Научная статья на тему 'On the issue of adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs in the framework of inclusive education'

On the issue of adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs in the framework of inclusive education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
adaptive educational resources / inclusive education / special educational needs / requirements / evaluation criteria for adaptive educational resources / адаптивные образовательные ресурсы / инклюзивное образование / особые образовательные потребности / требования / критерии оценивания к адаптивным образовательным ресурсам.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Maulsharif M, Bobrova V.V.

Providing conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions (children with special educational needs) is one of the most important tasks of general education, aimed at forming a common culture among them, which ensures the diversifi ed development of their personality (moral, aesthetic, socio-personal, intellectual, physical) in accordance with the moral and socio-cultural values accepted in the family and society; mastery of learning activities. The requirements and evaluation criteria for adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs should be based on the structure of their disease, cognitive needs and interests and can be used as a tool for improving school textbooks of a new generation. This research was conducted by the Republican Scientifi c and Practical Center for the Examination of the Content of Education together with the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of program targeted fi nancing of the research OR 11465474 «Scientifi c foundations of modernization of the education and science system».

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Обеспечение условий для индивидуального развития всех учащихся, в особенности тех, кто в наибольшей степени нуждается в специальных условиях обучения (детей с особыми образовательными потребностями), является одной из наиболее важных задач общего образования, направленных на формирование у них общей культуры, обеспечивающей разностороннее развитие их личности (нравственное, эстетическое, социально-личностное, интеллектуальное, физическое) в соответствии с принятыми в семье и обществе нравственными и социокультурными ценностями, овладение учебной деятельностью. Требования, критерии оценивания к адаптивным образовательным ресурсам для детей с особыми образовательными потребностями должны исходить из структуры его заболевания, познавательных потребностей и интересов и могут использоваться в качестве инструмента совершенствования школьных учебников нового поколения. Данное исследование проведено Республиканским научно-практическим центром экспертизы содержания образования совместно с Национальной академией образования имени Ы. Алтынсарина Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан в рамках программно-целевого финансирования исследования OR 11465474 «Научные основы модернизации системы образования и науки».

Текст научной работы на тему «On the issue of adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs in the framework of inclusive education»



УДК 376.3 ГРНТИ 14.29.29




Барлык окушылардыц, эЫресе арнайы оку жагдайларына аса м^ктаж адамдар-дыц (ерекше бiлiм беру кажeттшктepi бар балалар) жеке дамуы Yшiн жагдай жасау олардыц жеке басыныц жан-жакты да-муын камтамасыз eтeтiн жалпы мэдени-eттi калыптастыруга багытталган жалпы бiлiм берудщ мацызды мщдеттершщ бipi болып табылады (адамгершшк, эстети-калык, элеуметтж-жеке, зияткерлж, физи-калык) отбасы мен когамда кабылданган адамгepшiлiк жэне элеуметтж-мэдени к¥н-дылыктарга сэйкес; оку кызметш игеру.

Ерекше бшм беру кажeттiлiктepi бар балалар Yшiн бeйiмдeлгeн бiлiм беру ре-§ сурстарына койылатын талаптар, багалау ® кpитepийлepi оныц ауруыныц к¥рылы-о мына, танымдык кажeттiлiктepi мен кы-зыгушылыктарына нeгiздeлуi керек жэне


о жаца буын мектеп окулыктарын жeтiлдipу


о к¥ралы peтiндe пайдаланылуы мYмкiн.

w Б^л зepттeудi OR 11465474 «Бшм жэне

о гылым жYЙeciн жацгыртудыц гылыми

^ непздерЬ) зерттеу такырыбын багдарла-

g малык-нысаналы каржыландыру аясын-


g да ^азакстан Республикасы Бiлiм жэне

^ гылым министрлМ Республикалык гылы-

^ ми-практикалык бшм мазм^нын сараптау

§ орталыгы мен Ы. Алтынсарин атындагы

S ¥лттык бiлiм Академиясы бipлeciп жYp-гiздi.

■ Г9


Maulsharif M.

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the University of International Business, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Bobrova V.V.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Karaganda University named after academician Y. A. Buketov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Нег1зг1 свздер: бейтделген бшм беру ре-сурстары, UHKMW3uemi бШм беру, ерекше бтм беру цажетттктер1 талаптары, бешмделген бшм беру ресурстарына багалау влшем шарттары.

Ключевые слова: адаптивные образовательные ресурсы, инклюзивное образование, особые образовательные потребности, требования, критерии оценивания к адаптивным образовательным ресурсам.

Keywords: adaptive educational resources, inclusive education, special educational needs, requirements, evaluation criteria for adaptive educational resources.


Обеспечение условий для индивидуального развития всех учащихся, в особенности тех, кто в наибольшей степени нуждается в специальных условиях обучения (детей с особыми образовательными потребностями), является одной из наиболее важных задач общего образования, направленных на формирование у них общей культуры, обеспечивающей разностороннее развитие их личности (нравственное, эстетическое, социально-личностное, интеллектуальное, физическое) в соответствии с принятыми в семье и обществе нравственными и социокультурными ценностями, овладение учебной деятельностью.

Требования, критерии оценивания к адаптивным образовательным ресурсам для детей с особыми образовательными потребностями должны исходить из структуры его заболевания, познавательных потребностей и интересов и могут использоваться в качестве инструмента совершенствования школьных учебников нового поколения.

Данное исследование проведено Республиканским научно-практическим центром экспертизы содержания образования совместно с Национальной академией образования имени Ы. Алтынсарина Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан в рамках программно-целевого финансирования исследования OR 11465474 «Научные основы модернизации системы образования и науки».


Providing conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions (children with special educational needs) is one of the most important tasks of general education, aimed at forming a common culture among them, which ensures the diversified development of their personality (moral, aesthetic, socio-personal, intellectual, physical) in accordance with the moral and socio-cultural values accepted in the family and society; mastery of learning activities.

The requirements and evaluation criteria for adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs should be based on the structure of their disease, cognitive needs and interests and can be used as a tool for improving school textbooks of a new generation.

This research was conducted by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for the Examination of the Content of Education together with the National Academy of Education § named after Y. Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of ® Kazakhstan within the framework of program targeted financing of the research OR 11465474 §


«Scientific foundations of modernization of the education and science system».


the versatile development of their personality о

(moral, aesthetic, socio-personal, intellectual, w

physical) in accordance with the moral and о

socio-cultural values accepted in the family and ^

society; mastering educational activities. ^

Students with special educational needs g

(with the exception of students with mental t|

retardation) should receive an education ^

comparable to the education of normally §

developing peers, and at the end of training - к a certificate of general education. Therefore,

One of the most important tasks of basic general education in accordance with the state mandatory standard of education is to provide conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who most need special learning conditions — children with special educational needs.

The adapted basic educational program of the basic general education of students with special educational needs are aimed at forming a common culture among them that ensures

their education is organized according to an adapted educational program developed by an educational organization on the basis of the state mandatory standard of education in inclusion, taking into account the psycho-physical characteristics of students and taking into account the creation of special learning conditions [1].

When developing an adaptive educational program, an educational organization takes as a basis the curricula for special (correctional) schools or adapts the usual general education program.

In the first case, some of the academic subjects of students with special educational needs coincide with the academic subjects of other students, some are specific, so training on them is carried out individually.

This model is effective in cases of effective teaching of such categories of children as deaf, blind, mentally retarded, but requires a more complex organization of the schedule of classes. In addition to the main subjects, the curriculum should include special subjects and correctional and developmental classes.

An educational organization can use both textbooks for educational organizations implementing adapted educational programs (individual plans, routes) and ordinary

t* textbooks.


K The education of the mentally retarded in

g conditions of inclusion should be organized

< using only special textbooks.

g In the second case, the adaptation of the

3 ordinary general education program is carried

^ out by prolonging the terms of study, drawing

o up an individual curriculum, developing

c an individual program for all or individual

§ academic subjects. Educational organizations


x use the same textbooks as in teaching normally § developing peers. At the same time, if necessary,

< the teacher should select additional textbooks,


g individually approach the selection of tasks and § exercises, use additional special textbooks.

When improving the qualifications of

teaching staff on inclusive education, the course program must necessarily provide for teaching teachers methods and technologies for adapting curricula (individual plans, routes), educational material [2-3].

This model is effective in cases of inclusive education of children with preserved intelligence (visually impaired, hard of hearing, with speech disorders, musculoskeletal system).

In both cases, it is mandatory for an educational organization to implement a correctional work program, which should provide correctional and developmental classes with a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist.

Adaptive educational and methodological support of the educational process in special education is an important tool for organizing and supporting this process, which determines (depending on the type, type, severity of the violation and the age of the student) the scope of the learning content, as well as methods and means of building the educational process. The transition of general education to the updated content of education necessitated the renewal and transformation of adaptive educational resources, including educational and methodological support in the content, structural and evaluative components. Any child with special educational needs should receive textbooks, workbooks and any other adapted didactic materials that ensure the adaptation of the learning process to the level of knowledge, skills, psychological characteristics of the student [4].

Accordingly, the requirements for educational and methodological support in subjects should change, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children studying. Because the quality of education is largely determined by the quality of educational resources and, above all, the quality of textbooks and teaching aids used. Adaptive educational resources should ensure that students with special educational needs


achieve the results established by the relevant state educational standards.

At the same time, it must be remembered that children with special educational needs (SEN) have various mental or physical abnormalities that cause disorders of general development that do not allow children to lead a full life.

The mental activity of children with special educational needs are characterized by reduced cognitive activity, concreteness, elements of infantile and stereo-typical, chaotic, impulsivity or slowness of mental actions, the predominance of the intuitive component of thinking, insufficient formation of basic mental operations, manifested to the greatest extent at the verbal level.

Therefore, the requirements and evaluation criteria for adaptive educational resources for children with special educational needs should proceed from the structure of their disease, cognitive needs and interests and can be used as a tool for improving school textbooks of a new generation, including a list of properties that they should possess [5]:

1. The content of the textbook (taking into account the degree of limitation of opportunities and the preservation of intellectual capabilities, the quality and timeliness of the creation of special educational conditions for students with special educational needs):

• compliance with the current state of the content of science;

• systematization in the subject, logical and psychological terms;

• consistency with the main provisions of the training program;

• unification of names, clarity of definitions;

• consistency of terms and titles in textbooks on related subjects;

• heterogeneity of ways of presenting information (word, picture, photo, information on how to extract subsequent information).

2. Textbook structure (reflects correctional tasks):

• compliance with previously accepted provisions, for example, block construction of content;

• clarity of structure, repeatability of elements;

• implementation in the structure of the content of the basic principles of the methodology of mental activity: the location of the table of contents at the beginning of the textbook, the use of subject, nominal and other pointers.

3. Methodological developments of the content (using special methodological techniques aimed at activating the cognitive activity of students with special educational needs, their stimulation of compensatory development processes and the formation of new positive qualities):

• compliance with the requirements of modern didactics in the field of language (accessibility, correctness);

• compliance with the methodological requirements for this subject of study;

• a variety of examples illustrating the author's provisions;

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• referring to the material passed and the experience of students;

• variety of main tasks;

• highlighting different levels of content

difficulty; t*


• management of students' thought K processes in the process of solving problems. g

4. Design and printing execution (using differentiated, meaningful, variable visibility g depending on the individual characteristics of g students with special educational needs; with ^ the expectation of overcoming negative features q and consequences of abnormal development): c

• ease of use of the textbook; §

• practicality, aesthetics and informativeness of the cover; §

• paper quality; <

• a variety of illustrations (drawings, o


photographs, drawings, diagrams); g

• the presence of color illustrations that

serve as an important source of information, their correspondence to the verbal content and adaptation to the age possibilities of perception of the student;

• brevity and clarity of captions under illustrations;

• the use of appropriate selections, for example, basic concepts, information provisions and other elements;

• the required width of the set column, fields on which the basic concepts can be highlighted;

• stimulating reading volume;

• clear allocation of the surname of the author of the textbook.

The general scheme of textbook analysis:

1. The external design of the textbook, the quality of the flyleaf.

2. Availability and quality of illustrations, drawings in the textbook.

3. Information function:

- compliance of the content of the educational material with modern requirements;

- novelty of educational and artistic material;

- the quality of theoretical material, its cognitive value.

4. Motivational function:

- availability of material that contributes to the development of students' interest;

g - compliance of the educational material with K the age capabilities of school-children; g - availability of means of emotional impact; <i - the fascination of the form of presentation g of the material;

3 - availability of material based on the life ^ experience of students. o 5. The function of teaching a student to work c independently with a book: § - the presence of material or instructions in


x the textbook that help the student to work with

§ the book;

< - availability of samples of correct execution

2 of tasks;

§ - the presence of tasks that help to carry out self-control of knowledge and skills.

6. The educational function of the textbook:

- presentation of educational material as a system that promotes the development of versatile abilities of students;

- the presence of problematic issues and tasks in the educational material, in the methodological apparatus;

- availability of materials and tasks that contribute to cognitive activity, independence of students.

7. Teacher activity management function:

- consistency and expediency of the educational material;

- the presence of intrasubject and intersubject connections;

- reflection of the specifics of the textbook in the national school;

- scientific validity of the content and structure of the textbook;

- consistency with the real possibilities of the educational process.


1. About textbooks for students with WHO // URL: http://yaguo.ru/files/ pismo_monrf_073517.pdf (date of address: 08/14/2020).

2. Regulatory and legal framework of special and inclusive education [Electronic resource] // URL: https://special-edu.kz / (accessed 12.08.2018).

3. Main trends in the development of the education system in the 21st century [Electronic resource] // URL: https://zaochnik. com/spravochnik/pedagogika (date of address: 08/14/2020).

4. Alyokhina S.V. The modern stage of development of inclusive education in Moscow Inclusive education. Issue 1. - M.: Center «School book», 2010. - 272 p.

5. Requirements for textbooks of the new generation [Electronic resource] // URL: https://infourok.ru/trebovaniya-k-uchebnikam-novogo-pokoleniya/ (date of address: 08/14/2021).

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