Научная статья на тему 'Neuromarketing − a tool for influencing consumer behavior'

Neuromarketing − a tool for influencing consumer behavior Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Marketing / neuromarketing / consumer / psychology / sampling / advertising / sensory organs / influence

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rano Nazarova, Tuychiev Komilzhon Lazizovich

Modern marketers use the latest scientific achievements in their work. One of the new techniques in their practice is called neuromarketing. It involves scanning consumers' brains while viewing ads and consuming products. The article highlights the concept of neuromarketing, its scope, methods and directions of neuromarketing in the modern world, as well as some examples of the use of neuromarketing.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Neuromarketing − a tool for influencing consumer behavior»


Rano Nazarova

Doctor of Economics., Professor of Department ofIndustrial Economics, Tashkent State University of Economics

Tuychiev Komilzhon Lazizovich

Master of economics, Tashkent State University of Economics DOI: https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/30092019/6664


Received 19 July 2019 Modern marketers use the latest scientific achievements in their work. One

Accepted 17 September 2019 of the new techniques in their practice is called neuromarketing. It involves Published 30 September 2019 scanning consumers' brains while viewing ads and consuming products. The

- article highlights the concept of neuromarketing, its scope, methods and

KEYWORDS directions of neuromarketing in the modern world, as well as some examples

of the use of neuromarketing.

Marketing, neuromarketing, consumer, psychology, sampling, advertising, sensory organs, influence.

Citation: Rano Nazarova, Tuychiev Komilzhon Lazizovich. (2019) Neuromarketing - a Tool for Influencing Consumer Behavior. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy. 5(25). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ij ite/30092019/6664

Copyright: © 2019 Rano Nazarova, Tuychiev Komilzhon Lazizovich. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Neuromarketing as a tool to influence consumer behavior, increasingly gaining popularity among marketers and practitioners. It is essential to run a successful advertising companies.

Neuromarketing is an interdisciplinary field at the interface of neuroscience, psychology and visionary economy. This term was coined by Professor EIL Smitson in 2002. The purpose of his research, he has called improving the effectiveness of marketing techniques by studying the response of the human subconscious. This is the main difference between neuromarketing from classic marketing — he's not on the minds of consumers, and in its unconscious primary instincts and mechanisms. In fact, the study of the human brain to influence its consumer behaviour.

The purpose of neuromarketing is to understand true consumer reaction to specific marketing stimuli and based on the obtained data to develop the most effective advertising communication.

In our day, neuromarketing is the common method the impact on consumers of many service providers, products and any other commercial organizations. Its tools are very wide, starting from the same magnetic resonance imaging and to registration of eye movements by means of sensors.

The benefits of neuromarketing are hard to overestimate. They can be characterized as follows:

• Objectivity.

Conducting a classic marketing research followed by a survey of respondents, the results will be incorrect due to the human factor: someone may lie, and someone will incorrectly express their final opinion. Using neuromarketing methods, you rely on the readings of sensors and sensors. They do not lie, like statistics.

• Primary response.

Biometric methods allow you to identify unconscious, subconscious reactions of the human body to stimuli that are not censored and are not controlled by consciousness.

• Optimum sampling.

During the classic marketing research, for a more or less close to reality result, you will need a large focus group. Optimal - from 100 people. Using neuromarketing tools, you can achieve more accurate results even with a focus group of 20 people.

• Researching the product being developed

It is possible to conduct neuromarketing research when your product is still under development - its individual elements or characteristics may be the subject of research.

Human decisions or desires are the result of numerous neural circuits in our brain: they are responsible for our choice in favor of a particular action or decision, and also formed our thinking. If you correctly apply this knowledge, you can use neuromarketing in action: effectively manage demand and create a competent strategy of development of the brand.

It's very valuable to penetrate into the brain of a potential customer and see what kind of motivation drives them if you want to buy a particular product. Desires and preferences of customers due to deep-seated associations that are difficult to recognize and realize until you asked a specific question.

Potential buyers do not always see and perceive the advertising of a product that really excites advertisers. Early to determine the effectiveness of advertising used surveys focus groups. This method is used today, but it turned out that it did not always produce the desired results.

Research conducted in the neuromarketing allow you to track the uncontrolled human reactions and emotions. This allows you to ensure that the focus group, answering questions, does not filter their responses from the point of view of society, which usually takes place in the traditional marketing research process.

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that even if you have the desire to answer truthfully, the man gives only partial information about their perceptions, subconsciously keeping the other part myself: figuratively speaking, the mind protects the subconscious from the deep penetration.

What is the main purpose of using advertising? Influence the buyer so that he has a desire to buy the advertised product. This is not an easy task, given the modern market and the variety of products on offer. Correctly created image can influence the decision of the buyer. For example, neuromarketing helps to find out how to arrange a product so that the packaging can make the buyer feel good.

In the modern world, neuromarking is used in such areas as:

1.Branding. The main condition for creating a successful brand is the close interaction of the company with customers at all levels of consumer perception. Thanks to neuromarketing methods, it is possible to determine the feelings and emotions that are caused by customers when interacting with a company brand or product.

2. Product design and innovation. Methods are available to neuromarketing by which it is possible to measure customer reactions to product innovations (for example, an updated design). Such reactions can be described as automatically occurring, emotional, beyond the logical predictions of marketers.

3. The effectiveness of advertising. Advertising affects the subconscious of the client, so that people often are not aware of their reactions. Neuromarketing allows you to see exactly how this happens.

4. The impact on the purchase decision. Neuromarketing studies what exactly influences a consumer's buying decision: according to research, a person makes a purchasing decision under the influence of many factors (for example, the atmosphere in a store), and often it cannot be explained logically.

5.Online business. Neuromarketing helps to competently build, conduct and develop an Internet business, allowing you to subtly influence the consumer activity of Internet users.

6.Entertainment. The tastes, views and preferences of modern buyers are largely due to the experience they receive from modern types of entertainment. Neuromarketing explores exactly how these factors affect us.

The main methods of neuromarketing.

Method 1. MRI.

This method allows you to see how changes cerebral blood flow under test, depending on reactions to sound, taste or visual stimuli. In Russia, MRI-research in the field of neuromarketing may not be widely used due to their high cost and logistic reasons. More widely this technology is used in science.

Method 2. The Eye tracker.

Eye tracker is one of the methods of neuromarketing, which is a stationary or mobile (in points) of the device. Eye tracker helps to assess the degree of attractiveness of any type of advertising (websites, digital projects, print materials, videos) and recreate the buying process in order to understand how the consumer perceives the location of products on shelves of retail premises. In addition, this device is used in the film industry in the analysis of films and in the field of computer entertainment. How does it work? Eye tracker allows you to determine exactly what the buyer reacts especially emotionally. After the analysis, a recommendation is made that it should be changed from the point of view of neuromarketing is the combination of colors or items on a shelf or in a store that is imprinted in the memory of the buyer. If the analysis concerns a promotional video, it allows you to determine exactly what points to lower the viewer's attention.

Method 3. Lie detector.

This method of neuromarketing allows you to see how strongly people react to a particular question. The more important question - the stronger physiological reactions and uncontrolled stress. Thus, using the technology of biometric methods study that includes comprehensive metrics of brain, skin and muscles, experts in the field of neuromarketing can study the extent and nature of the impact of promotional videos on the audience.

Method 4. Face reading.

Under face reading refers to a special system of studying the emotional state of the person using the automatic recognition of his facial expressions. This method of neuromarketing allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, Internet projects, may help to identify tendencies and preferences of the subjects and to check if they're telling the truth, answering the questions.

Method 5. Electroencephalography (EEG).

This method of neuromarketing as electroencephalography, allows you to measure the electrical activity of the human brain as a reaction to the appearance of a product or its advertising.During the experiment the subject's head include various sensors that allow you to register the electrical reactions of the brain. To determine the effectiveness of advertising, are fixed moments that evoked a particularly strong emotional impulses.

Neuromarketing and examples of its application in different business fields.

Neuromarketing helps to create products or develop promotions, taking into account which elements (design, color scheme, taste of the product) will be most attractive to customers. For these purposes, there are neuromarketing laboratories. Consumer neuroscience - a laboratory from Nielsen -is one of the most popular. Coca-Cola also created its own neuromarketing laboratory and conducts research in it using neuroimaging. The results of such studies provide information on which videos or even individual frames (!) Can have a strong impact on consumers. Below are some examples of how neuromarketing can find application in business:

Example 1. Neuromarketing in design development.

Frito Lay (which produces Lays chips) conducted a neuromarketing study, which showed that the calm, matte shades of the colors of the packages, as well as images of healthy and wholesome food, do not motivate consumers to make a purchase. With this in mind, the company made the packaging of its products very bright and placed on them images of fried chips.

Example 2. Neuromarketing in advertising.

In the field of advertising, neuromarketing is actively used. For example, Frito Lay analyzed its ads and came to the conclusion that 30-second clips are more effective than those that last 60 seconds. In an advertising campaign for Mercedes-Benz Daimler, the idea was that the front of the car mimicked the faces of people. A neuromarketing study showed that such advertising was very popular with customers, it influenced pleasure centers in their brains and was therefore very effective: thanks to its effect, company sales in the first quarter increased by 12%.

Example 3. Neuromarketing in the cinema.

Even in the film industry, neuromarketing has found application. It helps to study the reaction of the audience to the development of the plot of the film, to special effects and various options for ending the films. For example, in relation to the film "Good, Bad, Evil", studies were conducted that showed that the film provokes a rather stereotyped reaction among all viewers. Some producers are attracting neuromarketing specialists in order to select the most attractive ending for the film based on research results. Innerscope Research organized an interesting study in the field of neuromarketing: a

group of 1000 viewers showed trailers of 40 films. While watching, the biometric indicators of the subjects were measured: heartbeat, sweating, respiratory activity, eye reactions. It turned out that action-packed adventure films provoke the most powerful reactions. Perhaps that is why the film "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" managed to raise $ 90 million for the first couple of days of screenings. From this we can conclude: the use of neuromarketing in film production can help to determine in advance the success of the film or its expected failure.

So, the so-called "neuromarketing" uses the means of modern brain science, such as functional MRI, and with their help calculates the attitude of consumers at the level of likes / dislikes to any subject of interest, whether it be a commercial or a new product.

Although this may cause some fear for marketers who will be able to read people's minds (even more than they do now), neuromarketing will help gather information that was previously inaccessible, for example, to reveal what consumers themselves are not fully aware of, Dan says. Ariely Dan Ariely, professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University.

Scientists offer advice on what to look for when using neuromarketing, and what ethical considerations may arise. They also indicate that care must be taken in interpreting such data in the form of marketing decisions.

Due to the use of expensive technologies, neuromarketing can never compete with focus groups and other methods used to evaluate existing products and advertising. However, this approach has real prospects in measuring the conscious and unconscious reactions of consumers during the development phase of products such as "food, entertainment, buildings and political candidates," says Ariely.


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