Научная статья на тему 'Обратные задачи для дробных уравнений Шредингера и субдиффузии'

Обратные задачи для дробных уравнений Шредингера и субдиффузии Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Ключевые слова
уравнение Шредингера и субдиффузии / уравнение / производные Капуто / метод Фурье. / Schrödinger and subdiffusion equation / equation / the Caputo derivatives / Fourier method.

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Ашуров Равшан Раджабович, Шакарова Маржона Дилшод Қизи

Рассмотрены обратные задачи определения правой части уравнения Шредингера и уравнения субдиффузии с дробной производной. В задаче 1 исследуется нестационарная задача идентификации источника для уравнения Шрёдингера , в гильбертовом пространстве . Для решения этой обратной задачи возьмем дополнительное условие с произвольным ограниченным линейным функционалом . В задаче 2 мы рассматриваем уравнение субдиффузии с дробной производной порядка , а в качестве эллиптической части берем абстрактный оператор. Правая часть уравнения имеет вид , где заданная функция и рассматривается обратная задача определения элемента . В качестве условия переопределенности принимается условие , где некоторая внутренняя точка рассматриваемой области, заданный элемент. Полученные результаты являются новыми даже для классических уравнений диффузии. Доказаны теоремы существования и единственности решений рассматриваемых задач.

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Inverse problems for fractional Schrödinger and subdiffusion equations

The inverse problems of determining the right-hand side of the Schrödinger and the sub-diffusion equations with the fractional derivative is considered. In the problem 1, the time-dependent source identification problem for the Schrödinger equation , in a Hilbert space is investigated. To solve this inverse problem, we take the additional condition with an arbitrary bounded linear functional . In the problem 2, we consider the subdiffusion equation with a fractional derivative of order , and take the аbstract operator as the elliptic part. The right-hand side of the equation has the form , where is a given function and the inverse problem of determining element is considered. The condition is taken as the over-determination condition, where is some interior point of the considering domain and is a given element. Obtained results are new even for classical diffusion equations. Existence and uniqueness theorems for the solutions to the problems under consideration are proved.

Текст научной работы на тему «Обратные задачи для дробных уравнений Шредингера и субдиффузии»


УДК 517

https://doi.org/10.52754/16948645 2023 1 250


Ashurov Ravshan Radjabovich, Dr Sc., professor,

ashurovr@gmail.com Shakarova Marjona Dilshod qizi. shakarova2104@gmail.com Institute of Mathematics named after V.I. Romanovsky,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. The inverse problems of determining the right-hand side of the Schrodinger and the sub-diffusion equations with the fractional derivative is considered. In the problem 1, the time-dependent source identification problem for the Schrodinger equation , in a Hilbert space H is investigated. To solve this inverse problem, we take the additional condition B[u(-, t)] = y(t) with an arbitrary bounded linear functional B . In the problem 2, we consider the subdiffusion equation with a fractional derivative of order p e (0,1], and take the abstract operator as the elliptic part. The right-hand side of the equation has the form g (t) f, where g (t) is a given function and the inverse problem of determining element f is considered. The condition u(t0) = у is taken as the overdetermination condition, where t0 is some interior point of the considering domain and у is a given element.

Obtained results are new even for classical diffusion equations. Existence and uniqueness theorems for the solutions to the problems under consideration are proved.

Key words: Schrodinger and subdiffusion equation, equation, the Caputo derivatives, Fourier method.



Ашуров Равшан Раджабович, д.ф.-м.н., профессор,

ashurovr@gmail.com Шакарова Маржона Дилшод щзи.

shakarova2104@gmail.com Институт математики имени В.И. Романовский,

Ташкент, Узбекистан

Аннотация. Рассмотрены обратные задачи определения правой части уравнения Шредингера и уравнения субдиффузии с дробной производной. В задаче 1 исследуется нестационарная задача идентификации источника для уравнения Шрёдингера, в гильбертовом пространстве H . Для решения этой обратной задачи возьмем дополнительное условие B[u(-, t)] = y(t) с произвольным ограниченным линейным функционалом B . В задаче 2 мы рассматриваем уравнение субдиффузии с дробной производной порядка p e (0,1], а в качестве эллиптической части берем абстрактный оператор. Правая часть уравнения имеет вид g(t) f, где g (t) - заданная функция и рассматривается обратная задача определения элемента f . В качестве условия переопределенности принимается условие u (t0) = у, где t0 - некоторая внутренняя точка рассматриваемой области, у - заданный элемент. Полученные результаты являются новыми даже для классических уравнений диффузии. Доказаны теоремы существования и единственности решений рассматриваемых задач.

Ключевые слова: уравнение Шредингера и субдиффузии, уравнение, производные Капуто, метод



The fractional integration of order < < 0 of the function h(t) defined on [0, да) has the form (see, [1]):

J°h(t) = dt > 0,

provided the right-hand side exists. Here is Euler's gamma function. Using this definition one can define the Caputo fractional derivative of order p ,

Dph(t) = Jp-1 dh(t). dt

If we first integrate and then differentiate, then we get the Riemann-Liouville derivative.

Let H be a separable Hilbert space. Let A: H ^ H be an arbitrary unbounded positive selfadjoint operator in H .

Let t be an arbitrary real number. We introduce the power of operator A , acting in H according to the rule

ATh = ^Athkvk.


Obviously, the domain of definition of this operator has the form


D( At) = {h e H : ^^W \2 <to}.


For elements h e D(At) we introduce the norm:


\\h\\T =Z^T \hk \2 = \\ ATh\\2

and together with this norm D (A) turns into a Hilbert space.

Problem 1. Let p e (0,1) be a fixed number. Consider the following Cauchy problem

\iD?u(t) + Au(t) = p(t)q + f (t), 0 < t < T, \u ( 0 ) = p,

where a part of the source function p(t) is a scalar function, f (t) e C(H) and p, q e H are known elements of H .

To solve this time-dependent source identification problem one needs an extra condition. Following the papers of A. Ashyralyev et al. [2] we consider the additional condition in a rather general form:

B[u(t)] = w(t), 0 < t < T, (1.2)

where B: H ^ R is a given bounded linear functional, and y(t) is the given scalar function. We call the Cauchy problem (1.1) together with additional condition (1.2) the inverse problem. Problem 2. Let p e (0,1] be a fixed number. Consider the Cauchy problem

rDpu(t) + Au(t) = g(t) f, 0 < t < T,

^ (13)

u ( 0 ) = p.

Here p, f e H are known elements of H and a part of the source function g(t) is a scalar function.

To solve the inverse problem of determining the right-hand side of the equation, we use the following additional condition:

u (O = W, (14)

where t is a given fixed point of the segment (0,T] .

Main results for the Problem 1 Theorem 1. Let Bq^O , q>eH and D/VO) e C[0, T]. Further, let e e (0,1) be any fixed

number and qGD(A1+e) and /(i)eC([0,r];Z)(/)). Then the inverse problem has a unique solution {u(t), p(t)} .

Theorem 2. Let assumptions of Theorem 1 be satisfied and let p e D(A). Then the solution to the inverst problem obeys the stability estimate

II Dfu lie(H) + 11 Au ||C(H) +II pll

where C Bf is a constant, depending only on p,q , B and e .

Similar results hold for the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Main results for the Problem 2

Lemma 1. Let p = 1, g(t) e e*[0,T] and g(t0) * 0 . Then there exists a number k0 such that, starting from the number k > k0, the following estimates hold:

e e

—0 <| b (t) l< eL - <1 bk ,1(t 0)|< - ,

Ak Ak



bk,i(to) = fe~4 sg(to -s)ds


and constants eo and Q > 0 depend on k0 and t0 .

Lemma 2. Let p e (0,1), g(t) e e*[0,T] and g(0) * 0 . Then there exist numbers m0 > 0 and k0 such that, for all < m0 and k > k0, the following estimates hold:

e e

<| b (t) |< -1

* <| bk,p(t0)|< - ,



bk,p(t0) = f g (t0 - s)sPXp(-VP)ds 0

and constants e and e > 0 depend on m and k .

Let N = .K" , where N is the set of all natural numbers. K and K() p are sets such

that: if b^ (i0) * 0, k e K , otherwise, if b^ (i0) = 0, then k e K0 .

Theorem 3. Let pe (0,1], p eH , e D(A) . Moreover let function g(t) e e[0,T] and g(t) * 0, t e [0, T]. Then there exists a unique solution of the inverse problem (1.3)-(1.4).

Theorem 3 proves the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the inverse problem (1.3)-(1.4) under condition g(t) e e[0,T] and g(t) * 0, t e [0, T], i.e., g(t) does not change sign. Article [3], Example 3.1, shows the non-uniqueness result if g(t) changes its sign. It is proved that if function g (t) does not change sign, then the solution of the inverse problem is unique. Naturally, questions arise: if g (t) changes sign, is uniqueness always violated? What can be said about the existence of a solution? How many solutions can there be?

It should be emphasized that the answers to these questions were not known even for the classical diffusion equation (i.e. p = 1).

Lemmas 1 and 2 proved above allow us to answer these questions. Let us formulate the corresponding result.

Theorem 4. Let p e H , ye D (A) . Further, we will assume that for p = 1 the conditions of Lemma 1 are satisfied, and for pe (0,1), the conditions of Lemma 2 are satisfied and t0 is sufficiently small. If set K0p is empty, i.e. ^ (70) ^ 0, for all k, then there exists a unique solution of the inverse problem (1.3)-(1.4). If set K0 is not empty, then for the existence of a solution to the inverse problem, it is necessary and sufficient that the following conditions

= PkEp (-VoX k e K0,p, (3.1)

be satisfied. In this case, the solution to the problem (1.3)-(1.4) exists, but is not unique.

Remark. For conditions (3.1) to be satisfied, it suffices that the following orthogonality conditions hold:

Pk = vk) = 0,¥k = vk) = 0k e Ko,p-References

1. Pskhu, A.V. Fractional Differential Equations. ^xt]/ Pskhu A.V. // Moscow: NAUKA. 2005 [in Russian].

2. Ashyralyev, A. Time-dependent source identification problem for the Schrodinger equation with nonlocal boundary conditions, ^xt]/ Ashyralyev.A., Urun.M. // In: AIP Conf. Proc, V:2183, 2019.

3. Slodichka, M. Uniqueness for an inverse source problem of determining a space dependent source in a time-fractional diffusion equation^xt]/ Slodichka M., Sishskova K., Bockstal V. //Appl. Math. Letters, V. 91, pp. 15-21, 2019.

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