Научная статья на тему 'О взаимодействиях массивных полей с высшими спинами'

О взаимодействиях массивных полей с высшими спинами Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Зиновьев Ю. М.

Мы обсуждаем возможность расширить формализм Фрадкина-Васильева построения непротиворечивых кубических вершин взаимодействия на случаи, когда вершина содержит массивные и/или безмассовые поля высших спинов. В качестве иллюстрации мы даем применение этого формализма к гравитационному взаимодействию безмассовых и частично безмассовых полей со спином 5/2.

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We discuss a possibility to extend a Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism of constructing consistent cubic interaction vertices to the cases where vertex contains massive and/or massless higher spin fields. As an illustration we provide application of this formalism to the gravitational interactions of massless and partially massless spin-5/2 fields.

Текст научной работы на тему «О взаимодействиях массивных полей с высшими спинами»

UDC 530.1; 539.1


Yu. M. Zinoviev

institute for High Energy Physics, 142280, Protvino, Russia. E-mail: Yurii.Zinoviev@ihep.ru

We discuss a possibility to extend a Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism of constructing consistent cubic interaction vertices to the cases where vertex contains massive and/or massless higher spin fields. As an illustration we provide application of this formalism to the gravitational interactions of massless and partially massless spin-5/2 fields.

Keywords: higher spins, frame-like description, Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism.

1 Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism

Let us first of all briefly remind what is Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism [1,2] developed for the construction of consistent cubic interaction vertices among the massless higher spin fields. The main ingredient of this formalism is the so-called frame-like description of massless higher spin fields [3-5]. Its main features can be described as follows.

• Each massless higher spin field is described by a set of one-forms $ (physical, auxiliary and extra ones).

ô$ = DÇ + ...

where dots stand for the terms without derivatives.

can be constructed R = D A ...

where again dots stand for the terms without derivatives.

rewritten in a explicitly gauge invariant form L0 ~ ^RAR.

There exist three types of possible cubic vertices:

• trivial: L ~ RARAR, i.e constructed using gauge invariant two-forms only and thus trivially gauge invariant (hence the name);

• abelian: L ~ R A R A which contain one-form and whose gauge invariance (up to total derivative) follows from the Bianci identities;

• non-abelian: £~RA $ A $, which look similar to the ones in the Yang-Mills theories and whose gauge invariance requires introduction of nontrivial corrections to the gauge transformations.

All the non-abelian vertices can be constructed by the following deformation procedure:

curvatures in the form: AR ~ $ A $; transformations 6$ ~ $£; covariantly, i.e. 6R ~ R£;

Lagrangian L ~ ^ R Alt, which is just the free Lagrangian but with the initial curvatures replaced by the deformed ones.

Vasiliev has shown [6] that any non-trivial cubic vertex for massless completely symmetric fields with spins si, s2 and s3 having up to

N = s i + S2 + s3 - 2

derivatives can be obtained as a linear combination of abelian and non-abelian vertices.

The Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism was initially-developed and effectively applied for the construction of cubic vertices for the massless higher spin fields (see e.g. [7-12]). As we have seen the two main ingredients of this formalism are frame-like description and gauge invariance. But frame-like gauge invariant description exists for the massive higher spin fields as well [13,14]. Thus it seem natural to extend this formalism to the case of cubic vertices containing massive and/or massless fields. Some examples for electromagnetic and gravitational interactions of massive fields already exist [15-18]. In what follows we apply such formalism for gravitational interaction of partially massless spin-5/2 field

cUS cl

simplest non-trivial fermionic case.

Note that in the frame-like description most of the auxiliary and extra fields are mixed symmetry (spin-) tensors (7-traceless in fermionic cases)


and this make all calculations rather involved (especially in the fermionic cases). One of the possible ways to simplify investigations is to restrict ourselves with particular space-time dimension d = 4 and use a multispinor frame-like formalism where all fields are still one forms but with all local indices replaced by spinor ones a ^ (aa). For the spin | case we are interested in here it means for example:

, (7^) = 0 ^ , ,

Q[ab], Y^ab = 0 ^ Qa3Y, Qa Pi.

Thus in what follows we will work in (A)dS4 space with background frame eaa and covariant derivative D normalized so that (A = —A2)

D A D^a = 2A2Ea3, Ea3 = 1 eaa A e3a.

2 Massless spin —

In this section we begin with the massless case that will be useful for the comparison. The free Lagrangian in AdS4 space can be written as follows [13]:


Lo = 4aßa ea ß D',p3a 3 + —^«3* Ea 7 ^

- 2 ^aßa E' 3

4aßß + h.c.

öo^aßY = DiaßY + ej naßY + Xe(aè Ç3)Y è.

5oüaßY = DVaßY + X2e(aè .

physical frame field, while in spin-5/2 case it also put physical field on shell:

r Q

T = 0 ^ ü = ü(p) 0 — =0.


Using these gauge invariant objects the free Lagrangian can be rewritten in the form:

Lo = a-tUaßY RaßY + avTcßY TaßY + h.c.


where coefficients ai,2 must be adjusted so that auxiliary field Q do not enter.

Now let us turn to the gravitational interactions. It turns out that deformations for the spin-| correspond just to the minimal substitution rules: D ^ D + w, e ^ e + h:

ARa3Y = co[w(as Q3y)s + X2h(aa ],

ATa3à = c0[w(aY 't^3)Yà + 3 i>a33 (6)

+Xh(a3 ^3 + hnà Qa3Y ].

At the same time deformations for the gravitational curvature and torsion have the form:

ARaß = b0[Q(aYs ü3)yS + 2X2^(aia p3^6

+X2^aa 3 43)a 3 ]


ATaa = 2b0 [üa3l i>ßYa + 2X4aß3 3 + h.c].


In this, non-trivial (on-shell) part of gauge transformations looks like:

This Lagrangian is invariant under the following local gauge transformations:

5HaßY = R(as nßY)S,

STaßa = R(aY £3)y" + Ra 3 iaßß,


(2) sRaß = 2boR(ajs V3)7ä.

We will need also an auxiliary field üaßY (though it does not enter the free Lagrangian) with the corresponding gauge transformations:


Now we consider the following interacting Lagrangian, which is just the sum free spin-5/2 and spin-2 Lagrangians with the initial curvatures replaced by the deformed ones:

Following the general procedure we construct two gauge invariant objects (similar to the curvature and torsion in the spin-2 case):

Ra3Y = DQa3Y + A2e(as ,

Ta3Y = D'^a3Y + Ae(at + esY Vta3S. (4)

Note that there is an essential difference between spin-2 and spin-5/2 cases as far as the zero torsion condition is concerned. In the spin-2 case this condition simply allows one to express Lorentz connection in terms of

L = a{R aß y RaßY + a^TaßY taßY +aoRaß Raß + h.c.


For the Lagrangian (9) to be invariant under the transformations (8) we have to put:

3a\co = 4aobo.

Note that the cubic vertex extracted from this Lagrangian contains terms with up to 2 derivatives in agreement with [19-21].

3 Partially massless spin —

Now let us turn to the partially massless spin-2 (recall that in four dimensions such field has four physical degrees of freedom corresponding to helicities ±2, ±2). Correspondingly, gauge invariant description requires two fields (main and Stueckelberg ones) and the free Lagrangian has the form:

iea 3 D3 - i0

Lo = Vaß


VßY& - VaßaEaßVaßß]

+3a2[^aßaEaß- VaaßEaßr-]

-?a1^aE aß Vß + h.c.


+ Y [?Vaßä E


D^aßax + ale(a, f)à ß



-JlaßY 'j-aßä

DQaßi - E(a61


D^a/3à + eY'


+a.1eSaß Vß)di ß + a2e£l(a^ß),

T = 0 ^ ü = Ü(v) © ^ = o ^ v = v (v) ©

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SV = 0

aß y V aßY + RaßY DV aßY

+ ^ VaßYEYÖ VaßS .

-6a2naßinaßY ■ 12a2

Now let us turn to the gravitational interactions. Deformations for partially massless spin 2 again correspond to the minimal substitution rules D ^ D + w, e ^ e + h, while deformations for the gravitational curvature and torsion are defined up to the possible field redefinitions:

h** ^ hark + Kie3"VaY&VMs + K2ea"V3Y&VMs + ...

Non-trivial (on-shell) part of gauge transformations looks like:


Here ai2 = a22 = — 52-. This Lagrangian is invariant under the following gauge transformations:

SRaß = SR aßY

S j aßa

2b1R(a7s nß)Y& + b2 RaßY = coR(c


(aÄ nßY)&


coR(aY tß)Y* + coRé


+e7a na3Y + a2ea(ae

6o^a = DC + 3a2e3„ C3" + 3aieaA C.

Correspondingly, we will need two auxiliary fields (note thatVa3Y is a zero form):

6oQa3Y = Dna3Y, 6Va3Y = 6a2na3Y. (12)

Each of these four fields has its own gauge invariant object:

, V 3Y)s

The interacting Lagrangian is just the sum of free Lagrangians with deformed curvatures plus one possible abelian vertex:


aR aßY R aßY + a2Taßä T'aßa + a,3#a^a + a4 VaßYEY6 VaßS +a5Taßä e~,à V aßY + iaoRaß Raß +a6Raß VaßY Vy + h.c.



= Di[>a + 3a2epà i"3" +3a1eaà- E3yVa3Y, Va3Y = DVa3Y - 6a2Qa3Y.

Similarly to the massless case, the zero torsion conditions not only allows one to express auxiliary-fields in terms of physical ones, but simultaneously put physical fields on shell:

At last, the free Lagrangian in terms of these gauge invariant objects looks as follows:

Lo = aiRa3Y Ra3Y + a2Ta3à Ta3&

+a,3Ma + aAVa3Y EYS Va3S

+a5Ta3à eY" Va3Y + h.c. (14)

Note that there is an ambiguity in the choice of coefficients due to identity:

0 « D(Ra3YVa3Y )


Gauge invariance fixes all the coefficients in deformations as well as coefficient ae of abelian vertex in terms of gravitational coupling constant c0 hence we obtained one non-trivial vertex only. As in the massless case cubic vertex contains terms with up to two derivatives in agreement with [19].


Thus the Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism allows one systematically investigate cubic vertices for massless, partially massless and massive fields (in any combination). Here we use the multispinor framelike formalism. Thus means a restriction to d = 4 case, but allows us to describe bosonic and fermionic fields on equal footing with possible generalization to arbitrary spins. Let us stress some points where good

understanding is still lacking:

terms of gauge invariant objects;


This research has been supported by RFBR grant No. 14-02-01172.


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Received, 04.11.2012

Ю. M. Зиновьев


Мы обсуждаем возможность расширить формализм Фрадкина-Васильева построения непротиворечивых кубических вершин взаимодействия на случаи, когда вершина содержит массивные и/или безмассовые поля высших спинов. В качестве иллюстрации мы даем применение этого формализма к гравитационному взаимодействию безмассовых и частично безмассовых полей со спином 5/2.

Ключевые слова: высшие спины, реперный формализм, формализм Фрадкина-Васильева.

Зиновьев Ю. М., доктор физико-математических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник. Институт физики высоких энергий. 142280 Протвино, Московская область, Россия. E-mail: yurii.zinoviev@ihep.ru

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