NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND QUALITY INDICATOR OF GRAPE MOLASSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Endless light in science
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Ключевые слова
grape / molasses / mathematical-statistical / acidity / invert sugar

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Zami̇na Bunyatzade

Natural and climatic conditions of Azerbaijan, cultivation of different grape varieties for convenient conditions most early, long duration held, most sweet, most high productive varieties planted cultivation conditions creates. Because of the sugar content from the vine received food products are classified as sweets. Molasses, povidlo, irchal, grapes jam, grape compote, grape juice, churckhela, syrup, jam, raisins and currants are food products made from grapes [1, p. 42-43]. Grown up my face crushed the juice by removing received to the juice little amount catch of the tree ashes and or Yellow soil (cake) by mixing received product it is called molasses (doshab). In our research work, we obtained 0.96% molasses titrable acidity, 57.07% invert sugar content, and 59.87% dry matter content. Every one study which is of the product physical performed a mathematical-statistical calculation of chemical indicators [2, p. 122] and relative errors: in molasses (doshab) acidity-3; amount of invert sugar-2.1; of dry matter we have received the quantity-0.8.

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Odlar Yurdu University, Faculty of Nature and Technology, teacher

Baku, Azerbaijan

Abstract: Natural and climatic conditions of Azerbaijan, cultivation of different grape varieties for convenient conditions most early, long duration held, most sweet, most high productive varieties planted cultivation conditions creates. Because of the sugar content from the vine received food products are classified as sweets. Molasses, povidlo, irchal, grapes jam, grape compote, grape juice, churckhela, syrup, jam, raisins and currants are food products made from grapes [1, p. 42-43]. Grown up my face crushed the juice by removing received to the juice little amount catch of the tree ashes and or Yellow soil (cake) by mixing received product it is called molasses (doshab). In our research work, we obtained 0.96% molasses titrable acidity, 57.07% invert sugar content, and 59.87% dry matter content. Every one study which is of the product physical performed a mathematical-statistical calculation of chemical indicators [2, p. 122] and relative errors: in molasses (doshab) - acidity-3; amount of invert sugar-2.1; of dry matter we have received the quantity-0.8.

Key words: grape, molasses, mathematical-statistical, acidity, invert sugar

Research object and research methods. We use the molasses food product made from grapes as a research object. As a method of conducting the research, we determine the determination of acidity in molasses, the determination of invert sugar and the determination of sugar in molasses by the refractometer method.

Molasses shivering of acidity determination

In hell (in molasses) acidity appointment to do for the following from methodology we use Take 25 g of the separated average sample and mix it with water with a temperature of 80 0 C in knowledge 250 Jr -lik sized to the flask we spend This time use done of waterquantity flask volume % from the part a lot should not. Flask good after shaking, in a water bath with a temperature of 8085 0 C for 30 minutes we keep At this time, it is necessary to shake the flask from time to time. Time after it's over let it cool to room temperature and strain filled with distilled water.your mouth with traffic jam closed mix, dry fold fold from the filter we filter. Purchased in the filtrate acidity don't shiver method with not determined [3, p. 67].

For this purpose, pipette 50 ml of the filtrate take 250-300 ml. conical Pour it into a flask and add 2-3 drops phenolphthalein (1% phenolphthalein in alcohol solution) indicator was added 1 min with 0.1 normal NaOH alkaline solution shake until the color is obtained. It should be noted that colorless or light colored titration of the filtrates is carried out using the enolphthalein indicator. The calculation is as followsin the way should be done:

_ Y • Y1 • K • 100


here, Y - tremble spent which is 0.1 of normal alkaline soln quantity, in ml.

Y 1 - the volume of the sample flask, in ml;

Y 2 - to titrate for taken away of the solution quantity, with ml;

g - of the sample mass, with q.

K - wine to acid according to coefficient to calculate. This number - It is 0.0075.

This method with 3 parallel in the example analyses we took and the following results received

I experience .

Y - 6.5 ml

Y 1 - 250 Jr

Y 2 - 50 Jr

g - 25 q.

K- 0.0075 (to tartaric acid according to).

X =

Y^Yl^K^ 100 6.5 • 250 • 0.0075 • 100

Experience II.

Y - 6.4 ml

Y i - 250 Jr

Y 2 - 50 Jr g - 25 q. K- 0.0075


25 50

= 0.975%

X =

Y •Y l-tf-100 6.4 • 250 • 0.0075 • 100

Experiment III.

Y - 6.35 ml

Y i - 250 Jr

Y 2 - 50 Jr g - 25 q. K- 0.0075

9 • ^2

25 50

= 0.96%

X =

y-n.-ff-100 6.35 • 250 • 0.0075 • 100

25 50

= 0.953%

9 •

We of experience as a result 0.975%; 0.96%; 0.953%

The number we got This to the results mostly average number is found.

0.975 + 0.96 + 0.953 X(orta) =---= 0.96

According to standard indicators, the acidity of molasses should not exceed 1.0%. Ours which we received result 0.96%- is So analysis that we do molasses of the standardrequirements complete the answer gives

Molasses of invert sugar determination

Bertrand method with which we will take analysis for 250- 300 of ml conical Pour 25 ml Feling 2 solution into the flask and add asbestos net we heat it on a gas lamp until it boils. Pipette 20 ml onto the solution"A" solution tgkub into the mix boiling starting from the moment since 3 minute we boil. The solution in the flask turns blue and red, red-brick in color sediment done comes In the flask the sky solution asbestos from the filter filtered of the flask it boils 2-3 times on the red brick-colored miss oxide deposit at the bottomadd distilled water and filter. if the copper oxide settles to the bottom of the solution. Don't swim during to work need that miss-oxide to the filter don't pass .if If due to carelessness the sediment has passed through the filter, then need to work sediment always distillation of water under let it stay because, miss-oxide in the air oxidized by oxygen and turns into CuO, which is not soluble in Felling 3 solution. As a result loss happens and inverted of sugar quantity decreases. In a flask left miss of oxidn on 25 Jr iron ammonium zay solution addition did him after solving clean cone by dissolving the miss-oxide in the asbestos filter with it strain into a flask. The solution turns greenish. Chamilion solution in a flask with a solution (4.98 g. KMnO 4 is dissolved in 1 liter) until a light red color is obtained we are shaking. Trembling KMnO 4 with ml of the solution multiplied by i0 we determine the amount of copper in mg. Then copper according to the amount from the table of invert sugar the amount we find

I experience

Tremor spent which is 10.9 mg KMnO 4 of the solution ml- with the amount

(10.9mg) 10- a I hit it mg- la the amount we determine.

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"

Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 - 5.81 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ


10.9 10= 109 mg. Cu

According to the table, the amount of invert sugar corresponding to 109 mg of Cu is as follows proportionally we find

105.7 — 56

109 — X 109•56

*=w = 57-7%

109 mg Cu - a 57.7% inverted to sugar suitable comes

II experience

4 solution used for the titration in ml (10.9 mg) 10-a hit my copper mg- la the amount appointment we do

10.8 10= 109 mg. Cu

To the table basically , 108 mg to Cu suitable coming inverted of sugar the amount the followingproportionally we find

105.7 — 56

108 — X


*=w = 57-2%

108 mg Cu 57.2% inverted to sugar suitable comes

Experiment III

10-a hit my copper mg- la the amount appointment we do

11.0 10= 110 mg. Cu

To the table mainly 110 mg to Cu suitable coming inverted of sugar the amount the followingproportionally we find

108 — 57.2

110 — X

110 • 57.2


Ours to the results basically (57.7%; 57.2%; 58.2%) medium number we find

57.7 + 57.2 + 58.2 X(orta) =---= 57.7%

Reception done standard to indicators mainly in Behmaz inverted to sugar according to calculated of sugar to the crowd according to with interest amount should be 58.0 . Ours in the results deviation a lot is negligible (0.3).

Determination of sugar in molasses by refractometer method

Produced from fruits done products dry in composition of substances of quantitymainly sugars arranged does. Dry amount of substances basic quality indicatoras in standards is normalized. Dry of substance from the norm little to have of sugartoo little to be reason happens and as a result retention during get angry happens.

Since the studied molasses is a dark colored product, work with the following method is carried out [4, p. 112-114].

Porcelain cup technician pour 5-10 minutes of product on the scale and wash 4 g on it fried sand and own mass up to distillation water we add. Mass china in the crowd quickly mixed up (do not evaporate say), 4 fold from regulation squeezed pipit put a drop on the lower prism of the refractometer and closed the upper prism refractometer lamp of the prism top to the window party we direct [5, p. 202-206]. Lingin with the help of the border of dark and light parts found, to the refractive

index at 20 0 C we find the perfect amount of dry matter. The amount of dry matter (X) is as follows with the formula is calculated.


here, a - refractometer sugar of the scale is an indicator in %.

This method with in molasses dry of substance the amount appointment to do for 3 timesparallel work was conducted. The result the following is like :

I experience. a was 30.05. X=2a=230.05=60.1%.

II .

a was 29.9.

X=2a=2 29.9=59.8%.

Experiment III. a was 29.85. X=2a=229.85=59.7%.

3 parallel from the result (60.1%; 59.8%; 59.7%) medium number is found.

60.1 + 59.8 + 59.7 X(orta) =---= 59.87%

According to the requirements of the standard, the amount of dry matter in molasses is 60% should be Ours result (59.87%) is within the norm.

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Results and their discussion. physical- chemical quality indicators in expertise molasses on-determination of titrable acidity, determination of invert sugar, refractometer method of dry matter with determination We conducted each of the methods in 3 parallel experiments and satisfactory results get we did In our study, the titrated acidity in molasses was 0.96%, the amount of invert sugar was 57.07%, and the amount of dry matter was 59.87%. Every one study which is of the product physical we performed mathematical-statistical calculation of chemical indicators and received the following errors; in molasses (doshab) - acidity-3; amount of invert sugar-2.1; of dry matter quantity-0.8;

According to these figures, it can be said that the work was carried out in the release research and calculations are correct and fluent. Results meet the requirements of standard indicators gives


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