Научная статья на тему 'New taxa of genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and Siberia'

New taxa of genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and Siberia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Coleoptera / Cerambycidae / taxonomy / new species / new subspecies / Agapanthia / Russia / Siberia / Kemerovo Region / Buryatia / Kazakhstan.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Danilevsky M.L.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis sp. n. with two subspecies similar to A. (E.) dahli is described from South Kazakhstan. The nominative subspecies is described from near Turkestan and Kzyl-Orda environs. A. (E.) perovskiensis chulakkurgana ssp. n. is described from the south of Karatau Ridge. Very peculiar Agapanthia (E.) dahli efimovi ssp. n. is described from Kemerovo Region. A. (E.) cynarae selengensis ssp. n. is described from Selenginsk environs (Buryatia). Type specimens are illustrated. Distinguishing characters are described.

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Текст научной работы на тему «New taxa of genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and Siberia»


DOI: 10.24412/2226-0773-10-4-497-506

New taxa of genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and Siberia

M.L. Danilevsky

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071 Russia

e-mail: danilevskyml@rambler.ru, danilevsky@cerambycidae.net

Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, taxonomy, new species, new subspecies, Agapanthia, Russia, Siberia, Kemerovo Region, Buryatia, Kazakhstan.

Abstract: Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis sp. n. with two subspecies similar to A. (E.) dahli is described from South Kazakhstan. The nominative subspecies is described from near Turkestan and Kzyl-Orda environs. A. (E.) perovskiensis chulakkurgana ssp. n. is described from the south of Karatau Ridge. Very peculiar Agapanthia (E.) dahli efimovi ssp. n. is described from Kemerovo Region. A. (E.) cynarae selengensis ssp. n. is described from Selenginsk environs (Buryatia). Type specimens are illustrated. Distinguishing characters are described.


Several specimens of very interesting Agapanthia were discovered among old materials of Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN). A new species with two subspecies from South Kazakhstan is described below. It looks similar to A. dahli (Richter, 1820) because of dense setae tufts on 2nd and 3rd antennal segments, red basal parts of 3rd-12th segments and spotted yellowish elytra, but antennal setae tufts strongly protruding along each segment covering about 1/3 of the total length.

The study of a subspecies structure of Agapanthia (E.) dahli is going on; 19 subspecies were accepted up to now (Danilevsky, 2020). A series of peculiar A. (E.) dahli from different localities of Kemerovo Region of Russia is described below as a new subspecies.

An old female from Zoological Museum of Moscow University (ZMM) of Agapanthia (E.) cynarae (Germar, 1817) from Buryatia (Selenginsk environs) is described as a representative of a new subspecies. It is characterized by strongly pubescent 3rd and 4th antennal joints covered by very dense and long erect black setae.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis sp. n.

Figs 1-5, 7-10

Description. Body of moderate size; length in males: 14.9-16.4 mm, width: 3.7-4.0 mm, length in females: 15.0-19.6 mm, width: 3.7-5.2 mm.

Head with long erect and oblique black setae, with dense recumbent yellow pubescence, which is much paler on frons near eyes; frons trapezoidal, elongated; sparse frons punctation very small; eyes elongated about as long as genae; vertex with very dense punctation.

Antennae moderately long, in males surpassing elytral apices with 5 apical joints, in females with 3-4 apical joints; with red basal parts of 3rd-12th joints and hear covered with fine white pubescence; 3rd joint with extremely dense tuft of relatively short black setae; the tuft of 3rd joint covers about 0.3-0.4 of joint length; 4th antennal joint with or without apical setae tuft, as well as often 5th joint; 3rd joint very long, much longer than 1st, which is much longer than 4th.

Prothorax transverse, about 1.2-1.3 times shorter than basal width; pronotum with long erect black setae, with very dense big punctation, without recumbent pubescence along both sides of wide and very dense central yellow stripe; scutellum transverse or semicircular, with very dense yellow pubescence.

Elytra in males about 3 times longer than width near humeri, in females - about 2.8 times; spotted yellowish scattered pubescence rather diffused, not contrast; elytra look dark, with poor bronze luster; grey humeral stripes more or less distinct; long erect black elytral setae distributed to elytral apex; elytral punctation small and dense; elytral apices acute.

Pygidium and postpygidium in males slightly emarginated, last abdominal sternite roundly truncated; last abdominal tergite in females slightly emarginated, sternite - nearly truncated.

Differential diagnosis. The new taxon belongs to a group of Agapanthia species with red basal parts of 3rd-12th antennal joints, with setae tuft on 3rd antennal joint and spotted yellow elytral pubescence. The typical representative of this group of species is A. dahli (Richter, 1821), which is usually much bigger than A. perovskiensis sp. n. The new species has unique structure of setae tufts with relatively short setae, but very dense and strongly extended along antennal joint occupying about 1/3 of 3rd joint or more. Such structure was never observed in any subspecies of A. dahli.

The closest relatives of the new species are three vicariants: A. auliensis Pic, 1907, A. shovkuni Shapovalov, 2009 (both connected with Eremurus,) and A. parauliensis Danilevsky, 2017, but all three are usually without antennae setae tufts.

One paratype (female) of A. perovskiensis sp. n. was collected in same geographical area as the type series of A. parauliensis - “Golodnaya Step”. But this specimen has extremely dense setae tufts (Fig. 5) occupying more than 1/3 of 3rd - 5th antennal joints; antennae of A. parauliensis (Fig. 6) don’t have setae tufts at all. Besides “Golodnaya Step” is a very big area penetrating from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan, so both species could inhabit very different localities.

Etymology. The new species is named after the old name of the central city of the type locality area - Perovsk (now Kzyl-Orda).

Two subspecies are accepted.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis perovskiensis ssp. n.

Figs 1-5

Description. Body on an average smaller than second subspecies; length in males: 14.9-16.3 mm, width: 3.7-4.0 mm, length in females: 15.0-17.0 mm, width: 3.7-4.5 mm; antennal tufts denser, covering longer parts of the joints, tuft of 5th joint often very distinct; dense antennal cilia distributed to about half of antennal length; elytral grey humeral stripes better pronounced; elytral bronze luster less pronounced.

Material. Holotype, male, Kazakhstan, Tash Suat (now west environs of Turkestan, about 43°16'N, 68°10'E, 200 m), boundary between Chimkent and Perovsk (now Kzyl-Orda) districts, 24.05.1898, Geyer leg. - ZIN; 5 paratypes; 1 male, 3 females, Kazakhstan, Kara-Uzyak (about 45°0'N, 65°17'E, 120 m, 22 km NW Kzyl-Orda), Perovsk (now Kzyl-Orda) District, 11.6.1916 and 25.6.1916, N. Pulikovskaya leg. - ZIN; 1 female, Hungry Steppe (Golodnaya Step - along left bank of Syr Darya in Gulistan environs, about 40°30'N, 68°55'E 280 m), 10.6.1918, N. Troitzky leg. - ZIN.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis chulakkurgana ssp. n.

Figs 7-10

Description. Body on an average bigger; length in males: 15.5-16.4 mm, width: 4.0-4.1 mm, length in females: 17.0-19.6 mm, width: 4.0-5.2 mm; antennal tufts sparser, covering shorter parts of the joints, tuft of 5th joint indistinct; dense antennal cilia distributed along 2nd - 4th antennal joints only; elytral grey humeral stripes less visible, better pronounced apically; elytral bronze luster better developed.

Material. Holotype, male, Kazakhstan, Karatau Ridge, 22 km W Chulakkurgan, 43°42'N, 68°52'42"E, 800 m, 19.5.1991, M. Danilevsky leg. - author’s collection; 3 paratypes; 1 male, 2 females, Kazakhstan, Chimkent environs, Novonikolaevka (Dzhabagly), 70 km E Chimkent, 42°26'N, 70°28'E, 1100 m, 11.6.1991, O. Gorbunov leg. - author’s collection.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) dahli efimovi ssp. n.

Figs 11-18

Description. Body big; length in males: 14.9-16.5 mm, width: 3.7-4.0 mm, length in females: 15.0-19.6 mm, width: 3.9-5.2 mm; antennae in males reaching elytral apices by 7th or 8th joint; in females - by 9th-10th joint; 3rd antennal joint is the longest, 4th joint about equal to 1st and longer than 5th; red parts of 3rd - 12th joints with fine white pubescence; antennal setae tufts very different in different specimens: from very long and dense on 3rd - 4th joints (Fig. 16) to about total absence (Fig. 14) with several intermediate conditions; prothorax transverse, usually strongly widened at base, to about 1.4 times wider than long; pronotum with very wide and dense central longitudinal stripe, without yellow recumbent pubescence along both sides of the central stripe, shining, with very dense strong punctation; scutellum strongly transverse, with dense yellow pubescence; elytra in males about 2.8 times longer than basal width, in females - about 2.7 times; elytral pubescence usually very dense, totally hiding punctation, often very regular, without distinct setae patches (typical for all other subspecies of A. dahli), without grey humeral stripes; strong black oblique setae can be visible along whole elytral length though very short apically, or nearly indistinct; abdomen usually with very dense yellow recumbent pubescence; last abdominal segments truncated apically or slightly emarginated.

Differential diagnosis. The new taxon is characterized by uniformly, regular dense elytral pubescence in many specimens, while in other subspecies of A. dahli elytral pubescence more or less spotted, consisting of more or less contrast setae patches.

Another species known from West Siberia with red bases of antennal joints, spotted elytral pubescence and absence of setae tufts on 3rd antennal joints is A. altaica Plavilstshikov, 1933, but it is characterized by dense long erect setae distributed from elytral bases to apices.

Material. Holotype, male, Russia, Kemerovo Reg., Prokopyevsk Distr., Karakan Mt. Ridge., 6-7 km from Tykhta, 16.6.2015, D. Efimov leg. - author’s collection; 9 paratypes; Kemerovo Region of Russia - author’s collection; 1 male, Prokopyevsk Distr., 7 km NE Oktyabrsky Lug, 54°17'N, 86°55'E, 25.6.2014, D. Efimov leg.; 1 male, Belovo Distr., NW of Karakan Mt Ridge, 12.6.2006, D. Sidorov leg.; 1 male, Kemerovo Distr., Staraya Balakhonka, 55°31'44.1"N, 85°53'23.8"E, 9.7.2009, D. Efimov leg.; 1 male, Krapivinsk Distr., 8 km SSW Saltymakovo, 19-30.6.2010, A.V. Korshunov leg.; 1 male, Chebulinsk Distr., 9 km S Chumay, mouth of Kozhukh River, 55°39.5'N, 87°49.5'E, 25.6.2019, S. Luzyanin leg.; 1 male, 1 female, Chebulinsk Distr., Shestakovo, 55°52'59.8"N, 87°59'8.6"E, 15-18.6.2015, A.V. Korshunov leg.; 1 female, Chebulinsk Distr., Shestakovo, 15-16.7.2016, D. Sushchev leg.; 1 female, Krapivinsk Dist., 8 km SSW Saltymakovo, 54°45'46"N, 87°1'27"E, 20-28.5.2012, A.V. Korshunov, A.A. Gurina leg.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) cinarae selengensis ssp. n.

Figs 19-21

Agapanthia cynarae cynarae, Danilevsky, 2012: 113 - “Sibiria or. / Selenginsk”, “The erect pubescence of 3rd antennal joint is much longer and denser, than in European specimens, so existence of a new taxon cannot be excluded.”.

Agapanthia (Epoptes) cynarae, Shapovalov, 2012: 187 - the specimen is known in old materials of Zoological Museum of Moscow University from East Siberia (Selenginsk).

Description. A single female available; body length: 18.0 mm, width: 4.0 mm; antennae rather long, reaching elytral apices by 10th joint; 3rd joint black with very narrow reddish basal ring and here with white pubescence, covered with very dense and long black setae along whole length; 4th joint with about same black setae; 5th joint with much sparser setae, which are concentrated near joint apex; 4th-12th joints reddish to about middle and black apically; elytra with diffused yellowish pubescence aggregated in hardly pronounced setae patches; grey humeral stripe nearly indistinct; erect black setae distributed to about elytral middle.

Differential diagnosis. The new taxon is characterized by peculiar antennal structure with strongly pubescent 3rd and 4th antennal joints covered by very dense and long erect black setse; nominative subspecies usually with only 3rd antennal joint strongly pubescent by shorter and sparser oblique setae; setae of 5th joint in nominative subspecies are not concentrated apically.

Materials. Holotype, female with the label: “Sibiria or. / Selenginsk” (now Novoselenginsk) - ZMM.

Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Aleksey Gusakov (Zoological Museum of Moscow University), Svetlana Andreeva (Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, S.-Petersburg) and Dmitriy Efimov (Kemerovo State University) for supplying me with specimens for study.


Danilevsky M.L. 2012. Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana, 2010. Part. IV.- Humanity Space. International Almanac, Vol. 1, No. 1: 86-136.

Danilevsky M.L. 2017. Three new Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Russia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. - Humanity Space. International Almanac. 6 (1): 24-32.

Danilevsky M.L. 2020. taxa from West Europe, and North Africa to countries of former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. In: Danilevsky M.L. (ed.). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, vol. 6 (1), Chrysomeloidea I (Vesperidae, Disteniidae, Cerambycidae). Revised and updated edition. Leiden / Boston: Brill. i-xxii, 1-712.

Pic M. 1907. Description de plusieurs longicornes rentrant dans la faune paléarctique. Pp. 9-13. In: Matériaux pour servir à l’étude des longicornes. 6ème cahier, 2ème partie. Saint-Amand (Cher): Imprimerie Bussière. 28 pp.

Plavilstshikov N.N. 1933. Eine neue Agapanthia-Art aus Sibirien (Col., Cerambycidae). - Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt. 7 (3): 113-116.

Richter C.F.W. 1820. Supplementa faunae insectorum Europae. Teil 1. Vratislaviae: Richter. 3 + 12 pp. + 12 pls.

Shapovalov A.M. 2009. New species of the genus Agapanthia Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South-West Kazakhstan. - Eversmannia, Entomological research in the Russia and adjacent regions. 19-20: 16-20 + 1 plate.

Shapovalov A.M. 2012. Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Orenburg region. - Archives of Orenburg Branch of Russian Entomological Society, 3. Orenburg: Orenburg Branch of Russian Entomological Society: 224pp.

Figs 1-5. Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis perovskiensis ssp. n.

1 - holotype, male; 2 - holotype, 2nd- 5th antennal joints; 3 - Paratype, female, Kazakhstan, Kara-Uzyak (about 45°0'N, 65°17'E, 120 m, 22 km NW Kzyl-Orda), Perovsk (now Kzyl-Orda) District, 11.6.1916 and 25.6.1916, N. Pulikovskaya; 4 - same paratype, female, 2nd- 5th antennal joints;

5 - paratype, female, Golodnaya Step, 2nd-6th antennal joints.

Fig. 6. Agapanthia (Epoptes) parauliensis Danilevsky, 2017, paratype female, 2nd - 6th antennal joints.

Figs 7-10. Agapanthia (Epoptes) perovskiensis chulakkurgana ssp. n.

7 - holotype, male; 8 - holotype, 2nd- 5th antennal joints; 9 - paratype, female, Kazakhstan, Chimkent env., Novonikolaevka 11.6.1991, O. Gorbunov; 10 - paratype, female, 2nd- 5th antennal joints.

Figs 11-18. Agapanthia (Epoptes) dahli efimovi ssp. n.

11 - holotype, male; 12 - holotype, 2nd- 4th antennal joints; 13 - paratype, male, Belovsky Distr. NW Karakan Ridge 12.6.2006 D. Sidorov; 14 - same male, 2nd - 4th antennal joints; 15 - paratype, female, Chebulinsk, Shestakovo, 15-16.7.2016, D.Sushchev; 16 - same female, 2nd- 4th antennal joints;

17 - paratype, female, 8 km SSW Saltymakovo 20-28.5.2012 A.V. Korshunov et A.A. Gurina;

18 - paratype, female, 3rd- 4th antennal joints.

Figs 19-21. Agapanthia (Epoptes) cynarae selengensis ssp. n.

19 - holotype, female; 20 - holotype, 2nd- 6th antennal joints; 21 - label of the holotype

Received: 22.02.2021

Accepted: 02.03.2021

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