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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ghendov V., Izverscaia T., Ciocarlan N., Simonnet Xavier

The article contains new data on rare Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. (fam. Asteraceae ) species for the flora of Republic of Moldova, noted in the southern part in the steppe communities. Also the description of habitat, location, value and the suggestions for monitoring and research on the site are proposed.

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рева и удовлетворять эстетические потребности населения.

Обрезка должна проводится с учетом видовых биологических особенностей растений. Результаты исследования показали, что не все виды древесных растений одинаково хорошо переносят процедуру радикальной обрезке. Лучше всего полляринг перенесли уличные насаждения липы серцелистой (Tiliacordata Mill.), хуже всего насаждения клена остролистого. Практически губительным для растений тополя пирамидального оказалось проведение топпинга. Поэтому нельзя проводить шаблонную обрезку для всех видов древесных растений.

У большинства растений после обрезки наблюдается повреждения, которые угрожают развитию растения, а именно: наличие слабых и одиночных пучков пагонов обновления, видимое отслоение коры и растрескивание древесины в местах срезов, однобокое обновление кроны и т. д. Обрезка уличных деревьев проводилась с нарушениями технологий и правил, которые приписываются этому виду работ.

Среди особенностей фенологического развития деревьев, на который была произведена радикальная обрезка, в период вегетации и на начальной стадии прирост пагонов происходит со значительным опозданием и только выравнивается с растениями, где обрезка не проводилась, к середине лета, что свидетельствует о компенсаторных явлениях в растениях.

В перспективе необходимо продолжить исследования влияние радикальной обрезки на состояние и развитие уличных древесных растений, а именно рассмотреть особенности их газоустой-

чивости в условиях техногенных нагрузок современных городов.


1. Горишина Е. Н. Растения в городе / Е. Н. Горишина. - Л.: Изд-во ЛГУ, 1991. - 408с.

2. Горбенко О. С. Формуваннявуличних дерев обрiзуванням та йогоефектившсть / О. С. Горбенко // НауковийвюникНЛТУ Укра!ни: зб. наук.-техн.праць. - 2006. - Вип. 16.4. - С.187- 191.

3. Казанцева М.Н. Экологические последствия радикальной обрезки крон тополя бальзамического (PopulusBalsamiferaL.)в городских насаждениях Тюмени / М.Н. Казанцева, А.А. Соловьева // Вестник экологии, лесоведения и ланшафтове-дения: электр. журнал. - Тюмень: Изд-во ИПОС СО РАН. - 2009. - №9. - С. 192 199.

4. Курницька М. П. Аналiзреакцiйдерев-нихрослин на сильнекронування / М.П. Курницька, О.Т. Пахолюк // Науковийвюник НЛТУ Укрш'ни. - 2012. - Вип. 22.5. - С. 30 - 33.

5. Курницька М. П. Силуетшзмшикро-нимюьких дерев внаслiдокобрiзування / М. П. Курницька // Науковийвюник НЛТУ Укра!ни. -2013. - Вип. 23.9. - С. 225 - 229.

6. Кучерявий В. П. Особливосп обрiзування деревно-чагарникових рослин. Методичш вказiвки / В. П. Кучерявий, М. П. Курницька, Р. Б. Дудин. -Львiв: УкрДЛТУ, 2003. - 60с.

7. Пономарьова О. А. Порiвняння середови-ще тшрно! ролi щдростаючо! крони дерев тсля глибоко! омолоджувально! обрiзки i молодих рослин / О. А. Пономарьова, В. П. Бессонова // Вюник Дншропетровського ушверситету. Бюлопя. Еко-лопя. - 2010. - Вип. 18, т. 2. - С. 76-80.

Ghendov V.

PhD in biology, head of spontaneous flora and herbarium department, Botanical Garden (Institute) of the

Academy of Sciences of Moldova Izverscaia T.

PhD in biology, leading research associate, Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Ciocarlan N.

PhD in biology, leading research associate, Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Simonnet Xavier Project manager,

Mediplant, Research Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Switzerland


Summary: The article contains new data on rare Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. (fam. Asteraceae) species for the flora of Republic of Moldova, noted in the southern part in the steppe communities. Also the description of habitat, location, value and the suggestions for monitoring and research on the site are proposed. Key words: Artemisia lerchiana, Asteraceae, flora, Republic of Moldova, Ponto-Sarmatic steppe


The vegetation of Republic of Moldova is under permanent transformation by human impact. The flora of the republic comprises over 1820 species inhabiting one of the most fragmented landscape in Eastern Eu-

rope with only a tiny fraction of its land surface that can be considered as wilderness. In the last three decades plant diversity has been facing increasing anthropogenic pressure, which causes deterioration and loss of habitats and direct destruction of species popula-

tions by trampling, grazing, infrastructural development, stone-pitting, etc. Adaptation processes as well as the conservation efforts could not keep up with swiftly changing external environments induced by humans which gave way to the processes of extinction.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the endangerment of Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. throughout the area of distribution in the republic and the detailed description of habitat, location, value and management plan in order to address the public and authority attention on the necessity of protecting the site.

Materials and Methods

The designation of Habitat types were made according to the Interpretation Manual of EU Habitats, Directive 92/43/EEC on the basis of scientific criteria defined in Annex III of the Directive [10]. Description of the associations was made based on characteristic, self-evident, dominant and differential species, according to the phytosociological research method of the central European school, based on the traditional ecological-floristic systems developed by Tüxen, 1955 [25] and J. Braun-Blanquet, 1964 [1].

Species identified on site were collected, dried, conditioned and inserted in the Herbarium of the Botanical Garden (Institute) of ASM. In parallel with the collection of the material for herbarium the specialty literature was studied. All detected plant species are native to local flora and the taxonomy followed by the recent taxonomical literature [2, 3, 18, 26]. The estimation of the threat status of the species is made according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (2001, 2003) [11, 12].

Results and discution

The genus Artemisia in the flora of Republic of Moldova comprises 10 species [8, 18]. The recent floristic and chorological studies of the genus Artemisia, undertaken in the southern parts of Republic of Moldova enabled us to identify a new species from this section for the local flora - A. lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. [15].This species belongs to the section Ser-iphidium (Bess.) Peterm., which up to recent time was represented by Artemisia santonica L. - a halofitic species belonging to A. maritima group - a highly polymorphic and widespread group in Europe and temperate Asia.

Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. (figure 1) areas, all the same its natural area of occurrence ex-is a wormwood species of the Central Asian steppe tends eastwards up to Romania (Dobrudja and Molda-regions, where it, sometimes completely covers large via districts).


Figure 2. Area of distribution of A. lerchiana in Republic of Moldova.

In the Republic of Moldova this species is rare and is met only in the southern part of the country, along the Prut river valley, between Väleni (N 45° 36' 35", E 28° 10' 11") and Giurgiulesti (N 45° 29' 30", E 28° 10' 45") villages (figure 2), district Cahul, with a population surface totalling about 50 hectares, on predominantly semi-arid or arid steppe vegetation with so called "wormwood semi-deserts". The relative inaccessibility of these sites (slopes) provide some protection to the habitat, although the threat status of the Artemisia lerchiana can be assessed as vulnerable [VU: B1ab(iii,v)].

The species grows in Ponto-Sarmatic steppes - a type of xerophytic steppic grasslands, mostly on lo-essy slopes with southern, south-western and western

exposition, dominated by tussock-grasses, chamae-phytes and perennials.

The dry grassland habitat with Artemisia lerchi-ana in Republic of Moldova is located within the boundaries of the Ponto-Sarmatic steppes - *62C0 [10], belonging to the Steppic Biogeographical Region of the European continent [7] which has only a small foothold in the European Union, but it develops into a vast band of vegetation that stretches out from the eastern parts of Romania and incorporates the entire region known as Dobrogea over southern parts of Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and western Kazakhstan. It eventually continues all the way across Asia to the foothills to the Altai Mountains on the borders of Mongolia. The region itself is characterized by low-lying plains and undulating hills or plateaus with an average height of 200-300 meters.

These xerothermic communities are developed on southern and western exposed slopes (figure 3) with alkaline soils on rocky substrate and on clay-sandy sedimentation layers enriched with gravels. They are partially of natural, partially of anthropogenic origin with grasses such as Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad., Agropyron pectinatum (Bieb.) Beauv., Koeleria cris-tata (L.) Pers., Artemisia austriaca Jacq., Bothri-ochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng, Stipa capillata L., etc.

The grasslands of the *62C0 habitat are among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe in terms of the number of plant species they support per unit area. The calcareous grasslands of North-West Europe, for instance, host up to 80 plant species/m2 [22]. They also contain a large number of rare and endangered species [8, 9, 19, 20, 23], including the priority species Sternbergia colchiciflora, listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive.

Vegetation. The field investigations of the steppe vegetation site and comparative studies demonstrated the presence of xerothermic species group in the following plant communities: Stipetum lessingianae, Potentillo arenariae Agropyretum pectiniformae, Bothriochloetum ischaemi. More specifically, the alliances of Stipion lessingianae Soo 1947 (with ass. Stipetum lessingianae Soo 1947) and Festucion rupi-colae Soo 1940 corr. 1964 (with ass. Potentillo are-nariae-Stipetum capillatae (Hueck 1931) Libbert 1933; Agropyretum pectiniformae (Prodan 1939) Di-horu 1970 and Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Kristiansen 1937) I. Pop 1977), conserve relic vegetation enclaves, characterizing valuable European priority habitats of the steppic grassland group, the „Ponto-Sarmatic steppes" [10], which many European botanists indicate that they probably persist continuously from the Holocene [6, 16].

Flora. The Ponto-Sarmatic steppes display special habitat conditions, due to the various climatic effects and the unique biogeographical position. They offer many highly-specialized animal and plant species a valuable habitat and are characterized in general by a high biodiversity. Along with Romania and Ukraine, Republic of Moldova bears responsibility for the preservation of the numerous species of animals and plants of the Ponto-Sarmatic area, because many of these species have their most important range of distribution here or because the Ponto-Sarmatic steppes is their only home [14, 22].

For these reasons the European Union placed the Ponto-Sarmatic steppes on the list of "priority habitats". The member states of the EU have thus committed themselves to preserve such habitats and to provide support by specific programs [10].

Dry and semi-dry grasslands show, in particular, a great wealth of herbs and grasses. The floristic component of high vascular plants of the plant communities with the participation of Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm. comprises 330 wild spontaneous growing species belonging to 195 genera and 53 families.

The rare floristic component of the vegetal communities of the site is represented by a list of 38 rare and threatened with extinction species included in the several red lists (including the lists of adjacent territo-

ries) - 24 rare taxa are protected by the state in the Republic of Moldova [17]; 12 species included in the Red Book of Romania [4]: 3 Critically Endangered species - Artemisia lerchiana Web. ex Stechm., Polygala sibirica L., Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh.; 2 Endangered species - Centaurea besseriana DC., Otites exaltata (Friv.) Holub; 6 species of category Vulnerable - Achillea coarctata Poir., Meniocus linifolius (Steph.) DC., Ornithogalum amphibolum Zahar., Scorzonera mollis M. Bieb., Stipa ucrainica P. Smirn., Vincetoxicum fuscatum (Hornem.) Rchb. fil. and one species - Sternbergia colchiciflora Waldst. et Kit. of Low risk category.

Ten species are included in the Red Book of Ukraine [21]: Allium sphaeropodum Klokov, Gyp-sophila pallasii Ikonn., Ornithogalum refractum Schlecht., Sternbergia colchiciflora Waldst. et Kit. (category Vulnerable); Ornithogalum amphibolum Zahar. (category Disappearing); and Crocus reticula-tus Stev. ex Adams, Ornithogalum boucheanum (Kunth) Aschers., Stipa capillata L., Stipa lessingiana Trin. et Rupr., Stipa ucrainica P. Smirn. (category Unvalued).

Thirteen rarest and the most valuable species are included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova, 3rd edition [24]: 5 species of category Critically Endangered (CR) - Allium guttatum Stev., Convolvulus cantabrica L., Minuartia glomerata (M. Bieb.) Degen, Sternbergia colchiciflora Waldst. et Kit. and Vincetox-icum fuscatum (Hornem.) Rchb. fil.; 4 species categories Endangered (EN) - Gagea ucrainica Klokov, Ornithogalum amphibolum Zahar., Ornithogalum boucheanum (Kunth) Aschers., Potentilla astracanica Jacq.; and 4 species of category Vulnerable (VU) -Allium inaequale Janka, Gypsophila pallasii Ikonn., Ephedra distachya L. and Scorzonera mollis M. Bieb.

An analysis of the geographical distribution of species found on the site showed that 21 species are growing in the region at the limits of their natural distribution areas.

Relicts and endemits. The site conditions, landscape context and land use history of the Ponto-Sarmatic steppes differs site by site, which is reflected in their floristic composition and physiognomy as well. Not only undisturbed steppic stands, but also the semi-natural grassland areas are characterised by relict and endemic species.

Presence of relict and endemic species indicate the floristic value of the site. We have registered one relict vascular plant species - Ephedra distachya L. and 8 sub-endemics - Allium sphaeropodum Klokov, Astragaluspallescens M. Bieb., Centaurea besseriana DC., Gagea ucrainica Klokov, Galium volhynicum Pobed., Goniolimon besserianum (Schult.) Kusn., Ornithogalum amphibolum Zahar., Otites moldavica Klokov and Tanacetum odessanum (Klokov) Tzvel.

Depending on the soil substrate, climate and history of their use, dry grasslands are also called semi-dry grasslands, poor grasslands or sand grasslands, differing in each case through the occurrence of special species. Numerous animals and plants from the warm regions of the Mediterranean area or the Eastern European steppes have colonized here. Thus, dry


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grasslands accommodate numerous, warmth-loving species of animals and plants, that are threatened in their existence, which have specially adapted themselves to these living conditions.

Just like the plants, the animals are excellently adapted to the special location conditions. They cope with scorching summer heat and aridity just as well as with raw, cold winds in winter. The grasslands of the site also inspire by their great richness of rare animal species. They are the habitat for numerous species of mammals (Crocidura leucodon) and reptiles (Po-darcis taurica, Coluber caspius), for bees (Bombus argillaceus, Bombus zonatus, Megachile rotundata, Rophites canus, Xylocopa violacea), beetles (Oryctes nasicornis), butterflies (Carcharodus lavatherae, Pa-pilio machaon, Zerynthia polyxena and Colias chrys-otheme), grasshoppers (Ameles decolor) and other insects. Thus, in the case of the dry grasslands of the Valeni - Slobozia Mare site, there are a number of species of plants and animals in the area, that hold a key position with respect to their special combination of species and, in addition, are important for networking between further dry biotopes in neighboring countries (Ukraine and Romania) [5].

One particular treasure and greatly endangered species of plant is also the Minuartia glomerata (M. Bieb.) Degen., which has become very rare and has found a refuge in the steppic grasslands of the site.


Comprehensive management plans need to be prepared for the sustainable development of the region. These should include care and development plans, as well as grazing concepts, because the preservation of the habitats is closely coupled to the development of an agricultural use compatible with the environment. The following suggestions for monitoring and research on the site are proposed:

> development of the site's management plan based on the current situation;

> promoting the conservation and increase of the number of characteristic species in primary steppes - Stipa ucrainica and S. lessingiana;

> the regulations development of economic use of the site to preserve the steppic vegetal communities, taking into account the optimal timing of haying and grazing;

> securing the sides of ravines by planting shrubs of native flora (species of Caragana, Amygda-lus and Chamaecytisus genera);

> establishing of a long-term monitoring of flora and vegetation of steppe communities;

> the allocation of special areas for organized recreation;

> laying of trails for eco-tourism routs;

> removal of the dried trees and shrubs to prevent the occurrence of fire hazards;

> reconstruction of the steep walls of the quarry for sand and clay mining, consolidation of wall sides by plantations of native trees and shrubs.

Acknowledgment: The research was supported by the JRP IZ73ZO_152265, in the framework of

SCOPES program (2013-2016), financed by SNSF/Swiss National Science Foundation.


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- 1076 p.

3. Czerepanov S.K. Vascular plants of Russia and adjacent states (the former USSR). Cambridge University Press. - 1995. - 516 p.

4. Dihoru Gh., Negrean G. Cartea Ro§ie a plantelor vasculare din Romania. Bucuresti: Ed. Academiei Romane. - 2009. - 630 p.

5. Directory of core areas of National Ecological Network of Republic of Moldova. In: Andreev A., Bezman-Moseiko O., Bondarenko A., Ghendov V., Izverscaia T., Shabanova G., Kishinev. - 2012. - 495 p. [In Russian] Available on: http://www.biotica-moldova.org/

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10. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats - EUR 28. European Commission DG Environment. Nature and biodiversity. - 2013. - 142 p.

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13. IUCN. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. - 2011. Available on: www.iucnredlist.org.

14. Izverscaia T. D., Ghendov V. S. The steppe communities of the southern districts of the Republic of Moldova (the state, the problem of the restoration and sustainable use) // Mediul ambient. - Vol. 3, nr. 45. - 2009. - P. 8-14.

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22. Shabanova G. A. Steppe vegetation of Republic of Moldova. Eco-TIRAS, Kishinev. - 2012. -264 p.

23. Shabanova G. A., Izverscaia T. D., Ghendov V. S. Operational checklist of threatened and extinct species of higher plants / In: Andreev A. (Edr.) Guide for Assessment of core areas of ecological network. Chisinau. - 2014. - P. 24-30. Available on: http ://biotica-moldova. org/ru/lib bio.htm [In Russian]

24. The Red Book of Republic of Moldova, 3rd ed. Chi§inäu. - §tiinta. -2015. - 492 p.

25. Tüxen R. Das System der nordwestdeutschen Pflanzengesellschaften, Mitt Floristic-Sociologie Arbeitsgen, n. Folge, nr.5. - 1955. - P.155-176.

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Ph.D (Biol), D.Sc(MA), staff scientist, R.E.Kavetsky Institute of experimental pathology, oncology and radiobiology

V.O. Shlyakhovenko Doctor of medicine, professor, principal staff scientist, the same place of employment O.A.Samoylenko Principal engineer, the same place of employment



Aim. Characterization of the overlapping TFBS-complementary motifs in miRNA as the signs of the informational redundancy miRNA-mediated transcription control.

Methods. Computer search for the objects of interest in the reference mature miRNA sequences given in miRBase - the main international miRNA database being supported by Manchester University.

Results. Only 2 c-myc/c-myc intrafactor overlaps were found and only in the Homo sapiens miRNA set. P50/p50 intrafactor overlaps were found in all miRNA sets have been studied: 25 (10 of them - double) in Homo sapiens, 20 (6 - double) in Mus musculus and 5 (without double) - in Rattus norvegicus. C-myc/p50 (interfactor) overlaps were found in 7 miRNAs of the Homo sapiens set, 1 - in Mus musculus and 1- in Rattus norvegicus. All these overlaps were characterized by the number of the overlapped nucleotides and by 3'-end or 5'-end position of the overlapped motifs to one another. A hypothetical mechanism was suggested to optimize the informational redundancy level in the biological systems. In accordance to this hypothesis, the ligand-receptor interactions, in their state space, may be described by the trigonometric polynomials, and each chain of such interactions - as multiply differentiating superposition of these polynomials.

Conclusions. Informational redundancy of miRNA-mediated transcription control is higher in the evolutionary more progressive systems and may be optimized with the internal biophysical mechanisms

Keywords: microRNA, transcription control, informational redundancy.


In all kinds of the complex systems, especially in the biological ones, different types and levels of the informational redundancy secure multilevel regulation stability [1]. At the same time, redundancy in an evolving and/or training system must not be absolute, otherwise the stage selection in this system becomes impossible [2, 3]. In this paper, we shall view some aspects of this balance.

In our previous paper [4] we have demonstrated that many of the miRNAs contain one or more TFBS-complementary motifs, both conventional and modi-

fied, and thus are potentially able to serve as alternative transcription factors. In addition, we have noted the overlaps of the TFBS-complementary motifs and interpreted them as a sign of informational redundancy in transcription control.

Supposing the TFBS and TFBS-complementary motifs overlaps and informational redundancy are the subjects of a special interest, we have analysed them more thoroughtly in the present study, having as a goal deeper understanding of informational flows in transcription control and signal transduction in whole.

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