Научная статья на тему 'ON NONCE WORDS DEFINITION'

ON NONCE WORDS DEFINITION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
nonce words / artistic text / semantic range / neologism / aesthetic information / denotation / connotation / word-formation models / occasionality / individual author's style

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dzhabrailova V.S., Zhilinskayte P.E.

The article dwells upon the definition of nonce words issue which has not been given a proper study in the modern linguistics. The authors study various definitions of the term "nonce word" and attempt to define it as well having compiled all the distinctive criteria. They conclude that nonce words are characteristic of the individual author's style and cannot be regarded upon as independent lexical units with a fived meaning.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ON NONCE WORDS DEFINITION»

притаманна мовленневим та / або текстовим моди-фжащям стльного для них iнварiанта, близьк1сть значень у певних випадках постае ознакою моди-фiкацiй рiзних iнварiантiв, отже, i самих iнварiан-тiв загалом.


1. Zagnitko A. P. Foundations of the Ukrainian theoretical syntax, Gorlivka, Gorlovka State Pedagogscal Institute for Foreign Langaage, 2003.228 p.

2. Language nomination: general issues / [ed. L. L. Ufimtseva, B. L. Serebrenikova]. - M.: Nauka, 1977.-- 360 p.

3. Terkulov V. I. Word and nominateme: the experience of a complex description of the main

nominative language unit/ V. I. Terkulov. - Gorlovka: Gorlivka, Gorlovka State Pedagogscal Institute for Foreign Langaage, 2007. - 240 p.

4. Jackson H. Words and their Meaning / H. Jackson. - London and New York: Longman, 1995. - 279 p.

5. Shansky NM Phraseology of the modern Russian language: M.: Higher school, 1996 . - 160 p.

6. Diachok N.V. Principles of definition of the nominathemes of complex type. Mova. №28. Odessa, 2017

7. Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. Lexicology / M. I. Fomin. - M .: Higher school, 2001 . -415 p.


Dzhabrailova V.S.,

PhD, Associate Professor Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics Losinoostrovskaya Str., 49, Moscow Zhilinskayte P.E. Graduate student

Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics Losinoostrovskaya Str., 49, Moscow


The article dwells upon the definition of nonce words issue which has not been given a proper study in the modern linguistics. The authors study various definitions of the term "nonce word" and attempt to define it as well having compiled all the distinctive criteria. They conclude that nonce words are characteristic of the individual author's style and cannot be regarded upon as independent lexical units with a fived meaning.

Keywords: nonce words, artistic text, semantic range, neologism, aesthetic information, denotation, connotation, word-formation models, occasionality, individual author's style.

The problem of transferring occasional words when translating texts is one of the key problems in translation theory, since each new speech act that arises is a kind of manifestation of occasionalism. Nonce words are also one of the key problems in sty-listics, since in search of expressive means of artistic speech; writers often resort to word creation. The aesthetic value of such new formations is determined by the author's individual style, their ability to apply the most vivid and stylistically justified expressive colors of certain word-formation models.

Since occasional information is one of the types of lexical information, and the lexical level of the language, in turn, is more susceptible to changes and borrowings, such a phenomenon as occasionality is of great interest for its study.

Language is not only a sign system used for communication, but also a means of conveying information. However, in terms of language as a system, generalized types of information are of greater interest, leaving a certain imprint on the features of texts. In particular, aesthetic information is of particular interest from the point of view of translation as it introduces a specific challenge. In contrast to denotative infor-

mation, within the framework of which a clear "question - answer" structure stands out, aesthetic information conveys to a person a sense of beauty, forms his vision of a work of art [2].

Since the language operates such functions as the expression of thoughts and feelings, which in turn are one of the main types of human activity, the need for this type of information is so great that a person has created a special type of text that specializes in the conveying of aesthetic information - literary texts. [1] The artistic type of text (speech) is the most "abundant" in means of artistic expression, since when creating an artistic text, the characteristics of which are: imagery, aesthetic orientation and emotive influence on the reader, the author often goes beyond the denotation in order to create a certain image, which would have all the characteristics given earlier.

Denotation is an expression of its own content, the main meaning of a linguistic unit in contrast to its connotation, or the accompanying semantic and stylistic shades. [3]

To create a system of artistic images that convey a sensual image or perception of the world, the author uses various means of linguistic expressiveness, stylistic figures and speech ambiguity. Also, an important

role in the creation of an image is played by neologisms, which are a source of enrichment of the writer's language, and in particular, the type of neologisms called nonce words are the most difficult for both, comprehension (authors coin the words, thus only they know their exact meaning) and translation (the task is not only to decipher the meaning but also to render it in a proper way).

The concept of "a nonce (occasional) word" was introduced by the German philologist G. Paul in 1880. In Russian linguistics, this term was first used by N.I .Feldman in 1957. Since then, the study of the occasional word has claimed the attention of more and more linguists. However, it is worth noting that for sty-listics as a science, the problems and difficulties of perceiving nonce words still are of utmost importance. Hence the definitions of occasional word.

According to Herman Paul's Principles of the history of language, "in the usual terms the word is ambiguous, but in the occasional one it is always unambiguous, while it is always richer than the conventional one in content and narrower in semantic range" [29, p. 93].

N.I. Feldman, in turn, defines nonce word as a word formed according to a linguistic low - productive or unproductive model, as well as an occasional (speech) model and created for a specific occasion either for the purpose of an ordinary message, or for an artistic purpose. [10]

In the explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L.P. Krysin, the nonce word is understood as "a type of neologism: a word formed in relation to a given case, to a given context". [6]

Russian linguist V.S. Vinogradov defines occasional words as "special individual author's new formations, created according to unusual or unproductive word-formation models. Their function is not nominative, as in simple neologisms, but characteristic". [4]

In the dictionary of linguistic terms by O.S. Akh-manova, the following definition is given: "Occasional means not ordinary, not corresponding to generally accepted use, characterized by individual taste, due to the specific context of use" [46, p. 274].

E. V. Klobukov in his article "Word formation" asserts that all new words are created "according to certain norms and rules valid in the language. In turn, occasional words are always derived, they are "formed by speakers as needed". [5]

E. V. Pozdeeva in her work "Occasional word: perception and translation" argues that, "on the one hand, the occasional word is a product of speech activity, on the other hand, it is the language system that allows you to create nonce words according to certain

models and is that contrasting background, on which occasionality is highlighted". [8]

In the textbook "Neology and neography of the modern Russian language" the occasional word is defined as a reflection of the inner world of the linguistic personality. [9]

Due to the fact that in theory the problem of defining nonce words among linguists is quite acute as there is no single approach to this phenomenon, we dare to suggest the following definition, which perhaps, is a set of similar criteria: occasional words are author's word formations designed to convey expression, as a rule, in fiction. As a kind of neologisms, occasional word formations belong to the individual author's styles, and not to the common fixed usage.


1. Alekseeva I.S. Introduction to translation: textbook. manual for stud. philol. and lingual. fac. higher. study. institutions. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg .: Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University; M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 335 p. 1

2. Asratyan Z.D. Aesthetic information of a literary text and its conceptualizing role // Science of Man: Humanitarian Research. 2016. No. 2 (24). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/esteticheskaya-infor-matsiya-hudozhestvennogo-teksta-i-eyo-kontseptual-iziruyuschaya-rol (date of access: 05/18/2021).

3. Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms / Akhmanova O. S. - Moscow: Sov. encikl., 1969. - 608 p.

4. Vinogradov V.S.Translation: general and lexical questions: textbook. M .: KDU, 2006 .- 224 p.

5. Klobukov E.V. Word formation // Modern Russian literary language / ed. P.A.Lekanta. - M., 2009 .- 493 p.

6. Krysin L.P. Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words 2nd ed., Ext. - M .: Rus. lang., 2000 - 410 p.

7. Paul H. Principles of the history of language: http://www.hpcl.uni-freiburg.de/assets/files/Introduc-tion%20to%20the%20Russian%20transla-tion%20of%20Paul's%20Prinzipien%20(Katsnel-son).pdf

8. Pozdeeva E.V. Occasional word: perception and translation: Dis. ... Cand. philol. Sciences: 10.02.19 Perm, 2002 .- 203 p.

9. Popova T.V., Ratsiburskaya L.V., Gugunava D.V. Neology and neography of the modern Russian language: textbook. - 2017.167 p.

10. Feldman N.I. Occasional words and lexicography // Questions of linguistics. - 1957. - No. 4. - 74 p.

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