Научная статья на тему 'Novae in 2015–2017: Official Announcement of GCVS Names'

Novae in 2015–2017: Official Announcement of GCVS Names Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — E. V. Kazarovets, N. N. Samus

GCVS names are announced for 20 galactic Novae discovered in 2015–2017.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Novae in 2015–2017: Official Announcement of GCVS Names»

Peremennye Zvezdy ( Variable ¡Stars) 37, No. 4, 2017 Received 14 December; accepted 29 December.

Novae in 2015-2017:

Official Announcement of GCVS Names

E. V. Kazarovets1, N. N. Samus1'2

1 Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyatnitskaya Str. 48, 119017 Moscow, Russia; e-mail: helene@inasan.ru, samus@sai.msu.ru

2 Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Lomonosov Moscow University, University Ave. 13, 119992 Moscow, Russia

GCVS names are announced for 20 galactic Novae discovered in 2015-2017.

According to an agreement between the team of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS; Samus et al. 2017) and the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) reached in 1998, GCVS names for galactic Novae and some other variable stars of special interest can be given, upon BAT suggestion, between regular Name-lists of Variable Stars. These GCVS names are supposed to be announced in IAU Circulars or Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams and then enter the next regular Name-list. This practice meets approval of the astronomical community, new names begin to be frequently used by researchers immediately after the variable's discovery.

Kazarovets and Samus (2015) announced GCVS names for 13 variable stars (Novae and stars of other rare types, ZAND and FU) discovered in 2013-2015. These names were also included into the GCVS Name-list No. 81 (Kazarovets et al. 2015ab). As reported in Kazarovets and Samus (2015), recent Novae, currently often initially announced not in the CBAT sources, frequently remained not noticed by the CBAT at all.

The present paper announced official GCVS names for 20 Novae. Only for nine of them, the GCVS names have already been announced in the IAU Circulars (Kazarovets and Samus 2016abcdefg; Samus and Kazarovets 2017ab). Necessary information on the new discoveries is presented in Table 1. These stars will enter the GCVS Name-list No. 82, now in preparation.

The case of V1658 Sco needs a special explanation. This is the star 0GLE-2015-N0VA-01, which we erroneously named V5852 Sgr and communicated this name to the team investigating the star (cf. Aydi et al. 2016). Since the coordinates of the star correspond to the constellation Scorpius, we follow our usual practice and recommend using the name V1658 Sco as the permanent one for this Nova in future.

Acknowledgments: Our GCVS work is supported, in part, by the Programme "Transitional and Cataclysmic Processes in Astrophysics" of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences. We have made use of information resources provided by the ASAS-SN survey (Shappee et al. 2014; Kochanek et al. 2017). We would like to specially thank Dr. Hitoshi Yamada and other astronomers who turned our attention to discoveries of Novae not announced in the IAU Circulars.

Table 1: New GCVS names for Novae

GCVS name Nova Coordinates (J2000.0) 1 o III h, m, s , , Type Range, mag JD of maximum Ref.

V1404 Cen 0GLE-2015-N0VA-03 14 07 31.34 -63 13 11.5 NA 10.7 < 20.0 Ic 2457091: 1

V1405 Cen ASASSN-17gk 13 20 55.32 -63 42 18.5 N 10.7 < 17.4 V 2457900 2

V0407 Lup N Lup 2016 15 29 01.82 -44 49 40.9 NA 5.6 < 17.5 V 2457657 3

V0555 Nor ASASSN-16ra 15 41 45.38 -53 08 07.0 NA 12.4 < 22. V 2457481 4

V3661 Oph N Oph 2016 17 35 50.5 -29 34 24. N 10.8 < 22. V 2457450: 5

V3662 Oph TCP J17394608-2457555 17 39 46.09 -24 57 55.1 NA 14.1 < 22. V 2457874: 6

V3663 Oph PNV J17184504-245422.1 17 18 45.04 -24 54 22.1 N 9.3 < 20. V 2458069 7

V5853 Sgr N Sgr 2016 No. 2 18 01 07.74 -26 31 42.0 N 11.5 < 22. V 2457611 8

V5854 Sgr N Sgr 2016 No. 1 17 49 57.33 -29 14 37.9 N 13.3 < 21.2 Ic 2457584 9

V5855 Sgr N Sgr 2016 No. 3 18 10 28.29 -27 29 59.3 NA 7.7 < 22. V 2457686 10

V5856 Sgr PNV J18205200-2822100 18 20 52.25 -28 22 12.1 NA 5.4 < 22. V 2457700 11

V1655 Sco N Sco 2016 17 38 19.27 -37 25 09.1 N 12.1 19. : V 2457551 12

V1656 Sco N Sco 2016 No. 2 17 19 51.43 -31 58 36.3 N 11.4 < 22. V 2457639 13

V1657 Sco N Sco 2017 16 52 18.65 -37 54 16.6 N 12.8 :< 17. V 2457781: 14

V1658 Sco OGLE-2015-NOVA-01 17 48 12.82 -32 35 13.4 NA 12.3 20.8 Ic 2457116 15

V1659 Sco ASASSN-16kb 17 42 57.68 -33 25 42.9 N 12.3 :< 20. : V 2457639 16

V1660 Sco ASASSN-17nj 17 30 34.18 -31 06 06.8 N 14.0 :< 22. V 2458041: 17

V0611 Sct ATLAS16crq 18 25 29.86 -09 47 33.5 NA 13.4 < 22. V 2457639 18

V0612 Sct ASASSN-17hx 18 31 45.92 -14 18 57.1 NB 8.4 < 20. V 2457965 19

V0549 Vel ASASSN-17mt 08 50 29.58 -47 45 28.6 NB: 9.1 < 16.9 V 2458044 20

References in Table 1: 1. Mroz and Udalski (2016). 2. Stanek et al. (2017a). 3. Strader et al. (2016). 4. Jayasinghe et al. (2017). 5. Yamaoka et al. (2016). 6. Itagaki et al. (2017). 7. Yamaoka et al. (2017). 8. Nishiyama et al. (2016). 9. Mroz et al. (2016). 10. Nakanoetal. (2016a). 11. Nakano et al. (2016c). 12. Nakano et al. (2016b). 13. Soma et al. (2016). 14. Nakano et al. (2017). 15. Mroz and Udalski (2015). 16. Prietoetal. (2016). 17. Stanek et al. (2017d). 18. Tonry et al. (2016). 19. Stanek et al. (2017b). 20. Stanek et al. (2017c).


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Jayasinghe, T., Kochanek, C.S., Stanek, K.Z., et al., 2017, Astronomer's Telegram, No. 10740

Kazarovets, E.V., Samus, N.N., 2015, Peremennye Zvezdy/Variable Stars, 35, No. 3

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