Научная статья на тему 'Neurohumoral aspects of lactation pgysiology'

Neurohumoral aspects of lactation pgysiology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие медицинские науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Neurohumoral aspects of lactation pgysiology»

Ересектерге ^араfанда сэбилер кeмiрсу мeлшерiн кеп ^ажет етедк Себебi, ыдырауы ересектерге ^араfанда жылдам болfандьщтан аfзадан тез шыfып кетт отырады. Ана CYтiмен fана Фректенетн балалар тэулiгiне 10г кeмiрсуды сНредк


Адамнын eмiр CYPуiнде органикалыщ фсылыстардын, сонын iшiнде белок, кeмiрсу, майдын маиызы ерекше. Оларсыз ^ршткт елестетудщ eзi мYмкiн емес. Дорыта айт^анда, жаиа туfан нэрестелердiи осы ^осылыстарfа ^ажетттИ ересектерге ^араfанда ^п болып шыщты.

Пайдаланылган эдебиеттер

1. Айдралиева, А.Б Физиология пэынен дэрютер жтнаfы :о^у хуралы /Алматы 2021.

2. Арынова, Р.А Организмнщ физиологиялыщ механизмдерi :Алматы/

3. Бабский, Е.Б Адам физиологиясы: о^улыщ Алматы 2017.

4. ДYЙсембин, ^ Жас^а сай физиология жэне мектеп гигиенасы: о^улыщ/ Алматы 2003.

5. Жапаркулова, Н.И О^ушыларлын даму физиологияс : о^у хуралы/ Алматы

6. В.Н. Голубев.. - М.: ИЦ Академия, 2013. - 448 а

7. Балашова, В.Ф. Физиология человека: тестовый контроль знаний: Методическое пособие / В.Ф. Балашова. - М.: Физ. культура, 2007. - 128 а

8. Билич, Г.Л. Атлас: анатомия и физиология человека / Г.Л. Билич, Е.Ю. Зигалова. - М.: Эксмо, 2016. - 320 с.


Dyussembin Kh. D.

Institution The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan


Theoretical development of issues of the physiology of lactation, the study of the mechanisms of its stimulation and inhibition are very relevant for Kazakhstan from the point of view of the prevention and treatment of hypogalactia, both in farm animals and in postpartum women.

Our work was aimed at studying, under conditions of chronic experience, the reflex mechanism of inhibition of milk production with elucidation of inhibitory factors, the role of efferent innervation, sympathoadrenal regulation and the participation of the hypothalamus and

catecholamines in the reaction of delayed milk secretion in following farm animals traditionally bred in Kazakhstan: goats, sheep, horses and camels. Milk secretion was recorded through catheterized nipples. To collect venous blood for the purpose of analyzing hormone levels (oxytocin, catecholamines), chronic catheterization of the external jugular vein was performed through the saphenous vein of the shoulder. To study the dynamics of oxytocin release from the neurohypophysis during electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus, electrodes were implanted under X-ray control. Blood samples to determine oxytocic activity were taken starting from 3-4 days after catheterization and from 7-10 days after electrode implantation until the end of the lactation period and the onset of mammary gland involution.

The experiments showed that the level of oxytocin in the blood of mares reached a high level by the tenth month of their pregnancy and increased until foaling and the onset of lactation. Similar data were obtained in small ruminants, in which oxytocin levels peaked before birth. Since the half-life of oxytocin is short, a reflex release of a new portion of this hormone occurs each time from the neurohypophysis during lactation during milking/suckling. The greatest release of oxytocin occurred during milking with preliminary massage in goats, while in camels, irritation of thermoreceptors had a more stimulating effect compared to goats, sheep and mares. These species differences can be explained by different degrees of development of Vater-Pacini corpuscles.

The development of a conditioned reflex in animals by sound, tactile and electrical stimuli and their various combinations indicates the active influence of the cerebral cortex on the process of milk production. A comparative analysis of oxytocin production during the periods of lactopoiesis and lactogenesis showed that the level of the neurohypophyseal hormone in mares is higher than in other ruminants. In all animals, the act of sucking was accompanied by a greater release of the hormone than milking. The procedure of simulating milking during the dry period did not cause an increase in oxytocic activity of the blood. Electrical stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus at the level of the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, the middle part of the hypothalamus at the level of the ventromedial nucleus and the lateral posterior hypothalamus at the level of the medial and lateral mammillary bodies showed the lactostimulatory role of the ventromedial nucleus and the inhibitory role of the posterior hypothalamus. Experiments with irritation of the anterior hypothalamus against the background of preliminary administration of catecholamines showed a clearly expressed reaction of inhibition of the release of oxytocin and milk flow.

The results of this study formed the basis for further study of the mechanisms of lactation in postpartum women in obstetric institutions of

the city of Almaty, followed by working out instructions for the prevention of hypogalactia.



Жетписбаев Б.А. Бижанова Б.С.

НАО «Евразийский Национальный Университет» им. Л.М.

Гумилева, г.Астана, Республика Казахстан


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