Научная статья на тему 'On Internal and External Threats of Russia in the North Caucasus'

On Internal and External Threats of Russia in the North Caucasus Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Текст научной работы на тему «On Internal and External Threats of Russia in the North Caucasus»

Ed. Abylgaziev I. Ilyin I.: in 2 volumes. - Moscow: MAKS Press, 2011. vVl. 1, pp. 200-202.

14. Chumakov A. Globalnyy mir: problema upravleniya [Global world: the problem of control] // Vek globalizatsii. 2010. № 2, pp. 3-15.

15. Chumakov A. Problema upravleniya kak povod dlya diskussii [Control problem as an opportunity for discussion] // Vek globalizatsii. 2012. № 2, pp. 32-42.

16. Chumakov A. Theoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovaniya issledovany protsessov globalizatsii. [Theoretical and methodological basis of research into the processes of globalization.] // Vekglobalizatsii. 2013. № 2, pp. 23-37.

17. Shliapnikov V. Novaya politsentrichnost i stabilnost mirovoy cistemy [New polycentric and stability of the world system] // Proceedings of the II International Scientific Congress "Global Studies - 2011: Towards a problem of strategic stability and global governance" / Ed. Abylgaziev I. Ilyin and ..: in 2 volumes Moscow.: MAKS Press, 2011. Vol. 1, pp. 203-204.

18. Kiss E. Globalization at Macro-, Meso, and Micro- Levels // Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. by Chumakov A., Mazour I., Gay W. Amsterdam; New York, N.Y., 2014.

19. Martin G. T. World Government // Global Studies Encyclopedia / Ed. by Mazour I., Chumakov A., Gay W. - Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 2003, pp. 551-555.

"Vekglobalizatsii", Moscow, 2015, № 1, pp. 2135.

R. Serderov,

Ph.D.(Hist.), Senior Lecturer, Chair of History of the Fatherland, Dagestan State University ON INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL THREATS OF RUSSIA IN THE NORTH CAUCASUS

Protection of national interests and ensuring national security of the Russian Federation are directly connected with the development of the situation in all the Post-Soviet space. The North Caucasus is a kind of border areas, a strong point for protection of its vital national interests in the Caucasus, Caspian, and the Middle East regions.

You can take into account that Russia, as a Caucasian state, pursues its national interests, maintaining its territorial integrity. The Caucasus has become a region where a direct threat to the national

security of the Russian Federation is based. There are many ethnic and national, regional, religious and other contradictions and conflicts, real and potential, which are manifested here in the most complicated way. It is fraught with far-reaching, difficult to predict the negative consequences for all nations. It is necessary to distinguish between the territory and the space to a proper understanding of this problem. The space includes (from a geopolitical point of view) as the actual territory of a specific country, delineated clearly by national borders, and its interrelations with the neighboring countries and peoples. The territory is a natural location of the state, the material basis of political self-organization of the people. The principle of the territorial imperative is valid when the boundaries of the territory (the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the State applied to it) is inviolable, and the State has the right to defend it by all means. The notion of "space" has a special meaning in geopolitics and not always and not necessarily serves as a synonym for "territory". The category of "space" is broader than the category of "State territory". Its boundaries are not marked clearly, and not always and not necessarily fixed as the legal ones, and, accordingly, may be mobile.

We can not say that the territorial and geographical factor has lost its significance in general in the modern world, when determining the priorities of the national security of the state. Nowadays, the thought of the famous German researcher of the 19th century, F. Ratzel, remains significant, that the territory itself is a political force.

However, the forms and means of domination of one or another great power over other countries, peoples, regions have radically changed in the last few decades. If the seizure of the territory of other country has given such a result during the traditional geopolitics, then not political control over it is important, but management by other means and methods for today. The so-called "soft power", acting in the

form of information warfare, ideological, cultural, financial, economic hegemony, belongs to them.

These realities have acquired special relevance and significance in relation to the North Caucasus, which turned into a qualitatively new geopolitical situation after the collapse of the Soviet Union, becoming a borderline geopolitical space of the Russian Federation. The basic characteristics of the region is determined by factors of location, physical and geographical, spatial, climatic and other peculiarities, that have influenced and continue to influence the socio-economic development, ethno-national structure, historical fate of peoples. Events and processes in the region have a significant impact on the development of the situation at scales far beyond the region.

A number of subspaces, overlapping and not always coincide with each other, as well as spaces of another level and composition can be distinguished from the geopolitical point of view - the economic, ethno-national, religious, socio-cultural, informational, and others. Their borders extend to the South Caucasus. The limits of the ethno-national, cultural and linguistic subspace has crossed the state borders of the Russian Federation and spread on the territory of South Caucasus states - a zone of vital interests of Russia, that are essential for ensuring its national security. They include the territories occupied by ethnic groups such as the Abkhazians in Abkhazia, Ossetians living in South Ossetia, Lezgins and Avars in Azerbaijan, etc.

The North Caucasus is a part of a single Caucasian region, which occupies a central place in the Black Sea-Caspian region, and it should be considered for ensuring national security of Russia. Both regions are characterized by a common set of specific features of the ethno-national, religious, territorial and geographical, historical, socioeconomic, socio-cultural and other measures. The need to treat them as a single region in the geopolitical dimension, which occupies a strategic

position on one of the busiest crossroads of the world communications, is explained by these realities. The North Caucasus in the geopolitical dimension can be considered as one of the priorities of the foreign policy strategy of the Russian Federation in this context. The region has naval and land communications with the Middle East, Central and South-West Asia. It plays a special role in control and access to natural energy resources, having geostrategic importance.

It is also important that the geopolitical borders of the North Caucasus extend over the territory of the Middle East for a number of indicators. The North Caucasus republics is expanding ties with the countries of the region such as Turkey, Syria, Jordan and others, where there are diasporas of their peoples. These republics can be considered a part of the so-called Muslim north or a broader Islamic world, in the confessional terms. Despite the existence of the clear state borders, separating the region from the rest of the world, its geo-political boundaries are blurred and represent a kind of border zone. It can be seen as a part of a wider geopolitical space, where the interests of a plurality of neighboring states and the great powers are met. Russia provides access to an important transport communications on the Middle and Near East, the ability to maintain stable relations through the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, both in Europe and Asia, and with the rest of the world, all through the region.

The boundaries of these spaces do not always coincide with the territorial boundaries of the North Caucasus. Each of them has more or less significant impact on each other and on the region as a whole. The geopolitical situation in the region is characterized by the presence of all sorts of socio-economic, ethnic, religious, territorial and other contradictions and conflicts. At the same time the so-called New Great Game was developed due to a combination of factors in the region, but with a different composition of the actors. The region has become the

epicenter of large-scale events and processes of world-historical significance. Issues relating to the provision of the economy with energy resources, affect more and more on the development of the modern world. The great importance of oil and gas leads to an exacerbation of rivalry and the struggle between the major powers for control of hydrocarbon deposits and pipelines. It is not surprising that the Caucasus-Caspian region as a whole, and the Caucasus, in particular, that was beyond the main centers of world economic and military and political power recently, has become one of the most important regions in geopolitical terms in the 1990s. Keen competition for the expansion of the spheres of influence has begun in the region between many countries in a major geopolitical shift, namely the United States, a number of Western European countries, Turkey, Iran, China and many others. All of them are competitors of Russia and seek to expand their political and economic influence in the region by pursuing their own interests. Focusing on ethnic and religious factors is a characteristic feature of the countries competing with Russia. This situation was created after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and many analysts have argued that the Caucasus, including the Russian North Caucasus, would be "Russian Balkans." The revival of ethno-national, religious, territorial and other contradictions and conflicts in the Eurasian space from the Balkans to Afghanistan was a result of the disaster of the twentieth century, which led to the end of the bipolar world order. The conflicts have a significant impact on the geopolitical situation in the whole Black Sea-Caspian region and around the world. Ethnic tensions plays the role of an enzyme that increases the other contradictions. Two Chechen wars and Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in August 2008 indicate that fact, not to mention the wide range of events, which blew up the region in the late 1980s - early 1990s.

The key is the fact in the context of this particular situation that the boundaries between internal and external policies are erased more and more in the modern world. This global trend is found in the North Caucasus, and its geopolitical position is formed by a combination of internal realities of the region itself as an integral part of the Russian Federation - on the one hand, and external factors - on the other one.

The importance of the identification and analysis of sources of internal and external threats to national security, as well as the forms, methods and ways and means to neutralize them or resist them, has increased.

Security of the Russian Federation acts as a derivative of neutralization the centrifugal tendencies among the national subjects of the federation in the southern direction.

Consequently, it is necessary to consider the processes in the region in conjunction with the processes, occurring in Russia in general, and in the rest of the world. National security is the protection of the state from external threats, from attacks on its sovereignty, territorial integrity, interference of external forces in internal affairs. Military and political security were considered primarily as the main components of the concept of "national security" before. Nowadays, issues of security are related to the economic, technological, environmental, humanitarian and other aspects. National security is closely linked with the social, ethnic and political stability in the society and the state.

That inner state determines the most important parameters of national security of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union in many ways. In other words, the internal threats to national security, related to the state of the society and rooted in it, have acquired the key role. These threats can be caused by the state of the national economy, the degree of health or illness of the society,

erosion and undermining of the prevailing system of values, traditions, principles and national ideals. They, in turn, lead to the social and political instability, growth of organized crime, drug trafficking and terrorism, the aggravation of inter-ethnic, inter-confessional and other differences and conflicts. The complicated political situation is exacerbated by the growth of religious and political extremism, terrorist activity of radical religious groups. This trend is closely connected with ethno-nationalism, clan ethnographic model of power-relations, and attempts of criminal gangs to destabilize the situation in the republic.

Internal factors of conflict in the region are stimulated and heated by external forces. Therefore it is natural that the North Caucasus as a geopolitical space of the inner border of the Russian Federation includes the basic characteristics of the region itself in its relations with the countries of the South Caucasus and the Middle East. The trend of combining internal and external policy, which is observed throughout the world, is now found in the North Caucasus, due to discrepancy of the state borders and limits of the geopolitical space.


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Moscow, 2015, № 6, pp. 202-206.

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