence should be carefully studied. The importance of the student's demographic biography and the diagnosis of the demographic characteristics of the classroom is great importance. Students' attitudes towards themselves and others, their place in family Балканско научно обозрение. 2020. Т. 4. № 4(10)

relationships, the personal meaning of demographic events within the family, the location of street groups from their lives, the nature of their relationships with mates and friends, etc. it is important to identify the negative aspects of their learning [2, p.98]. The training process has its own unique capabilities to neutralize negative demographic impacts.

An analysis of teachers' work experience shows that although they have taken some upbringing work to neutralize the negative impacts of demographic factors, they often do not make the most of their teaching opportunities.As a result of demographic factors such as death, divorce, remarriage, students' cognitive activity is gradually weakening, their interests change, informal child groups play a key role in the provision of communication, wealth tendencies, and their own expectations are unpredictable and in their system of pricing, claim levels, etc. changes occur [3, p.201]. These aspects should be taken into account consistently when conducting pedagogical correction during the training process. The emphasis should be placed on the activation of cognitive activity of students. The teacher should instill cognitive interests in the students and help them see their own perspectives.

As students learn about the life and creativity of prominent poets and writers in high school, their biographies illustrate various demographic events (for example, the poet's growing up in a large family, orphaned or otherwise, the separation of his parents from one city to another) get acquainted. In literature textbooks these facts are often simply stated, but not detailed. The analysis of various demographic events and facts, their positioning and education, are often not, taken

Orujova Gunel Azad


©2020 Контент достъпен според лицензията CC BY-NC 4.0 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license 'https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)

into account. However, in literary methodology works it is often necessary to investigate in detail as a separate issue. An analysis of teachers' work experience shows that there are serious shortcomings in the study of demographic events or facts in literature classes.

Most teachers do not really care about the interpretation of demographic events, treat them like ordinary social events, and in the best case simply point out relevant facts. Some teachers, however, do not explain the demographic phenomena and facts in the lesson in a scientific or pedagogical manner not only use the teaching opportunities effectively but also mislead students about themselves by falsifying the facts in one way or another.Experienced teachers pay great attention to the negative effects of negative demographic factors in the lesson.

They explain the demographic factors in the logical flow of the subject matter, and they attract students their hard work, optimism, intelligence, creative perseverance, etc., while explaining the biographies of writers and poets, the difficult moments of their lives. The teacher is not content to mention these or other facts that are not in themselves, but introduce his students to the illustrations of the childhood poet and writers. The students learn that they have mastered various sciences without getting tired, have great enthusiasm although they have lost their childhood years, and have overcome the difficulties they have faced in the field of hard work and organization [4, p.29].

Educating methods play an important role in neutralizing negative demographic effects.Negative demographic impacts can be minimized by skillful use of direct and indirect effects.Skilled teachers with specialized skills lag behind the negative impacts and use certain methods. However, it is clear from the surveys that this affects teachers and attracts their attention.Statistical analysis shows that teachers of this type are not only able to cope with the negative effects of negative demographic factors, but even create serious conflicts.

Thus, the methods they choose in the pedagogical process are mainly to embarrass the students, to criticize the local place, to expel them, and so on. They overstate the smallest conflicts, instead of using their abilities as a true educator to see a way out of the problem they exaggerate the issue and raise it to the level of school leadership.According to the results of experiments conducted at schools No 212 and 45 in Nariman Narimanov district and No 53 and 125 in Yasamal district of Baku during the 2018-2019 school year, the pedagogical conflicts with 27 students from incomplete families with teachers led to severe consequences. Thus, teachers' direct exposure to negative demographic factors affecting students, and turning them into targets, lead to the breakdown of teacher-student relationships. In some cases, this conflict can result in an unpleasant ending.

Experience shows that the use of indirect impact priors plays an important role in overcoming pedagogical conflicts. Teachers who prefer the use of indirect effects can achieve positive results in the learning process. The mechanism of indirect effects in education depends directly on the competence of the teacher. Thus, the method chosen by the teacher using the indirect effects prompts, because of the situation created by the student, begins to see the errors in his actions and behaviors, and he tries to eliminate them. Indirect impact plays an important role in the formation of students' moral education and self-awareness. Students have the ability to see and evaluate themselves from the outside.

Famous educators T.E. Konnikov, E.V. Lyalinan, A. I. Dulov noted that in order to get a positive result in the process of upbringing, it is necessary to study the nature of the problem of the teacher, the age, sex, interests, psychological state of the students and so on need to be taken into account. Another important point is to study the demographic status of students [5, p.112]. A teacher who is not well aware of all these points will never be able to solve the problem.

When looking at the implications of the indirect effects, it can be seen as a parallel pedagogical effect, example, 14

persuasion, regret, and sadness. These methods are one of the best ways to address the negative impact of negative demographic factors. When using the sample method effectively, the teacher can deeply grasp the student's error with regard to a situation similar to that of the student and create regret. In this case, the teacher must first analyze the student's individual characteristics and demographics [6, p. 234]. The teacher then talks about the life of prominent scholars, artists, poets, composers, actors, or historical personalities who are faced with demographic problems relevant to the situation, and despite the difficulties they face, they are always diligent, good-willed, brave, hard-working and emphasizes that they are always on the right track.

Empowering students to express their feelings and emotions, to express their feelings of sadness and regret, and to cultivate empathy, is one of the methods that requires from teachers in a particular context. These methods, which can be used locally to lead to extremism, rigid admonition, and aggression, can lead to the penetration of students' emotional worlds and the formation of delicate feelings in them, while also addressing behavioral disorders and eliminating pedagogical conflicts. When using this method, the mechanism of action must be properly defined and careful not to cause extreme degree. Equally important is the personal reputation of the teacher using the method, along with the pedagogical competence.

Effective methods used to address the negative impacts of negative demographic factors can also include parallel pedagogical effects and roll effects. The consistent and purposeful use of parallel pedagogical effects is indisputable. In the case of using parallel pedagogical effects, the teacher similarly blames all students of the class on this issue and sometimes uses a method of criticism to eliminate the negative behavior of the student [7, p. 371]. As a result, the student is forced to repent of the changes that have occurred in his behavior, and he is trying to correct his mistake.

Research has shown that the application of rolling mechanism to students from single-parent families has a positive effect. Thus, students who are supposed to care for a child who is given the role of a father or mother and who imitate their own behavior, will soon find themselves in the position of their parents and begin to understand the problems they are creating. At the same time, those students who are given the role of teachers now have to face the behavioral disorders they have committed during the educational process. This causes them to see their actions and behaviors more clearly, to feel regret and to think about overcoming them.

Based on surveys and questionnaires, we can point out that deliberate, punitive and criticized delays in addressing the negative effects of negative demographic factors on student behavior are optimal methods. In the event of a serious behavioral disorder, the teacher's reaction may be at a level that can give the student a life lesson. Let's focus on the pedagogical problem at school No 53 in Yasamal district of Baku: "The family of the 8th grade student, Jamalov N. had serious problems. Shortly thereafter, the father and mother decided to divorce, and there was a serious demographic problem that led to the breakdown of the family. What happened was also reflected in the psychological state of the student.

Problems emerged in the student's relationship with his classmates, and some minor violations with his teachers were evident. Once during the lesson, he was abusive toward a literary teacher who criticized him and left his classroom unauthorized.In this case, the teacher of literature, Aziza Ms, instead of punishing him, decides to take into account his psychological state and act accordingly to relieve tension. The teacher did not punish the student but chose the waiting position. She was one of the best teachers in the school, who accepted her dissertation as a basic principle, and did not tolerate behavioral disorders. From this point of view, her waiting position was causing the student to be excited and anxious.

Balkan Scientific Review. 2020. T. 4. № 4(10)


The teacher's intermittent phrases and specific words to an unknown address made the student even more troubled. He had already begun to feel regret, and to realize the teacher's humanism against his neglect.Finally he approached the teacher and apologized. The teacher's sincere views made him relaxed and the student tried to explain the impact of the problems on his psychological state, apologized for his behavior, and vowed that he would be more regular. Being aware of the problems, Aziza teacher told him that she would always support him. Thus, a pedagogical problem that could have serious consequences was eliminated. "

Conclusion. As a result of the research, it is clear that teachers should be more attentive to the pedagogical conflicts that lead to demographic problems, and they should use special methods of training and influence.This is because the chosen methods and forms of use allow not only to resolve the conflict, but also to regulate the performance, characteristics, and confidence of students in the learning and future of those affected by the negative demographic processes [8, p. 84].

Given that families affected by negative demographic factors, parents themselves are also dealing with a number of socio-psychological problems, so it is more appropriate for them to work in schools with these students. School psychologists, along with classroom teachers, subject teachers, school administrators, should choose the right course to achieve effective results and eliminate the negative aspects of their students' psychosocial well-being.


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The article was received by the editors 02.08.2020

The article was accepted for publication 27.11.2020

©2020 Контент достъпен според лицензията CC BY-NC 4.0 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license ■ (https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)

Балканско научно обозрение. 2020. Т. 4. № 4(10)


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