Научная статья на тему 'On varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with the identity {x, y}·{z, t}=0'

On varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with the identity {x, y}·{z, t}=0 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Ratseev Sergey M.

Let K be an arbitrary field and let A be a K-algebra. The polynomial identities satisfied by A can be measured through the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of codimensions of A. We study varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, whose ideals of identities contain the identity {x, y}·{z, t}=0, we study an interrelation between such varieties and varieties of Leibniz algebras. We show that from any Leibniz algebra L one can construct the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A and the properties of L are close to the properties of A. We show that if the ideal of identities of a Leibniz-Poisson variety V does not contain any Leibniz polynomial identity then V has overexponential growth of the codimensions. We construct a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost exponential growth.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with the identity {x, y}·{z, t}=0»

УДК 512.572

On Varieties of Leibniz-Poisson Algebras with the Identity {x,y} • {z,t} = 0

Sergey M. Ratseev*

Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies,

Ulyanovsk State University, Lev Tolstoy, 42, Ulyanovsk, 432063


Received 12.11.2012, received in revised form 12.11.2012, accepted 15.11.2012 Let K be an arbitrary field and let A be a K-algebra. The polynomial identities satisfied by A can be measured through the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of codimensions of A. We study varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, whose ideals of identities contain the identity {x, y} • {z, t} = 0, we study an interrelation between such varieties and varieties of Leibniz algebras. We show that from any Leibniz algebra L one can construct the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A and the properties of L are close to the properties of A. We show that if the ideal of identities of a Leibniz-Poisson variety V does not contain any Leibniz polynomial identity then V has overexponential growth of the codimensions. We construct a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost exponential growth.

Keywords: Poisson algebra, Leibniz-Poisson algebra, variety of algebras, growth of a variety.


Let A be an algebra over an arbitrary field. A natural and well established way of measuring the polynomial identities satisfied by A is through the study of the asymptotic behavior of it's sequence of codimensions cn(A), n = 1,2,... . The first result on the asymptotic behavior of cn (A) was proved by A.Regev in [1]. He showed that if A is an associative algebra cn(A) is exponentially bounded. Such result was the starting point for an investigation that has given many useful and interesting results.

For associative algebras A.R.Kemer in [2] proved that the sequence cn(A) is either polynomi-ally bounded or grows exponentially. Then A.Giambruno and M.V.Zaicev in [3] and [4] showed that the exponential growth of cn(A) is always an integer called the exponent of the algebra A.

When A is a Lie algebra, the sequence of codimensions has a much more involved behavior. I.B.Volichenko in [5] showed that a Lie algebra can have overexponential growth of the codimensions. Starting from this, V.M.Petrogradsky in [6] exhibited a whole scale of overexponential functions providing the exponential behavior of the identities of polynilpotent Lie algebras.

In this paper we study Leibniz-Poisson algebras satisfying polynomial identities. Remark that if a Leibniz-Poisson algebra A satisfies the identity {x,x} = 0 then A be a Poisson algebra. Poisson algebras arise naturally in different areas of algebra, topology, theoretical physics. We study varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, whose ideals of identities contain the identity {x, y} ■ {z,t} = 0. We show that the properties of such Leibniz-Poisson algebras are close to

* [email protected] © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

the properties of Leibniz algebras. We show that Leibniz-Poisson algebra can have overexponen-tial growth of the codimensions and construct a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost exponential growth.

1. Preliminaries

Let A(+, •, {, }, K) be a K-algebra with two binary multiplications • and {, }. Let the algebra A(+,-,K) with multiplication • be a commutative associative algebra with unit and let the algebra A(+, {, }, K) be a Leibniz algebra under the multiplication {, }. The latter means that A(+, {, }, K) satisfies the Leibniz identity

{{x, y}, z} = {{x, z}, y} + {x, {y, z}}.

Assume that these two operations are connected by the relations (a, b, c G A)

{a • b, c} = a • {b, c} + {a, c} • b,

{c, a • b} = a • {c, b} + {c, a} • b.

Then the algebra A(+, •, {, }, K) is called a Leibniz-Poisson algebra.

We make the convention that brackets in left-normed form arrangements will be omitted:

{... {{xi,x2}, X3}, ...,i„} = {xi,x2, ...,x„}.

Let L(X) be a free Leibniz algebra with multiplication [, ] freely generated by the countable set X = {x1,x2,...}. Let also F(X) be a free Leibniz-Poisson algebra. Denote by PL and Pn the vector spaces in L(X) and F(X) accordingly, consisting of the multilinear elements of degree n in the variables xi , . . . , xn.

Proposition 1 ( [7]). A basis of the vector space Pn consists of the following elements:

xki • • • • • xkr • {xii, • • • , xis } • • • • • {xji , • • • , xjt }, (1)


(i) r > 0, ki < .. . < kr;

(ii) all elements are multilinear in the variebles x1,...,xn;

(iii) each factor {xi1,..., xis},..., {xj-1,..., xjt} in (1) is left normed and has lenngth ^ 2;

(iv) in each product (1) the shorter factor precede the longer: s ^ ... ^ t;

(v) if two consecutive factors in (1) are brackets {...} of equal length

• • • • {xpi, • • • , xPs } • {xqi, • • • , xqs } • • • • ,

then pi < q1.

Denote by rn the subspace of Pn spanned by the elements (1) with r = 0. Denote by L^2(X) the subspace of the free Leibniz algebra L(X) spanned by the elements [xii, ...,xin ] with n > 2. Also denote by PL^2(X ) the subspace of F (X ) spanned by the elements {xii,..., xin} with n > 2. Obviously, L^2(X) = PL^2(X) as Leibniz algebras. We will use only the notation L^2(X) everywhere as L^2(X) = PL^2(X) up to isomorphism of Leibniz algebras.

Let V be a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras (pertinent information on varieties of PI-algebras can be found, for instance, in [8], [9]). Let Id(V) be the ideal of identities of V. Denote

Pn(V) = Pn/(Pn n Id(V)), cn(V) = dim Pn(V).

For a variety of Leibniz algebras VL denote

PL(Vl) = PL/(PL n Id(VL)), cL(Vl) = dim PL(Vl).

Let Id,(A) be the ideal of the free algebra F(X) of polynomial identities of A.

The next proposition shows how from every Leibniz algebra one can construct a Leibniz-Poisson algebra with some conditions of the source Lebniz algebra.

Proposition 2 ( [7]). Let AL be a nonzero Leibniz algebra with multiplication [, ] over an infinite field K and let

A = Al © K

be a vector space with multiplications • and {, } defined as

(a + a) • (b + fi) = (fia + ab) + afi, {a + a, b + fi} = [a, b], a, b G AL, a,fi G K.

Then the algebra (A, +, •, {}, K) is a Leibniz-Poisson algebra and the following conditions are true:

(i) Id(AL) = Id(A) n L-^2(X) and the algebra A satisfies the identity {x\,x2} • {x3,x4} = 0;

(ii) for any n ^ 2

rn(A) = PL (A) = PL(Al)

up to isomorphism of vector spaces;

(iii) for any n the following equality holds:

Cn(A) = l + £ (?) • dim PL(Al).

2. Leibniz-Poisson Algebras with Identity

{xl,X2} • {X3,X4} = 0

Denote by Id({xi,x2} • {x3,x4}) the ideal of identities of the free Leibniz-Poisson algebra F(X) generated by the element {xi,x2} • {x3,x4}.

Theorem 1. Let VL be a variety of Leibniz algebras over an infinite field K defined by a system of identities

{fi = 0 | fi G L^(X), i G I} (3)

and let {gj G Id({x1, x2} • {x3,x4}) | j G J}, where | J| > 0, be a set of elements in the ideal Id({x1, x2} • {x3,x4}). Let V be a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras defined by the system of identities

{fi = 0, gj =0 | i G I, j G J}.


(i) MVl) = Id(v) n L^(X);

(ii) PL(V) = P„l(Vl);


(iii) Cn(V) > 1+£ (n) • cL(Vl);


(iv) if |11 = 0 then cn(V) ^ [n! • e] — n, where e = 2.71..., [ ] is «n integer part of a number.

Proof. (i) Let f G Zd(VL). Then f follows from the system of identities (3). Therefore, f G 1d(V)nL^(X) and Jd(VL) Ç 1d(V)nL^(X). We will show that 1d(V)nL^(X) Ç /d(VL).

Let W be a Leibniz-Poisson variety defined by the system of identities (3) and the identity (xi,x2| • {x3,x4} = 0. Since the element |xi,x2} • {x3,x4} generates the ideal /d({xi,x2} • {x3,x4}) and |J | > 0 then WÇV, 1d(V ) Ç 1d(W ).

Let L(X, VL) be the relatively free algebra of the variety VL of countable rank. Theorem of Birkhoff implies that the algebra L(X, VL) generates the variety VL. Hence 1d(VL) = 1d(L(X, VL)). Let A = L(X, VL) © K be a Leibniz-Poisson algebra with the multiplications (2). Proposition 2 implies that A G W, hence 1d(W) Ç Id(A). Proposition 2 also implies the equality

«(Vl) = Jd(L(X, Vl)) = Id(A) n L^(X).

Since 1d(V) Ç 1d(W) Ç Id(A), it follows

1d(V) n L^(X) Ç 1d(W) n L^(X) Ç Id(A) n L^(X) = 1"d(VL).

(ii) Condition (i) implies that 1d(V) n P^ = MVL) n Pjf for any n ^ 2. Therefore,

PL(Vl) = P„L/(/d(VL) n PL) = PL/(1d(V) n P„L) = P„L(V).

(iii) follows from (ii) and [7, Proposition 4].

(iv) Applying the formula


n! • > — = [n! • e], ^ k! L J


inequality from (iii) and P^ = n!, we obtain that

cn(V) > 1 + Ê (n) • k! = 1 + Ê (n—ï)ï =

k=2 k=2

n—2 ! n i

= /t = n — k/ = 1 + t! = n! t! — n = [n! • e] — n. t=0 ! t=0 !

Define the lower and upper exponents for the codimension sequence {cn(V)}nas follows: EXP(V) = lim nyCn(V), EXP(V) = US VCn(V).

If the lower and the upper limits coincide, we use the notation Exp(V).

Theorem 2. Let VL be a variety of Leibniz algebras over an infinite field K defined by the system of identities (3) and let V be a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras defined by the system of identities (3) and the identity {x1,x2} • {x3,x4} = 0. Then: 1 ) For any n ^ 2

Tn(V ) = PnL(V )= PL(Vl)

up to isomorphism of vector spaces.

2) Let

), s = 1,...,cL(VL), (4)

be a basis of the vector space P^CVl), n ^ 2. Then Pn(V) has a basis

x 1 • • • • • xn ? /

ki \ (5)

x«i ••• us (x3i T--Th3k

k = 2, ...,n, s = 1,... , ^(Vl), ii <...<in-k, ji <...<jk;

3) For any n



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k=2 ^

4) If exponent EXP(VL) exists, then EXP(V) = EXP(VL) + 1, in particular if there exist constants d ^ 0, a and ft such that for all sufficiently large n the double inequality holds

cn(V) = 1 + ¿ Q •dim PL(VL).

nadn < cL(VL) < n3dn,

then there exist constants y and 5 such that for all sufficient large n the following double inequality holds

nY(d + 1)n < cn(V) < ns(d + 1)n.

5) If some Leibniz algebra AL generate the variety VL, then the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A = Al © K with multiplications (2) generates the variety V.

6) If |I| < and the variety VL has the Specht property (i.e. all subvarieties of VL, including VL itself, are finite based), then the variety V has the Specht property.

7) Let W be a proper subvariety of V. Then the ideal of identities Id(W )n L^2(X) determines the proper subvariety of VL.

8) The variety VL is nilpotent if and only if the variety V has a polynomial growth.

Proof. 1) The equality P^(Vl) = P« (V) follows from Theorem 1. Since for any n holds equality

rn = PL © Id({xi, X2} • {X3,£4}) n Tn,


Tn(V) =rn/(Id(V) n Tn) =

= PL © Id({xi,x2} • {x3,X4}) n fn = = Id(V) n (PL © Id({xi, x2} • {x3, x4}) n Tn) =

= PL © Id({xi,x2} • {x3,x4}) n fn = = (Id(V) n PL) © (Id({xi, x2} • {x3, x4}) n Tn) =

- pL/(Id(V) n pL) = PL (V).

2) Follows from 1) and [7, Proposition 4].

3) Follows from 2).


4) Follows from 3) and the equality (t + 1)n = £ (£) • tk.


5) Let some Leibniz algebra AL generates the variety VL. Define the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A = Al © K with multiplications (2). Then Proposition 2 and Theorem 1 imply such equalities

Id(A) n L^(X) = Id(AL) = Id(VL) = Id(V) n L^(X), (6)

with 1d(V) C Id(A). We will show that Id(A) C 1d(V).

Denote by B the subspace of the free Leibniz-Poisson algebra F(X) spanned by the elements

{x«i, • • •, xis} • • • • • {xji, • • •, xjt}, s ^ 2,..., t ^ 2.

In particular rn = B n Pn, n = 1,2,... Note that

B = L^(X) © B n Id({xi, X2} • {X3, X4}). (7)

From [7] it follows that the ideal of identities Id(A) is generated by the set of identities B n Id(A). Let f e B n Id(A). Since

Id({xi, X2} • {x3,X4}) C Id(A)

and (7) then

B n Id(A) = L^2(X) n Id(A) © B n Id({x1,x2} • {x3,x4}). Hence there exist unique

g e L^2(X) n Id(A), h e B n Id({x1, x2} • {x3, x4}),

such that f = g + h. (6) implies that g e 1d(V). Obviously, h e 1d(V), hence f = g + h e 1d(V). Thus Id(A) = 1d(V).

6) Let |11 < and the variety of Leibniz algebras VL has the Specht property. Let W be a subvariety of the variety V. Obviously, 1d(W) n L^2(X) is an ideal of identities of the free Leibniz algebra L(X). Theorem 1 implies that

MVl) C 1d(W) n L^2(X).

Hence the ideal of identities 1d(W) n L^2(X) is generated by a finite number of elements

fi, • • •, fk e ¿^2(X).

Using the notations of 5), we have

B n 1d(W) = L^2(X) n 1d(W) © B n Id({x1, x2} • {x3, x4}). (8)

Since 1d(W) is generated by B n 1d(W) (see [7]) then the variety W is generated by the elements fi,..., ffc and {xi, X2} • {X3, X4}.

7) Let W be a proper subvariety of V. Then the strict inclusion 1d(V) £ 1d(W) holds. We will show that

MVl) £ 1d(W) n L^(X),

where 1d(W) n L^2(X) is an ideal of identities of L(X).

Since 1d(W) is generated by the set B n 1d(W) (see [7]) and 1d(V) £ 1d(W), there is such element f e B n 1d(W) that f e 1d(V). Equality (8) implies that there exist unique

g e L^2(X) n 1d(W), h e B n Id({xi, x2} • {x3, x4})

such that f = g + h. Since h e 1d(V) and f e 1d(V), we obtain that

g e l^2(x ) n id(v ) = /d(vL).

Therefore, Jd(VL) £ 1d(W) n L^(X).

8) Follows from 1), 3) and [7, Theorem 1] □

Corollary. Let L(X) be a free Leibniz algebra over infinite field K and let L(X) © K be a Leibniz-Poisson algebra with multiplications (2). Then:

(i) 1d(L(X) © K) n L(X) = {0}.

(ii) 1d(L(X) ©K) = Id({x1, x2} • {x3, x4}), i.e. the ideal of identities of the algebra L(X) ©K is generated by the identity {x1,x2} • {x3,x4} = 0.

Denote by the variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras defined by the identity {x1,x2} • {x3, x4} = 0. Theorems 1 and 2 imply that the codimension growth of f is overexponential.

Proposition 3. For any n ^ 1 the codimension of the identities of V1 satisfy

cn (V1) = [n! • e] — n.

Proposition 4. Let 3Nf be a Leibniz-Poisson variety, defined by the identity

{X1, {X2, {X3,X4}}} = 0.

Then the variety V1 n 3Nf over a field K of characteristic 0 has almost exponential growth of the codimension sequence.

Proof. [11] and [10] implies that the variety of Leibniz algebras 3N, defined by the identity

[x1, [x2, [X3,X4]]] = 0,

has almost exponential codimension growth. Therefore, by Theorem 1, the variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras V1 n 3Nf has overexponential codimension growth.

Let W be a proper subvariety of f 1 n 3Nf. Condition 7) of Theorem 2 implies that the ideal of identities 1d(W) n (X) defines the proper subvariety of 3N, which has exponentially bounded codimension growth. By condition 4) of Theorem 2, the sequence of codimensions of W is exponentially bounded. □

Denote by A/*sA the variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, defined by the identity

{{X1, X2}, . . . , {x2s+1, X2s+2}} = 0.

Proposition 5. Variety f1 n A/"s A over a field K of characteristic 0 has the Specht property. Proof. [12] implies that the variety of Leibniz algebras A/"sA, defined by the identity

[[X1, X2], ..., [X2s + 1, X2s+2]] = 0.

has the Specht property. Therefore, by 6) of Theorem 2, f 1 n A/"sA has the Specht property. □


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[6] V.M.Petrogradsky, Growth of polynilpotent varieties of Lie algebras, and rapidly increasing entire functions, Mat. Sb., 188(1997), no. 6, 119-138 (in Russian).

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[8] Yu.A.Bahturin, Identical relations in Lie algebras, Nauka, Moscow, 1985 (in Russian); English transl. in VNU Science Press, Utrecht, 1987.

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О многообразиях алгебр Лейбница-Пуассона с тождеством {x,y} • {z,t} = 0

Сергей М. Рацеев

В данной 'работе исследуются многообразия алгебр Лейбница-Пуассона, идеалы тождеств которых содержат тождество {x,y} ■ {z,t} = 0, исследуется взаимосвязь таких многообразий с многообразиями алгебр Лейбница. Показано, что из любой алгебры Лейбница можно построить алгебру Лейбница-Пуассона с похожими свойствами исходной алгебры. Показано, что если идеал тождеств многообразия алгебр Лейбница-Пуассона V не содержит ни одного тождества из свободной алгебры Лейбница, то рост многообразия V является сверхэкспоненциальным. Приводится многообразие алгебр Лейбница-Пуассона почти экспоненциального роста.

Ключевые слова: алгебра Пуассона, алгебра Лейбница-Пуассона, многообразие алгебр, рост многообразия.

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