NEW TECHNOLOGIES: FROM IDEA TO IMPLEMENTATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
smart phones / energy-saving lighting / smart-tv

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mirzayev F.R., Novruzova G.S.

The article reveals the variety of modern nano-technological devices that are rapidly gaining popularity from a pragmatic point of view. In this article, we will focus on those technologies that already really exist, are part of not so much the scientific as the social world, and allow us to understand how hitech technologies are firmly included in the life of a modern person.

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Mirzayev F.R., Novruzova G.S.

Ganja branch of ANAS Information Technology Department Azerbaijan, Ganja DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-45-49 NEW TECHNOLOGIES: FROM IDEA TO IMPLEMENTATION


The article reveals the variety ofmodern nano-technological devices that are rapidly gaining popularity from a pragmatic point of view. In this article, we will focus on those technologies that already really exist, are part of not so much the scientific as the social world, and allow us to understand how hitech technologies are firmly included in the life of a modern person.

Keywords: smart phones, energy-saving lighting, smart-tv

Many technical wonders have been presented to us by the past XX century, including the computer with its many features, including the world information network Internet, various gadgets and many other new technologies. The world continues to improve every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these achievements, we would not have progressed so far in various areas of life. Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement something that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting. Like any other thing in the world, new technologies bring both benefits and harm. First, let's look at the positive aspects of new technologies.

First, the computer has become important in modern education. Electronic means of communication, thanks to their simplicity and accessibility, can allow a schoolboy and a student from any remote corner of the globe to receive information that previously might not have been available to them. The ability to quickly find an answer to a question, prepare materials for a report or abstract — all this can be done now with just a few clicks, without leaving your home.

Secondly, thanks to the Internet, education may not necessarily be full-time, students and students can study according to the program of their school or institute, without leaving home, which can be applied if students for various reasons are not able to attend classes at school. Moreover, various online schools and portals that offer the opportunity to independently study the material, prepare for exams, and improve their knowledge of foreign languages come to the aid of schoolchildren today.

In addition, a person does not need to search for the right product by going to many stores in the city. It is enough to find the product you are interested in on the store's website, find out its address and then go for a purchase. Finally, if the person interested in buying the product does not have much time to travel, he can order the product, which will be delivered to him at the chosen time.

But, like any object, new technologies also have a downside. Let's look at the negative aspects of using such technologies for a person.

The great physicist and mathematician of the XX century Albert Einstein is credited with the phrase:

"When technology replaces live communication, we will have a generation of idiots."

Perhaps this time has come, because technology allows you to communicate with a person without even seeing him in front of you. On the one hand, this has its advantages, because with the modern pace of life, it is very difficult to find time for a meeting. However, the vast majority of people actively use it and are unlikely to change anything in their lives. Some of them will prefer to communicate over the network for a real meeting, even if they have free time. At the same time, when communicating "online", we stop seeing the reactions of the interlocutor — tone, facial expressions, the speed of his speech, emotionality, etc.

But the worst thing is that people become addicted to phones, computers and other video equipment (including tablets, set-top boxes, etc.). The University of Missouri conducted a study in which its participants solved two puzzle problems, one when they had an iPh-one, the other when they could not answer incoming calls. In the second case, the researchers called their phones. It was found that participants begin to experience anxiety, heart rate increases when their phones are ringing, and they can not accept an incoming call.

Accordingly, this affects the mental abilities when solving certain tasks. Of course, this is not a sign of addiction, but it allows you to illustrate how phone use affects a person.

In addition, devices such as a computer, smartphone and tablet, without which many modern people can hardly imagine everyday life, have a very negative impact on the user's body.

The main harmful factors that affect the body of the user of a computer, smartphone or tablet include the following:

- prolonged sitting position;

- the effect on the body of electromagnetic radiation coming from the screen;

- eye fatigue and heavy strain on vision;

- overload of the back, neck, and hand joints;

- severe stress when losing information .

In the recent past, the teacher was the only source of knowledge for the student. The student could only get additional information from books in the library or from rare scientific and educational programs that were broadcast on television on strictly designated days and hours. [8]



Modern students live in a global world, experiencing the need for intellectual competition with peers around the world. Expert assessments show that digital tools and a strong teaching base will help schools effectively use them to acquire students both traditional and special skills of the XXI century. Technology is one of the most important components of education in the XXI century. The time is not far off when the main source of knowledge for the student will be the Internet.

The modern society of the period of informatization is characterized by the complex introduction of information and communication technologies in the field of education, which act as new sources and as new ways of obtaining information, as well as as pedagogical tools that allow achieving certain results in learning.

Information educational technologies are all technologies in the field of education that use special technical information tools (computer, audio, film, video) to achieve pedagogical goals.

One of the newest of many technologies in the education system at the moment is "smart technology", or according to the world educational experience called -Smarteducation.In the conditions of intensive development of smart technology, a modern teacher simply needs to be mobile and make maximum use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching. Smart technologies used for pedagogical purposes facilitate the conditions of professional and educational activities of teachers and students.

A computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet and other ICTs offer a wide range of software applications for the effective organization of the educational process, allow you to quickly manage the educational process and improve the quality of training, have a positive effect on the motivation to learn, contribute to the professional development of teachers and students.

In computer science lessons, the use of smart technology, as an integral part of the educational process, is especially important. In my lessons, I practically do not use tests or questionnaires on paper. Children are much more interested in completing a task on a computer, smartphone or interactive whiteboard. A big find for me was the website LearningApps.org. Learn-ingApps.org it is a Web 2.0 application to support learning and the teaching process through interactive modules. Existing modules can be directly integrated into the training content, and they can also be modified or created online. The goal is also to collect interactive blocks and make them publicly available. Such blocks (so-called applications or exercises ) for this reason, they are not included in any programs or specific scenarios. They have their own value, namely, interactivity. The site contains a huge number of interactive tasks in various educational disciplines. Tasks on the site can be used to consolidate the completed material. This resource can be used as an individual task for everyone on the computer, or as a group task on an interactive whiteboard, thus students not only consolidate the material they have passed, but also improve their skills with an interactive whiteboard and a computer. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the task found on the site , you can always create the task yourself.

The next useful smart resource that will be discussed is forms.google.com. or Google Forms.Google Forms is an online service for creating feedback forms, online tests, and surveys. The tool is popular, but the full range of its features is rarely used. I'll tell you when and why Google Forms will be useful and how to use them as effectively as possible.

What is the use of Google Forms? Each form in Google Forms is a web page that hosts a questionnaire or quiz. All you need to work with forms is to have a Google account.

What can I do with Google Forms?Online registration for an event, online research, feedback collection, brief, voting, etc.

How convenient are Google Forms? Easy to use. Working with Google Forms is no more difficult than working with MS Word. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive. You do not need to download the form, send it to your customers and receive the completed version from them by mail.24/7 availability. The form is stored in the cloud. If you are working from different devices or your hard drive is damaged, the form will remain available if there is a link.

Individual design. You can create your own design for the form. Google Forms allows you to choose a template from a large number of available templates for free or upload your own.

Mobility. Google Forms are adapted for mobile devices. You can create, view, edit, and forward forms from your phone and tablet using a lightweight mobile with full functionality.

Clarity. Google Forms collects and professionally forms statistics on responses. You do not have to further process the received data, you can immediately start analyzing the results.

Now is the time for the development of society and it is characterized by the fact that it is influenced by a number of information technologies that penetrate into all spheres of human activity, also ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, and form a global information space.In our time, an integral and important part of the informatization of society is the informatization of education.

Many scientists and educators believe that the future of ICT-enabled education depends on the spread of mobile communications, the popularity of smartphones and gadgets, the emergence of a large number of educational applications and programs, as well as new technologies that expand the opportunities and quality of education.

Today, the main task that the higher school faces is to ensure the development of the potential of future specialists for more creative activities. As a global goal of professional education reform, the goal is to teach the future specialist to independently interact with the innovative and developing world of professional work.

Most modern students are technically and psychologically ready to use mobile technologies in the educational process, and it is necessary to consider new opportunities for more effective use of the potential of mobile devices and technologies. The solution of this problem requires organizational efforts on the part of teachers, research and methodological work of teachers

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to implement strategies, forms and methods of mobile learning in the educational process of higher educational institutions [6]. Teachers can no longer ignore the obvious fact — the popularity of mobile communication among young people; that is why it is necessary to analyze how these types of communication can contribute to the optimization of the learning process at the university [7].

When implementing any innovation, you need to be prepared for the negative side, so we will consider both the undoubted advantages and negative aspects of mobile learning. Thus, the undoubted advantages of using mobile devices and technologies in the educational process of the school are:

- quick access to authentic educational and reference resources and programs at any time and anywhere;

- constant feedback from the teacher and the learning community;

- taking into account the individual characteristics of the student-diagnosis of problems, individual learning rate;

- increase the motivation of students through the use of familiar technical tools and a virtual environment;

- organization of autonomous training;

- create a personalized, professionally oriented learning space for the student;

- develop skills and abilities for lifelong learning.

The negative aspects of mobile learning primarily

include difficulties not so much technical and financial, but administrative, organizational and methodological in nature.

First, it is difficult to convince both teachers and the administration of educational institutions that this form of training contributes to the optimization of the educational process, since the tasks are performed on devices (phones), which are usually prohibited in schools and universities for use in the classroom, since all mobile devices serve as an electronic cheat sheet.

Secondly, teachers do not possess (unlike students) the appropriate level of ICT competence that would allow them to implement tasks based on mobile technologies in the traditional form, use existing educational applications for mobile devices, provide interactive support for the educational process, and develop the ICT competence of students themselves in this area.

Third, there are not enough ready-made mobile learning resources and programs for students and schoolchildren of various levels and specialties, but at the same time, English teachers are in a more advantageous position: there is a large variety of different applications and games in English, on the basis of which you can create grammar tests, search and game tasks for.

Means of production, household items, the surrounding reality and much more allow us to distinguish one historical epoch of the development of society from another.

At the same time, each subsequent stage of human development is necessarily "based" on the scientific and technical achievements of previous eras. There are things in memory and history that allow us to judge a

certain period of time with a certain degree of confidence and reliability.

What at the beginning of one scientific and technological revolution was considered fantastic and unattainable, at the beginning of another-everyday reality. A few decades ago, the amount of computing required exceeded the amount of computing equipment. Volumes of 40-100 GB were once the limit of human dreams, something unimaginable and significant, but time turns this significance into sand. The emergence of supercomputers and the multiple increase in the computing capabilities of mankind, coupled with artificial intelligence and neural networks, opened up a new frontier of possibilities for society.

Today, all the computing abilities of supercomputers are aimed at making the world more adapted to the habitation of a person who "whatever he creates, always creates weapons." In fact, not excluding the fact that with supercomputers and high-precision models it is possible to solve a number of global problems of humanity (environmental, energy, food), there is a trap of absorption by scientific and technological progress [5].

In this article, we will focus on those technologies that already really exist, are part not so much of the scientific as of the social world, and allow us to understand how hi-tech technologies are firmly included in the life of a modern person.

In particular, the development of computer technologies in the direction of minimizing the size (to nano-size) and increasing productivity allow the scientific community to talk about the advent of the era of nanotechnology.

One of the first high-tech, or "smart" devices, are mobile phones. Since their creation, they have undergone many changes, including functional ones. In particular, the modern telephone has evolved into a smartphone (smart-smart, intelligent), and a huge number of applications have been added to the original call processing function, from the ability to organize video conferences, to tracking the current location, laying navigation routes, etc.

With the help of mobile phones, we can play video games, control other devices and mechanisms, even a car. They act as a photo and video camera, an electron microscope, a door key, a personal fitness trainer, and even a medical consultant. [2]

Another example of the "smart" technologies surrounding the modern world is the "smart" glasses.What a few years ago was an attribute of science fiction films of super-agents and spies, now exists on sale and allows you to view things in a slightly different way. Today, "smart" glasses (for example, Google Glass) allow the user to use the built-in camera for photo and video shooting, use the world Wide Web, map and social services.

At the same time," smart " glasses are a new vision in the field of augmented reality, and for many — a chance to see what was previously impossible to do. We are talking here about services that allow you to track the physical state of the carrier of such a device, and about technologies of "night" vision, face recognition, objects, and other things. The latter formed the ba-



sis for designing glasses for a separate category of people. In particular, there are high-tech glasses for blind people that allow you to identify people who are previously entered in the database and objects, and send signals to the owner's brain. In fact, this technology allows such a category of people to see, if not fully, then at least much more clearly represent the surrounding reality.

Considering nanotechnology, it should be noted that today it is rather a modernization of the great discoveries and scientific achievements in the field of everyday life that have been achieved over the past decades [3]. By changing the surrounding reality on micro-or nano-levels, we get an object familiar to the eye, but with new properties, and use it in a new quality. One of these innovations is Smart TV-smart TV. It became possible from the moment when the TV stopped being just a means of converting waves into a visual image on the screen and sound from the speakers, from the moment when its functionality expanded thanks to the introduction of microprocessors. Modern televisions are more like computers, as they not only receive and convert signals, but also process them, and some are able to build additional frames to get a clearer and incredibly detailed image. To ensure independence from traditional information reception systems (cable TV, antenna, etc.), such a "smart" device has the ability to access the Internet, launch various applications, video games, music, etc.

A smart refrigerator is the best friend of a busy person who does not have enough time or attention to keep track of the assortment of edible products at home. This device can track the presence or absence of certain mandatory options, for example, milk, butter, cheese, beer, wine, eggs, etc. In the event that the refrigerator does not have enough of these ingredients, he either orders their delivery automatically, or sends a message to the owner so that he does not forget to go to the store on the way home. Also, a "smart" refrigerator can track the expiration date of goods and inform the owner that a particular product can no longer be eaten [2].

The phrase "smart bike" means a huge number of different variations of two-wheeled pedal transport, which can be quite different from each other. There are bicycles that have a built-in GPS sensor, which allows you to track and find them if they are lost in the bike parking lot or have been stolen, while others allow you to recharge a mobile device connected to it.

There are "smart" bikes that can be locked and unlocked using a mobile phone, and there are those that, when supplemented with an electronic device, create a road social network with other similar bikes, for example, trying to introduce

cyclists from the same area for joint walks and trips to work. In some bicycles, "intelligence" consists in the desire to protect a person while riding with electronic devices, for example, to inform him about cars approaching from behind or from the side, as well as to draw a dynamic bike path on the asphalt in the dark with the help of lasers [2].

Clothing can also have its own "intelligence".

This direction is especially actively developing in the sports industry. So, there is a "smart" tracksuit that

tracks the correct performance of sports exercises. With the help of sensors, it monitors the position of the person's body in space, checks the data with the training program and lets the user know whether the training is going on correctly, and if not, how to correct the error.

"Smart" sneakers like Adidas miCoach are equipped with a built-in accelerometer that collects statistics on the actions of an athlete, for example, a runner or a football player, so that his coach can monitor the ward, as well as adjust his actions and training program. At the same time, even a mobile phone with a pre-in-stalled sports app can act as a mentor [2].

But the most popular "smart" items of clothing in our time are fitness bracelets. They can track a person's physical condition, activity, physical activity, rest, and sleep, so that they can transmit this information to the phone. With the help of special applications, the owner of the device can monitor his condition during training and everyday life in order to improve physical fitness and health in general.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that the technology of product promotion also does not remain unchanged. Today, it is possible to engage in "active shopping" without leaving home, thanks to advanced Internet technologies. And the capabilities of computer 3-d modeling allow the user to view their purchase in detail from any angle and from any point of view [4].

We live in a time when a person without modern technologies can no longer do a single day or even just leave the house, since in everyday life people receive a large amount of information in one day, which they record and carry with them in phones, laptops, etc. Information technologies present many prospects for the coming generation, for example, such as: wide application of knowledge, various data and materials. People have to adapt to an improved social environment. Its potentiality and the tendency of self-development are mainly represented by two factors — information and scientific knowledge. The introduction of information technologies in education, for example, in the formation of a general educational area, increases the need for people to communicate, and gain access to common non-material reserves, awareness and processing of a small amount of information, this is facilitated by the united world information systems. Modern society is called information society, since most of the population is engaged in the development, preservation, processing, and implementation of information and knowledge.

An information society is a highly developed society that uses information technology, with improved infrastructures that facilitate the production of information resources and provide access to information. Now the society is in dire need of specialists who are able to constantly update theirknowledge and self-mastery of new skills, as well as those who are able not only to search for, but also to create new jobs in a dynamic labor market. [1].

In conclusion, I note that the considered smart technologies, being a priority for use in the modern information educational environment, at the same time do not exclude the possibility and necessity of using traditional pedagogical technologies in conjunction with

«шушетим-лшигмау» 2021 / pedagogical sciences


them. But with the use of ICT and in the context of a focus on achieving a new educational result, traditional technologies acquire new opportunities, according to their modern purpose.


1. Grigoriev, D. R., Popchenko, A. S. Application of information technologies in the social sphere./ D. R. Grigoriev, A. S. Popchenko/ / Young scientist.-2015. -No. 11. - p. 177-179.

2. Electronic journal Novate [electronic resource]// access mode: http://www. novate. ru/blogs/191014/28195/ (accessed: 02.01.2017)

3. Yakovlev, A. S. Housing: commissioning and timely repair./A. S. Yakovlev//OrelGIET Bulletin, — №3 (17), 2011, pp. 134-138

4. Yakovlev, A. S. Innovative opportunities of 3D technologies in the promotion of products of online stores. / A. S. Yakovlev, E. E. Stavtseva. // Scientific notes of OrelGIET. Almanac. - Orel.: OrelGIET, 2011

5. Yakovlev, A. S. Supercomputers of the world: new problems, or new opportunities? / A. S. Yakovlev, S. P. Kur-doglo / / Young scientist, — № 6-3 (110), 2016, pp. 46-48.

6. Golitsyna I. N., Polovnikova N. L. Mobile learning as a new technology in education / / Educational technologies and society. 2011. No. 1. pp. 241252.

7 . Vinevskaya A.V. Using the potential of information technologies in creating a mobile educational environment / / Concept. 2012. No. 9. pp. 78-84.

8. https://www.cpm.kz

Некрасова В. С.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт, Ставрополь.

Научный руководитель: Саиег Т.Х., к.ф.-м.н., доцент кафедры математики, информатики и цифровых образовательных технологий,

СГПИ, г. Ставрополь. DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-49-51



Nekrasova V.S.,

Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol

Saieg T.H.

Ph.Doctor. associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Digital Educational Technologies Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute




В данной статье рассматривается освоение учащимися современных технологий, практическая направленность получаемых знаний, умение ставить цель, выдвигать гипотезу, искать пути решения проблемы, решать её и делать выводы - компетенции, которые становятся жизненно необходимыми. Abstract.

This article discusses the development of modern technologies by students, the practical orientation of the knowledge gained, the ability to set a goal, put forward a hypothesis, look for ways to solve a problem, solve it and draw conclusions-competencies that become vital.

Ключевые слова: деятельностный метод, мозговой штурм, игровые, информационные технологии. Keywords: activity method, brainstorming, gaming, information technology.

Для достижения лучших результатов на уроках математики необходимо активно использовать элементы различных современных педагогических технологий.

Появилась необходимость использовать элементы технологии личностно-ориентированного развивающего обучения, технологии деятельност-ного метода, игровые, информационные технологии, и, конечно же, здоровьесберегающие технологии. [4]

В настоящее время технологию деятельност-ного метода рекомендуют внедрять повсеместно. Деятельностный метод - это метод обучения, при котором ребенок не получает знания в готовом виде, а добывает их сам в процессе собственной

учебно-познавательной деятельности. Система дидактических принципов деятельностного метода: принцип деятельности, принцип непрерывности, принцип целостности, принцип минимакса, принцип психологической комфортности, принцип вариативности, принцип творчества не отвергает традиционную дидактику, а продолжает и развивает ее в направлении реализации современных образовательных целей.

Структура урока, построенного на основе дея-тельностного метода:

1. Самоопределение к деятельности (организационный момент).

2. Актуализация знаний и фиксация затруднения в деятельности.

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