Научная статья на тему 'New horizons in cultural economics: Southeastern Anatolia region in Upper Mesopotamia as a case study'

New horizons in cultural economics: Southeastern Anatolia region in Upper Mesopotamia as a case study Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
экономика культуры / наследие / Юго-Восточная Анатолия / завершены-текущие и планируемые проекты / Cultural Economics / Heritage / Southeastern Anatolia Region / Completed-Ongoing and Planned Projects

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Bulent Acma

Анатолия всегда была колыбелью цивилизации, поэтому сейчас имеет свое историческое, географическое и экономическое значение. В последние годы с запуском проекта Юго-Восточной Анатолии (GAP), целью которого является социально-экономическое развитие данного региона, все более популярными стали вопросы культуры и культурного наследия. При наличии богатой культурной структуры, считается, что и геополитические, геостратегические структуры региона будут играть важную роль в культурной экономике региона. Именно поэтому важно сформировать культурную экономику и использовать ее для развития региона, который содержит такие ценные руины как Зевгма и Хасанкейф. В результате данного исследования планируется создать инфраструктуру культурной экономики в регионе, который имеет богатые исторические и культурные ценности, и представить ее для использования на международном уровне. В первой части данного исследования кратко освещены исторические особенности, а также современные социальные, экономические и культурные аспекты региона. Во второй части работы обобщены результаты исследования по вопросам создания выгод для региона с существующей культурного и исторического наследия. На последнем этапе предложено политику и стратегии привлечения исторического богатства для обеспечения экономического развития региона. Кроме того, эта политика и стратегии предусматривают способы использования этого богатства и международным обществом.

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When rich cultural structure, geo-politic, geo-strategic structures of the region are considered will have an important role in the cultural economy of the region. For this reason, it is important to assemble the cultural economy effectively and to use it for the development of the region which has important historical ruins such as Zeugma and Hasankeyf.

Текст научной работы на тему «New horizons in cultural economics: Southeastern Anatolia region in Upper Mesopotamia as a case study»

6. Flood, R.P., Garber, P. M., 1984. Collapsing exchange rate regimes. Some Linear examples. Journal of International Economics,17, pp.1-13.

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15. Eichengreen, B., Rose, A. and Wyplosz, C., 1995. Exchange Market Mayhem: The Antecedents and Aftermaths of Speculative Attacks.Econ. Policy., 21, pp. 249-312.

16. Sachs, J.D., Tornell, A., Velasco, A., 1996. Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: The Lessons from 1995. Brooking Papers on Economic Activity.,1, pp. 47-215.

17. Fratzscher, M.,Straub, R., 2010. Asset prices, news shocks and the current account. CEPR [Discussion Paper] № 8080, pp. 34-40.

18. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Access Mode: www.ukrstat.gov.ua/.

19. Statistics: data National Bank of Ukraine. Access mode: http://www.bank.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=65162&cat_id=36674

20. Database International financial statistics, International monetary Fund. Access mode: http://data.imf.org/

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2016; 12(189): 13-18 УДК 336 Д

JEL Classification: Z-100

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/189-12/2

A. Bulent, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Anadolu University, Department of Economics Unit of Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), Eskisehir,Turkey


When rich cultural structure, geo-politic, geo-strategic structures of the region are considered will have an important role in the cultural economy of the region. For this reason, it is important to assemble the cultural economy effectively and to use it for the development of the region which has important historical ruins such as Zeugma and Hasankeyf.

Keywords: Cultural Economics; Heritage; Southeastern Anatolia Region, Completed-Ongoing and Planned Projects.

Problem statement. Anatolia that has always been a cradle of civilization is still keeping its historical, geographical and economical importance. In recent years, with the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) which is aiming social and economical development of the Southeastern Anatolia Region, culture and cultural heritage has become popular.

In the first stage of this study, the historical background is presented briefly. Furthermore, the social, economical and cultural aspects of the region today are introduced.

In the second stage, studies for making the region benefit from existing cultural and historical heritages are summarized.

In the last stage, policies and strategies for adopting the historical and richness to economic development of the region are proposed. And, also these policies and strategies convey the ways of making the international society use of these richness.

Object of an article. The main object of this study is to constitute the infrastructure of cultural economy in the region which has rich historical and cultural treasures and to present it for the use of international level.

Main research subject treatment.

A.THE HISTORCIAL BACKGROUND. The Southeastern Anatolian Region, with its very rich history and cultural heritage, as shown in its magnificent historical sites, is well worth visiting. Its history begins around 7000 B.C. came the Hurris, who were to be followed by the Hittites sometime around 1200 B.C.

In the sacred land which encircles the Firat (Euphrates) and the Dicle (Tigris) rivers, the Grandfather of Religion, Ibrahim (Abraham) the Prophet lived. Ibrahim was born in Ur, now called Sanli Urfa, and later moved south from the city of Ur to Harran, through the south. In Harran, which was an important Mesopotamian historic and cultural center, the

ruins of one of the largest and Islamic universities can be seen among the archaeological remains.

When you travel from the south to the north over the Mesopotamian plains, the first high mountain to be seen is the picturesque Mount Nemrut, with the Mausoleum of the Commagene King Antiochos at its 2150-meter peak. The most important areas of the region are Diyarbakir, whose city walls are a superb example of medieval military architecture; Mardin, with its unique architecture; and Gazi Antep, a large trade and industrial center which contains the remains of late Hittite cities.

The Ataturk Dam lake is planned to be the region's holiday and water-sports center. There are many beaches along the shore of the lake, and a holiday under the Mesopotamian sun will be a memorable experience.

Covering the provinces of Adiyaman, Batman, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa and Sirnak, the GAP Region has an area extending over 75,358 square kilometres which corresponds to 9,7% of the total area of the country.

According to Census results (2015) the population of the region is 8, 250, 718 which corresponds to 9,5% of the total population of the country (78, 700, 00). Urban-rural distribution of population is, respectively, 63% and 37%.

In the period 2000-2010, the rate of population growth was 2,5% for the region whereas the country average was 1.5%.

When we look at the issue in terms of urban and rural rates of population growth, the rate of urban population growth in the region is 4,6%. This is quite high compared to the overall urban population growth rate which 2,9%. Growth rate of rural population, on the other hand, is falling down both in the region and in the country. The corresponding values are -0.5% and - 7%, respectively, for the region and the country, showing that the slowing down

© Bulent A., 2016

in the rate of growth of rural population is faster in the country than it is in the region.

In the region, the share of urban population was 56% in 1990, later to rise to 70% in 2000. The share of rural population dropped from 44% to 30% in the same period.

This high rate of urban population growth in the GAP region put a further stress on already insufficient urban infrastructure services at the first hand. Furthermore, unless relevant measures are taken, the problems of employment will further aggravate.

The Southeastern Anatolian Project is Turkey's largest and most multifaceted development project, and also, one of the largest development projects in the world. The project includes active farming with extensive irrigation systems and electricity production, alongside of which are the tourism, mining, petrol, education, health, communication, industry and transport sectors.

The Southeastern Anatolia Project covers the lower parts of the Firat and Dicle rivers; and Gazi Antep, Sanli Urfa, Adiyaman, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Siirt, Batman and Sirnak, which are situated on the plains between the rivers. This project will also bring with it a change in climate in the area.

B. EXISTING HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGES. To travel along Turkey's southern border, take the highway which connects Gaziantep, Sanli Urfa and Mardin to Syria and Iraq.

Gaziantep, located on a wide and fertile plain cultivated with extensive olive groves and vineyards, produces a variety of agricultural crops. It is especially known throughout Turkey for its excellent pistachios. Industry also contributes to the local economy. The 36 towers of the city's fortress were originally constructed in the Justinian era and were later rebuilt by the Seljuks. The Archaeological Museum has important items from Neolithic, Hittite, and Roman times. The Hasan Suzer House, from the turn of the century, has been beautifully restored and houses the Etnographical Museum.

The ruins of Belkis (Zeugma) are on the borders of Nizip. it has a mound which has been turnedinto a citadel. The mosaics from the Roman period are well worth seeing.

Selevkos Nikator, one of the army generals of Alexander the Great had coined the city he founded "Selevkia Euphrates" by joining his name with that of the river. He also constructed a bridge over the Euphrates to connect Zeugma to Apemia, the settlement on the other bank of the river he had built on the name of his wife.

Zeugma was in fact a bridge, a bridge to culture and arts with its spectacular mosaics made with colorful stones of the Euphrates, frescoes, statues and architecture.

Dionysus, Euphrates, Oceanus, Psyche and Poseidon had left the depths of mythology to embellish finely the floors and walls of rich Roman villas. Still hiding the footsteps of Helens, Romans and the Byzantines who settled here for the fertility of the Euphrates, Zeugma was also a bridge for trade, communication and correspondence as an important post on the Silk Road starting from Antioch and ending in China. Today, archaeologists are striving to save as much as possible from the Euphrates and transfer one of the magnificent cities of Mesopotamia to the 21st century. And in that sense Zeugma is still maintaining its status as a bridge.

To develop a strategy for the Zeugma urgent excavation and rescue work launched under the coordination of the GAP Administration, examinations and observations were conducted at the site in May 2000 with the participation of staff from the GAP Administration, Turkish and foreign scientists, experts from Gaziantep Museum, Director of Cultural Affairs in Gaziantep and representatives of Birecik A.S. The antic city was divided

into three zones as A, B and C as a result of these examinations and observations.

Zone A: This area is under water since June 2000. The Ministry of Culture had conducted archeological excavations and documentation work in this area for the last 9 years. In this region which now remains under 372 meters as the altitude of the surface of the dam lake, rescue work continued until inundation.

Zone B: This zone covers the area under 385 meters as the highest level for the dam lake where urgent excavation and rescue work was materialized in October 2000.

Zone C: This is the area which is not affected by the dam lake but covers the main part of the antic city (about 70 percent of the city). The target is to carry out long term and full coverage work in this zone under the light of earlier work conducted in Zone B.

The overall objective of the urgent excavation and rescue work is to gather more information on the evolution of the city and to fulfill documentations to enable future generations to grasp the historical importance of the settlement. Since full excavation is impossible for such a large city, this work will proceed on a sampling strategy. This will also throw light upon the character, spread, nature and order of remains in Zone B.

In the 12th century B.C., Kahraman Maras was the capital of the Hittite state of Gurgum. Adiyaman's Archaeological Museum houses regional finds from the Lower Firat which date from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic ages.

In the great plain of High Mesopotamia, Sanli Urfa, known in ancient times first as Ur and later as Edessa, proudly exhibits the legacy of all the civilizations that have prospered in this region. In the second millennium B.C., it was a city of a Hurrite state.

Neolithic and Chalcolithic finds from the Lower Firat region. Believed to be the ancient city of the same name mentioned in the Old Testament.

Harran is known more now for its unusual beehivedwellings than as the place where Abraham spent several years of his life. The archaeological remains include those of the largest ancient Islamic University, city walls dating from the 8th century, four gates and a citadel. The Gap project will transform Harran into one of the most fertile areas in Turkey.

Birecik, 80 km west of Sanli Urfa, straddles the Firat river, its skyline dominated by the town's citadel. A good place to take a break, there is good accommodation and camping facilities here.

Diyarbakir, known in ancient times as Amida, spreads across a basalt plateau close to the banks of the Dicle river. The black basalt triple walls, which encircle the old town give the city a rather ominous appearance.

From a distance, the golden stones of Mardin's houses blend into the rock of the hills on which the city is built. On closer inspection, the stone carving and decoration of the houses and public buildings reveals the city as an architectural treasure chest.

At Hasankeyf are the ruins of the 12th-century capital of the Artukids. The bridge which once spanned the Dicle and connected the two parts of the city and the ruined palace inside the citadel, evokes the ghosts of a vanished dynasty.

It is not known, when and by whom Hasankeyf is established. But the city and thousands of caverns surrounding it, shown that cavern people were established here before ages. Hasankeyf is situated in Mesopotamia region here before one of the oldest selling places. The fact that Tigris River flows passing in it, its geographical structure easy to defend and its thousands of caverns used as dwelling drew always attention and maintained its strategic importance during the ages. It was named "Hisn Keyfa"

thanks to its fortress built out of a single piece of stone. But it is known that other names has been used also.

Hasankeyf leaned against the shore of "Tigris" River is watching us, yet it look tired and exhausted. It saw all the magnificent buildings, from the Antique Period to Middle Ages, has received with open arms them, sheltered them and brought until nowadays for the service of human being. Had carried the responsibility of the history and civilizations until nowadays, without being crushed or broken. Situated at the starting point of Mesopotamia Hasankeyf was the favorite of the Eastern and Western tribes and out of the Antique Period was the host of Byzantium, Sassanids Umayyad, Abbasids, Hamdanides, Mervanides Artuk people Eyyubies and Ottomans.

Hasankeyf was the scientific and cultural center of the region with it's economic importance through the change of communication roads and trade centers, but did not overlook to convey to us the historical and cultural heritage.

Hasankeyf which reached our days with hundred of Mosques, Churches palace and city remains has been lost for for centuries, through irresponsible administration and uneducated people.

C. PROJECTS COMPLETED. Identification, documentation and publication of immoveable cultural properties in these districts. Plans, sectional and frontage drawings of cultural properties in Birecik, Suruc and Halfeti and publications supported by photographs.

The project was completed and its documents were published by the GAP Administration in August 1999. This publication is available at GAP Documentation Center. A version of the same work in English is presently in progress.

As a human centered project, protection of cultural heritage in the region is among the primary objectives of the GAP. The symposium on the Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Properties in the GAP Region was organized to promote these properties at international platforms and emphasize their significance also in tourism.

The symposium took place in §anliurfa on June, 2 - 5 1998 with the participation of senior level staff from related organizations and agencies, people of science from the country and abroad, representatives of various NGOs and the media. There were 41 papers delivered to the symposium covering such issues as "Cultural Properties", "Cultural Values and Tourism", "Cities and Historical Sites", etc.

D. ONGOING PROJECTS. To rescue cultural properties in the settlement of Hasankeyf that will remain under Ilisu Dam Lake.

Identification of all visible cultural properties, including architectural structures and small findings existing in the site, realization of relief, transfer of those that are moveable, creation of an open air museum and conduct of archaeological work to bring to daylight those cultural properties presently underground.

Present State: Excavation and rescue work was started in 1991 upon a protocol between the Ministry of Culture and GAP Administration. But there was cessation in activities until 1998 due to the extraordinary circumstances in the area. Excavation and rescue work re-starting in 1998 focused on the area called "lower town".

The main bulk of work in the year 2001 took place from 25 June to 29 August. During this work priority was given to surface investigation, checks and cleaning in addition to other activities at the central excavation site and banks of the Tigris River. Post-excavation work is carried by an expert team.

a) Participatory Urban Rehabilitation in Mardin

To protect historical and cultural properties in Mardin, particularly its architectural heritage and urban fabric and to

stress the importance of these as valuable inputs for the future and development of the city.

The project was launched upon a protocol signed by the GAP Administration, UNDP and Istanbul Technical University in December 2000. The Swiss government contributed a grant of 350,000 US $ to the project. The content of the project consists of socio-cultural researches, development of a guide and implementation strategy for the city center and realization of an implementation project in Sipahiler Bazaar located at the old trade center of the city. This pilot work will lay the ground for the implementation of a series of other similar projects and serve as a model.

b) Survey Of Archaeological Settlements in Southeastern Anatolia

Conducting assessments as to the geographical and spatial locations and present status of settlements in the GAP region that date back to the period extending from Paleolithic Age up to the end of the Bronze Age; their promotion at national and international platforms; publishing works on these assessments and findings and maintaining the project so as to cover relatively more recent settlements as well.

To attain the objectives stated above, a protocol of cooperation was signed on 30 May 2001 between the GAP Administration and the Foundation for the Conservation of Artistic and Cultural Heritage (TASK). Relevant work was started in June 2001 under this protocol. Firstly, land surveys were conducted in order to determine the geographical and spatial positions of antic settlements as well as their situation in terms of having been damaged. The project envisages the compilation and publication of the results of earlier surface surveys and excavations. Facilitating access to this information in various environments including printed materials, Internet, CDs etc. will provide a comprehensive documentation on the antic sites of the region.

The field work part of the project was started on 1 August 2001 and completed on 31 October 2001, giving the following results:

• Geographical and spatial positions and level of damage on antic settlements dating back to the period stated earlier;

• Identification of 388 such settlements;

• Both digital and analog photographs of these settlements (archive work is presently in progress);

• Assessments of critical geographical positions through global positioning system (GPS). At present, classification work is in progress to compile data for the development of GIS maps in near future.

c) Environmental Plan For Acirli (Mardin - Midyat) Historical Site

To protect Elet location in Acirli settlement which is regarded as sacred by many cultures throughout the history and to facilitate tourism in the area.

Creation of an area in the historical site where unique cultural characteristics can be maintained.

Present State: The project design was completed and approved by the Council for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Properties. Implementation waits funding.


a) Promotion Of Cultural Properies in Turabdin SubRegion

To revitalize the area in terms of cultural activities and tourism by materializing restoration and environmental rehabilitation activities: to promote culture, eco and faith tourism; to attract old inhabitants of the area back who have migrated out for various reasons; boost such income generating activities as wine making, silver works, potters,

stone working etc.; and to encourage economic, social and cultural development in Turabdin sub-region.


• Identification of important centers in terms of natural properties and launching recreational areas in these centers;

• Halting existing movements of out-migration in Turabdin and introducing income generating activities for the local people;

• Promoting vineyards and wineries in the area; encouraging "private house tourism", contributions to employment and social welfare;

• Development of training programs to build awareness in governmental organizations and agencies, local governments, NGOs and local people;

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• Identification of tourist routes in the area;

• Promotion of the area nationally and internationally and boosting income generation by providing facilities for boarding and accommodation.

Present State: Preliminary project description is ready and funding is needed for implementation.

b) Surveys On The Antic City of Dara

Dara Anastasiapolic Antic City is located about 30 km to the south of Mardin city center. The objective of the project is the rehabilitation and renewal of Oguz village, having a population of 2,600 with 360 households, located in the site area. In this context, the projects envisages to mitigate population pressure in the area, to create a new living environment confirming to modern standards with the opportunities presented by the socio-economic and geographical status of the area, to promote economic development by introducing income generating activities, and to protect cultural properties which reflect some important components in the history of civilization.


• Partial transfer of the village to a new area;

• Re-starting archaeological excavations which were stopped in 1992;

• Environmental plans and development of infrastructure.

Present State: Work description of the project is ready and funding is needed for implementation.

c) Exploraion of Cultural Properties in The Barak Plain

The Barak Plain will be brought under irrigation upon

the completion of Birecik Dam. The project envisages surface surveying and documentation work to protect and document cultural properties in the area, excavations in archaeological locations and publications to publicize the historical-cultural significance of the area.


• Identification of prospective farming and irrigation areas in the Barak Plain;

• Identification of cultural properties existing in these areas;

• Documentation of identified cultural properties;

• Development of projects to protect those areas that will be directly affected by farming activities and irrigation and having these projects implemented by relevant agencies.

Present State: Work description of the project is ready and funding is needed for implementation.

PROJECT TITLE: SUB-REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOCUSING ON ADIYAMAN - NEMRUT. Preparation of a Sub-Regional Development Plan for protecting, promoting and using for tourism purposes cultural properties in Adiyaman as an important tourism center in the region.


• Arrangements in Karakus Tourist Reception Pace and Tour Routes;

• Excavation and restoration works in Old Kahta, New Castle and Arsameia;

• Establishment of a museum in Kahta;

• Use of stone-built houses in Nemrut for tourism purposes;

• Establishment of Nature Park Facilities along Cendere stream.

Present State: Work description of the project is ready and funding is needed for implementation.

F. POLICIES AND STRATEGIES. The Upper Mesopotamia Region(Daily the Southeastern Anatolia Region) which has marks of various civilizations for thousands of years in its past possesses a very rich cultural infrastructure,

There is a very big incursion of both foreign tourists and businessmen to the region for a very long time,

There is an attractiveness of the region from the angle of three big religions and universal values,

The infrastructure of transportation and communication of the region are being developed day by day,

The region presents the exotic micture of east and the west in a very natural way,

In addition to all these above the region has a very specialized cuisine culture, traditional folk dances and heritages.

Such is the matter that for all the things mentioned above from the light of cultural-historical, socio-economic datum, the sources in the region should be brought in rapidly to the cultural economy.

There is an urgent need to present the natural richness and the historical sources both nationally and internationally. To do this there are a couple of politics and strategies we need to have, these are;

1. There is a necessity to form the historical and the cultural inventory of the region in a heathy way,

2. There is also another necessity for a strategic region plan work in order to develop the cultural economy as both short term or medium and long term regional based after the inventory,

3. In order to do all these works there should be a strategic co-ordination committee and this committee should have all the required authority,

4. In order to protect the rich historical and cultural heritage there should be a collaboration with the national and international foundations,

5. We need to improve the economic and social-cultural infrastructure very rapidly and radically,

6. In order to present the historical traces, heritages and traditional culture elements of the region both nationally and internationally there is a very urgent need to do a work,

7. In order to show all these values to all visitors there is a necessity to complete the infrastructure of the work in a very short period of time,

8. In order to present the traditional, cultural and historical values and also in order to contribute to the local economy of the region, there is a necessity to develop policies and strategies in the country's politic.

Conclusions and suggestions. The Southeastern Anatolia Region(Upper Mezopotamia) is a place having a very long historical past where all the universal values, three big religions, natural richness and cultural sources meet.

The region, which has a very important and valuable potential of cultural economy, has to have a permanent and effective work to be done in the fastest way.

Both nationally and internationally, the region having the cultural heritage and presenting to be the civilization cradle has to be brought in to the economy with the sources that it has.

For this reasons, there should be applied quickly in order to realize the value of historical and cultural heritage ofthe region. On a later stage, in order to bring into action the sources of the region to the economy we need to complete the infrastructure of the work.

In order to to to present the natural and the historical sources of the region and also to share the historical and cultural heritage with all the people both nationally and internationally and in addition to all these to contribute socially and economically to the region, the value of the cultural economy rises day by day in the region.


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А. Бюлент, д-р наук, проф. Анатолшський ушверситет

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Над1йшла до редколегп 20.10.16 Date of editorial approval 22.11.16

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of research presented in the scientific article or of the preparation of the scientific article: budget of university's scientific project


Анатолiя завжди була колискою цивлзацУУ, тому зараз мае свое icmopu4He, географ/чне та eKOHOMi4He значення. В останн роки i3 запуском Проекту Пiвденно-Схiдноi' АнатолУУ (GAP), метою якого е соцiально-економiчний розвиток даного регiону, все бтьш популяр-ними стали питання культури та культурноУ спадщини.

За наявностi багатоУ культурноУ структури, вважаеться, що i геополiтичнi, геостратегiчнi структури регюну гратимуть важ-ливу роль у культурнй економiцi регюну. Саме тому важливо ефективно сформувати культурну економiку та використовувати УУ для розвитку регiону, що мстить такi цiннi руУни як Зевгма i Хасанкейф.

В результатi даного дослiдження плануеться створити iнфраструктуру культурно!' економ/'ки в регiонi, який мае багатi iсторич-н та культурнi цiнностi, i представити УУ для використання на мiжнародному рiвнi.

В першiй частин даного дослiдження коротко висвiтлено сторичт особливостi, а також сучасн соц/альн/', економiчнi та культу-рн аспекти рег ону.

В другiй частин роботи узагальнено результати дослiдження з питань створення вигiд для регюну з снуючоУ культурно/' та с-торичноУ спадщини.

На останньому етап запропоновано полтику i стратегУУзалучення сторичного багатства для забезпечення економiчного розвитку ре-гюну. Крм цього, ця политика i стратегУУпередбачають способи використання цього багатства i мiжнародним суспльством.

Ключовi слова: економiка культури; спадщина; Пiвденно-Схiдна Анатолiя, завершенi-поточнi i планован проекти.

А. Бюлент, д-р наук, проф. Анатолийский университет

Проект Юго-Восточная Анатолия (GAP), Эскишехир, Турция


Анатолия всегда была колыбелью цивилизации, поэтому сейчас имеет свое историческое, географическое и экономическое значение. В последние годы с запуском проекта Юго-Восточной Анатолии (GAP), целью которого является социально-экономическое развитие данного региона, все более популярными стали вопросы культуры и культурного наследия.

При наличии богатой культурной структуры, считается, что и геополитические, геостратегические структуры региона будут играть важную роль в культурной экономике региона. Именно поэтому важно сформировать культурную экономику и использовать ее для развития региона, который содержит такие ценные руины как Зевгма и Хасанкейф.

В результате данного исследования планируется создать инфраструктуру культурной экономики в регионе, который имеет богатые исторические и культурные ценности, и представить ее для использования на международном уровне.

В первой части данного исследования кратко освещены исторические особенности, а также современные социальные, экономические и культурные аспекты региона.

Во второй части работы обобщены результаты исследования по вопросам создания выгод для региона с существующей культурного и исторического наследия.

На последнем этапе предложено политику и стратегии привлечения исторического богатства для обеспечения экономического развития региона. Кроме того, эта политика и стратегии предусматривают способы использования этого богатства и международным обществом.

Ключевые слова: экономика культуры; наследие; Юго-Восточная Анатолия, завершены-текущие и планируемые проекты.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2016; 12(189): 18-25

УДК 336 Д

JEL Classification: F24, G21, G23

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/189-12/3

R. Bratu, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania

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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the state of development of financial system from 3 of those countries that European Union has established relation through Partnership Program, added Romania also. The research is based on the empirical evidence about the structure and performance of financial systems from RBMU's countries (Romania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova). The results are correlated with the influence of remittances inflows in fostering the development of financial systems, especially banking systems, analyzed from the reverse casualty approach.

Key words. financial system, banking system, remittances.

Introduction. Contemporary approach of financial system mentions terms / concepts / processes / theories like complexity, crisis, cyclical economic, contagion, globalization, innovation, regulation, integration, moral hazard, sub-systems, sensitivity, systemic risk, stability, level of transparency and trust, etc.

The development of modern society was mainly driven by creation and flows of money - capital. Moneys' functions generated organization and development of a complex system called - financial system. All goods and services that we use today are due the existence and importance of financial system in economy. Continuing improving of households' wealth, efficient private capital allocation, achieving government investments, charitable fundraising by non-governmental agencies happened mostly due to evolution of global financial system. Through financial system occur the funds transfers (direct and/or indirect) from savers to investors. These transfers have positively impact on individuals' economic wellbeing [19]. In sort we point out that financial system represents some set of institutions and markets that interact in a complex manner, mobilizing funds for investments and trade [15]. As we know, in this system mainstays are institutions and markets, because from them interaction assets prices are fixed and liquidity is provided [2]. In terms of efficiency and stability, the financial system contributes to providing funds for investment and consumption, provides risk insurance instruments and platform for payments between the [5]. In this context very important is the individuals and companies' trust through existence of a certain optimal level of transparency [6].

Methodology The aim of this paper is to present a statistical - empirical analysis of 4 countries financial systems, especially banking system (RBUM - Romania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova). The results are correlated with the influence of remittances inflows in fostering the development of financial systems, especially baning systems, analyzed from the reverse casualty approach.

The research methodology is empirical approach through which we want to present the structure and depth of financial-banking systems from studied countries as well as correlation with remittances inflows. Used date is provided by official institutions like IMF, WB, National Central Banks, and others. The selected sample is studied in 2006-2015 period. We mention that some dates were collected with difficulties because of different ways to

present data from different providers mentioned above. Thus, it may appear some discrepancies between those data at some point of time.

Literature review

Financial development. Financial markets globalization promotes the development of financial systems in developing countries through institutional reforms. Liberalization of goods and services markets, of labor markets, of capital markets stimulates involvement of developing countries to a global market sustained by openness of the advances economies. Those advance economies generates the right incentives for them to implement the hard measures that will enable emerging-market countries to grow rapidly. Exporters form emerging markets become more productive, and then they make developing investments that stimulate institutional reform to make financial markets more efficient and promote financial deepening [20]. To evaluate that a financial system is developed or not, financial theory presents us a number of indicators. In 2006, IMF published a complete Guide were is presented the conceptual framework, specification, compilation and dissemination and analysis of Financial Soundness Indicators. There are some evidences that differences in financial development between countries are because of the cumulative variation in their levels of state experience, precisely because of characteristic of early historical development. It seems that early-start development of a state provided premises for actually financial development of countries. The researcher mentions that the approach state antiquity can be used as alternative indicators of financial development [4]. Before these findings, the same researcher studies the effects of financial development and liberalization on knowledge accumulation. He showed that financial development has positive impact on generating of new ideas, and negative impact on them when is implemented financial reform policies [3].

Financial Development and Remittances. As we all know, workers' remittance represents an important source of foreign exchange earnings and for economic development, especially in developing countries. In scientific literature are some articles that studied the correlation between remittances and financial development and how financial sector development caches up the opportunities created by remittances. A study on Bangladesh economy, presents an empirical research for 1971-2008 annual data. The results show that remittances

© Bratu R., 2016

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