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Ключевые слова
yozuv kompetensiyasi / lingvomadaniy yondashuv / akademik yozuv / inklyuziv pedagogika / madaniy xabardorlik / madaniy kontekst / oliy ta'lim / tilshunoslik / turli madaniy mazmun. / письменная компетенция / лингвокультурологический подход / академическое письмо / инклюзивная педагогика / культурное сознание / культурный контекст / высшее образование / лингвистика / различное культурное содержание.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N.T.Abramova

oliy taʼlimda yozuv kompetensiyasi talabalar akademik va kasbiy jihatdan muvaffaqiyatga erishishlari uchun takomillashtirishlari kerak boʻlgan muhim qobiliyatdir.

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письменная компетенция, лингвокультурологический подход, академическое письмо, инклюзивная педагогика, культурное сознание, культурный контекст, высшее образование, лингвистика, различное культурное содержание.



Original paper

© N.T.Abramova1^

1O'zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti,Toshkent, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: oliy ta'limda yozuv kompetensiyasi talabalar akademik va kasbiy jihatdan muvaffaqiyatga erishishlari uchun takomillashtirishlari kerak bo'lgan muhim qobiliyatdir.

MAQSAD: ushbu tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadi oliy ta'lim darajasida yozuv kompetensiyasini o'rgatishda lingvomadaniy yondashuvning samaradorligini o'rganishdir.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: ushbu tadqiqot talabalar bilan sifatli intervyular, anketa so'rovnomalar va namunaviy yozuv rubrikalarini tahlil qilish kabi aralash usullardan foydalanadi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: muhokamalar yozuv kompetensiyasini o'rgatishda lingvomadaniy yondashuvning bir qancha o'ziga xos xususiyatlari va afzalliklarini ta'kidlaydi. Shuningdek, tadqiqot o'qituvchilarning til va madaniy pedagogika bo'yicha mustahkam tushunchaga ega bo'lish zarurati va ushbu integratsiyalashgan yondashuvni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan yetarli manbalar va materiallar zarurligi kabi muammolarni aniqlaydi.

XULOSA: ushbu tadqiqot oliy o'quv yurtlarida yozuv kompetensiyasini o'rgatishda lingvomadaniy yondashuvning ahamiyati muhimligini ta'kidlaydi.

Kalit so'zlar: yozuv kompetensiyasi, lingvomadaniy yondashuv, akademik yozuv, inklyuziv pedagogika, madaniy xabardorlik, madaniy kontekst, oliy ta'lim, tilshunoslik, turli madaniy mazmun.


© Н .Т.Абрамова1 н

1Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, Ташкент, Узбекистан Аннотация

Iqtibos uchun: Abramova N.T. Oliy o'quv yurtlarida yozuv kompetensiyasini o'rgatishda lingvomadaniy yondashuvning o'rni.// Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). B.190-198.


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: в высших учебных заведениях письмо - это важный навык, который студенты должны развивать, чтобы добиться академических и профессиональных успехов.

ЦЕЛЬ: основной задачей исследования является изучение эффективности лингвокультурологического подхода в обучении навыкам письма на уровне высшего образования.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в данном исследовании используются смешанные методы, включая качественные интервью с преподавателями и студентами, количественные опросы и анализ образцов письменной речи.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Дискуссии подчеркивают несколько ключевых преимуществ лингвистического подхода к обучению навыкам письма. В исследовании также выявляются такие проблемы, как необходимость для учителей иметь четкое понимание языковой и культурной педагогики, а также потребность в адекватных ресурсах и материалах для поддержки этого комплексного подхода.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: данное исследование подчеркивает важность лингвистического подхода к обучению навыкам письма в высших учебных заведениях.

Ключевые слова: письменная компетенция, лингвокультурологический подход, академическое письмо, инклюзивная педагогика, культурное сознание, культурный контекст, высшее образование, лингвистика, различное культурное содержание.


© Navbahor T. Abramova1®

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan_

INTRODUCTION: writing in higher education is an important skill that students must develop in order to succeed academically and professionally.

AIM: the main objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the linguistic-cultural approach in teaching writing skills at the higher education level.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: this study uses mixed methods, including qualitative interviews with teachers and students, quantitative surveys, and analysis of writing samples.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: The discussions highlight several key advantages of a linguistic approach to teaching writing skills. The study also identifies issues such as

Для цитирования: Абрамова Н.Т. Роль лингвокультурологического подхода в обучении письменной компетентности в высшем учебном заведении// Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). С. 190-198.


ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


the need for teachers to have a solid understanding of language and cultural pedagogy and the need for adequate resources and materials to support this integrated approach.

CONCLUSION: this study highlights the importance of a linguistic approach to teaching writing skills in higher education institutions.

Key words: writing skills, linguistic and cultural approach, academic writing, inclusive pedagogy, cultural awareness, cultural context, higher education, linguistics, different cultural content.

For citation: Navbahor T. Abramova (2024) The role of linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at tertiary education. // Inter education & global study, (5(1)), pp. 190-198. (In English).

In the globalized world of the 21st century, effective communication across cultural boundaries is more important than ever. As tertiary education aims to prepare students for professional and personal success in an interconnected world, the development of writing competence is a critical component of higher education curricula. Traditional approaches to teaching writing have often focused on linguistic accuracy and technical skills, but there is a growing recognition that writing competence also involves the ability to navigate and integrate cultural contexts. This recognition has given rise to the linguocultural approach, which integrates linguistic and cultural elements into language instruction.

The linguocultural approach to teaching writing competence goes beyond teaching grammar, syntax, and composition skills. It emphasizes the interplay between language and culture, acknowledging that effective writing is not just about linguistic proficiency but also about understanding and appropriately responding to different cultural contexts. This approach is particularly relevant in tertiary education, where students come from diverse cultural backgrounds and are preparing for careers that will likely require intercultural communication.

The traditional methods of teaching writing often fall short in preparing students for the complexities of real-world communication. While students may learn to write grammatically correct sentences and well-structured essays, they may not be equipped to address the cultural nuances that influence how messages are perceived and interpreted. This gap can lead to misunderstandings and ineffective communication, particularly in international and multicultural settings. Incorporating a linguocultural approach in writing instruction addresses these challenges by fostering both linguistic competence and intercultural awareness. By engaging with culturally diverse texts and contexts, students learn to appreciate different perspectives and adapt their writing to meet the expectations of varied audiences. This dual focus on language and culture prepares students for the demands of global communication, making them more effective and empathetic communicators.

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 5(1)


Literature review. The role of the linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at tertiary education represents a significant evolution in language education, emphasizing the integration of language learning with cultural awareness. This literature review synthesizes existing research and theoretical perspectives on the benefits and challenges associated with adopting a linguocultural approach in writing instruction. The linguocultural approach posits that language learning and communication are deeply intertwined with cultural contexts (Kramsch, 1993). It suggests that effective communication requires not only linguistic proficiency but also an understanding of cultural norms, values, and communication styles (Byram, 1997). This theoretical framework underscores the importance of integrating cultural content into language instruction to prepare students for diverse and globalized communication settings. Research has identified several benefits of integrating a linguocultural approach into writing instruction at the tertiary level:

> Enhanced Intercultural Competence: By engaging with cultural themes and contexts in writing assignments, students develop a deeper understanding of cultural diversity and intercultural communication (Paige et al., 2003). This fosters empathy, respect, and adaptability in cross-cultural interactions (Klein & Colby, 2011).

> Improved Writing Quality: Incorporating cultural elements into writing tasks encourages students to consider diverse perspectives and rhetorical strategies (Connor, 1996). This enhances their ability to produce coherent and culturally appropriate written texts for different audiences and purposes.

> Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: The linguocultural approach promotes cultural sensitivity by encouraging students to reflect on how cultural factors influence language use and communication (Kirkpatrick & Bardovi-Harlig, 1996). This awareness helps students navigate cultural differences and avoid miscommunication in academic and professional contexts.

Methodology. To comprehensively explore the role of the linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at the tertiary education level, this study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. This multifaceted approach ensures a thorough analysis of the implementation, effectiveness, and impact of the linguocultural approach in writing education. The methods utilized include case studies, surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and performance-based assessments. To comprehensively explore the role of the linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at the tertiary education level, this study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. This multifaceted approach ensures a thorough analysis of the implementation, effectiveness, and impact of the linguocultural approach in writing education. The methods utilized include case studies, surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and performance-based assessments. To comprehensively explore the role of the linguocultural approach


in teaching writing competence at the tertiary education level, this study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. This multifaceted approach ensures a thorough analysis of the implementation, effectiveness, and impact of the linguocultural approach in writing education. The methods utilized include case studies, surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and performance-based assessments.

1. Curriculum Analysis: A systematic review of writing curricula across various tertiary institutions was conducted to identify the extent and manner in which the linguocultural approach is integrated. This analysis involved:

✓ Content Review: Examining syllabi, reading lists, and instructional materials to assess the inclusion of culturally diverse texts and resources.

✓ Assignment Evaluation: Analyzing writing assignments and projects for their emphasis on cultural contexts, intercultural communication, and pragmatic language use.

✓ Learning Outcomes: Reviewing course objectives and learning outcomes to determine the focus on developing intercultural competence alongside writing skills.

2. Case Studies: In-depth case studies of specific courses and programs that have successfully implemented the linguocultural approach were conducted. These case studies included:

> an investigation into an English writing course for international students, focusing on the use of culturally diverse readings, interactive writing workshops, and intercultural group projects.

> an analysis of a telecollaboration initiative that connects students with peers from different cultural backgrounds for joint writing assignments and feedback exchanges.

Data from these case studies were collected through document analysis, interviews

with instructors, and student feedback, providing practical insights and best practices

for incorporating the linguocultural approach.

3. Surveys were administered to both students and educators involved in linguoculturally integrated writing courses. The surveys aimed to gather quantitative data on:

❖ Student Perceptions: Understanding how students perceive the relevance and effectiveness of culturally contextualized writing instruction.


• Educator Experiences: Capturing educators' experiences with curriculum design, teaching strategies, and challenges faced in implementing the linguocultural approach.

• Impact on Writing Competence: Assessing the perceived impact of the linguocultural approach on students' writing abilities and intercultural communication skills.

The survey instruments included Likert-scale questions, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions for more detailed responses.

4. Interviews: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a selected sample of educators and students to gain deeper qualitative insights. The interviews focused on:

• Implementation Challenges and Successes: Discussing the practical aspects of integrating cultural contexts into writing instruction.

• Cultural Context in Assignments: Exploring specific examples of how cultural contexts are embedded in writing tasks and their impact on student learning.

• Observed Outcomes: Gathering observations on improvements in students' writing competence and intercultural understanding.

Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes and insights.

5. Classroom Observations: Classroom observations were conducted to directly observe the implementation of the linguocultural approach in writing courses. Observations focused on:

-I- Teaching Practices: Noting how instructors integrate cultural contexts into their teaching methods and interactions.

4- Student Engagement: Assessing student engagement and participation in culturally contextualized writing activities.

i- Classroom Dynamics: Observing the overall classroom environment, including student collaboration and intercultural interactions.

Observation notes were analyzed to complement and corroborate data from surveys and interviews.

6. Performance-Based Assessments: To evaluate the effectiveness of the linguocultural approach, performance-based assessments of student writing were conducted. This involved:

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


> Pre- and Post-Intervention Samples: Collecting and analyzing writing samples from students before and after exposure to the linguocultural approach.

> Assessment Rubrics: Using detailed rubrics to evaluate linguistic accuracy, coherence, cultural relevance, and pragmatic language use.

> Comparative Analysis: Comparing pre- and post-intervention writing samples to measure improvements in writing competence and intercultural communication skills.

Quantitative data from performance assessments were analyzed using statistical methods such as paired t-tests to determine the significance of observed improvements. Data collected from various sources were systematically analyzed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the linguocultural approach. Quantitative data from surveys and performance assessments were analyzed using statistical software to identify trends, correlations, and significant changes. Qualitative data from interviews, case studies, and classroom observations were analyzed using thematic analysis to extract key themes and insights.

Findings and discussion. The findings from this study provide comprehensive insights into the role of the linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at tertiary education. These results are categorized into curriculum integration, student engagement and perception, educator experiences, and improvements in writing competence. Diverse cultural content and intercultural writing assignments are important for learners with following ideas:

> Diverse Cultural Content: Analysis revealed that courses incorporating the linguocultural approach included a broad array of culturally diverse texts and materials. Courses utilized literary works, media articles, and case studies from various cultures to contextualize writing assignments.

> Intercultural Writing Assignments: Assignments often required students to write for different cultural audiences, analyze cultural implications in various genres, or reflect on cultural experiences in their writing.

The integration of culturally diverse content significantly enriches the curriculum by providing students with a more holistic understanding of how cultural contexts influence language use. This aligns with the principles of the linguocultural approach, emphasizing the need to contextualize language instruction within its cultural framework. By engaging with diverse materials, students develop a more nuanced understanding of writing conventions across different cultures, enhancing their overall writing competence. The positive feedback and increased motivation suggest that the linguocultural approach effectively engages students by making writing instruction more relevant and interesting. This engagement is crucial for fostering a deeper commitment to developing writing competence. The approach helps students see the practical applications of their writing skills in diverse cultural settings, enhancing their overall learning experience. The

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5(1)


challenges identified highlight the need for institutional support, including resources and professional development opportunities for educators. However, the reported successes underscore the effectiveness of the linguocultural approach in enhancing writing instruction. With adequate support, the challenges can be mitigated, and the approach can be widely effective. Educators noted that integrating cultural contexts not only improved students' writing skills but also their intercultural competence, a crucial skill in today's globalized world. The significant improvements in writing competence validate the effectiveness of the linguocultural approach. By incorporating cultural contexts into writing instruction, students not only improve their linguistic skills but also their ability to communicate effectively across cultures. This dual enhancement is particularly valuable in a globalized world where intercultural competence is essential. The findings from this study provide robust evidence supporting the role of the linguocultural approach in teaching writing competence at tertiary education. Integrating cultural contexts into language instruction enriches the learning experience, enhances student engagement, and improves writing quality. While there are challenges in implementation, such as resource availability and the need for educator training, the overall benefits significantly outweigh these obstacles. The positive impacts on both writing competence and intercultural skills highlight the comprehensive nature of the linguocultural approach. It not only equips students with the technical skills needed for effective writing but also prepares them to navigate and adapt to diverse cultural contexts. This dual focus is critical for developing well-rounded, competent communicators in an increasingly interconnected world.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the linguocultural approach is a valuable and effective strategy for teaching writing competence at the tertiary education level. By embedding linguistic instruction within cultural contexts, educators can significantly enhance students' writing skills and intercultural competence. Institutions should support this approach by providing necessary resources and professional development opportunities for educators. Future research should continue to explore innovative ways to integrate cultural contexts into writing instruction and address the challenges identified in this study. Through a continued focus on the linguocultural approach, tertiary institutions can better prepare students for successful communication in a multicultural and interconnected global environment.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

7. Klein, E. C., & Colby, R. S. (Eds.). (2011). Interdisciplinary education in the age of assessment. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

8. Kirkpatrick, A., & Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1996). Pragmatics and language learning (Vol. 7). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Abramova Navbahor To'lqinjon qizi, tayanch doktorant, [Абрамова Навбахор Толкинжoн кизи, докторант], [Navbahor T. Abramova, PhD student] manzil: O'zbekiston, Toshkent, Uch-tepa tumani, daha CHILONZOR-G9A, ko'chasi KICHIK XALKA YO'LI, 21 [адрес: Узбекистан, Ташкент, Уч-тепинский район, даха ЧИЛОНЗОР^9А, улица КИЧИК ХАЛКА ЁЛИ, 21.], [address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uch-tepa district, daha CHILONZOR-G9A, street KICHIK KHALKA YOLI, 21];

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