Oleg Bazaluk is a Doctor of Philosophy, professor,
International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology (Kiev, Ukraine)
E-mail: [email protected]
Recently when talking about self-development and self-education more specificly they mean mind perfection. And if at the end of the twentieth century the subject of educational influence was human being, consisting of social and biological entities, at the beginning of the 21st century the situation has changed. Achievements in neuroscience (Risto Naatanen, James Olds, Donald Hebb, Elhonon Goldberg, etc.) allowed to specify the subject of the educational influence and identify the person in the material organization that really makes it stand out from the world of living organisms. It is spoken about the neural structures that are formed and developed in the human brain and which are not observed (and if they are observed, then in a different format and with different functional manifestations) in the brain of higher animals. We speak about consistently evolving neural networks of subconscious and consciousness which carry out the corresponding functions: subliminal (unconscious) and conscious.
We will not consider features of these two neural structures in detail. We only mention the two most important facts for our study:
1. It was established (for example, [Nicholls, Martin, Wallace, Fuchs, 2008]) that during ontogeny the development of neural network of subconscious, and in consequence, the formation and development on its basis neural network of consciousness depends on the organism genetic predisposition (genetic programs), and from the influence of external social environment.
2. Subconscious and consciousness neural networks evolve in due course (with each new generation of mankind). This evolution is carried out in parallel with the evolution of living matter and space, due to both internal policies embodied in the genetics of the brain, and under the influence of planetary and cosmic forces (systems of living and inert matter in O. Bazaluk’s terminology) [Bazaluk, 2012].
Complex work of consciousness and subconsciousness neural networks is denoted by the concept of "mind", "mental work", "functioning of the mind," etc. in the scientific literature. And so, when we speak about the development of the mind, we mention typically two main processes. The first process is deployment of genetic programs. The second is the effect on the mental processes of external social environment.
© Ba3a^yK O. A., 2014
The group of neuroscience consists of the neurobiology of behavior, neurogenetics, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience, neurolinguistics and many others. Neurophilosophy is above all of them. It organizes the results of brain research, analyzes and synthesizes them, builds models and forecasts of the mind development.
Neurophilosophy has taken determining position and formed the basis for almost all the humanities for last years. For example, the same studies of Patricia Churchland, Stanislas Dehaene, Daniel Dennett, John Searle, Jerry Fodor, Ned Block, David Chalmers, Herbert Simon, Alen Newell, Richard Dawkins. It also includes revolutionary for its time studies of B. Skinner and W. Quine, L. Wittgenstein and G. Ryle, N. Chomsky and K. Popper, W. Sellars and X. Putnam, M. Arbib and T. Nagel, C. Clarke and R. Penrose, K. Mc Ginn and Richard Rorty, S. Gould and P. Churchland and many others.
It is already impossible to study psychology, pedagogy, philosophical anthropology, sociology, etc. at the qualitative level without knowledge of neurophilosophy. Neurophilosophy is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of highly development of the psyche, stages of its formation and development.
So, we come to understanding that forecasting of the main characteristics of the future human image is connected directly to advances in neuroscience and neurophilosophy.
For a more real representation of the human future, we must abstract and submit multimillion evolution of mankind as the evolution of the mind i.e. its structures and functions. That is, we have to "fall" to the space research neurophilosophy. Abstracted retrospective and stages of evolution of the mind allows us to identify the following eye-catching patterns:
1. Transition from Primitive Man to modern Homo sapiens stage associated with the replacement of physical labor to mental labor. From century to century the share of mental work increased with perfection of structure and functionality of the mind but a number of the most important physiological parameters for every biological organism regressed. It led to a significant reduction in physical capabilities of the human body but the growth of his mental faculties.
2. Transition from physical labor to predominantly mental entailed reshaping the products of labor. If earlier the value for society was represented by the material form of the product of labor, with the emerging of mostly mental activity material and virtual form of the products of labor has come to be of great value. For example, physically hard work of blacksmiths, carpenters, farmers was appreciated several centuries ago, but at the beginning of the third millennium, the most valuable work is based on analytical and synthetic possibilities of the mind: the organizers (top -management), IT specialists, scientists, analysts and others.
3. During the evolution of the mind changed significance and attitude of a man to his body. If in the past centuries worth of the body determined its physical strength, "golden hands", endurance,
dexterity, etc., because the evolving mind and body through physical labor showed their creative potentials of the material in the final product, but now everything has changed. The significance of the body devalued because the mind through a new improved internal structure and functions learned to realize their inner potentials directly, for example, material and virtual products of labor and even purely virtual: Internet, Skype, and other IT-technologies. And physical abilities of body decreased because the demand of mental labor need was increased in the modern society. Now, only it is required a healthy and long life from the body. Therefore, the activity and usefulness of the mind continues to depend directly on the usefulness of the body.
4. Retrospective analysis of human history reveals another important pattern i.e. the mind work is complicated over time. Mostly unconscious activity (predominant work of the subconscious neural network) is gradually replaced by conscious manifestations - work of the conscious neural network. The reason for these changes is the genetic programs. Those deployments of genetic programs in each new generation change the structure of the higher brain and increase its functionality.
The above mentioned patterns are clearly visible in the evolution of the human mind and allow us to identify in future human image the following main directions of the development:
1. Intensive development of the structure of the mind, which leads to the enrichment of its functionality. There is dominating neural activity of consciousness with each generation of the mind. This leads to a significant expansion of the volume of accumulated and used in the analytical work of information, as well as more significant (large-scale and pervasive) creative activity. Important as the individual mind and the total creativity of noosphere increases so that humanity in its activities beyond the planetary scale and actively develops near space.
2. Continuous, genetically determined perfection of conscious activity will change the shape of the products of labor. Mind will deliver from dependence on the functionality of the body and learn to use the achievements of the technosphere directly realize their creative potentials in material and virtual or virtual products of labor.
3. Significance of the human body will drop to the elementary functions of life support. Mind will continue to direct its creative possibilities for substitution of many natural structures and functions of the body by artificial organs, more controllable and reliable. Mind will achieve a significant increase in the duration of biological life and functional activity of the brain.
4. The system of education will change fundamentally. Knowledge of neurophilosophy: peculiarities of formation and development of the mind, will lead to more effective and targeted by the effects of the social environment. Depending on the age of the mind it will be affected by family, intimate ambience, and educational institutions with a specific internal microclimate, teams, as well as macro-organization: nation, state, civilization.
5. Everyday life, its financial provision, human values will change significantly. Mind retains the scope of creative self, putting on artificial technical means all mechanical work. To implement internal creative potentials instead of the limited capacity of the body will create new high-tech mentality means of labor, which will provide immediate self-realization of his mental capacities.
6. Technosphere will change as a whole. Civilization will reach a new level of technology, which will dominate the conscious activity of products aimed at improving the efficiency of consciousness.
In our opinion, many of the characteristics of future human image can already be embodied in concrete and real personality type - planetary and cosmic personality [Bazaluk, 2011; Bazaluk, 2013; Bazaluk, Blazhevich, 2013; Matusevich, 2013]. Who is this type of person and what are the characteristics of its formation?
The basis of a planetary and cosmic personality is mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network. Modern development of neurophilosophy and also own author’s researches [Bazaluk, Matusevich, 2014], allow making a number of important conclusion for our research:
1. Development of the mind on the scale of civilization is uneven. If you look closely, the modern society is divided into different levels of the mind perfection. Conventionally, there are three categories of mind:
First is the mind with the prevailing neural activity of consciousness;
Second is the mind, in which the activity of consciousness slightly inferior to subconscious neural work;
Third is the mind with a pronounced mental work of the subconsciousness.
As we have noted, the predominant work of consciousness neural network manifests itself in everyday life in a more efficient interaction of the mind with the information environment. Namely, it remembers more, faster thinks, selects from a variety of options the most effective solutions, has exacerbations intuition able to think strategically to predict the future, etc.
Number of the first and third conditionally identified categories of mind is rather small and varies in the range of 10-15% each of the total world population. But the great mass belongs to the mind of the second category which balances civilization.
2. The minds of the first category require special treatment. It is for this reason, the author develops the foundations of space education, which are based on modern achievements of neurophilosophy, as well as achievements of neuroscience, psychology, space medicine, pedagogy, etc. [Bazaluk, Blazhevich, 2013; Bazaluk, Matusevich, 2014]. Only modern methods of influence on the mind of the education system (space education, specially trained professionals and artificially created favorable conditions) can disclose the potentials of mind and determine its capabilities.
Mind with predominant work of consciousness requires different conditions of existence and quite different loads. Unfortunately, there are many of these minds, which are not identified in the mass,
standing in micro or macro- psychosphere groups. So they often have conflict situations, feeling discomfort and rejection. As a result, they close and do not show the level of significance, with which they can work for the benefit of civilization. M. Gessen in her book " Perfect Rigor: A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century "described one of these situations [Gessen, 2011].
We believe that one of the purpose of modern educational system is to select on a competitive basis, starting from 13-15 years (since the primary manifestations of neuronal ensemble consciousness) the mind with high potential characteristics, and in specially created conditions - elite schools, on full board with single-sex education to form features of planetary and cosmic personality. As an example, we can give the Eton College - a private British school for boys.
What is the peculiarity of a planetary and cosmic personality formation and what characteristics differs it from, for example, graduates of the same Eton College in the UK?
The main characteristic of planetary-cosmic personality, as we have already noted, it is the predominant activity of consciousness neuron ensembles. Many neural structures of consciousness begin to form in the period of childhood, but his first functional manifestations of them associated with adolescence, approximately 13-15 years. In our opinion, in this period the formation of planetary-cosmic personality goes into the active stage and cosmic education starts fully effect on the forming mind.
Once a reservation, we fully support the position of Montessori methodology and its use of cosmic education in the preschool and early school periods [Montessori, 2004]. We might even call this technique prerequisite for the formation of planetary and cosmic personality. But the fact is that even in preschool and school period in the forming child's mind is dominated work of subconscious neural network. According to the neurosciences, consciousness neural network structurally goes to the full amount of its functionality only during adolescence to 17-18 years, respectively, and only since adolescence, with its early manifestations, we can identify opportunities of emerging consciousness.
The real importance of the M.Montessori methods is in need of cosmic education impact on the developing subconscious neural network. Long before M.Montessori, S. Freud found that more than 60% of individual manifestations of human behavior associated with feelings and perceptions obtained during childhood [Freud, 1989]. Early use of cosmic education allows the basics of cosmic pedagogy to firmly entrench in the sensory-emotional, unconscious manifestations of the mind. Therefore, the more efficient educational impact will be in the next age periods.
Before it was said and we would like to pay your attention again, the direct formation of planetary cosmic personality as future human image begins with adolescence. Only in this period of time we can determine with a sufficient degree of probability the mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network.
We will consider features of the formation of the mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network.
1. The first feature - all these minds are self-sufficient and very individual. Predominant work of consciousness leads to a significant depreciation of the sensory-emotional attitudes which were embodied by society on a subconscious level. That is why these mind cannot understand why they have to follow someone’s attitudes or someone established rules. Working with them, it is important to shift the focus from “feelings” to “awareness” of its destiny.
2. Predominant work of consciousness in the mind "suppresses" sensory-emotional manifestations of the subconscious. Mind with the prevailing consciousness is too rational, pragmatic, often dogmatic and pedantic. In this case, dogma acts not only sensually emotional reality, and enforceable, bordering on fanaticism, but also constantly aware and evaluate “mission”. “Mission” for the mind with predominant work of consciousness is really perceivable image of its vision of life. If the usual inner man (or inner self) is fixed mainly on the level of feelings and emotions making it predictable and controllable, the mind with predominant inner working of consciousness inner self is an effective, constantly reflect upon and reinterprets the image that controls both activity of inner mind and its manifestations. This is a live image that manipulates its own professional body and its external manifestations, as well as close social environment, working on their sensory and emotional components.
For that reason, it is important for cosmic education properly affect the “mission” in the period of its formation and primary development. Entrenched at the level of neural structures, “mission” as an internal current image becomes inaccessible to outside influence. At the output the society can get mind completely adapted to the external social environment and perhaps, even antisocial including the power of his mind is carrying out destructive activities.
3. Mind with predominant work of consciousness is too critical. It manifests itself in nihilism and continual redefinition of internal and external information environment. In this regard, cosmic education should eliminate method of imposing information.
With such mind is possible only dialogue which is an equal sincere confidence. Information is only offered with interest in the format and impress. The main emphasis is on individual work of the mind with the information environment.
4. Mind with predominant work of consciousness more thoroughly “calculate” the processes and phenomena in which they are complicit or not and make a quite non-standard decisions. It is for this reason that in dealing with them requires a completely different approach, in which the teacher often plays a secondary role. It is very important for such mind to make space for self-realization and maximize the freedom of decision-making. Using elements of the game, especially in the early stages of space education, it is necessary to release the potential of forming mind of conventional
stereotypes obtained in the early stages of education. All subsequent efficiency of the mind, with predominant work of consciousness, is laid in adolescence, with the establishment of the scale analytical and synthetic work.
5. Another feature of the formation of mind with predominant work of neural network is a need to raise awareness of loads when working with the information environment. It is necessary to permanently increase the load on the mind, to fill neural memory consolidations with quality information directly and intensively. With the receiving information is longer and more complex, the analytical and synthetic possibilities of consciousness are higher and also its decisions and productive activities are more effective. Consciousness not only works with external information environment, but with internal data base i.e. with information that is embodied in the neural consolidation of memory.
6. Another feature of the mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network is the need to create them in a tough discipline. So these minds are inaccessible to outside influence. The concepts of "shame", "conscience", "punishment", etc. are not inherent because it is all manifestations sensory-emotional component of the mind. The conscious activity can influence on rationalism and pragmatism only through the "mission" and through the formation of the main characteristics of the internal image that adapts the state of inner peace with the environment. The concept of "discipline" is one of the most important characteristics of the image.
Discipline unites "mission" and makes it predictable and manageable. Also discipline i.e. tough inner self control, can be changed with the sets in the "mission" and to adapt it to the changing requirements of the external social environment.
"Mission" without discipline is poorly managed by the mind itself, and certainly not controlled from outside. Undisciplined mental activity becomes unpredictable and dangerous, because the potential of its internal capabilities so high that easily adjusting to whatever conditions. In this case, the mind continues to play a complex game, which only it understands, sometimes far from general rules and canons.
7. Another important feature in the formation of mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network is the formation of strategic thinking in them (synonyms are "cosmic thinking", "global thinking"). Its main thrust is the ability to relate making decisions to the consequences to which it may lead in the distant future. The main difference between "strategic" and "tactical" thinking is not to solve the problem "here and now" but to choose the solution that solves the problem taking into account the consequences. And the further perspective mind can calculate the consequences of its decision, the more perfect and more typical will its activities.
As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of minds follow the principle: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." This is a typical example of tactical thinking. Strategic thinking is
fundamentally different plan and reminds the principle of the famous Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov - "retreat to win." That is, the decision is made not on the basis of its short-term effectiveness and taken into account the consequences and their effect.
8. Another feature of the mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network is the scope of knowledge. Quality strategic thinking is possible only on the basis of knowledge, which reveals the meaning of processes and phenomena in the planetary and cosmic scale. Based on this, cosmic education will disclose particular planetary and cosmic evolution, the relationship of mental processes with the changes occurring on the Earth and in space. The author believes that the basis for cosmic education should be model "Evolving matter," which describes the peculiarities of the evolution of the world: sequential transition of inert matter (space) into living matter (the biosphere), followed by the transition from living matter to intelligent (noosphere) [Bazaluk, 2012]. According to this model, a person is a representative of intelligent matter of the Earth and her/his future is uniquely related to space activities.
9. Loneliness for the mind with predominant work of consciousness neural network is a dominant environment of existence. Such minds are with high self-actualization and focus on the end result. Communication for them in society is only one of the means of implementing the "mission." They only consider it as a necessary phenomenon. But the basic environment conducive to their work is loneliness, complete silence that promotes maximum concentration at work with the information environment for decision-making and rendering their effects. Therefore, cosmic education should ensure the full-value of loneliness and those IT-technologies by which the mind continues to work with the information environment and self-realization.
Having considered the peculiarities of mind with predominant activity of consciousness neuronal network, we can identify the main characteristics of planetary cosmic identity as the future human image. Main characteristics of planetary cosmic personality are:
1. Almost total autonomy in their work. A planetary and cosmic personality can exist outside of social contacts and complex material and spiritual values which advance a large part of society. At least sufficient existence is an unlimited access to the information environment and the opportunity for self-realization in the final products. The main motive of its activities is serving mission.
2. Formed at the level of the mind dominant installation is "mission." "Mission" for planetary cosmic personality is a clear strategy for the implementation of internal creative potentials in ontogeny, knowledge of global aims and quickly growing rate of its achievement.
3. Focus on results. "Mission" is the strongest motivator, constantly stimulating the mind to achieve results. The increasing efficiency of mental activity is typical for planetary and cosmic personality, because each new day is an open opportunity to accumulate information and implement internal creative potentials in the selected direction.
4. Freedom of self-realization of internal creative potentials. There are no boundaries of conventions and stereotypes for a planetary and cosmic personality. The only acceptable criterion for evaluating its activities is a "benefit for civilization," which mind brings during the realization of its «mission."
5. Erudition is an enrichment of internal information database of versatile quality information. Planetary and cosmic personality distinguishes erudition and interdisciplinary approach to solving problems.
6. Discipline. First of all, a planetary and cosmic personality is the brain which controls by itself and its manifestations tightly. It constantly increases the pace of implementation of the "mission", super-concentration and mobilization of internal psychic forces to achieve the objectives arising from service “mission”.
7. Ability to think strategically is making-decisions based not on their short-term effectiveness, and taking into account the effects of perspective. Strategic thinking allows to consider and achieve even greater efficiency of the decision by the so-called "butterfly effect", when an unimportant effect on the system (society, state, civilization, etc.) results in a large and unpredictable consequences somewhere in other time.
8. Possess knowledge of planetary and cosmic character which allows planetary and cosmic personality attach their actions and the events to planetary and cosmic processes and phenomena.
9. Understanding that a person is a representative of intelligent matter of the Earth, which works with each generation of planetary force moves to the level of cosmic force.
10. Selflessly serving the future civilization is the dominance of interests of society over personal interests.
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