NEWS TEXT STRUCTURE AND ITS ANALYSIS AS A GENRE OF MEDIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communication / message / media content / language / pragmalinguistics

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nilufar Hotam Kayumova-Kizi

This article provides a systematic, in-depth approach to the study of media genres – including reality programs, game shows, situation comedies, soap operas, film noir, news programs, and more. The study of various types of genres is essential for critical analysis of the media and also offers revealing perspectives on society’s cultural values, behavior, and myths. Combining theoretical approaches with concrete examples, the article reinforces one’s understanding of the importance of genre to the creation, evolution, and consumption of media content. Each chapter in this reader-friendly article contains a detailed discussion of one of the theoretical approaches to genre studies, followed by Lines of Inquiry, which summarize the major points of the discussion and suggest directions for analysis and further study. Each chapter also includes an example that illustrates how the particular theoretical approach can be applied in the analysis of genre. The author’s careful linkage of different genres to the real world makes the article widely useful for those interested in genre study as well as media and culture, television studies, film studies, and media literacy.

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^sll ISSN 2310-5720 ppublishing.org



Nilufar Hotam Kayumova-kizi1

1 Independent researcher, Department of Foreign Languages, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

Cite: Kayumova, N. H. (2023). News Text Structure and its Analysis as a Genre of Media. European Journal of Literature and Linguistics 2023, No 3. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJLL-23-3-40-45


This article provides a systematic, in-depth approach to the study of media genres - including reality programs, game shows, situation comedies, soap operas, film noir, news programs, and more. The study of various types of genres is essential for critical analysis of the media and also offers revealing perspectives on society's cultural values, behavior, and myths. Combining theoretical approaches with concrete examples, the article reinforces one's understanding of the importance of genre to the creation, evolution, and consumption of media content. Each chapter in this reader-friendly article contains a detailed discussion of one of the theoretical approaches to genre studies, followed by Lines of Inquiry, which summarize the major points of the discussion and suggest directions for analysis and further study. Each chapter also includes an example that illustrates how the particular theoretical approach can be applied in the analysis of genre. The author's careful linkage of different genres to the real world makes the article widely useful for those interested in genre study as well as media and culture, television studies, film studies, and media literacy.

Keywords: communication, message, media content, language, pragmalinguistics


The emergence of the genre of "news" is associated with the boring invention of the telegraph to open the telephone in the 19th century. Communication during those Years was unstable, it was necessary to disclose to the journalist to keep up with the most basic point. As a result, they began to call the names of the events not up to the chronology of their development (based on the beginning to the end), only on the basis of the most important to the less important, in the

hope that the essence of the event was clear even from the first few phrases to reveal the sentences. It was convenient to show such a selection of material next to the sample: if the paragraph next to the set did not fit into the area reserved for this, it was permissible to tear out the last sentences, with the exception of paragraphs, without rewriting the rest of the text. "Information genres" - "message"

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and "news".

While the news is new information unfamiliar to others, a message is new information

about a specific thing. For example, "a new car model has been created" - this information is called a message. At this stage, after all, a new machine was created, so why is this not news? you can tell. But this is not news. The reason is that the car has already been created, and the new models are also not new.

The message is basically who? or what?, where? in it, the main distances are in the first place. In most cases, news and messages consist of 2-3 sentences, not exceeding 1020 lines (in a newspaper).

The author does not comment on the incident. Rather, he passes it on to the reader. This way of transmitting news appeared after the invention of the electronic telegraph in the second half of the XIX century. In modern linguistics, various directions (speech theory, text theory, socio-, psycho- and pragmalin-guistics, etc.) are moving towards synthesis, towards the creation of a new theory of language. It is expected that formal linguistic objects will be associated with cognitive and communicative aspects and will take into account user actions. Through language, the researcher penetrates into cognitive processes and knowledge. In other words, the central place in the new theory of language is occupied by a person with unique properties that allow him to produce and receive texts. Their texts may differ in the level of structural and linguistic complexity, depth and accuracy of the reflection of the world and the intended orientation. The type of text mainly depends on the choice of the cultural situation, for example, on the choice of the scientific language and genre of the article. The concept of genre becomes one of the key ones in the description of the language (Efremova T. F., 2006).

Methodological Analysis

We speak only with the help of certain genres. To learn to speak means to be able to create genre-shaped statements (Bakhtin M., 1979). Consequently, there are no out-of-genre utterances. All our linguistic activity consists of choosing suitable genres from their rich repertoire, which does not exclude changes in genre and genre repertoire. This means that genre is not a cognitive construct. Genres are text samples or groups of texts that have historically developed in a similar way, and exist in the consciousness of a public language.

According to a sociological study, over the past three decades and to this day, television has been the undisputed leader in the world in showing a wide range of artistic products. Therefore, television genres have another important meaning - they, like a mirror, reflect everyday life. The study of this phenomenon contributes to improving the quality of artistic broadcasting. The level of development of the problem.

Literature review

In modern science, the general theory of M. Bakhtin, M. Kagan, Yu. A. Bariev, V. Skat-ershchikov has become widespread. In their works, they include the problems of genres of aesthetic science, the subject of which is art. The authors mention genres of music, theatre, fine arts, and cinematography without referring to television, its genres and their artistic features. It is known that ready-made TV programs appeared in England (London) in 1936, but their mass distribution began in the post-war years and was considered a miracle. At the same time, the structure of programming genres was formed. It was only in the 60 s that television was accepted as an art-related activity. During this period, in addition to broadcasting performances and films on the television screen, a special aesthetic ability of television practice emerged, going back to the syncretism of all kinds of art. The ratio of television drama and film series in the works of R. Ilyin, O. Nechai, T. El-manovich. However, they did not take into account the complex artistic features of television genres (Gay N., 1975).

It is known that ready-made TV programs appeared in England (London) in 1936, but their mass distribution began in the postwar years and was considered a miracle. At the same time, the structure of programming genres was formed. It was only in the 60s that television was accepted as an art-related activity. During this period, in addition to broadcasting performances and films on the television screen, a special aesthetic ability of television practice emerged, going back to the syncretism of all kinds of art. The ratio of television drama and film series in the works of R. Ilyin, O. Nechai, T. Elmanovich6. However, they did not take into account the complex artistic features of television genres.

The first person who raised the issue of the specifics of television was the domestic author V. S. Sappak (Kuronov D., 2013). But, unfortunately, his work "Television and Us" (1960) did not reveal the essence of genre formation. In part, she considered the artistic and expressive means of that period, but had no scientific depth, as it was descriptive in nature. In the 60 s, some television practitioners (R. Boretsky, L. Zolotarevsky, S. Mu-ratov) attempted to comprehend television screen creativity. In their joint work.

"How a Television Report is created", they first introduced definitions of information genres based on the ways of presenting the material, calling them television: conversation, interview, reportage, broadcast (non-commented display of events), commentary, as well as film information (a prototype of the current video tag), film correspondence. In the same years, R. Boretsky proposed his own version of the typology of the material we are interested in. In the book "Informational Genres of Television" the author defines it as follows: conversational genres (speech, conversation, interview, press conference (debate); informational film genres (film information, film reportage, documentary TV movie); television reportage (commented screening of the event, problematic reportage) (Gay N., 1975).

Results and discussion

News is information that interests listeners politically, socially or economically with its novelty, that is, reports of events that have happened recently or are happening now. News is also called Programs (a collection of several news items) on television and radio, in the print press or on websites - news bulletins, in a special section of the newspaper. First of all, we should note how important the news is in the grid of any television channel. "high-quality" news is considered the "face" of the TV company. As an example, "Uzbekistan, Uz. Report, Manaviyat, Milliy etc.?" The organization of news programs for television requires a lot of daily work by a professional creative team to select news, process it and prepare it for broadcast, and then form (groups) (Toshpulatova N.). The purpose of television news is to convey important, "fresh" information to society in a

timely and reliable manner using television broadcasting technology. In the early 1990s and integrated into the global information space. The Internet has made text, video and audio files accessible to everyone and has forced a radical change in traditional journalism. In the "golden years" of the press - the revolutionary 1990s, everyone read, the arbiters of fate and politics were journalists, and newspapers were captured over the years. Then came stability and copywriting.

Copywriting (english copywriting, where copy is text material, write is to write) is the writing of text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. These are texts that stimulate sales growth or popularize a product, company, service, person or idea. Copywriters are people who write text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. For example slogans, scripts for TV and radio clips, event events, advertising articles, native articles, etc.

A new type of activity has received a Western nickname - copywriting. Now there are subspecies of copywriting in mass communication, depending on the purpose and nature of writing texts. When we talk about the informational genres of television, first of all, it is necessary to answer the question: What connects them? Characteristics of the natural structure of the genre: the subject of attribution, the function of the goal, the methods of attribution methods of display.

The following characteristics of the types of information can be distinguished:

- relevance, efficiency, objectivity, reliability, accuracy, concreteness, truthfulness, brevity, sensationalism. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that modern news journalism has developed various approaches to covering current events and phenomena: thematic, analytical, and predictive. These approaches are expressed both in the characteristics of a particular genre and its subspecies (Efremova T. F. 2006).

This is reflected in the language and style of modern electronic media. Features of modern television speech: the attitude to colloquialism, some simplification of vocabulary, brevity, conciseness, and lack of length (Gay N., 1975). Currently, under the influence of the tendency to information compression, there is:

• phrases based on strong parts of speech;

• increased verbality of statements;

• simple syntactic constructions;

• condensed structure of phrases;

• the use of words in their direct, nominative meaning;

• saturation with jargon, vernacular, slang and other;

• non-normative elements from the point of view of the literary language for;

• enhancing the expressiveness of speech;

• aggressive assertiveness.

In the characterization of modern television, it is important to take into account such a trend in the development of television journalism as the blurring of the boundaries of genres - they are increasingly interacting with each other. As a result, the most popular in modern news is an information story consisting of:

- from fragments of the report;

- operational comment;

- a short interview.

Experts distinguish the following types of plots: a) Practitioners distinguish the following types of plots; b) Preliminary - announcing the event; c) Real-time plot - what is happening today; d) Ongoing - based on the results of some events, more unfinished.

Genres of news journalism are divided into informative (notes, interviews, reports), operational news (notes of all kinds) and news investigations (correspondence, comment (column), comment). The information message on TV exists in verbal and visual forms: oral and video - answers, as a rule, the questions: What, where and when happened? There are chronicle and scenario (or author's) videos. A voice message can have several options: A voice message - a note; A voice message + a photo or graphic; A voice message + a video sequence. The oral message must exactly match the image. Even the rhythm of the voiceover text should match the pace of the frame movement. For the transmission of news information, the normal rate is 120-140 words per minute when preparing an author's plot, it consists of the following stages: the selection and approval of the topic, the study of the shooting object and the creation of a scenario plan, participation in

the shooting, editing and writing of the text. In all cases, the text should be concise, but give an answer to questions that the viewer may have. Often in the audio text of informational videos, we hear such comments to the proposal: "He rises to the platform ..."; "The audience greeted this performance with stormy applause ..." But it is clearly visible on the screen and does not need verbal explanations (Qoshgariy M., 1963).

When writing a text, you also need to take into account the difference between oral and written speech. Even official documents ("protocols") can be "humanized", and made less bureaucratic and dry. To do this, avoid using long sentences, which is natural when reading "to myself", but difficult to reproduce when verbally expressed. Television vocabulary does not accept clericalism, professionalism and purely scientific jargon. The voi-ceover text of the official story is read by the news anchor (or TV presenter). The voiceover text of the writer's story is often recorded by the writer-reporter before the broadcast; the timbre of the model's voice emphasizes the uniqueness of this informative material (Kuronov D., 2013).

The doctoral dissertation (1990) by S. V. Ovcharenko is devoted to the study of genre patterns in the development of art. The author notes the main stages of the emergence and development of genre forms and genre systems and does not speak specifically about television genres (Medvedev P., 1929).

To reveal the structure of the genre of the work, it is necessary to determine the function of the genre. As you know, M. Bakhtin defined the task of the genre by the terms completion, and "completeness" in a polemic with V. Shklovsky and explained perfection as a significant quality.

"The genre clarifies reality", M. Bakhtin wrote. "Each genre is a special type of building and completing the whole, moreover, we repeat, it is essential to complete thematical-ly, and not to end conditionally and composi-tionally" (Bakhtin M., 1979).

N. Gay also considered the genre as an "artistic formula of the world". "The genre is not a fiction, not a speculative scheme", N. Leiderman writes (Gay N., 1975).-"Genre refers to the individual artistic world of a work as general to particular, as a law to

a phenomenon. The phenomenon is richer than the law, but the law is the core of the phenomenon, controlling it from within" (Leiderman N., 1982).

Genre is a stable form of work. The presence of genres allows a journalist to use ready-made templates and matrices to provide information, and not invent a new form for each material. Genres help the reader to understand what kind of information will be in the material. For example, if this is news, then the most important thing will be reported at the beginning, and then the text can not be read. If this is a report, then the journalist has visited the scene of the event and will tell what he saw and experienced, giving the reader the opportunity to also see and experience it. If this is an interview, then the text will consist of the journalist's questions and the interlocutor's answers.

Genre classifications differ in Western journalism. For example, the Reuters 29 Handbook of Journalists lists "other types of text" in addition to different types of news, including chronology, column, review, survey, and "eyewitness testimony". (The Reuters Journalism Guide).

Russian researcher A. Tertichny describes 42 genres, including questionnaires, predictions, versions, confessions, plays, novellas, essays, and essays. questionnaire, forecast, version, confession, game, legend, epigraph and epitaph (Tertychny A. A., 2004). Now there are no such problems: the relationship is reliable, only the layout is done with computer programs that allow you to rely on any text on the strip, stretching to open by compressing photos, that is, manipulating the inter-letter, inter-line to open the inter-column distances. Internet sites do not allow you to disclose any text of any volume. Nevertheless, news remained the most popular genre. This happened because news articles allow readers to get into the course of business without looking back. On the exploration of a newspaper, is it possible to burn through an online publication for 10-15 minutes, reading in-depth only what is mainly interesting, only up to other topics limited to the first phrases of the text? As a result, familiarization with the dreary picture of the day takes much less time than if the texts were written in other genres.

When studying the development of history, culture, scientific, educational and cultural life of the Turkic peoples, the study of their literary sources becomes important. One of the rare and authoritative sources relating to this period is undoubtedly 'Kisasi Rabguzi, son of Nasiruddin Burhaniddun' in the genre of the epistle (Rabghuziy Nasiriddin Burk-honuddin, Qisa Rabghuziy, 1991). Kuranov D. Thus, the genre system of literature of each period requires study in aspects of synchrony and diachrony (Kuronov D., 2013).

When mentioning some genres in Turkic literature, one has to deviate a little from the ideas of modern genres. Otherwise, it will be impossible to show the origin and originality of the genres of ancient Turkic literature, and their differences from the literary genres of the early classical period (Madvaliev, 2021).

One of the most common literary forms in the work of Kisasi Rabguzi is the news genre. Certain moulded fragments, such as the fragment in 'Kisasi Rabguzi', are also found in Mahmud Kashgari's work "Devonian Dictionary-Turk". In the Devonian Dictionary of Turkic Languages, the term "sav" denoted the name of several genres and concepts among the Turkic peoples. For example, sav is the word of the fathers; sav is a story. Report old news; sav - story. To tell the news; SAV - brochure, letter, small book; SAV - word, speech (Rabghuziy Nasiriddin Burkhonuddin, Qisa Rabghuziy, 1991).

'News' is when we think about some 'news event about a phenomenon, a thing object or a person, information' is a concept that appears in our consciousness. In fact, it is in the dictionary of the Uzbek language 'news' [news, message notification; hearing] 1) Information, signal, message about someone, object or phenomenon; 2) Novelty; 3) Daily information, information obtained in the mass media, radio and television; the article will face the definition (Rakhmonov N., 2002).

This was reported by researcher L. Shibaeva writes: "While among the genres that have arisen in journalism, the interview should have been one of the first. After all, asking questions is a habit of every person since childhood. In addition, there is a huge stock of dialogues left in world literature, from ancient philosophers to playwrights.

Nevertheless, this genre was formed in the second half of the XIX century. There is also a reason for this, requirements and criteria" (Stefanov S. I., 2004).

N. Toshpulatova in her article states that news journalism includes such genres as information, message, news, reportage, interview, and reportage. These genres are mainly focused on reporting on life events, phenomena, and processes that have occurred and should occur in society. Their concrete possibility is determined by the reflection of reality and, if necessary, by the legible transmission of the available facts. If an incident is reported in an informational or news genre, the report highlights the process of the incident in the presence of a journalist on the spot. What happens

in an interview is expressed through someone's point of view or opinion (Toshpulatova N.).


In conclusion, we come to the conclusion news is the most popular genre in modern journalism. 80-90% of daily newspapers and most online publications (there is significantly less news in publications based on opinions rather than facts), up to half of journal publications and almost 100% of the texts of news agencies are news. Most writers and journalists are engaged in writing news. News is usually the starting point for a career in journalism because the genre is relatively simple (although writing good news is very difficult).


Bakhtin M. The problem of speech genres // Aesthetics of verbal creativity.- M., 1979.- 389 p.

Efremova T. F. Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. In 3 volumes.- AST, 2006.- Vol. 1. A-L.- 1168 p.- ISBN: 5-17-029521-9.

Gavrilyuk A. P. Genre in the context of the historical development of television art: St. Petersburg, 2006.- 175 p.

Gay N. The artistry of literature. (Poetics. Style).- M., 1975.- 346 p.

Kolesnichenko A. V. Practical journalism. Textbook. - M.: Publishing house of - Moscow. unta, 2008.- 69 p.

Kuronov D. et al. Dictionary of literary studies.- T.: Akademnashr, 2013.

Leiderman N. The movement of time and the laws of the genre. Sverdlovsk, 1982.- 21 p.

Medvedev P. Formal method in literary criticism. Critical Introduction to Sociological Poetics. L., 1929.- 185 p.

Rabghuziy Nasiriddin Burkhonuddin, Qisa Rabghuziy. Book II.- T.: Writer, 1991.

Rakhmonov N. The Murad of light in the soul. - T.: Folk Heritage, 2002.

Stefanov S. I. Copywriter // Advertising and printing: the experience of a dictionary-reference book. - M.: Gella-print, 2004.- 320 p. - (Advertising technologies). - 3000 copies. - ISBN: 5-901008-29-4

Tertychny A. A. Genres of periodicals - M.: Aspect-press, 2004.- 135 p.

Qoshgariy M. The Office of Turkic words. Devonu lexicotit turk. III Vol. - T.: Uzbekistan FA publishing house, 1963.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek language. A. Under Madvaliev Ed. 5 vols. - T.: Uzbekistan publishing house, 2021.

Toshpulatova N. Department of theory and practice of International Journalism at Uzdzhtu, candidate of philological Sciences. Journalism needs genre (?)- HURRIYAT (uzhurriyat.uz)

submitted 2.09.2023;

accepted for publication 19.09.2023;

published 8.10.2023

© Adigezalova, M. N.

Contact: adimelek@mail.ru

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