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Ключевые слова
Grammatical errors / speaking / oral communication / verb tense / subject-verb agreement / misplacement of modifiers / word order / pronoun misuse / written language / syntax / punctuation / usage / educational background / native language interference / digital communication / comprehension / proofreading / grammar-checking tools / educational interventions. / Grammatical errors / speaking / oral communication / verb tense / subject-verb agreement / misplacement of modifiers / word order / pronoun misuse / written language / syntax / punctuation / usage / educational background / native language interference / digital communication / comprehension / proofreading / grammar-checking tools / educational interventions.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Omonova Sitora Shukhrat Kizi

Grammatical errors in speaking refer to deviations from the standard rules and conventions of a language that occur during oral communication. These errors can manifest in various forms, including incorrect verb tense usage, subject-verb agreement issues, misplacement of modifiers, improper word order, and misuse of pronouns, among others. Furthermore, grammatical errors in written language are pervasive and can significantly impact the clarity, professionalism, and credibility of communication. This article examines the various types of grammatical errors commonly encountered in written texts, including issues with syntax, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and usage. By analyzing these errors, the article identifies key factors contributing to their prevalence, such as educational background, native language interference, and the increasing reliance on digital communication platforms. The consequences of grammatical inaccuracies are explored, highlighting their potential to hinder comprehension, diminish the writer’s authority, and create misunderstandings. Furthermore, the article reviews effective strategies for reducing grammatical errors, including the use of grammar-checking tools, the importance of proofreading, and targeted educational interventions. By understanding the root causes and impacts of grammatical errors, as well as implementing practical corrective measures, writers can enhance the quality and precision of their written communication.

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Grammatical errors in speaking refer to deviations from the standard rules and conventions of a language that occur during oral communication. These errors can manifest in various forms, including incorrect verb tense usage, subject-verb agreement issues, misplacement of modifiers, improper word order, and misuse of pronouns, among others. Furthermore, grammatical errors in written language are pervasive and can significantly impact the clarity, professionalism, and credibility of communication. This article examines the various types of grammatical errors commonly encountered in written texts, including issues with syntax, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and usage. By analyzing these errors, the article identifies key factors contributing to their prevalence, such as educational background, native language interference, and the increasing reliance on digital communication platforms. The consequences of grammatical inaccuracies are explored, highlighting their potential to hinder comprehension, diminish the writer’s authority, and create misunderstandings. Furthermore, the article reviews effective strategies for reducing grammatical errors, including the use of grammar-checking tools, the importance of proofreading, and targeted educational interventions. By understanding the root causes and impacts of grammatical errors, as well as implementing practical corrective measures, writers can enhance the quality and precision of their written communication.





Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.2 | SJIF = 8.165 www.in-academy.uz

NAVIGATING THE LABYRINTH OF GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN SPOKEN LANGUAGE. GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN WRITTEN LANGUAGE: CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, AND CORRECTIVE STRATEGIES Omonova Sitora Shukhrat kizi Assistant at, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Email: sitoraomonova30@gmail.com. +998951586369. Tashkent,

Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11449204


Received: 25thMay 2024 Accepted: 30thMay 2024 Online: 31st May 2024

KEYWORDS Gramm a tical errors,

speaking, oral

communication, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, misplacement of modifiers, word order, pronoun misuse, written language, syntax, punctuation, usage,

educational background, native language

interference, digital

communication, comprehension, proofreading, grammarchecking tools, educational interventions.


Grammatical errors in speaking refer to deviations from the standard rules and conventions of a language that occur during oral communication. These errors can manifest in various forms, including incorrect verb tense usage, subject-verb agreement issues, misplacement of modifiers, improper word order, and misuse of pronouns, among others. Furthermore, grammatical errors in written language are pervasive and can significantly impact the clarity, professionalism, and credibility of communication. This article examines the various types of grammatical errors commonly encountered in written texts, including issues with syntax, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and usage. By analyzing these errors, the article identifies key factors contributing to their prevalence, such as educational background, native language interference, and the increasing reliance on digital communication platforms. The consequences of grammatical inaccuracies are explored, highlighting their potential to hinder comprehension, diminish the writer's authority, and create misunderstandings. Furthermore, the article reviews effective strategies for reducing grammatical errors, including the use of grammar-checking tools, the importance of proofreading, and targeted educational interventions. By understanding the root causes and impacts of grammatical errors, as well as implementing practical corrective measures, writers can enhance the quality and precision of their written communication.


One common grammatical error in speaking is the misuse of verb tense. In their use of English, students frequently make errors like incorrect word order, incorrect word formation, and other mistakes. [1, pp.80-88] Various types of grammatical errors occur in speaking, including omissions, additions, mis-formations, and mis-orderings. Speakers may


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inadvertently switch between past, present, and future tenses within the same sentence or fail to use the appropriate tense to convey the intended meaning. For learners to use grammatical structures correctly, their utterances need to be lengthy and complex, with well-structured clause [2, pp.49-56]. For example, saying "I go to the store yesterday" instead of "I went to the store yesterday" demonstrates a lack of agreement between the subject ("I") and the past tense verb ("went").

Another prevalent error involves subject-verb agreement, where the subject and verb in a sentence do not match in number. For instance, saying "The dogs barks" instead of "The dogs bark" reflects a disagreement between the plural subject ("dogs") and the singular verb form ("barks").

Misplacement of modifiers can also lead to grammatical errors in speaking. This occurs when descriptive words or phrases are positioned incorrectly within a sentence, resulting in confusion or ambiguity. For example, saying "I only eat pizza on Fridays" instead of "I eat only pizza on Fridays" changes the meaning of the sentence; in the first version, it suggests that pizza is the only thing eaten on Fridays, whereas in the corrected version, it indicates that pizza is only eaten on Fridays.

Additionally, improper word order can cause grammatical errors, particularly in languages with strict syntactical rules. Speakers may rearrange words in a sentence in a way that disrupts the intended meaning or sounds unnatural. For example, saying "Yesterday I to the store went" instead of "Yesterday I went to the store" violates the standard word order in English and may confuse listeners.

Literature review:

Grammatical errors in spoken language present a complex challenge for linguists, educators, and communication specialists. These errors can stem from various sources and have significant impacts on the efficacy of communication. This literature review examines the causes, consequences, and corrective strategies for grammatical errors in spoken language, offering a comprehensive overview of the current research and insights into potential areas for further investigation.

Causes of Grammatical Errors in Spoken Language

Research identifies several primary causes of grammatical errors in spoken language. These include: L1 Interference: The influence of a speaker's first language (L1) on their use of a second language (L2) is a well-documented phenomenon. Errors often arise when speakers apply grammatical rules from their L1 to their L2 speech [6, pp.92-104]. Cognitive Load: Speaking in real-time requires the rapid organization of thoughts and linguistic structures. High cognitive load can lead to grammatical slips, as speakers may prioritize meaning over form [7, pp66-80]. Limited Exposure: Insufficient exposure to correct language models can result in the reinforcement of incorrect structures. This is particularly relevant in environments where non-native speakers are the primary language models [4, pp.73-79]. Developmental Stages: Language learners go through various stages of development, during which certain grammatical errors are more common.

Likewise, grammatical errors in written language are a pervasive issue that affects the clarity, professionalism, and credibility of communication across various contexts. "Grammar is the set of rules that dictates how words are modified to convey different meanings and how


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they are combined to form sentences [3, pp. 56-69]". From academic papers and professional reports to everyday emails and social media posts, the presence of grammatical inaccuracies can significantly hinder effective communication. These errors encompass a wide range of issues, including improper verb tense usage, subject-verb agreement mistakes, misplaced modifiers, incorrect punctuation, and overall syntactical errors. Understanding the root causes of these errors is crucial for developing strategies to minimize their occurrence and mitigate their negative impacts.

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of grammatical errors in written texts. Educational background plays a significant role, as individuals with varying levels of language instruction may struggle with different aspects of grammar. Additionally, native language interference can lead to common mistakes, particularly among those for whom the language of writing is a second language. The rise of digital communication platforms has also contributed to a more casual approach to writing, where speed often takes precedence over accuracy, exacerbating the frequency of grammatical errors.

The consequences of grammatical errors are far-reaching. In academic settings, they can lead to misunderstandings and lower grades. In professional environments, they can damage the writer's credibility and hinder career advancement. On digital platforms, they can result in miscommunication and reduced engagement. Therefore, addressing grammatical errors is essential for ensuring that written communication is both effective and respected.

This article aims to delve into the various types of grammatical errors commonly encountered in written language, explore the factors contributing to their prevalence, and discuss the consequences of such inaccuracies. Additionally, it will review effective strategies for reducing these errors, including the use of grammar-checking tools, the importance of thorough proofreading, and the implementation of targeted educational interventions. By gaining a deeper understanding of grammatical errors and their impacts, writers can enhance the precision and quality of their written communication.

In the intricate dance of human communication, spoken language serves as our primary tool for conveying thoughts, emotions, and intentions. However, amidst the fluidity of conversation, grammatical errors often sneak in, disrupting the harmony of our speech. From misplaced modifiers to subject-verb disagreements, these linguistic slip-ups can muddy the waters of comprehension and leave both speakers and listeners grappling for clarity.

Grammatical errors in spoken language are as varied as the languages themselves. They range from subtle nuances in word choice to blatant violations of syntax, each posing its own challenge to effective communication. While some errors may go unnoticed in casual conversation, others stand out like sore thumbs, betraying a lack of fluency or attention to detail.

Finally, misuse of pronouns can result in grammatical errors, especially when pronouns are used incorrectly or ambiguously, leading to confusion about referents. For instance, saying "Sarah told me that she would meet us there, but she never did" without clarifying who "she" refers to can be unclear to the listener.

Grammatical errors in written language can be broadly categorized into several types, each affecting the clarity and coherence of the text in distinct ways. Understanding grammatical rules is crucial for learners to accurately express their thoughts and interpret


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others' messages correctly [5, pp.41-55]. Common errors include issues with syntax, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and word usage.

Syntax Errors: These occur when the arrangement of words in a sentence does not follow standard grammatical rules, leading to confusion or ambiguity. For example, "Running quickly the dog chased the ball" should be corrected to "The dog chased the ball quickly."

Verb Tense Errors: Consistent verb tense is crucial for maintaining the temporal coherence of a narrative. Errors in verb tense, such as switching from past to present tense without reason, can confuse the reader. For instance, "She was walking to the store and buys a drink" should be "She was walking to the store and bought a drink."

Subject-Verb Agreement Errors: These errors occur when the subject of a sentence does not agree in number with the verb. For example, "The list of items are on the table" should be "The list of items is on the table."

Punctuation Errors: Proper punctuation is essential for clarity and readability. Misuse of commas, periods, semicolons, and other punctuation marks can lead to misunderstanding. For example, "Let's eat, Grandma" versus "Let's eat Grandma" highlights how a missing comma can change the meaning entirely.

Word Usage Errors: These involve the incorrect use of words that sound similar or have similar meanings but are not interchangeable, such as "affect" and "effect" or "their," "there," and "they're."


This methodology outlines the research design and procedures used to investigate the causes, consequences, and corrective strategies for grammatical errors in spoken and written language. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Research Design:

The research adopts a mixed-methods design, integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect and analyze data. This design allows for a robust examination of grammatical errors by leveraging the strengths of both methods.


The study involves two groups of participants:

Language Learners: 100 participants learning English as a second language (ESL) from various backgrounds and proficiency levels.

Language Educators: 20 experienced ESL teachers from diverse educational settings.

Data Collection Methods:

1. Quantitative Methods

a. Error Analysis in Spoken Language:

Speech Samples: Collect spontaneous speech samples from 50 ESL learners through interviews and informal conversations.

Transcription and Coding: Transcribe the speech samples and code for grammatical errors using a predefined error taxonomy.

b. Error Analysis in Written Language:

Writing Samples: Gather written assignments and essays from 50 ESL learners.


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Error Identification: Identify and categorize grammatical errors in the writing samples using the same error taxonomy as for spoken language.

c. Surveys and Questionnaires:

Learner Surveys: Administer surveys to all 100 learners to gather data on their language learning experiences, exposure, and perceived difficulties with grammar.

Teacher Surveys: Conduct surveys with the 20 educators to collect information on their observations of common grammatical errors and the effectiveness of corrective strategies.

2. Qualitative Methods

a. Interviews:

Learner Interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with 20 learners to gain deeper insights into their experiences with grammatical errors and their learning processes.

Teacher Interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with 10 teachers to explore their perspectives on the causes of grammatical errors and the strategies they use to address them.

b. Classroom Observations:

Observe 10 ESL classrooms to identify real-time instances of grammatical errors in spoken language and to note corrective strategies used by teachers.


Factors Contributing to Grammatical Errors: several factors contribute to the prevalence of grammatical errors in written language. Understanding these factors can help in developing strategies to mitigate errors.

Educational Background: Variations in the quality and extent of grammar instruction play a significant role. Individuals who have received extensive training in grammar are less likely to make frequent errors.

Native Language Interference: Writers for whom the language of writing is a second language may transfer grammatical rules from their native language, leading to errors. For example, a native Spanish speaker might write "She has 25 years" instead of "She is 25 years old."

Digital Communication: The rise of digital communication platforms encourages a more casual writing style where speed and brevity are prioritized over accuracy. Text messaging and social media posts often contain abbreviations and shortcuts that can lead to habitual grammatical errors.

Consequences of Grammatical Errors: The impact of grammatical errors extends beyond mere aesthetics. They can significantly affect the writer's credibility, the reader's comprehension, and the overall effectiveness of the communication.

Credibility: In professional and academic settings, frequent grammatical errors can undermine the writer's authority and expertise. Documents riddled with errors are often perceived as less credible and reliable.

Comprehension: Grammatical errors can obscure the intended meaning, leading to misunderstandings. This is particularly critical in technical writing, legal documents, and instructional materials where precision is paramount.


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Engagement: On digital platforms, poorly written content with numerous grammatical errors can result in reduced engagement, as readers are likely to disengage from texts that are difficult to read or understand.

Strategies for Reducing Grammatical Errors: several strategies can help writers minimize grammatical errors and improve the quality of their written communication.

Grammar-Checking Tools: Advanced grammar-checking software can identify and suggest corrections for a wide range of grammatical errors. Tools like Grammarly and Hemingway App are widely used to enhance writing accuracy.

Proofreading: Diligent proofreading is essential. Reading the text multiple times, and preferably aloud, can help catch errors that might be overlooked on a single pass.

Educational Interventions: Targeted grammar instruction, whether through formal education or self-study, can significantly improve grammatical proficiency. Resources such as grammar books, online courses, and writing workshops can be invaluable.

Peer Review: Having peers review written work can provide additional perspectives and catch errors that the writer might miss. Peer feedback can be particularly useful in collaborative environments.

Data Analysis

1. Quantitative Analysis:

Descriptive Statistics: Calculate frequencies and percentages of different types of grammatical errors in spoken and written samples.

Correlation Analysis: Examine the relationship between learners' backgrounds, proficiency levels, and the frequency/types of grammatical errors.

Effectiveness of Strategies: Use statistical tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA) to evaluate the effectiveness of different corrective strategies based on survey data.

2. Qualitative Analysis:

Thematic Analysis: Analyze interview transcripts and observation notes to identify recurring themes related to the causes of grammatical errors, their consequences, and corrective strategies.

Coding: Use qualitative data analysis software (e.g., NVivo) to code the data and organize themes.

Ethical Considerations

Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from all participants, ensuring they are aware of the study's purpose, procedures, and their rights.

Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of all participant data, using pseudonyms and secure data storage methods.

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Voluntary Participation: Ensure that participation is voluntary and that participants can withdraw at any time without penalty.


Sample Size: The study's findings may be limited by the sample size and the specific context of the participants.

Self-Reported Data: Surveys and interviews rely on self-reported data, which may be subject to bias.


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This methodology provides a structured approach to investigating grammatical errors in spoken and written language. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, the study aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the causes, consequences, and corrective strategies for these errors, ultimately contributing to more effective language teaching and learning practices.


Overall, while grammatical errors in speaking are common and often inevitable, they can impede effective communication and convey a lack of proficiency in the language. However, it's essential to recognize that occasional errors are natural and should not overshadow the overall message being conveyed. In addition, grammatical errors in written language are a common challenge that can detract from the effectiveness of communication. By understanding the types of errors, the factors that contribute to them, and the strategies for mitigating them, writers can significantly improve the clarity, professionalism, and impact of their writing. Emphasizing the importance of accurate grammar through tools, education, and diligent proofreading can lead to more effective and respected communication across all contexts.


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2. Haryudin, A., & Argawati, N. O. (2018). Lesson Study To Improve Student English Grammar Mastery Using Jigsaw Technique To The Third Semester Students Of Ikip Siliwangi. Indonesian Efl Journal, 4(1), 49-56.

3. Lai-Mei Leong, S. M. A. (2017). An Analysis of Factors Influencing Learners' English Speaking Skill. International Journal of Research in English Education (IJREE).

4. Lightbown, P. M. and Spada, N. (2013). How Languages are Learned? Oxford University Press.

5. Khairunisa, A., Nadrun, & Rachmania. (2018). The Correlation Between Students' Grammar Mastery And Writing Skill.

6. Odlin, T. (1989). Language Transfer: Cross-Linguistic Influence in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

7. Skehan, P. (1998). A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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