Научная статья на тему 'Numerical characteristics of technogenic noise in geoecological monitoring tasks'

Numerical characteristics of technogenic noise in geoecological monitoring tasks Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Numerical characteristics of technogenic noise in geoecological monitoring tasks»

considered. The solution of the problems under consideration is due to the urgent problems of environmental

monitoring in connection with noise pollution by various types of transport, industrial and natural sources. As

a result, geoecological risks are generated that affect the social environment, first of all, on humans, as well as

on buildings. Multivariate numerical models of interwave interactions and their mechanisms are presented

and analyzed. As a result of interactions, various physical effects are generated that determine the degree of

influence of conjugate wave fields on the medium. On the basis of numerical modeling and the results of field

experiments, estimates of increased geoecological risks are given.

This work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project code 20-07-00861A).


1. L.M. Brekhovskikh, V.V. Goncharov. Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. M .: "Science", 1982, p. 335.

2. L.M. Brekhovskikh, Yu.P. Lysanov. Theoretical foundations of ocean acoustics. L .: Gidrometeoizdat, 1982, p. 264.

3. Marat S. Khairetdinov, Valery V. Kovalevsky, Gulnara M. Shimanskaya, Galina F. Sedukhina, Alexander A.

Yakimenko. Active monitoring technology in studying the interaction of geophysical fields. // Active Geophysical

Monitoring. Elsevier (Second Edition), Chapter 3.3, 2020. P. 207-222. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102684-

7.00010-8 ISBN: 978-008102684-7.

4. Khairetdinov, M.S., Poller, B.V., Borisov, B.D., Britvin, A.V. Acoustooptical Interaction on Infrasound in Problems of

Laser Ecological Monitoring. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, 2020, 56 (6), pp. 634-641.

Modeling of the Sun's magnetic field from the kinematics point of view-the gravitational ion dynamo model

V. A. Kochnev

Institute of computational modeling SB RAS

Email: kochnev@icm.krasn.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-05

The first of a large number of works on the generation of the magnetic field of the Sun (MPS) and planets

is considered to be the work (Lehrmor 1920), which discusses the need to introduce a self-excitation mecha-

nism to amplify a weak electron current and obtain a strong MPC. In many subsequent works, models of self-

excitation of an electronic current are investigated. In the previous [1] and this paper, the current generating

the MPC is the motion of a positively charged liquid or gas. It is known that the current density is proportional

to the charge density and the velocity of their movement. According to the known estimates of the parame-

ters of the structure of the Sun the calculated charge densities and currents create magnetic fields (MP) for

seven of the top layers of the Sun: chronosphere, chromosphere, photosphere and four layers of the convec-

tive zone. The maximum permissible estimates of currents and MPS are obtained. From these estimates of the

kinematics-gravitational ion dynamo model, it follows that all layers of the model, taking into account certain

restrictions, can participate in the generation of MPS.


1. Kochnev V.A. Kinematic-gravitational ion model of planetary dynamo. J. of Physics Conference Series. October 2018.

Numerical characteristics of technogenic noise in geoecological monitoring tasks

O. A. Kopylova

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

Email: okkplv@yandex.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-91

One of the tasks of geoecological monitoring of the environment is related to the assessment of levels of

technogenic noise representing a danger to people.

In this situation, there is a necessity of signals extraction from external noise and their parameters meas-

urement. Other problem is related to the considered problem - noise source direction determination. In this

work characteristics of seismic and acoustic wave fields, created by technogenic sources, are investigated.

Railway, heavy tracked and wheeled transport as well as CV-40 seismic vibrator [1] are considered as sources.

In this work, the approach based on combining the algorithms of quadrature accumulation [2], polariza-

tion analysis [3], controlled directional reception [4] and directional coefficient determination [5] is considered

for signals extraction and noise source direction determination.

The study of the characteristics of the noise sources under consideration is of interest for the problem of

geoecological monitoring of the social and natural environment and in other problems.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 20-07-00861�).


1. Kovalevsky V. V., Khairetdinov M.S. Environmental forecasting using seismic vibrators // Problems of Informatics.

2013. No. 3. P. 43-53.

2. Khairetdinov M.S., Rodionov Y.I., Dvoretskaya L.G. Vibroseismic signal processing and microseismic analysis soft-

ware and hardware. Preprint �969, Novosibirsk: Computing Center SB RAS. 1993.

3. Galperin E.I. Polarization method of seismic research. Moscow: Nedra 1997.

4. Kovalevsky V. V., Grigoryuk A.P. Improving the efficiency of directional signal reception during vibroseismic moni-

toring // in Proc. X Int. scientific. congr. Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2014: International scientific conference "Remote sensing

methods of the Earth and photogrammetry, environmental monitoring, geoecology". Novosibirsk: SGGA Publ. 2014. V. 1.

P. 211-214.

5. Khairetdinov M.S., Klimenko S.M. Program system of seismic source automated location and visualization. // Na-

tional Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No 2 (18). P. 70-76.

Mathematical modeling of wave fields to determine the sensitivity of the vibroseismic monitoring method

V. V. Kovalevsky, D. A. Karavaev, A. P. Grigoryuk

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

Email: kovalevsky@sscc.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-06

The paper presents the application of mathematical modeling of wave fields in the problem of studying

the sensitivity of the method of active vibroseismic monitoring to small changes in velocity parameters in the

inner areas of the Earth's crust. The change in the parameters of the wave field recorded on the surface is de-

termined depending on the size of the areas of changes, its location relative to the source and receivers, and

the wavelength of the probing signal. Analytical estimates are obtained for variations in vibroseismic vibrations

recorded on the surface for spherical inhomogeneity in a homogeneous model of the Earth's crust in contact

with the upper mantle, as well as variations in the total wave field for a realistic model of the Earth's crust and

inhomogeneous inclusion based on the application of the finite difference method to solve the problem of dy-

namic theory of elasticity. The results of mathematical modeling are compared with experimental data of ac-

tive vibroseismic monitoring of the Baikal rift zone.


1. Kovalevsky V., Glinsky B., Khairetdinov M., Fatyanov A., Karavaev D., Braginskaya L., Grigoryuk A. and Tubanov T.

Active vibromonitoring: experimental systems and fieldwork result. Active Geophysical Monitoring. Second Edition,

Elsevier, 2020, p. 43-65.

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