Научная статья на тему 'Обучения знаниям о поведении речевого общения в образовательных учреждениях'

Обучения знаниям о поведении речевого общения в образовательных учреждениях Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ахмедова Гулноза Мухтаровна

В данной статье произведен сравнительный анализ речевых клише при изучении узбекского речевого этикета в учебниках последнего поколения по узбекскому языку, а также на основе этих особенностей рекомендованы эффективные методы их обучения. Автором данной статьи предлагается изучение речевого этикета методом составления диалогов, и употребления в них устойчивых клише. Автор предлагает подключение к беседе двоих третьего. Определенную трудность составляют имена в узбекском языке. Проведен сравнительный анализ употребления русских и узбекских полных и сокращенных версий имени, выявлено, что случаи употребления имен в узбекском и русском языках не совпадают. В этой статье вы узнаете о случаях употребления имен в узбекском языке.

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This article contain the comparative analysis of the speech cliché in the process of learning Uzbek morals in the text-book of the latest edition on Uzbek language, and on the bases of this peculiarities there were suggested efficient methods of teaching morals. The author of this text allows the learning of morals due to the means of making dialogues, using speech cliché. The author also introduces the third in the dialogue of two. Special difficult is using names in the Uzbek language. That’s why there was spent comparative analysis of usage Russian and Uzbek full and short versions, it was noted that the cases of usage Russian and Uzbek names are different. Here you can find useful information about the usage of names in Uzbek language.

Текст научной работы на тему «Обучения знаниям о поведении речевого общения в образовательных учреждениях»

УДК 808.5: 17.031


Г.М. Ахмедова

Аннотация. В данной статье произведен сравнительный анализ речевых клише при изучении узбекского речевого этикета в учебниках последнего поколения по узбекскому языку, а также на основе этих особенностей рекомендованы эффективные методы их обучения. Автором данной статьи предлагается изучение речевого этикета методом составления диалогов, и употребления в них устойчивых клише. Автор предлагает подключение к беседе двоих третьего. Определенную трудность составляют имена в узбекском языке. Проведен сравнительный анализ употребления русских и узбекских полных и сокращенных версий имени, выявлено, что случаи употребления имен в узбекском и русском языках не совпадают. В этой статье вы узнаете о случаях употребления имен в узбекском языке.

Ключевые слова: оживление - активизирование, речевое поведение - манеры при разговоре, восточное речевое общение - ментальное речевое общение.


Abstract. This article contain the comparative analysis of the speech cliché in the process of learning Uzbek morals in the text-book of the latest edition on Uzbek language, and on the bases of this peculiarities there were suggested efficient methods of teaching morals. The author of this text allows the learning of morals due to the means of making dialogues, using speech cliché. The author also introduces the third in the dialogue of two. Special difficult is using names in the Uzbek language. That's why there was spent comparative analysis of usage Russian and Uzbek full and short versions, it was noted that the cases of usage Russian and Uzbek names are different. Here you can find useful information about the usage of names in Uzbek language.

Keywords: Article belongs to the ethics of communication - speech manure, eastern speech communication - mental speech communications, communication committing behavior style roofs, the last National communicative speech communication.

Among the total morals of speech communication skills occupies a special place in development of the speech and in the development of a culture dialogue. Knowledge of this type of dialogue does not only invoke this behavior during a speech, but also show humility, morality which include other forms of contact and helps to communicate more closer in real life. It will contribute young members of the oriental culture of speech's dialogue to be developed; a young Uzbek people will be ready enough to talk about situations where each Uzbek people will encounter in his/her daily routine. Eventually in a society interlocutor in his social status, by displaying of his relationship to each other, should be able to express them through the elements of the non-speech and speech communication elements. The individual role in society, termed the impact of the role of teacher and writer, as in the A. Qahhor's story "Og'ri".

Barno Rahmatillayeva's dissertation "Ethnical forms of treatment and awareness in the modern Russian language" [1, p. 14-28] argued that comparison with the Russian and Uzbek language in the order forms, holding education classes in the system for their future goals in the process of doing more effectively Uzbek and Russian language. Therefore, in this article we compare the differences between Uzbek and

Russian language with analyzing the results of these materials.

English textbooks and morals of speech communication reflected in the wording of 7th grades'. [3, p.34-80]. In this context, one sen (you) and siz (your) use in the word. For us, the knowledge of the speech communication, we use in the words like sen (you) and siz (your) is regarded too late for the pupil's age and life experience to learn. Imagine that, the lower pupil of class can see and hear daily words as the adult children (brothers, sisters, father and mother), refer as siz (you) and wonder. The question that appears in hiz mind should be answered by the teacher of Uzbek language in the period of 1 - 3 classes. In other words, scheduling it also should be born in her mind. According to Uzbek language teacher should include in the training, some of the content of the reform of teaching methods and techniques that direct on pragmatics. At the same time, in practice, trained courtesy of the speech communication training in the field of speech in their start form was drawn to some of the deficiencies, the measures also need to be determined. This is also reflected in the planning of learners.

Experiments have shown that explaining nonspeech and speech communication satellite-speaking our children in their behavior conducted in the

implementation of the work, but it is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult process. For example, 2nd grade pupils will receive information about sen (you) and siz (your) explanations in simple form.

Teachers in the process of teaching something new every time regarding speech communication behavior, he/she should firstly begin appropriately to design his/her work.

The first lesson should be started with the introducing of the method of teaching. These methods are not only one, the identification method should be symmetrical. For this purpose, the teachers should give refer from English textbooks some examples embodied of hitting [4, p.25-45]. For example:

- Dad, will you (siz) go to the work today?

- Of course I will go.

- Valya, did you (sen) find your ball?

- Yes, I did.

Some pupils are not taught from nowhere. (We have examined methods of organizing this sort of exercises in this textbook). Teachers ask pupils: "How would you talk in the home?" For example, "whether your dad going to work or not, how would you ask whether your brother or sister find the ball or not?" -By asking this sort of question in the Russian language, we find these conversations to them. Children:

- Dad, will siz (you) go to the work today?

- Of course I will go.

- Valya, did sen (you) find your ball?

- Yes, I did.

After that the Uzbek model will be taught and will be asked the difference with the sen (you) and (siz) your in the Russian model. These sorts of questions force pupils to think, to compare the incidence of language and study them.

There are sciences that will be learnt fast. Sen (you) and siz (your) sciences one of them. But morals of speech communication is not enough to teach some of the information in this way: to strengthen them the knowledge must be repeated from time to time.

Difficult digestible strengthening the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar exercises, for example, points instead of putting the word or phrase you want to read, and types of exercises such as the establishment of a dialogue on the basis of a model text does not adequately prepare pupils to communicate in real life. Because on a daily basis, tones of words are not pronounced on the command - wish and questionable and confirmative sentences, but the structure tone of actions performed with the humility to say. The above types of exercises, these aspects are ignored. In this respect, the importance of the roles associated with the execution of the training would be emphasized.

English textbooks are preferred to read the roles of the dialogue in the two samples of each artist, and allow you only to say less than three words. Such a small amount of text it is hard to make the first speech

communication skills. We believe, the explanations should be done through the increase of the words.

In this area, some scientists as the Methodist (R. Yo'ldoshev) [2, p.65-83] the observations have shown that students often forget the collocutor while, keep of the conversation without facing him. This lesson is important with the didactic materials (scale models, etc.) serve as the evidence.

Speech communication culture will be strengthened when a lot of people join on the conversation which was holding by two or more. Usually, when the two men are talking and the interruption of third person during the conversation is out of morale. Unfortunately, these cases can be observed on the high-profile meetings.

Joining on the conversation (talk) to (let) appeal can be done through the referring expressions. In order to interfere with the conversation where two people talking with the third person in the frame of ethics, need to comply with the following rules:

1) We expect someone to stop talking;

2) In the following tricks with the topic, please contact:

- Excuse me, may I ask you something?

- May I speak?

- May I express my opinion?

After the joining the conversation, three people should learn to talk in order.

Speech communication culture is also associated with the names. They are preparing students to communicate in real life, Uzbek folk names in full, sometimes shrinking; sometimes you need to know to distinguish the short form of swine. As for the reduction or use of the short form of the name we also should be aware of the rules.

Abbreviation of the name, the availability of a shorter version is another case. For example, the majority of Russian names, a shorter version: Galya -Galina, Borya - Boris, there are not a lot of differences between Uzbek in Uzbek names, verbal names can be reduced upon the circumstances. For example: Dilorom - Dilya, Nigora - Nigor. Thus, in the Russian language using a short name and in Uzbek language is used in different ways.

The shortening the names in both Uzbek and Russian language, is the attitude of sincerity and warmth.

Every people has its own ethics, social conditions, there are rules of conduct, the rules are the same people about their position, working conditions are reflected in the language, the culture of dialogue. This communication model of culture specific communicative speaking situations, in other words, a standard type of conversational habits is also included.

Usage of Full and short names are common in Russian. Shortening the names in Uzbek is frequently used by young people in oral speech. For example:

Guli, Baxti, Dili. However, the majority of the names cannot be reduced. For example: Turgun, Botir, Nazira. In some cases, young people, apply shortening names to the adults, uncles, aunts, uncles: Dilya Aunt, Uncle Mitya and others.

Joint subject is said to be some of the first component in the form of a name: Ali Sultan, Bobo, To'xta.

Russian short names more frequently used than the full name form. For example: Ivan - Vanya, Jora, Georgiy - Grisha, Valya - Valentina, Katya -Ekaterina.

There are some situations in Russian language where the wife refers to her husband. For example: Vasya - Vasiliy. In contrast to the Russian language Uzbek woman do not call her husband with the other names, for example, in cases where wife naming his eldest son after died husband. Russian-language names bring a wide range of suffixes and also wide-spread in our country. For example: Mashenka, Natulya, Vasenka. In Uzbek, in most cases, the suffixs and suffixes are applied to the full names for yourself, -xon, - bek, - boy, - begim, - bonu. But the Russian suffixes forms are used mostly for caring while in the Uzbek language the subjective assessment of additives that represent the social function.

In Uzbek language it is usually refers to the adults, persons who occupied the position as the aka or opa. For example, Karim aka, Rahima opa. But these people, uncle, aunt, uncle, grandmother in the appropriate use of words. In the majority of public administration, the head of the company is referred by name and surname. In educational institutions and organizations where Russian language is based, the referring with the name and surname was emerged from early times. In recent years, in Uzbek language in educational institutions, teachers have referred as a (ustoz) and domla. In Russian-language based schools,

teachers and educators are referred with her name and the name of her father.

In Uzbek language based organizations the younger workers are referred with the surname. This is the same in Russian language based firms. But in Uzbek language calling the surname is negative type of speech. In Russian language it is positive aspect. In Uzbek families calling the name of one of the members of the family with the surname is rare condition, and is used more in the sense of irony. In Russian families calling one of the family members with the surname also bears irony sense and also can be used in order to humiliate someone. In both languages besides referring with the surname which is meant to ignore someone it also used as caring sense. Russian - language name used alone refers to generally accepted fact.

Uzbek speaking peers during the contact or a way of communicating to each other referred as o'rtoq (friend), og'ayni, do'stim, dugonajon. In Russian tovarishch, drug, drujishche, priyatel.

In Uzbek language parents are referred as, Ota (father), Ona (mother), onaginam (mam), otaginam (father) is used in various forms of contact: the first is more, the other is less. In Russian suffixes are common. For example, mamochka (mammi), dedulya (grandfather), babulya (grandmother).

In Uzbek, the stranger, the foreigner is referred as yigitcha, yaxshi qiz (will grel), xonim, jiyan, og 'ayni, kennoyi, opoqi, ovsin, xola (aunt), aka (brother), amaki (uncle).

Thus, the Russian language based educational institutions of the Uzbek language classes develop of communication behavior of the students and in process step-by-step to teach them courtesy of the speech communication as above grade classrooms have been studied and should be carried out on the basis of knowledge.


1. Rahmatillayeva B.X. Etiketniye formi obrasheniya i privlecheniya vnimaniya v sovremennom russcom yazike: Diss. na soisk. uch. step. kandidata fil.nauk. Tashkent, 1992, -162 с.

2. Yo'ldoshev R.A. Ta'lim rus tilida olib boriladigan maktablarda o'zbek tilini o'qitish metodikasi. Монография, T.N.Qori Niyoziy nomidagi O'zbekiston pedagogika fanlari ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti. Tashkent: «Fan va texnologiyalar Markazining bosmaxonasi», 2015. - 160 с.

Сведения об авторе:

3. Tolipova R., Tursunova I., Ochilova M. "O'zbek tili" Ta'lim rus tilida olib boriladigan umumta'lim maktablarining 7-sinfi uchun darslik. Tashkent: "O'zbekiston", nashriyot -matbaa ijodiy uyi, 2009. - 149 с.

4. Tolipova R.,Yo'ldosheva H., Shоmirzayeva M. «O'zbek tili». Tа'lim boshqa tillarda оНЬ boriladigan maktablarning 6-sinfi uchun darslik. 4-nashri, Tashkent: «O'qituvchi» nashriyot - matbaa ijodiy uyi, 2009. - 176 с.

Ахмедова Гулноза Мухтаровна (г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан), кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт, e-mail: nodiraxon1991@mail.ru

Data about the author:

G. Axmedova (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), candidat of pedagogical sciences, general teacher, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, e-mail: nodiraxon1991@mail.ru

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