Научная статья на тему 'New Results of a Study of Twenty Suspected Variable Stars'

New Results of a Study of Twenty Suspected Variable Stars Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Peremennye Zvezdy
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variable stars / переменные звезды

Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Kazarovets E.V.

The work on the second supplement to the New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars has been started. Among the first 250 stars confirmed as variable, twenty stars were studied using available data archives and selected for future Name-lists of variable stars. For these variables, I present variability types, light elements, variation ranges, finding charts, lists of observations used.

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Новые результаты исследования 20 звезд, заподозренных в переменности

Начата работа над вторым дополнением к Новому каталогу переменных звезд. Из числа первых 250 звезд, у которых были подтверждены изменения блеска, 20 звезд изучены по имеющимся архивам данных и отобраны для будущих Списков обозначений переменных звезд. Для этих переменных приведены типы переменности, элементы изменения блеска, поисковые карты, таблицы использованных наблюдений.

Текст научной работы на тему «New Results of a Study of Twenty Suspected Variable Stars»

"Peremennye Zvezdy", Prilozhenie,

vol. 23, N 5 (2023)

New Results of a Study of Twenty Suspected Variable Stars

E. V. Kazarovets

Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ISSN 2221-0474 DOI: 10.24412/2221-0474-2023-5-1

Received: 8.12.2023; accepted: 28.12.2023

(E-mail for contact: helene@inasan.ru1

# Name|| Other Coord rJ2000^ Type Max Min Svstem Period Epoch iim type Sp. Comment L.Curve Find.Chart Data

1 JGSC 3253-00615, LD 330 00 36 22.72+48 2149.1 SR 12.93 13.39 zg 430. 2458540. max Comm. 1 Mjpg chl.png varl.txt

2 JGSC 2797-01241 00 44 45.40 +38 41 13.7 ELL 13.10 13.22 Zg 0.285107 2459341.973 min Comm. 2 Mjpg ch2.png var2.txt

3 JGSC 3266-01510, LD 334, IRAS 00436+4725 00 46 24.80 +47 41 33.0 M 15.14 <17.61 Zg 353. 2458787. max C-N Comm. 3 Mjpg ch3.png var3.txt

4 JUSNO-Bl.O 1167-0010239, CRTS J004807.2+264621 00 48 07.19+26 46 21.3 UGSS 18.01 22.05 Zg other Comm. 4 Mjpg ch4.png var4.txt

5 JGSC 3663-00977, PIQ 42, Cze V4011 00 52 48.96 +56 39 08.5 EA 10.69 10.92 V 2.17442 2457756.808 min Comm. 5 Mjpg ch5.png var5.txt

6 JUSNO-A2.0 0825-00248906, CRTS J010411.6-031342 01 04 11.61 -03 13 42.2 UGSS 15.84 21.26 zg other Comm. 6 Mjpg ch6.png var6.txt

7 JGSC 3678-01834 01 3127.98 +57 20 34.7 SR 14.07 15.47 zg 842. 2459063. max Comm. 7 Mjpg ch7.png var7.txt

8 JUSNO-A2.0 1200-00858449, RAT J0202+3409 02 02 22.31+34 09 08.3 EW 16.95 17.22 zr 0.3363375 2459223.725 min Comm. 8 Mjpg ch8.png var8.txt

9 JUSNO-A2.0 1200-00900127, RAT J0208+3610 02 08 04.01 +36 10 17.4 EA 19.01 19.56 zr 1.65548 2459110.947 min Comm. 9 Mjpg ch9.png var9.txt

10 JUSNO-A2.0 1200-00904686, RAT J0208+3605 02 08 40.43 +36 05 30.5 EW 18.75 19.00 zr 0.274359 2459736.971 min Comm. 10 Icl0.jpg chlO.png varl0.txt

11 JGSC 4037-02277, Tmz V876, IRAS 02110+6212 02 14 48.43 +62 26 22.4 EA 13.64 13.71 g 1.59643 2459505.824 min A2Ve Comm. 11 lcll.jpg chl 1 .png varll.txt

12 JGSC 3307-01656 N, Tmz V861, IRAS 02283+5209 02 3146.93 +52 23 01.2 SR 16.1: 19.24 Zg 427. 2459189. max C Comm. 12 l<?12,jpg ch!2.png varl2.txt

13 JUSNO-A2.0 0900-00778332, FBS 0319+003, IRAS 03199+0021 03 22 31.59 +00 3147.9 M 11.46 18.62 Zg 417. 2458484. max M5/6 Comm. 13 lcl3.jpg chl 3.png varl3.txt

14 JUSNO-A2.0 0975-01021894, Konkoly V04 04 31 16.85+13 06 42.1 EA 18.15 18.37 Zg 7.10322 2458730.932 min Comm. 14 lcl4.jpg chl4.png varl4.txt

15 JGSC 4752-01101 05 15 59.31 -00 10 19.3 EA 12.66 12.99 g 2.43844 2458544.695 min Comm. 15 lcl5.jpg chl 5.png varl5.txt

16 JGSC 0708-00095, Konkoly V14 05 26 30.89 +12 57 26.4 EW 12.87 12.96 zr 0.329614 2459195.856 min G4 Comm. 16 l<?16,jpg chl 6.png varl6.txt

17 JGSC 4778-00001 05 32 29.18-07 16 26.1 EA 12.55 13.09 g 3.99445 2459635.711 min Comm. 17 lcl7.jpg chl7.png varl7.txt

18 JHDE 292574, BD-00 1466 W, PPM 176489, GSC 4800-00923 06 52 01.89 -00 27 21.6 EA 10.72 10.91 V 1.17636 2457770.977 min A2 Comm. 18 lcl8.jpg chl8.png varl8.txt

19 JUSNO-A2.0 0900-04338959, Cze V87 07 08 43.62 +00 41 43.9 EA 14.06 14.85 V 2.48991 2458005.109 min Comm. 19 lcl9.jpg chl9.png varl9.txt

20 JUSNO-A2.0 1125-05143888, RAT J0727+2323 07 27 55.52 +23 23 24.4 EA 18.80 19.02 zr 0.891983 2459822.998 min Comm. 20 lc20.jpg ch20.png var20.txt


1. PI is given in the table, P2 = 53.8 d. Variability was discovered by Dahlmark (1999) with type SR and P = 440: d. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with a type L without

2. Minll = 13m.19 zg; zr = 12.58 - 12.69, Minll = 12m.67. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with the type DSCT and P = 0.142552 d.

3. Variability was discovered by Dahlmark (1999) with a type LB. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with the type M andP = 334.3 d. From the ASAS-SN g-band photometry, I derived P = 350 d, JDMax = 2458088, g = 13m.62 - <17m.30.

4. zr = 18m.21 - 22m.01. Outbursts with possible cycles ~ 23 d and ~ 70 d. The transient was discovered by Drake et al. (2009) using Catalina Real Time Transient Survey (CRTS) photometry, CV = 18m.6 - 21m.0.

5. Minll = 10m.80 V, D = 0.10 P, Minll - Mini = 0.435 P. Variability of this star was suspected by S. Piquard in 2001 (Vandenbroere 2002) using Tycho photometry and was recovered by M. Mazek in 2021 with the type EA and P = 2.173913 d (see the entry at the Czech Variable Star Catalogue-).

6. zr = 16m.09 - 21m.17. Outbursts with a possible cycle ~ 48 d. The transient was discovered by Drake et al. (2009) using Catalina Real Time Transient Survey (CRTS) photometry, CV = 17m.2 - 21m.O.

7. PI is given in the table, P2 = 105.8 d. Variability of this star with the type IB was discovered by Nicholson et al. (2006) using the NSVS (Northern Sky Variability Survey) photometric data (Wozniak et al., 2004). The star was included in the ZTF Catalog of Variable Stars (Chen et al., 2020) with the type SR and P = 389.5 d.

8. Min II = 17m.22 zr; zg = 17m.38 - 17m.71, Minll = 17m.70; zi = 16m.82 - 17m.09, Minll = 17m.07. The star was discovered by Ramsay et al. (2005) as sinusoidal variable with P = 3.5: h (= 0.146 d).

9. Min II = 19m.54 zr, D = 0.10 P; zg = 19m.41 - 19m.95, Minll = 19m.90. The variability was suspected by Ramsay et al. (2005).

10. Min II = 18m.99 zr; zg = 19m.29 - 19m.51, Minll = 19m.49. The star was discovered by Ramsay et al. (2005) as sinusoidal variable with P = 4: h (= 0.167 d).

11. Minll = 13m.67 g, D = 0.16 P. Reflection effect between the eclipses. IR excess. The star was discovered by K.Takamizawa (Kato, 2001) as semiregular variable with a range of 12m.5 - 13m.l pg.

12. VB, N-component of 6" pair. The star was discovered by K.Takamizawa (Kato, 2001) as semiregular variable with a range of llm.O - llm.8 pg and was recovered by I. Sergey, S. Dubrovski (Astrobloknot Team) and S. Otero in 2016 isee the VSX record on the star) using the NSVS photometric data (Wozniak et al., 2004) as possible Mira type variable without period and range of 12m.8 - <14m.8 Rl. The star was included in the ZTF Catalog of Variable Stars (Chen et al., 2020) with the type SR and P = 398.7 d. The magnitude at maximum was extrapolated.

13. The obviously variable M-star was discovered by Gigoyan et al. (2001). The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with the type M and P = 228.75 d.

14. Min II = 18m.35 zg, D = 0.04 P, Minll - Mini = 0.403 P. The variability of this star was discovered by Csak et al. (2000a) without type and period.

15. Min II = 12m.97 g, D = 0.04 P. The variability of this star was suspected by Doroshenko et al. (2005). Marked in the paper as star No. 9 in the vicinity of the galaxy Akn 120. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with the type EA and P = 1.2192376 d.

16. Min II = 12m.95 zr. The variability type ELL is not excluded. The variability of this star was discovered by Csak et al. (2000b) with a possible type EW. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with the type DSCT and P = 0.1648052 d.

17. Min II = 13m.00 g, D = 0.04 P. The variability of this star was discovered by Tzouganatos et al. (2016) as an eclipsing binary without ephemeris.

18. Min II = 10m.78 V, D = 0.04 P. The variability of this star was discovered by Kim et al. (1997) as an eclipsing binary without ephemeris and indepentently by Hackstein et al. (2015) with a type VAR. The star was included in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2018) with a type VAR.

19. Min II = 14m.77 V, D = 0.05 P. A twice shorter period is not quite excluded. The variability of this star was discovered by Zejda et al. (2006) with the type EW and P = 0.4019464 d.

20. Min II = 18m.96 zr, D = 0.14 P. The variability was suspected by Ramsay et al. (2005). Remarks:

I began studying behavior of stars from my archive of suspected variable stars, accumulated in 30 years, in order to create the Second Supplement to the NSV catalogue (Kazarovets et al., 2022). For each of the archival stars, I determine improved coordinates, identifications with different catalogues, variability types and light elements. Then I choose stars confirmed as variable by me in order to transfer them to the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus et al., 2017) via the next Name-Lists. In the current paper, I present 20 stars from initially confirmed 250 stars that proved to be variable. The study of the variables was made using the publicly available electronic archives of CCD observations of the Sky Patrol All-Skv Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) project (Shappee et al., 2014; Kochanek et al., 2017) and the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) photometric data (Bellm et al., 2019; Masci et al., 2019) via the SNAP ZTF viewer (Malanchev et al., 2023). To find periods, I applied the WinEfk software provided by Dr. V. P. Goranskij and the online lightcurve analysis tool developed by Dr. K. V. Sokolovsky.


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