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�� ����������� �������� ��� ������ ��� // ���������. 2023. �. 1. � 3. C. 70�78. https://doi.
Original article
Vladimir A. Sakharov, Alexey A. Kuvshinov
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean, Blagoveshchensk, Russia, kyaa@vniisoi.ru
Abstract. Harvesting is an important and energy-intensive operation in agricultural production.
Currently, the improvement of the harvesting process is associated with the development of precise
positioning systems, computer systems, and increased reliability of components and assemblies. An
important problem of soybean harvesting is the reduction of energy intensity, the solution of which is
possible with the approbation and implementation of the method of combing plants on the root. In this
paper, the geometric parameters of the comb of the combing drum for harvesting soybeans are investigated,
the design dimensions of the comb of the combing drum are theoretically justified. Analyzing the presented
results, it was found out that the maximum possible angle of installation of combing combs relative to the
radius of the drum is 50�. In this case, the length of the comb tooth should not exceed 200 mm. When
studying the harvesting process by the method of combing on the root of soybean plants, a minimum loss
of soybean seeds (7.9 %) was obtained at an angular rotation speed of the combing drum 350 rpm and the
speed of the unit 11 km/ h.
Keywords: combing method, soybean harvesting, combing drum, installation angle, comb tooth length.
For citation: Sakharov VA, Kuvshinov AA. Obosnovanie ugla ustanovki i dliny grebenki na
ochesyvayushchem barabane pri uborke soi [Justification of the angle of installation and the length
of the comb on the combing drum when harvesting soybeans]. Agronauka. � Agroscience. 2023;1;3:70�78.
(in Russ.). https://doi.org/10.24412/2949-2211-2023-1-3-70�78.
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���������. 2023. ��� 1, � 3 / Agroscience. 2023. Vol. 1, no. 3
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3 11 300 39,7 14,0 8,9
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5 8,5 350 46,5 16,4 11,3
6 11 350 36,9 13,0 7,9
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8 8,5 400 43,9 15,5 10,4
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���������� �� ������� Information about the authors
�. �. ������� � ��. ����. ����.;
�. �. �������� � ����. ����. ���� ��. ����. ����.
V. A. Sakharov � Senior Researcher;
A. A. Kuvshinov � Cand. Tech. Sci. Senior Researcher
������ ��������� � �������� 30.06.2023;
�������� ����� �������������� 11.08.2023;
������� � ���������� 18.08.2023
The article was submitted 30.06.2023;
approved aftee reviewing 11.08.2023;
accepted for publication 18.08.2023