ON GENERAL EDUCATION IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
general education / English literature / Internet plus / intelligence plus / общее образование / английская литература / цифровое образование / мобильный интернет / цифровые методы обучения

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yao Li, Liu Xiaofei

In recent years, the rapid development of a new generation of information technology in all areas of the world has had a profound and extensive influence. Mobile Internet makes the ways and means for people to acquire knowledge more and more abundant and convenient. Information and knowledge that were traditionally only available in books can now be easily and quickly accessed on a PC, smartphone or iPad. Students can make full use of the fragmented time to learn online anytime and anywhere, so as to greatly improve their learning efficiency. The mobility and dispersion of this kind of learning determine that mobile learning has more flexibility than traditional learning methods and can fully meet the personalized needs of learners. Therefore, in the Internet plus education era, the combination of mobile learning and English literature courses will greatly promote the general education of English literature, history and culture. This thesis, based on the concept of teaching and a strong and effective network information system, discusses general education in English literature to improve students’ literary appreciation ability and cultural accomplishment, and thus achieve the goal of promoting the quality of talent cultivation.

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Об общем образовании в английской литературе

В последние годы быстрое развитие информационных технологий нового поколения во всех регионах мира оказало глубокое и обширное влияние. Мобильный интернет дает возможность для людей приобретать знания все более разнообразными и удобными способами. Информация и знания, которые раньше были доступны только в книгах, теперь могут быть легко и быстро доступны на ПК, смартфоне или iPad. Студенты могут в полной мере использовать фрагментированное время для обучения онлайн в любое время и в любом месте, что значительно способствует повышению эффективности обучения. Мобильность и дисперсия этого вида обучения определяют, что мобильное обучение обладает большей гибкостью, чем традиционные методы обучения, и может полностью удовлетворить индивидуальные потребности учащихся. Таким образом, в эпоху Интернета и цифрового образования сочетание мобильного обучения и курсов по английской литературе будет в значительной степени способствовать общему образованию по английской литературе, истории и культуре. В этом тезисе, основанном на концепции обучения в эффективной сетевой информационной системе, обсуждается общее образование в области английской литературы с целью улучшения литературных способностей учащихся и их культурных достижений и, таким образом, достижения цели повышения качества развития талантов.


Об общем образовании в английской литературе

Яо Ли,

профессор, директор Института иностранных языков, Шэньянский политехнический университет E-mail: yaolily63@126.com

Лю Сяофэй,

преподаватель кафедры базовых курсов, Шэньянский технологический институт E-mail: 42090878@qq.com

В последние годы быстрое развитие информационных технологий нового поколения во всех регионах мира оказало глубокое и обширное влияние. Мобильный интернет дает возможность для людей приобретать знания все более разнообразными и удобными способами. Информация и знания, которые раньше были доступны только в книгах, теперь могут быть легко и быстро доступны на ПК, смартфоне или iPad. Студенты могут в полной мере использовать фрагментированное время для обучения онлайн в любое время и в любом месте, что значительно способствует повышению эффективности обучения. Мобильность и дисперсия этого вида обучения определяют, что мобильное обучение обладает большей гибкостью, чем традиционные методы обучения, и может полностью удовлетворить индивидуальные потребности учащихся. Таким образом, в эпоху Интернета и цифрового образования сочетание мобильного обучения и курсов по английской литературе будет в значительной степени способствовать общему образованию по английской литературе, истории и культуре. В этом тезисе, основанном на концепции обучения в эффективной сетевой информационной системе, обсуждается общее образование в области английской литературы с целью улучшения литературных способностей учащихся и их культурных достижений и, таким образом, достижения цели повышения качества развития талантов.

Ключевые слова: общее образование, английская литература, цифровое образование, мобильный интернет, цифровые методы обучения.

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I. Introduction

General education originated from free education in ancient Greece. It refers to non-professional higher education, which aims to cultivate students' comprehensive quality and make students develop in an all-round way in morality, emotion and reason. English literature is a compulsory course for English Majors in Colleges and universities in China. Its teaching method is mainly traditional classroom teaching. Due to the difficulty of the course and the large vocabulary involved, many students are frustrated in learning it, so it is hard to achieve the expected effect. Recently although some colleges and universities have moved the traditional teaching content to the Internet, it is seriously lack of interaction and flexibility, which seldom produces good learning results. Professor A.S. Packard, the founder of general education in the university, believes that general education is to integrate classical, literary and scientific education and prepares for professional learning (p, 1). Therefore, general education is not only an idea of university education, but also a "whole person" cultivating mode.

As is known, Britain is a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage. In the long history of 1500 years, its brilliant literary achievements have attracted worldwide attention. There are many talents and masters in the field of literature in various historical periods, and their literary works have contributed to the treasure house of world literature. According to past experience, however, most people in China will flinch at the mention of English literature, especially the original English literary books. It is a pity that they can not reach such a "peak" because of their limited English level and low appreciation ability. At present, English literature is only taught in English majors in colleges and universities. Through research and investigation, it is found that the teaching status of English literature is not optimistic. On the one hand, teachers spend a lot of time and energy consulting materials for lesson preparation. Although multimedia and other teaching means are also added, the response of students in the classroom is mediocre and the teaching effect is not as expected. On the other hand, the learning effect is difficult to achieve due to the course difficulties, large vocabularies and dull classroom atmosphere. In addition, from a pragmatic point of view, some people feel that learning English literature is of little significance. For non-English Majors and many others, it is even harder to understand and master English literature, history and culture in English. Therefore, using modern network technology and MOOC platform to carry out general education on English literature for students can enable them to master the precious achievements of the development of human civilization and encour-

age them to become responsible citizens who actively participate in local, national and international society

(p, 2)

II. Reforming the way English literature is taught

The technology of "Internet plus" and "intelligence plus" has become an important direction in the teaching and learning of higher education both in China and the world. In the future, classroom teaching in the traditional sense and online teaching blended with modern information technology will coexist and deeply integrate for a long time. This kind of fusion will move from physical reaction to chemical reaction, giving birth to new education forms and new talent training paradigms such as online and offline hybrid teaching p, 3) In this environment, it is urgent to reform the teaching methods of English literature, history and culture with the help of a powerful network information platform. The general education of English literature based on the Internet is to conform to the trend of the Internet plus education, and the intelligence plus education. It will change the traditional, rigid, complex and single way of inputting knowledge, and put forward a new solution to the reform of the teaching mode of English literature in colleges and universities. Looking at the current research situation at home and abroad, there are some related studies, but few have been done by combining mobile learning with the Internet plus demand of general education in English literature. Most of the projects are lacking of interaction and flexibility, which is difficult to be accepted by the public. To some extent, it hinders the development of general education of English literature. However, we can rely on a strong network platform, with the advantages of mobile Internet for general education of English literature, and a new way of mobile learning to guide the majority of students and the public to learn independently. Therefore, students can not only learn about famous English writers and literary classics and improve their literary appreciation ability, but also understand the development process of English history and culture.

III. The exemplary role and social effect of English Literature Curriculum

The use of efficient network information platform for general education of English literature is vivid, convenient and fast. As long as they can surf the Internet, students can share rich learning resources to meet their learning needs of English literature, history and culture. Therefore, compared with the traditional English literature teaching model, this more flexible personalized mobile learning method will have greater attraction to learners and stimulate their learning interest and enthusiasm.

The course "History of English Literature" is Li-aoning provincial excellent resource sharing course and Liaoning first-class undergraduate course. Since 2014, English Majors of nine universities in the province, including 1500 students have finished studying the course. At present, many colleges and universities have incorporated the course into the college English extension course so as to realize the reform of teach-

ing mode such as science and technology + English literature, medicine + English literature, arts + English literature. Since the launch of "History of English Literature" on the MOOC platform of Chinese University in April 2020, more than 10000 students and social English lovers have studied the course. The rich and colorful teaching content, intuitive and vivid teaching form and challenging literature knowledge are well received by English learners and professionals.

The goal of general education in English literature is to help students and social learners understand the development of English literature, history and culture, learn how to critically appreciate English literary works, and improve literary appreciation level. Their ability to think, analyze and solve problems independently are also cultivated. When talking about the innovation of the new liberal arts model, director Wu Yan said that we should build a cross-institution, cross-profession and cross-border collaborative education mechanism from the perspective of future development trend. The popularization of knowledge will be presented to the general public in a more diversified way. This new way through mobile learning is to grasp the pulse of the Internet plus education era and the requirements of the new liberal arts, which will surely play an increasingly important role in the future general education. (p, 4)

IV. Conclusion

Through general education, we can broaden our horizons, appreciate the depth and strength of human thought, receive mental training and feel the pleasure. We can also reflect on life and society, cultivate our own independent consciousness and critical spirit, and finally form a sound and powerful personality. (p, 4) Take the network platform, wechat platform and MOOC platform to carry out general education in "History of English Literature" for students, can break the restrictions of time and space, and complete the learning task through online and offline mixed learning. Careful teaching design, innovative teaching mode and diversified evaluation methods have greatly improved students' enthusiasm in learning "History of English Literature". Their language efficiency, literary cultivation, appreciation ability and critical thinking are also enhanced. According to Wu Yan, liberal arts education is to cultivate self-confidence, pride and autonomy. The construction of new liberal arts is of great significance to promote the innovative development of liberal arts education, build a new pattern of philosophy and social science development centered on educating people and talents, accelerate the training of liberal arts talents in the new era, and enhance the national cultural soft power. (p, 3).


Yao Li, Liu Xiaofei

Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang Institute of Technology

In recent years, the rapid development of a new generation of information technology in all areas of the world has had a profound and extensive influence. Mobile Internet makes the ways and means for people to acquire knowledge more and more abundant and convenient. Information and knowledge that were traditionally only available in books can now be easily and quickly accessed on a PC,




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smartphone or iPad. Students can make full use of the fragmented time to learn online anytime and anywhere, so as to greatly improve their learning efficiency. The mobility and dispersion of this kind of learning determine that mobile learning has more flexibility than traditional learning methods and can fully meet the personalized needs of learners. Therefore, in the Internet plus education era, the combination of mobile learning and English literature courses will greatly promote the general education of English literature, history and culture. This thesis, based on the concept of teaching and a strong and effective network information system, discusses general education in English literature to improve students' literary appreciation ability and cultural accomplishment, and thus achieve the goal of promoting the quality of talent cultivation.

Keywords: general education; English literature; Internet plus; intelligence plus.


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9. Wu Yan. Accelerating the transformation of online teaching from "freshness" to "new normal". 2020-04-28

10. Guo Yingjian. On the "golden class" and its standard for English majors. Journal of Zhejiang Foreign Studies University. 2019. No 3

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