Научная статья на тему 'New or interesting Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Oriental Region'

New or interesting Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Oriental Region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
taxonomy / new species / new records / Coleoptera / Dermestidae / Oriental Region.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Háva J.

Five new species are described, illustrated and compared with known species: Thaumaglossa soror sp. nov. from Malaysia, Thaumaglossa lineata sp. nov. from Laos, Adelaidella laotica sp. nov. from Laos, Anthrenus (Nathrenus) sabahense sp. nov. (Malaysia) and Orphinus (Orphinus) siberutensis sp. nov. (Indonesia: Siberut I.). New records are provided for the following species: Thaumaglossa barclayi Kadej & Háva, 2015 (Malaysia, Indonesia), Thaumaglossa haucki Háva, 2015 (Indonesia), Thaumaglossa paratonkinea Háva, 2008 (Indonesia), Adelaidella thailandica (Kadej & Háva, 2016) (China: Yunnan Province), Attagenus indicus Kalík, 1954 (India: Assam) and Dermestes (Dermestinus) laniarius laniarius Illiger, 1802 (Thailand).

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Текст научной работы на тему «New or interesting Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Oriental Region»


DOI: 10.24412/2226-0773-2021-10-8-1149-1159

New or interesting Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Oriental Region

J. Háva

Forestry and Game Management Research Institute

Strnady 136, CZ-156 00 Praha 5 - Zbraslav, Czech Republic

e-mail: jh.dermestidae@volny.cz

Key words: taxonomy, new species, new records, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Oriental Region.

Abstract: Five new species are described, illustrated and compared with known species: Thaumaglossa soror sp. nov. from Malaysia, Thaumaglossa lineata sp. nov. from Laos, Adelaidella laotica sp. nov. from Laos, Anthrenus (Nathrenus) sabahense sp. nov. (Malaysia) and Orphinus (Orphinus) siberutensis sp. nov. (Indonesia: Siberut I.). New records are provided for the following species: Thaumaglossa barclayi Kadej & Háva, 2015 (Malaysia, Indonesia), Thaumaglossa haucki Háva, 2015 (Indonesia), Thaumaglossa paratonkinea Háva, 2008 (Indonesia), Adelaidella thailandica (Kadej & Háva, 2016) (China: Yunnan Province), Attagenus indicus Kalík, 1954 (India: Assam) and Dermestes (Dermestinus) laniarius laniarius Illiger, 1802 (Thailand).


The beetle family Dermestidae (Coleoptera) currently includes about 1750 species and subspecies worldwide (Háva, 2015a, 2021). During the determination of Dermestidae from author´s collection, I found five new species from Laos, Malaysia and Indonesia which are described below; additionally, six species are newly recorded from Malaysia, Indonesia, China and India.

Material and methods

The species are listed in the alphabetical order, the nomenclature and zoogeography follow the catalogue of Háva (2015a).

The following abbreviations of measurements were used (in mm):

Total length (TL) - linear distance from anterior margin of pronotum to apex of elytra.

Elytral width (EW) - maximum linear transverse distance.

Mentioned material deposited in the following collections:

JHAC - Jiří Háva, Private Entomological Laboratory & Collection, Únětice u Prahy, Prague-West, Czech Republic;

NMPC - National Museum, Praha, Czech Republic;

NMWC - Natural Sciences National Museum Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Specimens of the presently described species are provided with red, printed labels with the text as follows: “HOLOTYPE [or PARATYPE, respectively] species name sp. nov. Jiří Háva det. 2021.”


Thaumaglossa soror sp. nov.

Figs. 1-4

Thaumaglossa sp.: Háva, 2015b: 16.

Description. Female: Body measurements (TL 3.4, EW 2.4), strongly convex, ovate, widest at humeri, pronotum dark brown, elytra black, antennae brown, legs brown; body covered with white and yellow setation. Head black covered with yellow setation, finely punctate. Antennae with 11 antennomeres, densely covered with yellow, erect setation (Fig. 4). Antenna occupies the entire cavity of antennal fossa. Frons with median ocellus. Pronotum dark brown, densely punctate, covered with short, yellow and white setation; yellow setation forming large area discally. Elytra black, coarsely punctate on humeri and on basal half, other parts densely punctate, covered with short, white setation. The white setation leaving small, circular spots. Epipleuron black with white setation. Scutellum triangular, shiny, visible, without setation. Prosternum intensely punctate on disc, without impunctate median line, covered with white setation. Mesosternal disc with large punctures, covered with white setation. Visible abdominal ventrites brown with white setation. Pygidium brown, with yellow setation.

Male. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species belongs to the T. rufocapillata species group, and is very similar to Thaumaglossa haucki Háva, 2015 but new species differs from it by the bicolorous setation on the pronotum (haucki- pronotum covered by only grey setation) and structure of terminal antennomere.

Type material. Holotype (♀): „Malaysia W, Perak 25 km NE of Ipoh, 2100 m, Banjaran Titi Wanga Mts., Korbu Mt., 4-13.iii.1998, P. Pacholátko lgt., (JHAC). Paratype: (1 ♀): “Malaysia W, Kelantan, Kg. Tunku, 1200 m, 150 km S of Jeli, 21ii.-14.iii.2013, P. Čechovský lgt.”, (JHAC).

Etymology. From Latin soror (meaning “sister”).

Thaumaglossa lineata sp. nov.

Figs. 5-7

Description. Male: Body measurements (TL 3.4, EW 2.6), strongly convex, ovate, widest at humeri, black on dorsal surface; antennae brown, legs brown; body covered with black setation. Head black covered by black setation, finely punctate. Antennae with 11 antennomeres, densely covered with erect, black setation (Fig. 7). Antenna occupies the entire cavity of antennal fossa. Frons with median ocellus. Pronotum black, densely punctate, covered by short, black setation. Elytra black, coarsely punctate on humeri and on basal half, other parts densely punctate, covered with black, short setation, the black setation forming longitudinal striation (visible only when viewed from the side, Fig. 6); each elytron with short longitudinal flat depressions on anterior half (Fig. 5). Epipleuron black with black setation, finely punctate. Scutellum triangular, shiny, visible, without setation. Prosternum intensely punctate on disc, without impunctate median line, coverd by very short yellow setation. Mesosternal disc with large punctures, coverd by very short yellow setation. Visible abdominal ventrites black with black setation. Pygidium black, with black setation. Legs brown with yellow setation.

Male. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species belongs to the T. hilleri species group, subgroup A, and is similar to species with black pygidium covered by black setae, abdomen black, but it differs from known species by the structure of antennae and elytral, longitudinal striations from black setation.

Type material. Holotype (♀): Laos, Louangnamtha pr., 21°09´N 101°19´E, Namtha Muang Sing, 5-31.v.1997, 800-1200 m, V. K. lgt., (JHAC).

Etymology. Named lineata according to elytral, longitudinal striation.

Thaumaglossa barclayi Kadej & Háva, 2015

Material examined. Malaysia W, Kelantan, 70 km NW of Gua Musang, Mt. Chamah, 1900 m, Kampong Perias, 17.iv.-9.v.2014, P. Čechovský lgt., 1 ♀, J. Háva det., (JHAC); Malaysia W, Kelantan, 30 km NW of Gua Musang, Ulu Lalat Mt., 800-1000 m, Kampong Sungai Om, 27.v.-19.vi.2011, P. Čechovský lgt., 1 ♀, J. Háva det., (JHAC); Indonesia, S Kalimantan, Kandangan distr., 17 km NE Loksado, 23.9.-30.10.1997, St. Jákl lgt., 1 ♀, J. Háva det., (JHAC).

Distribution. Species known from Laos, new for Malaysia and Indonesia: Kalimantan.

Thaumaglossa haucki Háva, 2015

Material examined: “Nederlands Indie, W. Java, 2500´, Tjiajoenan, ix.1941, J.M.A. van Groenendael”, 1 ♀, J. Háva det., (JHAC).

Distribution. Species known from Malaysia, new for Indonesia: Java.

Thaumaglossa paratonkinea Háva, 2008

Material examined: Borneo, Sabah, mainline West, 56 km West of Silam, 25.ix.-14.x.1987, 100 m, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs / Seven year old selectively logged forest, malaise trap sample no.20 / NMW Sabah (Borneo) expedition NMW.Z.1987.094, J. Háva det., (NMWC).

Distribution. Species known from Borneo and Sumatra, new locality data from Borneo.

Adelaidella laotica sp. nov.

Figs. 8-10

Description. Male. Body measurements: TL 2.5 mm, EW 1.5 mm; elongate and oval (Fig. 8), slightly convex; dorsally and ventrally brown, slightly shining; dorsum covered with short and erect, yellow and white setation; thoracic underside with comparatively long and recumbent, white setation; visible abdominal ventrites with recumbent, white setation, sparser than that on thoracic surface. Head finely punctured, with intermixed white and yellow setation. Palpi brown. Frontal median ocellus present. Antennae brown, with short, yellow setation, consisting of 11 antennomeres, antennal club with 3 antennomeres (Fig. 9). Pronotum dark brown, finely punctate on the disc, coarsely punctate on lateral margins, covered by intermixed white and yellow setation. Hypomeron matte with very small punctures. Scutellum very small and triangular, matte, with rounded apex, without setation. Elytra light brown, coarsely punctate on humeri and with one humeral bump, other parts finely punctate, covered by intermixed white and yellow setation (Fig. 8). Epipleuron brown, short and broad, with short white setae. Prosternum without “collar”, mouthparts free. Prosternal process short and narrow, with white setation. Meta- and mesosternum finely punctate discally, laterally coarsely punctate, with recumbent, white setation. Abdomen dark brown, with five visible abdominal ventrites, covered by recumbent, white setation. Legs brown, covered with comparatively short and thick, yellow setation and without spines. Male genitalia as in Fig. 10.

Female. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species differs from other known species by long intermixed yellow and white setation on dorsal surfaces, structure of antennae and male genitalia.

Type material. Holotype (♂): LAOS centr., Khammouan prov., 4-16.xi., 25-30.xi.2000, Ban Khoun Ngeun env., 18°07´N 104°29´E, alt. 250 m, E. Jendek & P. Pacholátko leg., (JHAC).

Etymology. Named after the country where the species has been first collected and recorded.

Adelaidella thailandica (Kadej & Háva, 2016)

Material examined. China: S-Yunnan (Xishuangbanna), 45 km SW Jinghong, vic. Bangzhang vill. / N 21°4437´, E 100°2702´, 1600-1700 m, 03-05.v.2009, 1 ♀, (JHAC).

Distribution. Species known from Thailand (Zhou et al. 2020, Háva 2021), new for China: Yunnan Province.

Attagenus indicus Kalík, 1954

Material examined. “NE India, Assam, Umrongso env., 700 m, 25°27´N 92°43´E, 3-8.vi.2002, M. Trýzna & P. Benda lgt.”, 1 ♀, J. Háva det., (JHAC).

Distribution. Species known from Afghanistan, India: Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Nepal (Háva 2015, 2021), new for India: Assam.

Dermestes (Dermestinus) laniarius laniarius Illiger, 1802

Material examined. Thailand, Phuket, Ban Karon, Kata Beach, on road near hotel, 15-17.xi.2016, J. Větrovec lgt., 1 ♂, J. Háva det., (JHAC).

Distribution. Palaearctic species, new for Thailand as introduced species.

Anthrenus (Nathrenus) sabahense sp. nov.

Figs. 11-14

Description. Male. Body measurements TL 2.9, EW 2.2; body black, small, oval. Dorsal surface covered by brown and grey scales, ventral surface covered by grey scales. Individual scales very narrow, long, subtriangular.

Head covered by grey scales. Antennae with 11 antennomeres, antennomeres I-VIII brown, IX-XI black, antennal club with 3 antennomeres, compact (Fig. 12). Antenna occupies the entire cavity of antennal fossa. Frons with median ocellus. Eyes with median margin entire. Palpi brownish-black. Pronotum covered by grey scales only. Scutellum small, triangular without scales. Elytra with brown and grey scales; grey scales forming spots on each elytron, other parts covered by brown scales. Epipleuron with brown scales.

Ventral surface covered with grey scales. Prosternum only with grey scales. Metasternum only with grey scales, without a small patch at lateral margins from other scales. Abdominal ventrites black, covered by grey scales, I-V without spots in the middle and without large black spots at antero-lateral margins (Fig. 13). Legs dark brown with white scales and white setae. Male aedeagus (Fig. 14).

Female. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is very similar to A. (N.) kalimantanus Háva, 2004: 158, but differs from it by the structure of the antennae, male genitalia and setiform, elytral scales.

Type material. Holotype (♂): “Malaysia, Sabah, 50 km E Kota Kinabalu, Crocker Mts., Gg. Emas, 16-27.4.1993, Strba & Jenis [leg.]”, (JHAC).

Etymology. Toponymy, named after where the holotype was collected (Sabah).

Orphinus (Orphinus) siberutensis sp. nov.

Figs. 15-18

Description. Male. Body oval, TL 1.7, EW 1.2. Head and pronotum black, shiny, elytra brown to black with light brown apical part (Figs. 15-16), dark brown to black on venter. Head finely punctate with long, erect, yellow setation. Palpi brown; setation on mentum denser. Eyes small, with yellow microsetae. Ocellus on front present. Antennae brown with yellow setae, with 11 antennomeres, antennal club with 2 antennomeres, terminal antennal segment circular (Fig. 17). Pronotum black, disc finely punctate, very densely foveolate posteriorly, with long, erect, yellow setae. Scutellum black, triangular, without setation. Elytra finely punctate; humeri with one small bump; elytral surface with long, erect yellow setation; dark brown to black with light brown apical part. Epipleuron black, anteriorly broad, finely punctate, with short, yellow setation. Legs dark brown with yellow setation. Mesosternum coarsely punctate laterally, otherwise finely punctate, covered by long, recumbent, yellow setation. Abdominal visible ventrites dark brown to black, with long, recumbent, yellow setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 18).

Female. Externally similar to male.

Variability. Body TL 1.7-2.5, EW 1.2-1.6.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is very similar to Orphinus (O.) tonkineus Pic, 1922 and O. (O.) baliensis Háva, 2016 but differs from them by the structure of the antennae and male genitalia.

Type material. Holotype (♂): Indonesia, West Sumatra, Mentawai Isls., Siberut I., Bojakan, 150 m, v.2004, S. Jákl lgt., (NMPC). Paratypes (34 spec.): same data as holotype, (JHAC).

Etymology. Toponymy, named after the type locality (Siberut Island).

Acknowledgements. I am obliged to Larry G. Bezark (Sacramento, USA) for the revision of the English manuscript. The paper was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, institutional support MZE-RO0118.


Háva J. 2004. Two new species of the genus Anthrenus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) from South-eastern Asia. - Journal of the National Museum, Natural History Series. 173: 157-159.

Háva J. 2015a. World Catalogue of Insects. Volume 13. Dermestidae (Coleoptera). Leiden/Boston: Brill, xxvi + 419 pp.

Háva J. 2015b. A contribution to knowledge of the genus Thaumaglossa species from Malaysia with description of two new species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae). - Folia Heyrovskyana, Series A. 23(1): 14-17.

Háva J. 2021. Dermestidae World (Coleoptera). - World Wide Web electronic publication (open in 2004): http://www.dermestidae.wz.cz (version 2018, update January 2021).

Zhou YU-L., Ślipiński A. & Liu Z. 2020. Systematic Placement and Identity of Adelaidia Blackburn (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) with Description of One New Species from Queensland and a New Genus. - Annales Zoologici. 70 (4): 737-746.

Figs 1-4. Thaumaglossa soror sp. nov.: 1a - habitus, dorsal (holotype),

2 - habitus, dorsal (paratype), 3 - habitus, dorso-lateral, 4 - antenna.

Figs. 5-7. Thaumaglossa lineata sp. nov.: 5 - habitus, dorsal, 6 - right elytron; 7 - antenna.

Figs 8-10. Adelaidella laotica sp. nov.: 8 - habitus, dorsal, 9 - antennae;

10 - male genitalia.

Figs. 11-14. Anthrenus (Nathrenus) sabahense sp. nov.: 11 - habitus, dorsal, 12 - antenna; 13 - abdomen, 14 - male genitalia.

Figs 15-18. Orphinus (Orphinus) siberutensis sp. nov.: 15 - habitus, dorsal, 16 - habitus, dorso-lateral, 17 - antenna; 18 - male genitalia.

Received: 22.10.2021

Accepted: 03.11.2021

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