OBJECTIVES OF FORMING THE IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
ideology / human consciousness / conflict / spiritual crisis / geopolitics / идеология / сознание человека / конфликт / духовный кризис / геополитика

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Botirova B.N.

In this article the problems of formation of ideological immunity in the modern world.

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В данной статье рассмотрены задачи формирования идеологического иммунитета в современном мире.


3. Карпенков С.Х. Концепции современного естествознания. Учебник. - М.: ЮНИТИ, 1997.

УДК 256.147

Botirova B.N.

Andijan state medical Institute Teacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences OBJECTIVES OF FORMING THE IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY IN THE


Abstract: In this article the problems of formation of ideological immunity in the modern world

Keywords: ideology, human consciousness, conflict, spiritual crisis, geopolitics

Аннотация: В данной статье рассмотрены задачи формирования идеологического иммунитета в современном мире

Ключевые слова: идеология, сознание человека, конфликт, духовный кризис, геополитика

In the ideological picture of the modern world, the activity of the «ideological polygons», which are fighting with the help of various means that influence the souls and the consciousness of man, is becoming more and more evident. Such ideological polygons arise as a result of intensification of the struggle for mastering the consciousness and soul of people, and this struggle is waged not with a militant, but above all with ideological, ideological weapons.

You are well aware from geography that the world is divided by territorial distinction into regions and continents. These territories have clear boundaries. However, mankind by the end of the twentieth century. faced with problems that do not know the boundaries. They include such problems as regional conflicts, religious-ethnic conflicts, on the basis of aggressive nationalism and chauvinism, spiritual crisis, drug addiction, terrorism, etc.

In addition, a number of problems arise in connection with the processes of globalization, the acceleration of the flow of information. The worst thing is that there are various forces that are trying to expand their sphere of influence by various ideological means, to win the soul and consciousness of people, thus compelling whole nations and states to follow them. This is the main principle that determines the ideological picture of the world.

The term «polygon» is taken from the Greek word, which means «versatility». Usually under the test site we mean a specific field where weapons and equipment are tested, troops are trained, military training and exercises are conducted.

Ideological processes in the modern era acquire a number of specific features. At the same time, on the one hand, democratization of ideological processes appears, their humanization, i.e. pluralism of opinions and tolerance of various political forces. On the other hand, ideological processes acquire such

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features as excessive politicization, commercialization. Third, such peculiarities of ideological processes as the rapid emergence of ideas and ideologies beyond the limits of individual national states, their globalization, and insufficient grounding are evident. The ideological picture of modern times is strongly influenced by the globalization of the economy and information and communication processes (the Internet, satellite channels, etc.). Now if something new arises in any corner of the world, it quickly submits to ideological goals and spreads into the world of thoughts and feelings of millions of people.

For example, if in any region of the world for technical reasons or because of the natural disaster a catastrophe occurs, then the ideological center can in principle accuse itself of a hostile center in all its misfortunes. In this process, that center, which has more opportunities to disseminate information that knows in advance what affects people, what they need - that center will succeed in introducing to the soul and consciousness of people its point of view and wins in the battle of information. Therefore, at the present time the information battle between various forces and centers on the world arena is taking the leading place. In fact, in the hands of political forces, various ideologies through such a struggle ensure the achievement of political goals, often using the naivety (especially uneducation) of some people, strive for an ideological division of the world arena. For example, Wahhabis, using the detachment of some people for a long time from religious enlightenment, under the pretext of teaching their canons of religion, try to introduce their malicious ideas into the soul and the minds of people. This situation is also observed in our region, in particular, in the territory of Uzbekistan. However, our people, who have their ancient traditions, immortal values, rich legacy and spirituality of their ancestors do not believe such empty, essentially anti-religious calls, develop their ideology, based on national and universal values, on the experience of independent development and the achievements of modern civilizations.

To counter such dangers, for example, as Wahhabism and nationalism, it is supposed that ideological immunity will be formed in the hearts of our people, especially the younger generation. Under the immunity (from the Latin word «free», «get rid2) is meant a system of protection that can maintain the stability of public and state systems, protecting them from external negative influences and ideological influences, infections" from hostile "polygons".

The concept of «ideological immunity» was first used in the domestic literature by I. Karimov, and its content is explained as follows: «It is known that in order to prevent any disease it is necessary, first of all, in the human organisms to create immunity against this disease. We also need to instill in our children's hearts a healthy attitude to Motherland, to our rich history, to the sacred religion of our ancestors, if necessary, to strengthen their ideological immunity.»

Ideological immunity on the basis of the national idea requires, first of all, the formation of an independent conviction and outlook for each of our compatriots. Ideological immunity on the basis of the national idea requires, first of all, the formation of an independent conviction and outlook for each of our

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compatriots. They should be based on the high ideas put forward by President Islam Karimov and reflecting the best of the history of the mentality of the Uzbek people, on knowledge and ideas about the goals and results of reforms in our country, national and universal values, achievements of modern civilization.

An important element of the nation's immunity and sometimes personality is vigilance, that is, life with a constant awareness of the world, about the changes taking place around. The people, who have turned their state of vigilance into a rule, can timely solve vital problems in the law of their life, can give a worthy rebuff to any ideological attacks of aggressive forces.

The desire to fight thought only with thought, with an idea - only an idea, with ignorance - only with enlightenment, indicates the formation of a healthy conviction in the person's soul, in his mind - a healthy worldview, the formation of his ability to defend himself in the present conditions, using the vigilance factor .

Thus, ideological immunity is a vital necessity. It is of great importance in protecting our people from the corrupting influence of alien and harmful ideas, in educating the country's children morally, spiritually and physically healthy and perfect, in realizing the intended noble goals.

Source used:

1. Abramov Yu.F., Kudashov V.I. The phenomenon of dialogue and modern education. - Irkutsk, 1998.

2. Каримов И.А. Юксак маънавият енгилмас куч.- Тошкент: Маънавият, 2010.-176 б.

3. Каримов И.А. Узбекистон мустакилликка эришиш остонасида.-Тошкент: Узбекистон, 2012.-439 бет.

"Мировая наука" №4(13) 2018 science-j.com


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