ON THE LEGAL REGULATION OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Review of law sciences
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Ключевые слова
e-education / legal regulation / blended learning / mobile learning / mobile educational applications / electronic educational technologies. / электронное образование / правовое регулирование / смешанное обучение / мобильное обучение / мобильные образовательные приложения / электронные образовательные технологии.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Karimov Akramjon Zaynobidinovich, Xikmatov Nodir Nazimjanovich

the article deals with the current state of legal regulation of electronic education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In connection with the rapid development of electronic networking technologies, it is proposed to strengthen the regulatory framework of the national education system by adopting the Law «On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education"». The article has information about concept as blended learning, electronic training and distant education. Moreover, it offers an introduction of the blended and electronic training. Besides that, it provides the main advantages and shortcomings of such types of training.

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в статье речь идет о текущем положении нормативно-правового регулирования электронного образования в Республике Узбекистан. В связи с бурным развитием сетевых электронных технологий предлагается укрепление нормативно-правовой основы системы национального образования, путем принятия Закона «О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об образовании». В статье даны описание к понятиям как смешенное обучение, электронное и дистанционное обучение. Кроме того, статья содержит предложения по внедрению смешенного и электронного обучения в вузах. Приведены основные преимущества и недостатки таких видов обучения.




Karimov Akramjon Zaynobidinovich,

Tashkent state university of law, Tashkent, 100047, Uzbekistan Xikmatov Nodir Nazimjanovich,

Tashkent state university of law, Tashkent, 100047, Uzbekistan

Annotation: the article deals with the current state of legal regulation of electronic education in

the Republic of Uzbekistan. In connection with the rapid development of electronic networking technologies, it is proposed to strengthen the regulatory framework of the national education system by adopting the Law «On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education "». The article has information about concept as blended learning, electronic training and distant education. Moreover, it offers an introduction of the blended and electronic training. Besides that, it provides the main advantages and shortcomings of such types of training.

Keywords: e-education, legal regulation, blended learning, mobile learning, mobile educational applications, electronic educational technologies.

Аннотация: мацолада Узбекистан Республикасида электрон таълимни меъёрий-ууцуций тартибга солишнинг жарий уолати хусусида суз баради. Тармоцли электрон техналагияларнинг жадал риважланаётгани мунасабати билан, "Таълим тугрисида "ги Узбекистан Республикаси К,онунига узгартиришлар киритиш тугрисида"ги Крнун цабул цилиш орцали, миллий таълим тизиминингмеъёрий-ууцуций асасларини мустаукамлаш таклиф этилади. Мацолада аралаш таълим, электрон ва масафавий таълим каби тушунчаларнинг моуияти ёритилган. Шунингдек, алий таълим тизимига аралаш ва электрон таълимни жарий цилиш буйича таклифлар илгари сурилган. Бундай таълим турларининг асасий афзалликлари ва бартараф этилиши лазим булган камчиликлари курсатиб берилган.

Калит сузлар: электрон таълим, ууцуций тартибга салиш, аралаш таълим, мабил таълим, мабил таълим илавалари, электрон таълим техналагиялари.

Аннотация: в статье речь идет а текущем положении нармативна-прававага регулирования электронного образования в Республике Узбекистан. В связи с бурным развитием сетевых электронных технологий предлагается укрепление нормативно-правовой основы системы национального образования, путем принятия Закона «О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об образовании». В статье даны описание к понятиям как смешенное обучение, электронное и дистанционное обучение. Кроме того, статья содержит предложения по внедрению смешенного и электронного обучения в вузах. Приведены основные преимущества и недостатки таких видов обучения.

Ключевые слова: электронное образование, правовое регулирование, смешанное обучение, мобильное обучение, мобильные образовательные приложения, электронные образовательные технологии.

In recent years in Uzbekistan has begun new reforms in the sphere of national education. The management of education has been subj ected to harsh criticism by the head of government, in connection with which normative and legal acts were issued, targeting to a system-innovative approach to the problem of improving the management mechanisms of the national education system of the republic.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-3775 dated June 5, 2018 "On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in large-scale reforms implemented in the country" is at the center of the legal

basis for fundamental changes in the field of education in Uzbekistan. According to this act, the creation of new higher education institutions in the regions, the opening of contemporary fields of education and specialization on training, as well as correspondence and evening education departments, the increasing the quotas of admission to higher educational institutions are important reforms in this direction [1].

Now, the introduction of modern forms of teaching in the field of education, which includes so-called blended learning, is becoming increasingly important. Strengthening effective innovation in education from the regulatory side is also an urgent task.

What is blended learning?

The blended learning is an educational process that combines learning with the participation of a teacher (face-to-face) with online learning and involves elements of self-control of the student's trajectory, time, place and pace of learning, as well as the integration of learning experience with the teacher and online. The blended learning is a combination of network education with full-time, and an integration of traditional forms with electronic technologies [2, p. 272].

As you can see, this type of learning has such integral components as electronic (distant) learning, in particular, mobile learning.

The rapid development and widespread implementation of information and telecommunication technologies has enabled to the emergence of new trends in the educational system throughout the world. Consequently, such a pace of progress requires educational institutions to gradually update their information support, technical support and software programs, as well as, have free access to the world's educational and scientific information resources, and introduce new forms, tools and teaching methods.

In this regard, for the effective use of blended education in universities, as a new form of education, it is necessary to develop effective methodologies and, at the same time, strengthen the regulatory framework of education.

New forms of education are developing as the Internet develops. For example, e-education: more than a quarter of a century ago, it began using CDs, having come to this day, due to the large-scale popularization of Internet technologies, it penetrates almost every home remotely through mobile applications, social networks and instant messengers. All this was facilitated by the obvious distinctive convenience and advantages of e-education from traditional types of education and, of course, the growing information needs of mankind.

Distance learning is primarily an interactive interaction between the teacher and the student (at a distance), which reflects all the components relevant to the educational process, such purpose as, the content, form, means and methods of teaching, through using the means of local-network and Internet technologies.

The main advantage of distance learning is the following:

learning, without being prevented from work. This type of training can help those who want to learn or improve constantly;

distance learning does not know the distance, that is, the student can learn where and when he wants. This advantage will help to provide education those segments of the population who for some reasons cannot attend the place of the study;

reduce the cost of training, since distance learning does not require the cost of training materials (they can be found on the Internet), do not need a place for training, transportation costs and ect.;

flexible training schedule. The student may obtain knowledge when it is convenient for him, since the principle of distance learning is 24/7;

a minimum number of equipment is required for training. You only need the Internet and a device to access it.

The development of electronic and mobile technologies has led to the emergence of new methods and forms of distance learning, in particular, mobile learning.

The numerous studies have been conducted on the advantages and possible disadvantages of the distance learning and many articles have been written (for example, [3], [4]). Let's note some of them, in brief: "absence of distance"; "On-the-job training"; "Cost saving"; "Flexibility of the educational

process"; "the Internet" (all these are positives, further, about shortcomings) "the absence of social interaction"; "difficulties in self-organizing" and etc.

The wide possibilities of mobile learning are also mentioned in many other sources, for example,


Mobile learning is the learning through mobile technologies such as smart phones, tablets, net-books and etc. Today this range is expanding. Many people use mobile learning, because it provides some freedom in learning.

It should be noted that the organization of training using mobile technologies provides a certain comfort.

Mobile learning can help solve such tasks as:

exchange of learning materials and practical works (including lesson schedules, reminders regarding payment for lessons, assessment results and regulations, and etc.) between teachers and students, and among students using mobile technology;

use of different sources of information, such as access to electronic libraries, search engines, educational sites;

the possibility of quick messaging using social networks and instant messengers. The advantages of mobile learning were noted in UNESCO's research: Benefits for students:

- improving access to education;

- the use of relatively inexpensive daily technologies;

- the opportunity of learn at their own pace;

- the provision of supports for popular ways of interacting, such as mobile access to audio and video materials or social networks.

The opportunity of learn at their own pace with growing security system, that may not be available when using a computer or equipment owned by others. Such barriers can be removed through proper organization of mobile learning as a component of the educational process in universities. Benefits for educational institutions: large scale of public involvement in education; teaching materials will become available to a wider audience;

mobile learning organized by a university may provide improved living standards for many groups of population [6].

In abroad, for example, in Russia, England and the USA, distance learning is very popular and widely used. If look at the Russian education system, yet in January 2003, the Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"" and the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" were adopted, where distance learning technologies received legal recognition. As well as, on February 28, 2012, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to the Law "On Education"" was adopted according to which the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies" was introduced. Thus, these aforementioned teaching methods are legalized along with the traditional ones [7].

The following factors influence the development of distant learning, including mobile learning: today, those who want to get education are more than schools can accommodate; there are those who want to pursue further education without resigning from their job; conscious daily need for self-development; development rate of IT industry;

digital economy penetration into many spheres of the country's life, including in the field of education.

Taking into account these factors, many advanced universities around the world have been conducted in much researches to develop distant learning, in particular, mobile learning. In the world the range of distant educational institutions are expanding.

In many universities of Uzbekistan, during the educational processes modern distant learning technologies, including cloud technologies and mobile learning elements, mobile educational applications, have been increasingly used. However, in order to achieve quality indicators in the training of specialists, advanced innovative educational technologies should be systematically implemented throughout the country. There is a need for systemic - legal regulation in this area.

In Uzbekistan, nowadays, the sphere of education is regulated by Constitutional norms, the "National Training Program", the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the Resolutions and Decrees of the President of the country, such as the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on April 20, 2017 "On Measures on the further development of the higher education system", PD-3775 of June 5, 2018 "On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in the large-scale reforms carried out in the country", by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.- 930 dated November 21, 2017 "On approval of the provisions on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) and evening (shift) training in a higher education institution" and other regulations and departmental norms of the Ministry of Higher Education of the country.

For the proper disclosure of the functions of e-learning and electronic educational technologies in distant education, as well as for the large-scale introduction of positive methods of blended learning in the country, the above legal acts are not sufficient. At the moment, the existing regulatory and legal frameworks in the field of education should be supplemented with new norms that ensure the full use of e-learning and advanced electronic educational technologies in the educational process in order to improve the quality of the intellectual potential of the students.


It is necessary to adopt the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Education»", in which the legislative level strengthens the foundation of the conceptual apparatus of the system and processes of national education, as well as updates and adds the norms governing the use of e-learning, electronic (distance) educational technologies";

this law should establish that the implementation of educational programs, regardless of the forms of education, may use e-learning, electronic (distant) educational technologies in the manner prescribed by the relevant government department that performs the functions of state policy development and legal regulation in the field of education;

the law should legally strengthen the definitions of the concepts of "e-learning", "blended learning", "mobile learning", "mobile educational applications" and "electronic educational technologies";

it is also necessary to supplement the national legislation with the necessary legal norms that perfectly ensure the order and control of licensing procedures by educational institutions using e-learning and electronic (distant) educational technologies as a component of blended education;

the question of the working hours of teachers (tutors), the registration and payment for academic hours for teachers (tutors) using electronic educational technologies for distant learning, which undoubtedly requires a legislative solution in the form of a regulatory framework for legal regulation of e-learning, remains relevant.

A solid legal framework of national education, reformed to take into account the current state of scientific-technical and social progress, together with the professional diligence of education managers of all levels should generally provide organizational and legal guarantee of training's quality.


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