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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gasanova Renata R., Arpentyeva Mariam R., Duvalina Olga N.

Niche tourism is aimed at satisfying special interests of tourists. These are tours for clients with special motives and travel goals. Not massive interests of clients realized by the stakeholders of tourism market create conditions for the special interest tourism development. The niche type of tourism is in one way or another aimed at meeting the needs of tourists with a special type of life and consumer orientations: these are people with a relatively high degree of reflection and self-reflection, striving to saturate the needs that are absent or not realized by the bulk of people (“higher”). Such people often understand a travel as systemic one, including health and recreational (healing), cultural and educational (philosophical and esoteric) and extreme mystical (spiritual, magical, shamanistic, etc.) components. Self-improvement and self-realization, harmonization and clarification of relations with the world, introduction to new experience and secrets of the universe as motives of tourist activity form a special stage in the formation and development of tourist motivations. Tourist travel is an important sphere of self-realization and self-actualization of a person, his self-improvement. In the context of this function and even mission, tourism of special interests has a set of advantages over mass tourism. It has intensively manifested psychological and pedagogical functions of preventing and correcting disorders, as well as supporting the development and habilitation of a person. Modern niche tourism requires the training of specialists familiar with psychological and pedagogical technologies to support human development, in two ways: 1) in the process of retraining or additional training of educational psychologists in the field of (niche) tourism; 2) retraining or additional training of specialists in the field of tourism in the field of psychological and pedagogical problems of support (coaching support) of the development and career of an individual.

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локальное в глобальном: формула туризма


UDC 338.48+378:662+159.98

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-2-7-18


M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, e-mail: renata_g@bk.ru. ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4641-0019


Center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance "Assistance" (Kaluga, Russia) PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Psychology, Associate Professor, e-mail: mariam_rav@mail.ru ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3249-4941


K. E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University (Kaluga, Russia) PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, e-mail: gladis75@mail.ru


Abstract. Niche tourism is aimed at satisfying special interests of tourists. These are tours for clients with special motives and travel goals. Not massive interests of clients realized by the stakeholders of tourism market create conditions for the special interest tourism development. The niche type of tourism is in one way or another aimed at meeting the needs of tourists with a special type of life and consumer orientations: these are people with a relatively high degree of reflection and self-reflection, striving to saturate the needs that are absent or not realized by the bulk of people ("higher"). Such people often understand a travel as systemic one, including health and recreational (healing), cultural and educational (philosophical and esoteric) and extreme mystical (spiritual, magical, sha-manistic, etc.) components. Self-improvement and self-realization, harmonization and clarification of relations with the world, introduction to new experience and secrets of the universe as motives of tourist activity form a special stage in the formation and development of tourist motivations. Tourist travel is an important sphere of self-realization and self-actualization of a person, his self-improvement. In the context of this function and even mission, tourism of special interests has a set of advantages over mass tourism. It has intensively manifested psychological and pedagogical functions of preventing and correcting disorders, as well as supporting the development and habilitation of a person. Modern niche tourism requires the training of specialists familiar with psychological and pedagogical technologies to support human development, in two ways: 1) in the process of retraining or additional training of educational psychologists in the field of (niche) tourism; 2) retraining or additional training of specialists in the field of tourism in the field of psychological and pedagogical problems of support (coaching support) of the development and career of an individual.

Keywords: niche tourism, esoteric tourism, tourism of special interests, destination, mission of the tourism business, psychological and pedagogical functions, tourist product.

Citation: Gasanova, R. R., Arpentyeva, M. R., & Duvalina, O. N. (2021). Niche tourism as a psychological and pedagogical practice and a direction of additional education. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 15(2), 7-18. doi: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-2-7-18.

Article History

Received 15 January 2021 Accepted 22 February 2021

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 338.48+378:662+159.98

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-2-7-18

ГАСАНОВА Рената Рауфовна

Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова (Москва, РФ) кандидат психологических наук, доцент; renata_g@bk.ru

АРПЕНТЬЕВА Мариям Равильевна

Центр психологической, педагогической, медицинской и социальной помощи «Содействие» (Калуга, РФ)

доктор психологических наук, доцент; mariam_rav@mail.ru ДУВАЛИНА Ольга Николаевна

Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского (Калуга, РФ) кандидат психологических наук, доцент; gladis75@mail.ru



Нишевый туризм - раздел туризма, направленный на удовлетворение различных групп особых или «специальных интересов» туристов. Это туры для клиентов с особыми мотивами и целями путешествия. Туризм специальных интересов существует потому, что на туристическом рынке были осознаны такие сферы и интересы клиентов, которые не были и не могут быть массовыми. Нишевый тип туризма так или иначе обращен на удовлетворение потребностей туристов с особым типом жизненных и потребительских ориентаций: это люди с относительно высокой и высокой степенью рефлексии и саморефлексии, стремящиеся к насыщению потребностей, отсутствующих или не осознаваемых основной массой людей («высших»). Туристическое путешествие для таких людей часто представляет собой системное, включающее оздоровительно-рекреационные (целительское), культурно-образовательное (философско-эзотерическое) и экстремально-мистические (духовное, магическое, шаманистское, и т.д.) компоненты, путешествие. Самосовершенствование и самореализация, гармонизация и прояснение отношений с миром, приобщение к новому опыту и тайнам мироздания как мотивы туристической деятельности образуют особый этап формирования и развития мотиваций туристической активности. Туристические путешествия выступают как важная сфера самореализации и самоактуализации человека, его самосовершенствования. В контексте данной функции и даже миссии туризм специальных интересов обладает комплексом преимуществ перед массовым туризмом. Он имеет интенсивно проявленные психолого-педагогические функции профилактики и коррекции нарушений, а также поддержки развития и абилитации человека. Современный нишевый туризм требует подготовки специалистов, знакомых с психолого-педагогическими технологиями поддержки развития человека: 1) в процессе переподготовки или дополнительной подготовки педагогов-психологов в сфере (нишевого) туризма; 2) переподготовки или до-полнительной подготовки специалистов в области туризма в области психолого-педагогических проблем поддержки (коучинг сопровождения) развития и карьеры индивида.

Ключевые слова: нишевый туризм, эзотерический туризм, туризм специальных интересов, дестинация, психолого-педагогические функции туризма, миссия туристического бизнеса, туристический продукт.

Для цитирования: Гасанова Р.Р., Арпентьева М.Р., Дувалина О.Н. Нишевый туризм как психолого-педагогическая практика и направление дополнительного образования // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2021. Т.15. №2. С. 7-18. DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-2-7-18.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 15 января 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 22 февраля 2021 г.

Introduction. Additional education is a field of education that is most responsive to changes, fashion trends, crisis trends, innovations and transformations in education and related practices [6]. Today, modern pedagogical and psychological education is closely monitoring the practices and technologies of enhancing education, subjectivizing the life of the individual, including those related to tourism and pedagogy of adventure. And modern tourism education tracks the areas of change in which the traditional competencies of guides and managers of travel companies, destinations, etc. turn out to be insufficient: in addition to environmental and cultural education and competencies, modern guides and managers need psychological and pedagogical competencies. Modern tourism is changing, becoming an increasingly integrative practice of human development, for example of niche tourism [18].

In the modern tourism industry, there has been an ever increasing trend in the development of special types or types of tourism, tourism of special interests (special interest tourism). Modern tourism is actively expanding the scope of its activities, including due to the increasing diversification and specialization of tourist trips and other products [20; 22; 28]. As a result, niche tourism is starting to become an increasingly important field of tourism, annually giving a huge increase even in those areas that were traditionally considered massive. But there are also areas that have never been and can never be massive. This type of tourism is intended for tourists with a special type of needs: in the context of A. Maslow's hierarchical model of needs, tourists who demand routes and other tourist offers of this type belong to a group of people who require a special quality of impressions about the world, and, most importantly, about themselves. The tourist travel of such tourists is an integration of health-improving and recreational (healing), cultural and educational (philosophical and esoteric) and extreme mystical (spiritual, magical, sha-manistic, etc.) travel [2; 3].

The problems of the development of the theory and practice of niche tourism have been studied from various points of view by both foreign and domestic investigators [7;

11]. This issue in our country and, especially, abroad [4; 5; 10; 50 and others] paid attention to many practitioners and theorists of tourism. However, an integral model has not yet emerged, even thanks to the works of such a researcher as B. Trauer [25]: modern tourism is so many-sided and mobile both in practice and in theory that it is possible to find common grounds for the development of system models and even classification of types of tourism and travel services and products are very difficult. Our work is another step in this direction. The theory of tourism is also changing. Scientists associate the development of esoteric and other types of "tourism of special interests" with both the maturity of the tourism market and the crisis of communities [1]. A predictive and up-to-date assessment of the demand for a tour and its quality was previously carried out on the basis of an assessment of the destination and other products and services related to the tour, for example, allocated by A.M. Morrison "10 A" of the successful destinations: 1) awareness; 2) attractiveness; 3) availability; 4) accessibility; 5) appearance; 6) activities; 7) guarantees and confidence (assurance); 8) appreciation; 9) ongoing actions (action); 10) accountability [23]. Among these indicators, however, there is no indication of the orientation of the tourist product to the type of customer [11].

Purpose of the research. The purpose of our research is to study the features and directions of development of niche tourism, study its content and prospects for its development in Russia and the world, including in the contest for training specialists who are ready to work with the problems of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of clients as individuals, partners and professionals in during a tourist trip. This type of tourism is in one way or another intended for tourists with a special type of needs: these are people with a relatively high and high degree of reflection and self-reflection, striving to saturate the needs that are absent or not realized by the bulk of people.

Research results. The basic paradox of the postmodern era, its, is built on the fundamental contradiction between massism and "groupism" the destruction of mass culture leads to the emergence of more fragmented

"small masses". At the same time, existence is alienated, and, as a result, is associated with the subordination of multiform power; the only power of society is formed by the "constantly renewed game of solidarity and reciprocity" [18; 21; 28]. Marketing and consumer research has traditionally defined consumers as individuals who make choices about products and services in the marketplace as individuals rather than representatives or members of a group. However, a modern perspective focuses on the reality that human life is social and man is a social phenomenon. Tribes and other numerous small groups to which humans belong are fundamental to their life experiences. Tribal marketing shows that not individual consumption of products is vital activity, but that this activity (consumption) facilitates, builds significant social relations. Social "connections" (social relationships) are more important than things (services and goods, their brands, etc.). A new paradigm is emerging in consumer research, brand management and communication management. And this paradigm is undoubtedly directly addressed to such phenomena as niche tourism and other analogues of "tribal consumption" in other areas [18].

Many approaches in tourism of special interests are associated with sociological and socio-psychological models: cohorts and generations, tribes and subcultures. For example, according to M. Maffesoli, in the modern world, scientists observe the revival of certain archaisms of personal, interpersonal and professional life, previously relegated to the background in modern society, examples are modern nomadism, tribalism (the emergence of new, modern tribes and their postmodern mythology) [18]. The concepts with which the author tries to express his new approach to social reality include, in particular, sociality, community and interconnection. New forms of ("emotional") sociality and an emphasis on a sense of connection and unity or reliance are found in the field of entertainment and fashion, in leisure and in everyday rituals, lifestyle, and in new cults and practices, innovations and renovations. Aspects of life are waking up, rooted in collective memory, archetypes, that is, in the generic and collective unconscious. This is manifested in the activation of psycho-

logical mechanisms of collective behavior, imitation and pressure. To typical manifestations of the "new savagery" of representatives and relations between representatives of modern tribes and between tribes, we can include various manifestations of hedonism and concern for their own comfort and well-being, manifestations of attraction and passion, concern for the instincts of reproduction and superiority. Postmodernity manifested itself as an impulse to community, including the need for collective emotions, as neo-tribalisms [18; 27]. Therefore, it is now becoming more and more popular to study tourism in terms of identifying consumer tribes or "neotribes". A separate important aspect of understanding tourist activity is its study as a component of life and human development in general. Such activity is both typical and individual, it is part of the experience and the stage of human life and development [28]. In the era of "tribes", it also reflects the life of not only the individual, but also the whole tribe. Moreover, this (niche, specialized) tourism activity is a way of (self) organizing and transforming "tribes" and their members.

Niche tourism (niche tours) refers to specialized tourist trips in small groups organized by experienced travelers with a relatively narrow and specific specialization, including visiting non-standard and little-explored routes. S. Read used the concept of "special interest travel" [25]. To indicate travel for specific purposes to specific regions or destinations, along with the concept of "tourism of special interests" the term "alternative tourism" is also used [5], emphasizing its difference from mass tourism. Also, the term "adjectival tourism" is often used, which includes various niche or special types of tourism associated with broader, including traditionally massive categories (for example, cultural tourism), or included in a separate group (medical, dance, etc. tourism) [25; 26]. Thus, this is a narrowly targeted tourism, and tourists in it are a group of people who undertake a trip with a clearly defined purpose related to the specific needs of this group of consumers [15]. S.S. Maletin writes that tourism of special interests is a type of tourism that includes travel by consumers, whose choice of rest is determined by a special motivation, and the level of satisfaction is determined by

the impressions obtained as a result of travel modern people strive to go beyond the ordinary, to experience something extraordinary [10]. According to K. Ohmay, the strategic triangle used in developing the strategy of a travel company should take into account the goals and interests of the three main players that form the strategic triangle: the company (corporation), customers (customer) and competitors [13]. However, in recent decades, the motives and interests of clients are leading in this economy [5; 8; 9; 12].Tourism emerged at the stage of service economy and is actively moving towards the stage of service economy [24, p.245]. On this path, it is increasingly moving from mass and mixed to special or niche. Most often, niche tourism is in demand when travelers are interested in a special, memorable experience. Experience is becoming the foundation of relationships in the modern world. Tourism is seen as part of the culture of consumption, including the consumption of experience [20]. As a result, the internal scheme of tourism is undergoing a transformation: there is a transition from the 3xS model to the 3xE model, in which experience and entertainment are one of the components. Tourism is moving from the traditional passive 3xS model (sun, sea, sand) to "new tourism" in the 3xE model (education, entertainment and experiences). Modern tourists, including those already spoiled by mass travel, cannot live without "special" impressions and are often willing to pay for them [8; 9]. Every year it is more and more difficult for travel companies to get from tourists "Wow!", surprise and amazement. This is possible only when the "psychological product" is greater than expected, the expectations of tourists are exceeded. For some clients, tourism, like other forms of their life, is a path of self-development, broadening their horizons and understanding themselves and the world [2; 3; 11; 12]. However, the proportions between the three E's are not always balanced. The desire of the masses to experience a vivid experience is changing the tourism business and its offers, therefore entertainment and impressions increasingly prevail in them. Traveling is a search and satisfaction of the need for happiness (fun), therefore modern critics write about the "Disneyization" of tourism and about "tourist fast food" [1; 8; 27].

Observing what is happening in the theory and practice of tourism, we see an active penetration of psychological and pedagogical models into tourism [24] and no less active attempts to comprehend the psycho-long-pedagogical aspects of tourism by psychology and pedagogy [2; 7; 22]. For psychological and pedagogical education, turning to tourism and its opportunities means a significant expansion of opportunities, an increase in the range of development of teaching and educational technologies and means. For education in the field of tourism management and other specializations in tourism, turning to psychological and pedagogical aspects also means a significant enrichment of opportunities and work technologies. There are several options for analyzing this and other problems, one of them is suggested by S. B. Rebrick, that even highlights the levels of satisfaction of the tourist consumer [14]:

• A mass tourist often falls into the zone of zero level, indifference, when his expectations coincided with the level of the service received (he partially received new impressions, but they are not strong, new and attractive).

• A satisfied tourist usually encounters exceeding his expectations (carefully planned by a travel company that understands the laws of the economy of impressions) [14; 18].

• Unsatisfied customer zone - a situation in which the customer did not receive what he thought he paid for. "In the chain" raw materials - goods - services - impressions ", the share of value added is gradually growing and it is the impression that falls on" [8, p. 151].

The emergence of the experience economy was predicted by E. Toffler, but now all modern firms, striving to conquer the consumer, promise unforgettable, positive and strong experiences. As a result, in tourism, for example, programs such as "Disneyland + Museum" are becoming widespread, this already acts as a general trend in the tourist market. Traditional types of tourism are supplemented by new types and features: the share of natural and anthropogenic objects (reservoirs, ponds, forest parks, etc.) is increasing; the share of business, industrial and architectural, and, in general, technogenic tourism, for example mining (mines, mines,

quarries) and factory [17; 23]. Objects that can be called exotic are also becoming popular in route and stationary tourism.

In the world of niche travel trends in the outgoing year, the countries of Africa and other little-explored territories and waters have become. In Russia, this tourism is still developing relatively weakly, but there are very interesting developments. In Russia, two trends are leading: an increase in demand in the domestic market and individualization of travel, with them and with a focus on the economy of experience / impressions and the industry will have to work in the near future [12]. J. B. Pine and J.H. Gilmore described the economy of impressions as follows: every business is a scene", impressions are the fourth economic proposal, which as strikingly different from services as services from goods, "the producer is the director of impressions, and the client is the" viewer" [9; 24].M.D. Sushchin-skaya identifies three main strategies of tourism organizations [16]:

1. A product-centric strategy that focuses on thematic tourism and staging a "show" that affects the experiences of tourists, which is especially important for extreme and entertainment / event / festival tourism, dark tourism, culinary and alcohol tourism, drug and sex tourism, etc. Here the educational, educational or psychological functions of travel are not important, here (any) effect itself is important. It is a "disneyzation" strategy of splitting the global experience into experiences that are easy to manage externally, like tourists and their consumption.

2. Eco-centric strategy is aimed at creating a certain atmosphere for the domestic and business activities of tourists who temporarily reside in the destination in connection with business and other travel. This strategy is used in the process of developing specific design of destinations (hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, public buildings (stations), shopping centers and routes). This strategy is important for ecological, ethnographic, educational and business tourism. It is partly important for medical and recreational tourism. In general, it pursues educational goals in one way or another.

3. A creative-centered strategy is based on the creative self-expression and spiritual

development of consumers of a tourism product based on their own practical activities in these areas - this area is especially important for art tourism, esoteric tourism, etc. [9; 16]. Thus, it includes more or less full-fledged work with experience and training to work with experience, that is, it performs both educational and psychological functions [24].

A community of experience is a word, with how modern sociologists often designate the specifics of relations in the modern world. As a result, new travel companies, services and routes with their specialized and sometimes unique products are emerging to meet the request of potential customers for a special experience that is significant for them, unlike others. Therefore, it is not surprising that frequent consumers and producers of this type of tourism are single individuals and communities of like-minded people, families or friends united by this or that hobby and profession outside of tourism; they usually constitute a small number of "devoted" travelers, often practicing regular tourist trips, even in one and the same destination. It is also typical for some tourists to follow fashion. The organizers practice a thorough preparation and study of the place of travel; the concentration of tourists on special impressions, experiences is especially important; this is reflected in their desire to preserve impressions (knowledge, photography, painting, the study of local traditions, the secret of craftsmanship, language peculiarities, etc.). In pursuit of special experiences, tourists are divided into those seeking an extreme or spiritual experience, a new culture or nature experience, etc. At the same time, tourists of this group enjoy the simplest travel formats from the point of view of organization and implementation centered around one activity that gives them the experience of happiness, "fun" [19].

They are usually typified by the mode of transport (jeep tours, yachting, bike tours, walking tours), by the type of activities on the tour (yoga and fitness tours, photo tours and other art travel, ritual tours and recreational tours) and by the composition of the group (for example, bachelorette parties, corporate parties, etc.), sports tours and survival tours. At the same time, niche tours can be more or less resource-intensive and expensive than

more complex and typical travel in the same directions. Much depends on the form of accommodation and travel, on the "entertainment" or other content of the tour. Often, the division of types or types of tourism according to "grounds": natural-ecological, cultural-ethnographic, educational-business and hobbies [17, p. 103], however, many types and types of tourism are not included here and / or are at the intersection of different types of tourism.

In fact, niche tourism sells exactly "happiness", people go on such a journey for what they love, for a small new and relatively happier than usual life, adventures with the feeling that a tourist has come to another planet, but this, it is here that he can be himself, detaching himself from everyday life and its problems, from the usual understanding of himself and the world, enrich his experience with new impressions, knowledge and skills associated with them. They are looking for a comfortable and, at the same time, rich rest [10]. Sometimes such a journey is a way to challenge yourself, test yourself for strength. There are also tours that include participation in charitable programs for nature and people, for example, for children from slums, other local residents living in disadvantaged regions, creates an opportunity for the development of social responsibility. The ability to go out with like-minded people is an important addition to more individualistic, egocentrically oriented mass tourism. At the same time, the author's approach and personal attitude of the organizers and leaders of the tour are one of the main elements of success. An important point is also a clearer meaning and more consistent implementation of the mission of tourism, including its educational (pedagogical) and developmental (psychological) aspects. Of course, it is clear that there will be many types of such tourist travel. Some types will directly address the development of a person's understanding of himself and the world, educational and psychotherapeutic tasks, some types of tourism will affect these tasks more indirectly, indirectly [7].

The most popular types of travel (journeys and trips, tours and travelling, "hiking / hitchhiking" and cruise / voyage) and classifications are:

Tours classified by age and quasi-age criteria: youth tours, children's tours, tours for the elderly, tours of various life events (weddings, etc.), that is, "quasi-age", family and genealogical tours.

Tours focused on educational and professional-business (travelling, "bleasure or bleisure" as a result of the combining words "business" and "leisure" or "business" and "pleasure"; bizcation as a result of the combining words "business" and "vacation") tasks themselves often involve places that are clusters of business and educational activity (as a rule, regional and world centers of trade, production, education), backpacker tourism, focused on the maximum economical travel in life ( professional-labor, family, etc.) "off-season", for example, in the often formed between the end of studies and the beginning of a professional career / vocational training "drop year" (gap year), allowing the future professional to establish himself in the choice of a future specialty or find a field , which can act as an area of his or her self-realization, etc.

As a kind of educational and business, and, at the same time, "recreational", you can consider shopping tours - travel with a guide, stylist and other consultants in a particular area of shopping, etc. for European, Asian, etc. sales and outlets.

• Shopping tours are close to gastronomic (gastronomic tourism, food tourism, culinary tourism, gourmet tourism) tours or gastronomic tours (for lovers and collectors of recipes of national cuisines of Georgia, France, China, etc.) and healthy food tours (a trend outside only tourism, but also lifestyle).

Drugs are also popular, including alcoholic ones (wine and beer, Enotourism, Wine tourism, Vinitourism) and actually tours to countries with permitted consumption of certain drugs. It is obvious that tours in this area cannot be classified as developmental and psychotherapeutic, although they can perform some educational functions. The demand for these types of tours, as in the case of the next group of travels, is largely associated with a certain, socially marginal group of people, one way or another dissatisfied with their lives (at the personal, interpersonal and professional levels) and themselves.

Traditionally thriving, although condemned at the level of declarations, and "sex

tourism" (sex tourism) - travel using travel networks in order to meet the sexual needs of tourists on a commercial basis with residents (Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Kenya , Netherlands, Philippines, Colombia, Thailand). It is obvious that this type of niche tourism, with all its demand, most often does not serve the purposes of development and education, even and especially when adolescents and young people are its consumers.

Traditionally popular (ethno)cultural tourism as visiting and living in ethnic villages (rural tourism, combining recreation and participation in rural activities) and other settlements with a vibrant national culture. There are many options here, for example, the so-called jailoo-tourists ("tourists of pastures") have appeared, who travel to the untouched corners of the planet - the mountains and steppes of Asia, the forests of Siberia and North America, the Amazon jungle and African reserves.

This and subsequent types of tourism, as a rule, are distinguished by pronounced educational functions, expanding and changing an individual's idea of the "normal", prohibitions and prescriptions of one's own and foreign culture. They also act as practices of decentration and re-centering, the development of reflection and awareness of oneself and the world, as helping, consultative and developing types of tourism.

Popular in modern tourism and art tours, including meetings with local artists, etc., visits to galleries and museums accompanied by art historians. Photo tours are very popular in niche tourism, which include a variety of types of locations (large and small villages and cities, mountain peaks and ocean shores, markets and places of hermitic behavior, most often in Europe: Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Madrid, Prague, etc. ). The advantages of these types of tourism include their function of self-education and "self-therapy": unobtrusively, but invariably, they help a person to solve some of the problems facing him as a person, partners and professionals, to outline ways of development.

Industrial tourism is somehow connected with the latter groups (urbex tourism -from "urban exploration"). In modern tourism, the number of industrial tourists who are

engaged in researching and visiting buildings, territories and structures (industrial and other) of special purpose is growing, these are: diggers exploring subways and underground communications, roofers who walk on roofs; stalkers who enter abandoned facilities (such as the ghost town of Kadykchan in the Magadan region or the town of Centralia in Pennsylvania, where an underground fire has been burning for many decades); post-pilgrims find and explore forgotten temples. Immediately within the framework of tourism disasters (natural disasters), one can separately mention atomic tourists who visit places and buildings at the sites of disasters. This type of tourism is associated in its spirit not so much with educational and psychotherapeutic, as with the philosophical aspects of human life, his / her understanding of his / her place in the universe. This moment can be even more pronounced in the context of tourism of disasters and devastation, but this type of tourism can also be in demand by clients with destructive and conflict orientations (life-denial), therefore, a directed work of the travel agency and its employees in the field of prevention of conflict and other situations, re-concentration understanding of the world and self-understanding of clients in a life-affirming manner.

Researchers more and more often identify tourism of devastation or decline (decay tourism), including familiarization with destroyed buildings, etc. The popularity of this type of tourism is associated with such an aspect as the permissiveness of the "liberal-democratic" outlook of the consumer, rejecting any framework if they interfere with consumption. It is also related to another aspect: the growing number of people striving to understand the origins of the social crisis and the ways out of it. The construction of a tourist program should follow the movement from the first aspect to the second. Decade tourism returns a person to the realization of the cruelty and inexorableness of time, and also gives an opportunity to re-realize, to discover the beauty of decadence, paleo tourism in many respects intersects with this direction. Generally speaking, "dark tourism" (dark tourism, dark or black tourism) is now very popular - that is, visiting places associ-

ated with death, destruction, sinister and supernatural events, mysticism and tragedies. It is popular with those who like to visit places that are associated with disasters, horrors, wars, battles, known crimes, that is, associated with death, survival, etc. Here we again meet architecture or architectural tourism (architourism). Everywhere and everywhere the important task of the guide is not just to "feed" the tourist with whatever impressions you want, but to use the impressions in order to help him / her enrich his / her world, to solve the problems he/she faces.

Sometimes adventure tourism is also singled out separately, including: disaster tourism - disaster tourism, ghetto tourism ghetto tourism, ethnic tourism - ethno tourism, jungle tourism - jungle tourism, overland travel -overlanding, etc.). It includes physical activity in the process of active interaction with nature, as well as equally active, inclusive cultural study or exchange Immersive tours - quests / author tours that organize the maximum involvement of the tourist (guessing riddles, training in the master -classes, exploring new places and traditions) have an integrated-en-tertainer and playful character. It especially stimulates clients with a deficit of positive experiences and general isolation (deprivation) of feelings, relationships and events in the urban environment. That is, this type of tourism is actively psychotherapeutic [2; 3].

Separately, we can single out more "refined" and specific esoteric or pilgrimage tours (to Orthodox and other monasteries, pilgrimages to Mecca, Medina for Muslims and similar pilgrimages to the regions of Tibet, mountains of South America, etc.), yoga tours, including regular and intensive classes of bodily (hatha) and classical yoga in a group and these are tours to the coasts of India, Bali, Thailand, Turkey, Sochi and Crimea); travel to legendary, mythical / historical places, places of filming and from book plots. Esoteric or spiritual tourism deserves special attention in the segment of niche tourism because it really, like any elite tourism, is non-mass by definition. Its task is not just to change the environment, how much to transform himself. Therefore, this is a rather ascetic type of travel for those who want to find inner harmony and put themselves in order, but at the same

time, such tourists often go to countries with a good, recreational climate (India, Thailand or Indonesia), practice yogic, shamanic and other rituals and spiritual practices. The claims of this type of tourism are very great: the most versatile support for human development, assistance in solving a variety of problems of the bodily-somatic, mental-psychological and spiritual-moral levels.

Travel therapy, psychotherapeutic trips or journeis, which can be organized by psychologists and psychotherapists on the basis of stationary campgrounds and / or tourist trails and other routes and suggest the orientation of the guide's work as a specialist in the field of psychological support for the tasks of psychological prevention and diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation, habilitation and development. This type of tourist activity usually presupposes rather comfortable conditions that are more or less novelty (up to glamping sites on the roofs of high-rise buildings), but most often include visits to territories and waters with significant potential (natural and cultural resources) [2; 3].

In recent decades, the popularity of festival tourism has been consistently growing. This is tourism motivated by the interest of tourists in the historical, artistic, scientific or everyday heritage of a society, for which entertainment and event tours and tourist trips on traditional holidays and processions are typical, as well as more modern fairs, festivals and other events. Thus, in essence, this is educational tourism, as well as tourism that help a man or woman of our time to realize the need of being part of a large community and "small large community", a "crowd" or a more highly organized, including a large group (generations, diasporas, subcultures, tribes) centered around some interest [18]. This is a tourist activity associated with attending large-scale and small events, various spectacular and important, both religious and proper social events and events (such as flower festivals in Holland, beer festivals in Germany, film festival in Cannes or Venice), this also includes tourist trips related to organizing and participating in simpler and more intimate "girls in travel" and "bachelor parties").

• Environmental (nature-based), recreational and health tourism and medical

tourism (wellness tourism, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Ukraine), tours to wild, "untouched" nature, including reserves, are still in demand. In addition, premium vacations are of course niche, for example, even in countries of mass recreation, including Russia, there are places where luxury hotels with their own beaches, spa resorts, untouched coastlines with white sand, shopping in shopping malls with brand boutiques are built, golf courses, etc. Among medical tourism, it should be especially noted "euthanasia tourism" - it exists for those who wish to countries where euthanasia is allowed (Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Oregon in the USA, Switzerland). There are retreats and dance tours, etc. Here, educational-pedagogical and psycho-psychotherapeutic tours are also expressed.

• It is very important in human development and sport - the practice of achieving the body, associated with the achievements of the soul and spirit. Sports tourism are an alpine skiing, snowboarding, surfing, cycling, horseback riding, races, swimming, surfing, yachting, hiking, etc. It is especially popular now among the townspeople who are separated from nature and experiencing chronic conditions of hypodynamia, the simplest "hiking" (there are whole hiking - tours and destinations with equipment / services for hiking) - hiking in mountainous terrain using marked and easily traversed paths prepared by the travel agency.

• Extreme tourism (extreme tourism, shock tourism - shock tourism) is even more focused on comprehending the boundaries of his capabilities, the development of will and stress resistance, skills to cope with difficulties and development in a state of survival, etc. It includes rafting, kayaking, river rafting, climbing mountain peaks, hiking in the wild, nature reserves, shark diving and other dangerous types of diving and swimming, and much more. Survival tours are very popular. Transport tours can also be distinguished, for example, caravanning as a journey with accommodation in motorhomes or caravans, which now often resembles glamping (popular in Europe and the USA where the system of camping and glamping is developed) [7] and / or cruise tourism with accommodation on a sea or river vessel;

• In contrast, plans for more massive space tourism are being developed, and, of course, the field of astronomical tourism is also developing. Astrotourism includes observing celestial night and other "landscapes", as well as observing astronomical phenomena such as the aurora borealis, solar or lunar eclipses, visits to historical sites introduced to the UNESCO list of astronomy and world heritage, etc. Here we are faced with an attempt by a person to feel himself in the "fourth" instance of being: having gone through the experience of becoming a person, a partner and a professional, a person wants to know himself as a creature of the cosmos. It is important to make this experience for a person as positive as possible, to reveal the dialectical relations of "microcosm" and "macrocosm", the universality of the laws of the universe, to help understand the importance of human life for the world.

At the same time, when artists, photographers make tours for other artists, people keen on esotericism - for others who are keen on it, lovers of gastronomic traditions - for other lovers, etc. - this is practically incomparable in efficiency and productivity way to get the maximum experience from the trip, a kind of "fun" or "wow-effect" [4; 5; 18; 23]. Hobby tourism and hobby travel in general is the most important source of niche tourism: the interests of modern tourists are much more diversified than before [19; 20].

Having analyzed different types of tourism of special interests (niche), we can single out its following psychological and pedagogical functions [3]: 1) training functions are the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the area of interest to the client and in related areas; 2) educational functions are the comprehension of the essence of one's own and others' values, life meanings, meanings of actions, relationships; 3) psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic functions - this is the identification of areas that require increased attention and protection of the client from the client himself and others; 4) correctional and psychotherapeutic functions are assistance in solving problems facing the client as a person, partner and professional, including relaxation-distracting and actively coping; 5) consultative and developmental functions - this is

to support the development of the client as a person, partner and professional in the direction of self-realization and self-realization, as well as self-improvement; 6) ethical and philosophical functions are to help a person in the formation and strengthening of a holistic picture of himself as a part of the universe, comprehending and striving to fulfill the laws of nature and culture, without creating unnecessary problems and difficulties that block the development of soy and foreign, the formation and development of relations of responsibility and gratitude, life affirmation.

We have no doubt that in working with clients it makes sense to manage their impressions, but any opportunity can be used both in the whole support and development of a person, and against a person. Tourism, which has a future, will, like a good strategist, strive for the former, even if its goal seems too "abstract" and distant. Clients of such tours will and will behave in the same way. They will strive to use tourist travel as a way of increasing competence and a way of understanding themselves and the world. On the contrary, a tourism business focused on a quick, including a purely economic result, is more likely to turn to the "dark sides" of tourism, the tactically effective creation of falsifications and pseudo-events that satisfy the need for impressions but do nothing more. This type of relationship is generally characteristic of mass tourism; it satisfies the needs of some customers. But for niche tourism and its future

in the form of specific travel companies and destinations, it is already a problem.

Conclusion. The niche type of tourism with particular clarity involves the work of a person with travel experience, including the experience of altered, special states of consciousness, extreme and unusual situations, etc. Tourist travel acts as an important sphere of self-realization and self-actualization of a person, his or her self-improvement. In the context of this function and even mission, tourism of special interests has a set of advantages over mass tourism. It has intensively manifested psychological and pedagogical functions of preventing and correcting disorders, as well as supporting the development and habilitation of a man or woman. Modern niche tourism requires the training of specialists familiar with psychological and pedagogical technologies to support human development, with ways to solve the corresponding psychological, pedagogical, spiritual, moral, social problems of life and the development of clients as individuals, partners, professionals and representatives of humanity in general. Such professionals can be trained in two ways: 1) in the process of retraining or additional education of educators and psychologists in the field of (niche) tourism; 2) retraining or additional education of specialists in the field of tourism in the field of psychological and pedagogical problems of support (coaching) of the development and career of an individual.


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