Kwiatuszewska-Sarnecka Bozena
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
On asymptotic approach to reliability improvement of multi-state systems with components quantitative and qualitative redundancy: „m out of n" systems
reliability improvement, limit reliability functions Abstract
The paper is composed of two parts, in this part the multi-state homogeneous „m out of n" systems with reserve components are defined and their multi-state limit reliability functions are determined. In order to improve of the reliability of these systems the following methods are used: (i) a warm duplication of components, (ii) a cold duplication of components, (iii) a mixed duplication of components, (iv) improving the reliability of components by reducing their failure rate. Next, the effects of the systems' reliability different improvements are compared.
1. Introduction
Presented paper is continuation of a work about reliability improvement of large system. In the first part of this work are defined the component's and system's multi-state reliability functions and next the asymptotic approach are brought forward. There are presented results concerned with improvement of large series and parallel systems, their multi-state limit reliability functions in case when the systems have reserve components and in case when the reliability of components is improved by reducing their failure rate. As the main result are found the forms of reducing their failure rate factor for both kinds of large systems.
2. Reliability improvement of a multi-state „m out of n" system
Definition 2.1. A multi-state system is called an „m out of n" system if its lifetime in the state subset {u,u+1,...,z} is given by
T(u) = T(n-m+i)(u), m = 1,2,...,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
where T(n-m+1) (u) is the m th maximal order statistics in
the sequence of the component lifetimes T (u), T»,..., Tn (u).
Figure 1. The scheme of a homogeneous „m out of n" system
The above definition means that the multi-state „m out of n" system is in the state subset {u,u+1,...,z} if and only if at least m out of n its components is in this state subset and it is a multi-state parallel system if m = 1 and it is a multi-state series system if m = n.
Definition 2.2. A multi-state „m out of n" system is called homogeneous if its component lifetimes Ti(u) in the state subsets have an identical distribution function
Fi(t,u) = F(t,u), u = 1,2,...,z, t e(-<x>,<x>), i = 1,2,...,n.
The reliability function of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system is given either by
R nm)(t ,•) = [1R nm)(t,1),...R nm)(t,z)],
R(„m)(t, u) = 1 - "¿X" )[R(t, u)]' [F(t, u)]n-i ,
t e(-w,w), u = 1,2,...,z, or by
R(m)(t,) = [1, Rf )(t,i),..., R«(t, z)], where
R(m)(t,u) = £ (n)[F(t,u)]' [R(t,u)]n-i , t e(-¥,¥)
m = n -m, u = 1,2,...,z.
Lemma 2.1. case 1: If
(i) IM d)(m)(t, u)= 1 - exp[-V(t, u)],
i=o i!
u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(ii) IR<xi": (t,u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components defined by (16),
(iii) an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m = constant (m / n ® 0, as n ® ¥), then
Definition 2.3. A multi-state system is called an „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components if its lifetime J(1)(u) in the state subset {u,u+1,...,z} is given by
(u) = T(n-m+1)(u), m = 1,2,...,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
where T(n-m+1) (u) is the m-th maximal order statistics in the sequence of the component lifetimes
Ti(u) = max{r.(u)}, i = 1,2,..,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
1<j<2 J
where Ti1(u) are lifetimes of components in the basic system and Ti2(u) are lifetimes of reserve components.
The reliability function of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components is given either by
IR(1)nm) (t,• ) = [1, IR(1,z),..., IR(1)nm; (t,z) ], where
,(1)( m\
IR(1)nm)(t,u) = 1 - z(n)[1 -(F(t,u))2]''[F(t,u)]2(n-i) , (1)
t e(-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z, or by
IR(1)nm)(t,-) = [1, IR(1)n™)(t,1),..., IR(l)f\t,z)], where
IR (1)nm }(t, u)
= £ (r )[(F (t, u))]2' [1 - (F (t, u))2]
m = n - m, t e(-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
2 (n-i)
lim IR(1)(„m) (an (u)t + bn (u)) = M (1)(m) (t, u),
t e C, u = 1,2,...,z,
if and only if
lim n[1-F (an (u)t + bn (u))] = V(t,u), t e CV, u = 1,2,...z,
case 2: If
(i) IM (1)(mJ(t,u) = 1 —— J e 2 dx,
u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(ii) IR {l)<n'
(t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components defined by (16),
(iii) an (u) > 0, bn (u)e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m / n , 0 <m< 1, as n ®¥ ,
lim IR(1)(nm) (an (u)t + bn (u)) = IM (t, u),
t e Cm, u = 1,2,...,z,
if and only if
(n +1)[1 - F2 (an (u)t + bn (u))] - m
lim-. —-= v (t, u),
m(n - m +1)
n +1 u = 1,2,...,z.
case 3: If
(i) IM }(t,u) = £ V^Lexp[-V(t,u)],
i=0 i!
m = n - m, u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
JR (l)(m )
an(u) =
4n1 (u)
, bn (u) =0, u = 1,2,...,z,
(ii) JR(1)n (t, u) is the reliability function of non- then
(iii) (iv) then
degenerate multi-state „m out ofn" system with a hot reserve of its components defined by (17),
an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z, n - m = m = constant (m / n ® 1 as n ® <),
lim (1)im\an(u)t + bn(u)) = IÂ (1)(M}(t,u), t eC, u = 1,2,...,z,
if and only if
lim n[ F (an (u)t + bn (u)]2 = V (t, u),t ÎC- , u = 1,2,...,z.
Proposition 2.1. If components of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components have multi-state exponential reliability functions and
case 1 m = constant,
an(u) = , bn(u) = —^log 2n , u = 1,2,...,z,
I (u) I (u)
JÂ (1)(m)(t,u) = 1- "l-'exp|-//| exp[-exp[-t]],
i=o i!
t e (-œ,œ), u = 1,2,...,z, case 2 m / n ® m ,0 < m < 1, n ® ¥,
an (u) =-^-, bn(u) =T^yl1 -m ,
1(u)Wn + 1 l (u)
u = 1,2,...,z,
1 t
JÂ (1)(mV,u) = 1 - Je 2 dx, V2p -¥
t e (-œ,œ), u = 1,2,...,z, case 3 n - m = m = constant, ( m / n ® 1, n ® ¥ ),
IÂ(1)(m}(t,u) = 1, t <0,
-ri\(m) n-m t -,
IÂ (1)( )(t,u) = 2 — exp[-t2], t > 0, u = 1,2,...,z,
i=o i!
is its limit reliability function.
case 1: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) as n . Therefore
F(t, u) = lim n[1 - F (an (u)t + bn (u))]
= lim n[2exp[-l(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
- exp[-21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u ))]] = lim2n exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
[1 -1 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
= lim exp[-t][2n exp[-l(u)bn (u)] - n exp[-t ] exp[-21 (u)bn (u)]]
= lim exp[-t][2n1 -n—!-exp[-t]]
n®¥ n n
= exp[-t], t e (-¥, ¥), u = l,2,...,z, which by case l in Lemma 2. l completes the proof. case 2: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) as n , moreover
l - F 2(an (u)t + bn (u))
= 2 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
= [1 - exp[-1 (u )(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
- exp[-21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
= 2[1 -1(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))
t i
= [1 - exp[ —]]2 , t > 0. Vn
-■212(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2]
- [1 - 21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))
V(t, u) = lim n[F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2 = 0 , t < 0,
u = 1,2,...,z, and
1 2 2 1
+ - 412 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2] + o(---)
2 (n +1)
V(t, u) = lim n[F(an (u)t + bn (u))]
= 1 -12(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2 + o(-L_),
(n +1)
t 2
= lim n[1 - exp[——]]
n®¥ Vn
(n +1)[1 - F2(an (u)t + bn (u))]] - m
v (t, u) = lim-, ==-
m(n - m +1)
= lim
, Vm(i-m) , 1
(n +1)[--—=-1 + m- o(^=)] - m
Vn + 1 Vn + 1
m(n - m +1) n +1
t 1 1 1 = lim n[— + o(—)]2 = t2, t > 0,
n®¥ Vn Vn u = 1,2,...,z,
which by case 3 in Lemma 2.1 completes the proof.
Corollary 2.1. The reliability function of exponential „m out of n" system with a hot reserve of its components is given by
case 1
-vW -m)t+o(1)
= lim --- = -t, t £ (-¥, ¥),
>(1 -m)
u = 1,2,...,z,
which by case 2 in Lemma 2.1 completes the proof. case 3: Since for all fixed u, we have
TD (1)(m) „ X - 1 m-1exp[-i(1 (u)t - log 2n)]
IR 'n (t, u) - 1 -:-
exp[-exp[-1 (u)t + log2n],
t £ (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
case 2
an (u)t + bn (u) =-p< 0 for t < 0
1 (u)V n
an (u)t + bn (u) =
i (u)Vn
> 0 for t > 0,
F 2(an (u)t + bn (u)) = 0, t < 0 and
F 2(an (u )t + bn (u))
1 3 x IR^\t,u) -1 --= Je" 2 dx
V 2p
_ 21 (u)4n + \ 2^fn + ^yf\—m , ,
3 = --t--^-— , t £ (-¥, ¥), (5)
u = 1,2,...,z. case 3
IR(1)(nm}(t, u) = 1, t < 0,
IR(1)(nm)(t,u) @ Y [1 (u)4~ntf exp[-l2(u)nt2], (6)
i=o i!
t > 0, u = 1,2,...,z.
Definition 2.4. A multi-state system is called an „m out of n" system with a cold reserve of its components if its lifetime T2)(u) in the state subset {u,u+1,...,z} is given by
T-2) (u) = T(n-m+1)(uXm = 1,2,...,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
where T(n-m+1) (u) is the m-th maximal order statistics in the sequence of the component lifetimes
Ti(u) = 2Tij (u), i = 1,2,..,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
where Ti1(u) are lifetimes of components in the basic system and Ti2(u) are lifetimes of reserve components.
The reliability function of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system with a cold reserve of its components is given either by
IR(2)nm)(t,) = [1, IR^ (t,1),..., IR^ (t,z)], where
IR (2)(nm)(t, u)
m-1/ \
1 - s(r)[1 - F(t,u) * F(t,u)]
= •[F(t, u) * F(, u)]n-i t e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z,
or by
IR^(t,) = [1, IR(2)(„m)(t,1),...,IR^(t,z)], where IR(2) f)(t,u)
= 2 (n )[F(t, u) * F(t, u)] [1 - F(t, u) * F(t, u)]n-i, (8)
t e (-<,<), m = n - m, u = 1,2,...,z.
Lemma 2.2. case 1: If
(i) I« (2)(m) (t, u)= 1 - exp[-V(t, u)],
i=0 i!
u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(ii) IR(2)nm (t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system with a cold reserve of its components defined by (24),
(iii) an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m = constant (m / n ® 0, as n ), then
lim IR(2)nm)(an (u)t + bn (u)) = I« (1)(m)(t, u), t e Ci«,
if and only if
lim n [F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(a„ (u)t + bn (u))] ]
= V(t,u), t e CV, u = 1,2,...z, case 2: If
(i) I« (2)(mJ(t, u) = 1 —— J e 2 dx,
u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(i) IR{2)(n') (t,u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system with a cold reserve of its components defined by (24),
(iii) an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m / n , 0 <m< 1, as n ,
lim IR(2) (nm) (an (u)t + bn (u)) = I« (2)(m} (t, u),
t e C
if and only if
lim (n +1)[1 - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u))] - m
m(n - m +1) n +1
=v (t,u), u = 1,2,...,z. case 3: If
(i) I« (2)(m )(t, u) = 2 ^^ exp[-V (t, u)]
i=0 i!
(111) (1V)
m = n - m, u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
IR(2)i ) (t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system with a cold reserve of its components defined by (25),
an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z, n - m = m = constant (m / n ® 1 as n ® ¥),
l1m Itf (2)(nm)(a„ (u)t + bn (u)) = IÂ (2)(m\t, u),
t eC
1f and only 1f
IÂ(2)(™}(t, u) = 1, t < 0,
-r*,\(m) n-m t 1 i
IÂ (2)( J(t,u) = 2 — exp[-t2] , t > 0, u = 1,2,...,z,
i=o i!
is its limit reliability function.
case 1: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) ®¥ as n ®¥, t e (-¥, ¥). Therefore
l1m n[F (an (u)t + bn (u) * F(an (u)t + bn (u)] = V (t, u), V(t, u) = 11m n[1 + 1 (u)a (u)t + bn (u))]
t eC v, u = 1,2,...,z.
Proposition 3.2. If components of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system w1th a cold reserve of 1ts components have multi-state exponential rel1ab1l1ty funct1ons and
case 1 m = constant,
1 exp[1 (u)bn (u )] an(u) =-, -:-= n , u = 1,2,...,z,
1 (u) 1 (u)bn (u)
IÂ (2)(m)(t,u)= 1-mi:1exp[~it] exp[-exp[-t]],
i=o i!
t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
case 2 m / n ® m 0 < m < 1, n ®¥,
exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
= lim n[--
n®¥ exp[1 (u)bn (u)]
, l(u)bn(u)
+-n-] exp[-t]
exp[1 (u)bn (u)]
= exp[-t], t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...z,
which by case 1 in Lemma 2.2 completes the proof.
case 2: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) =
^ > / \ yî-^ , ~
an(u) =-bn (u) = —-, u = 1,2,...,z,
1(u)V n +1 1 (u)
—71 -m >0
1 (u^Vn+T
1 (u)
m > 0 as n ® ¥
1 (u)
IÂ (2)(m)(t,u)=1 - Je" 2 Jx, t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
case 3 n - m = m = constant ( m / n ® 1, n ® ¥ ),
an(u) =
bn (u) =0, u = 1,2,...,z,
1 - F (an (u)t + bn (u )) * F (an (u)t + bn (u))
= [1 + 1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u ))]
= [1 + 1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
[1 -1 (u)(an (u )t + bn (u )) +
l 2 2 l - 12(u)(an(u)t + bn(u))2 -o(—)]
n +1
= l -1 l\u)(an (u)t + bn (u ))2
- o( ~t)] , t e (-¥, ¥). n +1
. n tV2x r tV^
= l - (l +)exp[--—]
Vn Vn
t2 l = —+ o(—), t > 0. n n
Therefore v(t, u)
lim (n + l)[l - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u))] - m m(n - m +1) n +1
= lim
(n + ) t + m - o(J-)] - m Vn + l_n +1
m(n - m +1)
-^/m (1 -m)t + o(l)
= lim---= -t, t e (-¥, ¥),
n®¥ Vm (1 -m)
which by case 2 in Lemma 2.2 completes the proof. case 3: Since for all fixed u, we have
v(t, u) = lim n[F(an (u)t + bn (u))
* F (an (u)t + bn (u))]
ri n tV2x r tV2in
= lim n[l - (1 + —) exp[--—]]
n®¥ yjn Vn
12 1
= lim n[— + o(—)] = t2, t > 0, u = 1,2,...z,
n®¥ n n
which by case 3 in Lemma 2.2 completes the proof.
Corollary 2.2. The reliability function of exponential „m out of n" system whit a cold reserve of its components is given by
case 1
re(2)(m)„ m^pH1 (u)(t - bn (u ))]
IR 'n (t,u) = 1 -
i=o i!
an (u)t + bn (u) =
1 (u)^
< 0 for t < 0
exp[- exp[-1 (u)t + 1 (u )bn (u)], (9)
t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
case 2
an (u)t + bn (u) =
1 (u)^
> 0 for t > 0,
1 3 - _
IR^}(t,u) @ 1 --= Je" 2 dx V2p
F(an (u)t + bn (u)) = 0 for t < 0 and
F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u)) = [1 - [1 + 1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
1 (u^Vn+I Vn+Wl-m , ,
3 = v ^-t--;=—— , t e (-¥, ¥). (11)
case 3
IR(2)(nm}(t, u) = 1, t < 0,
exp[-1 (u)(an (u )t + bn (u))]]
IR (2)(nm }(t, u)]
- Y [1 (u)^^ exp[-l2(u)nt2/2], (12)
i=0 i!
t > 0, u = 1,2,...,z.
Definition 2.5. A multi-state series system is called an „m out of n" system with a mixed reserve of its components if its lifetime T^u) in the state subset {u,u+1,...,z} is given by
T(3) (u) = T(n-m+1)(u),m = 1,2,...,n, u = 1,2,...,z,
where T(^^ (u) is the m-th maximal order statistics in the sequence of the component lifetimes
Ti (u) = { max {max{Tij (u)}}, max { £ T. (u)}},
1<i<s\n 1<j<2 s1n+1<i<n j=1
i = 1,2,..,n., u = 1,2,...,z,
where Ti1(u) are lifetimes of components in the basic system and Ti2(u) are lifetimes of reserve components and si, s2, where si+ s2 = 1 are fractions of the components with hot and cold reserve, respectively.
The reliability function of the homogeneous multi-state „m out of n" system with a mixed reserve of its components is given either by
IR^(t,•) = [1, IRQrn" (t,1),..., IRQrn" (t,z)], where
(3)(m)(t) = 1 - ^(n)[1 - (F(t,u))2F
[1 - F (t, u) * F (t, u)]s2i [F (t, u)]2(n-i )s1
[F(t,u)*F(t,u)](n-i>2 , t £ (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,Z,
or by
IR®?^,.) = [1, IR^i),...,IR(3)?V,z)], where
(3) (m )/A _
(t) = £ (n ) [ F (t, u)]2s1i [ F (t, u) * F (t, u)]s2i
case 1: If
(i) IM (3)(m)(t,u) = 1 - exp[-V(t,u)],
i=0 i!
u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(ii) IR(3)(nm) (t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system whit a mixed reserve of its components defined by (30),
(iii) an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m = constant (m / n ® 0, as n ®¥),
lim IR (3)(nm)(an (u)t + bn (u)) = IM (3)(m)(t, u),
t e Cim, u = 1,2,...,z, if and only if
lim n[sJ1 - [ F (an (u)t + bn (u))]2]
+ s2 [1 - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(a„ (u)t + bn (u))]]
=V(t,u), t e CV, u = 1,2,...z, case 2: If
(i) IM (3) '(t,u)= 1 —— J e 2 dx, u =
v2p ¥
1,2,...,z, is non-degenerate reliability function,
(ii) IR(3)(nm:
(t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out of n" system whit a mixed reserve of its components defined by (30),
(iii) an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
(iv) m / n i m , 0 < m < 1 , przy n i ¥ , then
lim IR(3) (nm)(an (u)t + bn (u)) = IM (3)(m )(t, u),
t e Cim, u = 1,2,...,z, if and only if
lim(n + 1)[st[1 - [F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2] m(n - m +1)
[1 -(F(t,u))2](n-i)s1[1 -F(t,u)*F(t,u)](n-i)s2 , (14) t £ (-¥,¥), m = n -m, u = 1,2,...,z.
Lemma 2.3.
s 2 [1 - F (an (u)t + bn (u)) * F (an (u)t + bn (u))]] - m m(n - m +1) n +1
=v (t,u), u = 1,2,...,z.
case 3: If (i)
IÂ(3)(m}(t,u) = Z [V(t:u)]i exp[-V(t,u)]
i=0 i!
m = n - m, u = 1,2,...,z, is non-degenerat reliability function,
(ii) IR ^\t, u) is the reliability function of non-degenerate multi-state „m out ofn" system with a mixed reserve of its components defined by (31),
an(u) > 0, bn (u)e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z, n - m = m = constant (m / n ® 1 as n ® <),
(iii) (iv) then
lim IR
(3)(m )
(an(u)t + bn(u)) = IÂ (3)(m}(t,u),
t eCIÂ, u = 1,2,...,z, if and only if
lim n[sx[F(an(u)t + bn(u))]2
+ s 2 [ F (an (u)t + bn (u )) * F (an (u)t + bn (u))]]
= V (t, u )
t eC-, u = 1,2,...,z.
Proposition 2.3. If components of the homogeneous multi-state „m out ofn" system with a mixed reserve of its components have multi-state exponential reliability functions and
case 1 m = constant,
an (u) =
exp[1 (u)bn (u)] 1(u) ' 2sj + s21(u)bn(u)
= n, u = 1,2,...,z,
IÂ (3)(m)(t,u) = 1- Z
i=0 i!
t e (-œ,œ), u = 1,2,...,z,
case 2 m / n 0 <m< 1, n ,
1 (u )^/(2sj + s 2)(n +1)
1 (u) y
2(1 -m )
2sj + s 2
u = 1,2,...,z,
1 t
I (3)(m}(t,u)= 1 - Je~Tdx, t e (-œ,œ), u = 1,2,...,z, case 3 n - m = m = constant ( m / n ® 1, n ®<x> ),
an (u) =
1 (u )^/(2sj + s 2)n
, bn (u) = 0, u = 1,2,...,z,
IÂ(3)(m}(t, u) = 1, t < 0,
-r-,\(m) n-m t -,
IÂ (3)( J(t,u) = Z — exp[-t2], t > 0, u = 1,2,...,z,
i=0 i!
is its limit reliability function.
case 1: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) ® < as n ® < for t e (-<, <), and
1 -[F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2 = 2 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] - exp[-21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))], t e (-<, <), 1 - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u)) = [1 + 1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))], t e (-<, <). Therefore
V(t, u) = lim n[s 1 [1 - [F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2] + s2[1 - F (an (u)t + bn (u))
* F (an (u)t + bn (u))]]
= lim[ns1 [2 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] - exp[-21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
+ ns2 [1 +1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
= lim[ns12 exp[-1(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
[1 -1/2 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
1 + 1 (u)a„ (u)t + ns21 (u)bn (u)[1 + ^ ]
1 (u)bn (u)
exp[-1 (u)(an (u )t + bn (u))]]
= lim exp[-t ][ns12 exp[-1 (u )bn (u)]
[1 - ^ exp[-t] exp[-1 (u )bn (u)]]
+ ns21 (u)bn (u)[1 + . . ' + f. J
1 (u)bn (u)
exp[-1 (u)bn (u)]]
= lim exp[-t ][ns12exp[-1(u )bn (u)]
- ns1 exp[-t] exp[-21 (u)bn (u)] + ns21 (u)bn (u) exp[-1 (u)bn (u)] + ns 2[1 +1 ] exp[-1 (u)bn (u)]] = lim exp[-t]
[1 --
n(2s1 + 1(u )bn (u )s2)'
+-2-(1 +1)]
(2^1 +1(u)bn (u)s2)
= exp[-t], t e (-¥, ¥), u = 1,2,...,z,
which by case 1 in Lemma 2.3 completes the proof.
case 2: Since for all fixed u, we have
an(u)t + bn(u) ^^Jf^ > 0 as n ®¥;
1(u) y 2s1 + s2
t e (-¥, ¥). and
1 - [F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2 = 2 exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] - exp[-21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] = 2[1 -1(u)(an (u)t + bn (u"
1 12(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2]
- [1 - 21 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u"
1 2 2 1
+ - 412 (u)(a„ (u)t + bn (u))2] + o(--)
2 n +1
= 1 -12(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2 + o(--)
n +1
t e (-¥, ¥),
1 - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u))
= [1 + 1(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]
[1 -1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))
1 9 9 1
^12(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2 - o(--)]
2 n +1
= 1 -112(u)(an (u)t + bn (u"2 - o(^)L
t e (-¥, ¥). Therefore
s1[1 - [ F (an (u)t + bn (u ))]2]
+ s 2[F (an (u)t + bn (u)) * F (an (u)t + bn (u))]
= sJ1 -12(u )(an (u)t + bn (u))2]
1 2 2 1
+ s2 [1 - -12 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2] + o(--)
= 1 -
2s1 + s 2 12(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2 + o(—)
Vm (1 -m)
n +1
1 n +1
- t + m-o(--), t e (-¥,<),
Vn +1 n + 1
„ , r (n +1)[sJ1 - [F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2]
v (t, u) = lim-, ==-
m(n - m +1)
n +1
+ -
s2[1 - F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u))]] - m
m(n - m +1) n +1
= lim
, ixr Vm(1 -m) , 1
(n +1)[- ,- t + m- o(--)] - m
Vn + 1_n + 1
m(n - m +1)
and for t > 0 [F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2 = [1 - exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u ))]]2, F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u)) = [1 - [1 + 1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]. Therefore V(t,u) = lim n[s1[F(an (u)t + bn (u))]2
+ s2 [F(an (u)t + bn (u)) * F(an (u)t + bn (u))]]
= lim [ns1 [1 - exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]2
+ ns2 [1 - [1 + 1(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))] exp[-1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))]]] = lim[ns1[1 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u ))]2
+ ns2 [12 (u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2
^m (1 -m )t + o(1)
= lim---= -t, t e (-¥, <),
n®< Vm (1 -m)
u = 1,2,... , z,
which by case 2 in Lemma 2.3 completes the proof. case 3: Since for all fixed u, we have
an (u)t + bn (u) =
1 (u)*J(2s1 + s 2)n
< 0, t < 0
an (u)t + bn (u) =
1 (u)*J(2s1 + s 2)n
> 0 , t > 0,
F(an (u)t + bn (u)) = 0, t < 0,
-112(u)(an (u)t + bn (u))2]]
2s + s
= lim n[-1-(u)an (u)t )2]
= lim n[—] = t , t > 0, t e (-<,<), u = 1,2,...,z,
n®< n
which by case 3 in Lemma 2.3 completes the proof.
Corollary 2.3. The reliability function of exponential „m out of n" system with a mixed reserve of its components is given by
case 1
IR(3)(nm) (t, u) @ 1 - m21exp[-i1 (u)(t - bn(u))]
i=0 i!
exp[- exp[-1 (u)t + 1 (u)bn (u)], (15)
t e (-¥, ¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
case 2
IR(3)(;}(t, u) @ 1 Je" 2 dx,
v2p ¥
case 3 n - m = m constant ( m / n ® 1, n ® ¥ ),
an(u) =
n1 (u) p (u)
bn (u) =0, u = 1,2,...,z,
J =
1 (u)4(2sx + s2 )(n +1)2 - 2Vn+iyr-m (17) t <- , (17)
t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
IÂ(4)(m}(t, u) = 1, t < 0,
__ .. (m) n-m t
IÂ (4)( \t, u) = 2 - exp[-t], t > 0.
i=0 i!
1s 1ts l1m1t rel1ab1l1ty function.
case 3
IR(3)(nm}(t,u) = 1, t < 0,
Corollary 2.3. The reliability function of exponential „m out ofn" system with improved reliability functions of its components is given by
case 1
(3)(m) n-rn [1 (u)^(2sl + s2)nt /V2]2
IR n (t, u) = 2
IR(4)(m) (t u) @ 1 - '21exp[-i1 (u)p (u)t - log n)]
exp[-12(u)(2sj + s 2)nt2/2], (18) t > 0 u = 1,2,...,z.
Proposition 2.3. If components of the homogeneous
mult1-state „m out of n" system have 1mproved
component rel1ab1l1ty funct1ons 1.e. 1ts components
fa1lure rates 1(u) 1s reduced by a factor p(u), p(u)e<0,1>, u = 1,2,...,z, and
case 1 m = constant,
exp[-exp[-1 (u)p(u)t + logn], (19)
t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z. case 2
1 3 - _
IR(4)(n \t, u) @ 1 —^ Je" 2 dx,
V 2^ -¥
an(u) = , * N , bn(u) = —logn—, u = 1,2,...,z,
1 (u ) p (u)
1 (u) p (u )
IÂ (4)(m) (t, u) = 1- mr1^xp[ziilexp[-exp[-t]],
i=0 i!
t e (-¥,¥), case 2 m / n ® m ,0 <m< 1, n ®¥,
an(u) =
1 (u)p (u)Vn+1 v m u = 1,2,...,z,
1 -m , bn(u) =log(1/ m)
1 (u) p (u)
IÂ (4)(m}(t,u) = 1 - Je" 2 dx , t e (-¥,¥),
J =
1 (u)p (uW(n+vn+ivm, „. x
t--,— log(1/ m ), (21)
t e (-¥,¥), u = 1,2,...,z.
case 3
IR(4)(nmV,u) = 1, t < 0,
IR (4)nm }(t, u )
@ ^ [1 (u)p (u)nt]i exp[-1 (u)p (u)nt]
i =0 i! t > 0 , u = 1,2,...,z.
3. Comparison of reliability improvement effects
The comparisons of the limit reliability functions of the systems with different kinds of reserve and such systems with improved components allow us to find the value of the components decreasing failure rate factor p(u), which warrants an equivalent effect of the system reliability improvement.
3.1. The "m out of n" system
The comparison of the system reliability improvement effects in the case of the reservation to the effects in the case its components reliability improvement may be obtained by solving with respect to the factor p (u) = p (t, u)the following equations
((t - bn (u))/ an (u))
= JÂ )(m)
((t - bn (u))/ an (u)),
u = 1,2,...,z, k = 1,2,3.
The factors p (u) = p (t, u) decreasing components failure rates of the homogeneous exponential multistate „m out of n" system equivalent with the effects of hot, cold and mixed reserve of its components as a solution of the comparisons (23) are respectively given by
k = 1
ln 2
case 1 p (u) = p (t, u) = 1--, u = 1,2,...,z,
1 (u)t
case 2 p (u) = -
2V1 -m 2(1 - m ) + m log m
i (u) mt
u = 1,2,...,z,
case 3 p (u) = p (t, u) = 1(u)t, u = 1,2,...,z, k = 2
case 1 p(u) = 1 -
1(u)bn (u) - log n
log 1(u)bn (u)
= 1--, u = 1,2,...,z,
-> / \ V1 - m 1 -m + m log m , 0
case 2 p(u) =---, u = 1,2,...,z,
m i (u)mt
case 3 p(u) = p(t, u) = 1 (^ , u = 1,2,...,z,
k = 3
case 1 p (u) = 1 -
1 (u)bn (u) - log n 1 (u)t
log(2sj + s 21 (u)bn (u))
= 1--, u = 1,2,...,z,
case 2
p (u) =
^J2(2s1 + s 2 - m 2(1 - m) + m log m
u = 1,2,...,z,
i (u)mt
(2sj + s 2)1 (u)t
case 3 p (u) = p (t, u) = ^—1—^—u = 1,2,...,z.
4. Conclusion
Proposed in the paper application of the limit multistate reliability functions for reliability of large systems evaluation and improvement simplifies calculations. The methods may be useful not only in the technical objects operation processes but also in their new processes designing, especially in their optimization. The case of series, parallel (in part 1) and ,,m out of n" systems composed of components having exponential reliability functions with double reserve of their components is considered only. It seems to be possible to extend the results to the systems having other much complicated reliability structures and components with different from the exponential reliability function. Further, it seems to be reasonable to elaborate a computer programs supporting calculations and accelerating decision making, addressed to reliability practitioners.
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