Huseynova Abira Amanovna - Member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Abstract: one of the most important tasks of the state in the modern period of deep socioeconomic transformations is to ensure the effective functioning of systems that provide social protection to those categories of citizens who are most affected by the "shock therapy" of market transformations. Such social groups that need help and support, first of all, include orphans and children left without parental care. Many young people from among orphans, for objective and subjective reasons, enter society at the time of adulthood by marginal members (strangers), remaining in this environment throughout their lives. This is the result of the fact that during their growing up they did not go through the full process of socialization, or it was significantly deformed.
Keywords: socialization, mechanism, social protection, child protection, psychological assistance, social changes.
Хусейнова Абира Амановна - член Сената Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан, доктор философских наук, профессор, кафедра социальных наук, Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: одной из важнейших задач государства в современный период глубоких социально-экономических преобразований является обеспечение эффективного функционирования систем, обеспечивающих социальную защиту тех категорий граждан, которые в наибольшей степени подвержены «шоковой терапии» рыночных преобразований. К таким социальным группам, которые нуждаются в помощи и поддержке, в первую очередь, относятся дети-сироты и дети, оставшиеся без попечения родителей. Многие молодые люди из числа сирот по объективным и субъективным причинам вступают в общество во время совершеннолетия маргинальными членами (незнакомцами), оставаясь в этой среде на протяжении всей своей жизни. Это связано с тем, что в период своего взросления они не прошли весь процесс социализации или были значительно деформированы. Ключевые слова: социализация, механизм, социальная защита, защита детей, психологическая помощь, социальные изменения.
UDC 101.1:316
The ongoing social changes in the Republic of Uzbekistan are characterized by innovative reforms aimed at improving the social protection of children. The main mechanisms for implementing these reforms are reflected in the Action Strategy "On 5 priorities for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021." This document creates a new situation in the country and plays a key role in the adaptation of families and children to the new socio-
economic conditions, as well as in the state support of their social protection1. The state has adopted a number of normative legal acts, Resolutions, Decrees, State Programs of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at improving and strengthening the mechanisms of the system of social assistance and support to children and families to create conditions for a full life. Currently, the social protection of children in the country is carried out through a network of ministries and departments, various non-governmental organizations aimed at creating conditions for children to receive quality education, upbringing, qualified medical, social, legal and psychological assistance. In the context mentioned above, great attention is also paid to strengthening the institution of the family, the formation of a socially healthy family and a stable society. For this reason, the types of assistance that include a wide range of comprehensive assistance, the distinctive feature of which is the allocation of social benefits and financial assistance to low-income families, are based on the principle of a targeted approach. The country has a system of wide involvement of children from 3 years to preschool education. Children with disabilities in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 28, 2018 No 244; orphans, or children left without parental care; families with three or more children and other categories in need of social protection are included in the list of preferential admission to preschool institutions. At the same time, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan will develop targeted individual assistance programs for low-income families, including those released from prisons, through employment, retraining and advanced training. As a result of these programs, 3,007 people were employed in 2018-2019. Targeted programs provide social protection to those in need of protection (single parents with children under 14 and children with disabilities) who are unable to compete in the labor market. In addition, the citizens' self-government bodies are working to assign childcare benefits to families with children under two years of age, as well as to children under 14 years of age. In particular, targeted state programs to strengthen the reproductive health of the population are being implemented in the country: medical services for children aged 0-18 (except for paid hospitals) are provided free of charge. Maternity and childhood protection programs are widely implemented, with particular emphasis on child coverage (children under 1 year of age; children in need of social protection and dispensary care; children from families with socially dangerous diseases).2
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan is constantly working to prevent drug addiction, alcoholism and other harmful habits among students and the population in mahallas, schools, colleges and academic lyceums. Thus, the system of measures for the social protection of children is aimed at reducing complex family situations and, consequently, social orphanhood, neglect, delinquency among children and adolescents3. In view of the above, work is underway to develop mechanisms to reduce the number of children in special educational institutions for children and families in difficult situations, as well as children with Mercy, Compassion, orphanages and children with special needs. Studies show that returning children to families as much as possible in these processes gives good results. One of the main goals of the "Family Policy", based on the conceptual idea of "Healthy family - healthy society" in our country, is to prevent children from falling into difficult situations. It is no coincidence that the family is so important in our society. The family is the national value of the Uzbek people and embodies the original human qualities such as return to ourselves, respect for our national traditions, respect for the elderly and care for the young, humanity, nobility, kindness. The family unites the society, brings blessings to it and enlightens our homes with the light of love, tenderness and kindness. And
1 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021."
2 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №-139 of January 7, 2008 "On guarantees of the rights of the child"; Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №-263 of September 29, 2010 "On the prevention of juvenile delinquency and delinquency"; Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №-528 of March 11, 2019 "On protection of reproductive health of citizens."
the children in the population category we are looking at need just such human support. Today, it is necessary to improve the process of social protection, social adaptation and integration of children in need of social protection by creating favorable conditions for ensuring and protecting their rights and interests, demonstrating the individual potential of each child.1
This is evidenced by the Institute of Persons Responsible for the Rights of the Child in the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At present, there is a stable trend of protection of the rights and interests of children in law enforcement and educational and preventive work, innovative technologies for providing social and legal assistance to children at risk and their families. The problems of family upbringing, legal and social protection, the formation of legal culture, respect for the child's identity are relevant today and require a comprehensive solution within the whole system of social protection of children2. According to experts, most of the "children whose parents or guardians have been held civilly, administratively and criminally liable" do not fall into the category of the needy, and legal, social protection, does not feel the need for psychological support. Many experts refer to groups of children in need of social protection: children from incomplete, low-income families; children from conflicting families addicted to alcohol and drugs; include children from families where violence reigns. The above considerations confirm that professionals (such as law enforcement practitioners, educators, community workers) need to have a better understanding of this situation, to achieve non-control and early prevention of delinquency among children, which are key objectives of public policy in the field of childhood. At the same time, many experts argue that the conviction of parents affects the formation of deviant behavior of the child, the possibility of delinquency by them, and justify the importance of preventive measures with this category of children. According to experts, this work should be focused primarily on the involvement of children in physical culture, various clubs, as well as career guidance, roundtables on the dangers of alcohol and drugs, legal activities. Interaction and social partnership between government agencies and civil society institutions play an important role in working with children from socially vulnerable families.3 Citizens' self-government officials, in turn, stress the need for educators to conduct preventive accounting with children and their families and to report this to their communities. The analysis of the facts shows that there is a need to improve the mechanism of exchange of statistical data and information about children and families in this category. This indicates that the link between government agencies, local governments and NGOs is insufficient. The interaction of specialists is important in the implementation of preventive measures, and various activities with such children will be carried out mainly in the neighborhoods and educational institutions4. Also, the development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs in the work of prevention inspectors with these children will increase the effectiveness of work in this area. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of parents of civil, administrative and criminal offenses and the causes of juvenile delinquency, it can be said that parents of children detained in places of deprivation of liberty or civil, administrative and criminal offenses carry out educational and preventive and rehabilitation work with their children. early and complex conduct is required. Research shows that every second
1 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 5, 2017 №-965 "On measures to further improve the procedure for determining the minimum number of jobs and reservation for employment of persons in need of social protection, having difficulty finding employment and unable to compete on equal terms in the labor market" Resolution; Regulation "On the organization of vocational training and retraining of the unemployed, their training," registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 2, 1999 №-762
2 Хусейнова А.А. ФИЛОСОФСКОЕ МИРОПОНИМАНИЕ АБДУРАХМАНА ДЖАМИ //УЧЕНЫЙ XXI ВЕКА. 2017. С. 91.; Холова Э.Х., Хусейнова А. А. ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН" О ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИИ ТОРГОВЛЕ ЛЮДЬМИ" //Современные научные исследования. 2012. №. 12. С. 1-1.
3 Хусейнова А.А. Торговля людьми: попытка противодействия //Социологические исследования. 2010. № 11. С. 150-151
4 Холова Э.Х., Хусейнова А.А. ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН" О ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИИ ТОРГОВЛЕ ЛЮДЬМИ" //Современные научные исследования. 2012. № 12. С. 1-1.
child is not involved in various educational and preventive measures, rehabilitation programs aimed at preventing delinquency and crime. Interviews with children and their families, as well as individual interviews, revealed that this is the category of children who need special attention, support and assistance from government agencies, civil society institutions, and children's NGOs. It is necessary to increase the attention, help and support of such adolescents by parents and social protection specialists. Timely assistance to minors whose parents or guardians have been prosecuted in civil, administrative and criminal cases in a life-threatening or socially dangerous situation is a guarantee of their successful adaptation in society and a positive formation of law-abiding behavior, as well as protection from delinquency and crime1. The effectiveness and efficiency of support and assistance to families and children depends on the interaction of specialists from various agencies who study the pedagogical, psychological, legal problems of children, the level of education and individual development, as well as the socio-economic situation of the family. 2In this process, social services, educational institutions, prevention agencies, health and citizens' self-government bodies, children's NGOs, etc. parents or guardians provide comprehensive assistance and support to minors and their families involved in civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. plays a key role.3 In connection with the above, the issue of children's understanding of social problems by professionals is of particular importance, as it plays an important role in supporting children, such as social assistance, legal and psychological assistance.4 Psychologists, educators, IOI prevention inspectors, citizens themselves, who help children in social assistance, mainly in the rehabilitation and treatment of parents who abuse alcohol or drugs, meet the needs of children in food, clothing, textbooks, clubs and other expenses. self-governing bodies specialists play an important role. Citizens' self-government bodies, in their professional activities, place children in clubs and sports sections. Thus, the study showed that comprehensive care and support for children and their families (medical-social, psychological-pedagogical, legal, educational, rehabilitation, etc.) does not sufficiently meet their needs for various services, and the data show that children and their families or that they need help solving these problems. It is important that the identified problems in the field of assistance and support for children and their families, government agencies, civil society institutions take comprehensive measures to improve the universality and quality of services provided through social partnership and active interaction mechanisms. The adoption and implementation of comprehensive measures by government agencies and civil society institutions for the effective adaptation and integration of children into society will help to minimize neglect, delinquency and family unrest among this category of children.5
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