Научная статья на тему 'Научный и практический потенциал концепции каркасного подхода в макроэкономике'

Научный и практический потенциал концепции каркасного подхода в макроэкономике Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Ключевые слова макроэкономика / рамочный подход / эколого-экономические рамки территории / безопасность. / Keywords mesoeconomics / framework approach / ecological and economic framework of the territory / security.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Сычева Ирина Николаевна, Енгоян Оксана Завеновна

Авторы исследуют теоретические основы мезоэкономики. Актуальность публикации обусловлена, с одной стороны, растущими современными рисками развития региональных и национальных социально-экономических систем, а с другой – потенциалом переформатирования межрегиональных связей, обеспечивающих безопасность и стабильность социоприродной системы. Настоящее исследование основано на гипотезе о ключевой роли каркасного подхода в обеспечении сбалансированного социально-экономического развития совокупности социоприродных комплексов. В рамках предложенной гипотезы авторы выделяют три ключевые структуры – экологическую, экономическую и культурно-историческую. Взаимосвязь фреймворков охватывает факторы развития, выходящие за пределы региона, предприятия/корпорации, отрасли – кооперацию, мультипликативные социально-экономические эффекты, импортозамещение, выходящие за пределы региона, корпорации. На данном этапе исследования использовались методы научного наблюдения, экспертных оценок и факторного анализа. Статья включает краткий обзор состояния современных исследований в области мезоэкономики. Основываясь на проведенном исследовании, авторы, помимо прочего, приходят к выводу, что необходимо дополнить институциональный подход концепцией каркасного подхода. Рамочный подход имеет особое значение для обеспечения целей сбалансированного пространственного развития и безопасности страны. Финансирование: Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 23-28-00486, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-28-00486

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Scientific and practical potential of the framework approach concept in mesoeconomics

Abstract The authors explore the theoretical foundations of mesoeconomics. The relevance of the publication is due, on the one hand, to the growing modern risks of the development of regional and national socio-economic systems, and, on the other, to the potential for reformatting interregional ties that ensure the safety and stability of the socio-natural system. The present study is based on the hypothesis of the key role of the framework approach to ensure balanced socio-economic development of a set of socio-natural complexes. Within the framework of the proposed hypothesis, the authors identify three key frameworks — ecological, economic and cultural-historical. The interrelation of frameworks covers development factors that go beyond the region, enterprises/corporations, industries – cooperation, multiplicative socio-economic effects, import substitution that go beyond the region, corporations. At this stage of the study, the methods of scientific observation, expert assessments and factor analysis were used. The article includes a brief overview of the state of modern research in the field of mesoeconomics. Based on the conducted research, the authors, among other things, conclude that it is necessary to supplement the institutional approach with the concept of a framework approach. The framework approach is of particular importance for ensuring the goals of balanced spatial development and security of the country. The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-00486, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-28-00486/

Текст научной работы на тему «Научный и практический потенциал концепции каркасного подхода в макроэкономике»


УДК 330.101.541 DOI 10.24412/2412-8139-2024-1-69-78

Scientific and practical potential of the framework approach concept in mesoeconomics

Irina N. Sycheva

Doctor of Economics, Professor Polzunov Altai State Technical University Barnaul, Russia

madam.si4eva2010@yandex.ru ORCID 0000-0001-9003-5845

Oksana Z. Engoyan

Junior research assistant

Polzunov Altai State Technical University

Barnaul, Russia


ORCID 0000-0001-8985-4827

Short Report Received 05.11.2023 Revised 01.02.2024 Accepted 25.03.2024


The authors explore the theoretical foundations of mesoeconomics. The relevance of the publication is due, on the one hand, to the growing modern risks of the development of regional and national socio-economic systems, and, on the other, to the potential for reformatting interregional ties that ensure the safety and stability of the socio-natural system. The present study is based on the hypothesis of the key role of the framework approach to ensure balanced socio-economic development of a set of socio-natural complexes. Within the framework of the proposed hypothesis, the authors identify three key frameworks — ecological, economic and cultural-historical. The interrelation of frameworks covers development factors that go beyond the region, enterprises/corporations, industries - cooperation, multiplicative socio-economic effects, import substitution that go beyond the region, corporations. At this stage of the study, the methods of scientific observation, expert assessments and factor analysis were used. The article includes a brief overview of the state of modern research in the field of mesoeconomics. Based on the conducted research, the authors, among other things, conclude that it is necessary to supplement the institutional approach with the concept of a framework approach. The framework approach is of particular importance for ensuring the goals of balanced spatial development and security of the country. Keywords

mesoeconomics; framework approach; ecological and economic framework of the territory; security.

The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-00486, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-28-00486/

© Сычева И.Н., Енгоян О.З., 2024.


The scientific and social relevance of research on the history, theory and practice of interrelations of economic actors at the mesoeconomical level is due to the objective need to solve modern problems: balanced spatial development of regions in conditions of uncertainty; advanced professional training of managerial, scientific and engineering personnel in the interests of developing new sectors of the economy; introducing novelty into the knowledge of economic processes.

The research is aimed at scientific substantiation of multiplicative socio-economic effects, including job creation, stimulation of scientific, technical and industrial potential of the region, increasing the economic capacity of the territory, improving the quality and standard of living, adaptation of the socio-economic system of the region to global changes, including climatic ones.

Materials and methods

In their work, the authors used an integrated approach using a system-structural method involving interdisciplinarity, formalization of tasks and methods of their solution (environmental economics, sectoral and regional economics; econometrics; management theory; cultural studies; economic geography; history). Also at the preliminary stage, the method of factor analysis and institutional analysis were used.

Results and discussion

Modern globalization is nonlinear in nature. These processes need to be understood, searched for and justified by scientific paradigms that allow to dampen the difficulties of the period of large-scale changes both for local socio-natural complexes and for the national socioeconomic system as a whole. Therefore, the most promising scientific direction is theoretical and applied research of mesoeconomics.

Today, economic research touches on narrow, albeit important aspects of mesoeconomics.

Thus, the issues of local consumer markets, the role of infrastructure, logistics in a regional context are considered by the authors of the study «Competitive environment and entrepreneurial activity in local markets of mass-demand goods in Russia» (Grebennikov, 2021).

The study «Food security of Russia in the context of globalization and international restrictions» (Shchetinina, 2019) examines various approaches to the study of problems, respectively, food security, including at the regional level.

The authors of the research focus on individual industries or areas: digitalization (Kravchenko, 2019), certain demographic aspects of rural areas (Sergienko, 2019), innovative processes (Suslov, 2020) and a number of others.

Scientists of the Institute of Economic Research of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences pay considerable attention to the spatial development of regions, considering the results of the implementation of the State Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Far Eastern Federal District for the period up to 2025 (Minakir, 2021), measurements and assessments of the socio-economic state and trends in the development of the Far Eastern Federal District in the context of regions and industry complexes (Prokapalo, 2020) as well as such traditionally sectoral issues, as the processes of formation and development of agriculture in the Far East, taking into account the influence of climatic, technological, economic conditions and factors on them (Aseeva, 2019).

In addition, among the publications that touch on certain aspects of mesoeconomics, works on typology, indicators and other aspects of mesoeconomics are published (Ardasheva, 2007; Nayanova, 2015; Bulguchev, 2020; Andreev, 2021; Burmatova, 2021; Gorbashko, 2021;

Topical issues of economics and sociology, 2021; Kryukov, 2021; Kleiner, 2020; Mayevsky, 2020).

The most extensive studies of mesoeconomics are presented by monographs published by IE RAS: «Mesoeconomics: Elements of a new paradigm» (Mayevsky, 2020) and «Mesoeconomics: state and prospects» (Mayevsky, 2018).

The works contain an overview of foreign publications on the topic of mesoeconomics, which is considered primarily from the point of view of the institutional approach (Mayevsky, 2020). However, we note that the theoretical and applied potential of mesoeconomical research is much broader.

Researchers note a holistic approach and analysis of the economy from a systemic perspective, including aspects of self-organization of systems and subsystems. The predictive potential of the theoretical provisions of mesoeconomics is also noted, emphasizing that the institutional «slice» under study is, although significant, from the point of view of a number of authors (Mayevsky, 2018), part of mesoeconomics research, but it is only one of the types of functional structures of the meso-level. As noted [ibid.], «the specificity of the mesoeconomical approach consists in the obvious recognition of the hierarchical nature of the economy [with reference to - Mayevsky, 2018» In addition, researchers in the field of synergetics note such an important aspect of modern global processes as self-organization, manifested in the inevitable formation of a hierarchical structure, as properties of any sufficiently complex system (with reference to Chernavsky, Kurdyumov, 2010, p. 97).

It is mesoeconomical studies that make it possible to analyze and formalize the interactions of heterogeneous economic objects to a large extent (with reference to Dosi, 2012, pp. 41-42). It is at the meso-level that subsystems undergo stages of transitions from one level of ordering (through structuring) to a higher and more complex level. In turn, a new level, usually characterized by the evolution of the system as a whole, is associated with new challenges.

Threats of ecological and socio-cultural crisis are singled out among the most significant challenges today. Thus, in terms of threats to the ecological crisis, climate change, persistent pollution problems, and ecosystem digression are singled out. In the works of some authors, certain aspects of the problem under study are considered (Tong, 2020; Deachenko 2019)

Particular issues of environmental threats to regional socio-natural complexes are addressed in the works of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Production Organization SB RAS. Thus, a large study is devoted to energy and energy infrastructure (Tarasova, 2020), but the issues of adaptation of socio-natural complexes are not considered in the work.

The study «Spatial development of Modern Russia: trends, factors, mechanisms, institutions» (Kolomak, 2020) provides an overview and analysis of regional program documents of the regions of the Siberian Federal District, a lot of work has been done to analyze a number of indicators of the socio-economic state of the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The authors note the importance of climatic conditions for the development of the studied territories.

In the study «Promising agricultural specialization of the macro-regions of Siberia» (Pershukevich, 2020) sectoral issues are considered. The authors, of course, relate to natural and climatic conditions, noting the importance of operational monitoring of the state of the socio-natural complex and, accordingly, the need to rely on modern research in these matters.

In addition to the environmental factor, we will highlight the socio-cultural factor that influences the formation of consumer preferences, the volume and nature of consumption of both inelastic and goods and services with high demand volatility. The socio-cultural factor has a significant impact on the formation of sales markets and is an important factor in balanced (sustainable) socio-economic development (Culture and economy, 2006).

We should also note the historical and scientific continuity of mesoeconomical research, primarily in terms of the spatial placement of objects in the real sector of the economy. Thus, a

systematic approach was proposed to solve the problems of linking industries, regions, industrial and social infrastructure at the meso-level into a single complex (Bandman, 1975). Researchers and developers not only described the planning algorithm at the interregional and intersectoral levels, but also provided for the analysis of mesomodels that occupy a median (meso) position between macro-models of the national economy of the country and micromodels (objects of the real sector of the economy within an administrative-territorial entity) in terms of the composition of conditions and the level of aggregation (Bandman, 1975). Based on the mentioned studies, the algorithm should include:

1) determination of the object of research, including a set of parameters to be investigated and analyzed;

2) formulation of an economic and mathematical problem;

3) selection (or development) of an econometric model corresponding to a specific task and software for processing an array of data;

4) collection of information and preparation of initial data for the solution;

5) implementation of the problem solution, including iterations, the purpose of which is to obtain a realistic and optimal model;

6) analysis of the results of the decision and preparation of proposals for the development of an appropriate regulatory framework and/or institutions in order to implement the obtained scientifically based models.

At the same time, the optimization of logistics and interrelations of branches of specialization, resources (raw materials, labor, energy, research, technological, etc.), the level and quality of life of the population, including environmental protection, is considered as a key task, speaking in modern concepts, in order to create conditions for the formation of a competitive economic actor. Of particular importance is the solution of the problem of such optimization in the context of the actualization of multi-level risks associated with the reformatting of the global economic system. As it is rightly noted, «truly optimal national economic solutions are born precisely in the field of mesoeconomics» (Kleiner, 2022). That is why the task of developing a unified concept for optimizing approaches and management tools at the meso-level is so important. The solution of this problem should be based on scientific achievements, accumulated (or emerging) arrays of data on the parameters of the studied economic objects and processes (at all levels), and first of all - on long-term fundamental and applied research in the field of mesoeconomics.


The result of this stage of research was a hypothesis based on a framework approach in the formation and implementation of socio-economic policy at various levels:

In conditions of uncertainty and increased variety of risks (environmental, economic, socio-cultural), issues of management of socio-economic systems and subsystems at the middle (meso-) level — between the macrosystem and actors at the microeconomic level.

Mesoeconomics, being, in fact, a link between the microeconomic level and the macroeconomic system, is the scientific field where multiplicative effects that go beyond the region, industry, corporation, but reach the macroeconomic level only after a certain number of iterations are manifested and can be most fully investigated. The scale of modern globalization requires a revision of scientific paradigms, which today are focused on market regulation of economic processes. However, the complexity of the current global economy, accompanied by an increase in various risks, requires deep and comprehensive theoretical research, including the development of applied directions in terms of identifying and regulating the interrelationships of socio-economic systems and subsystems.

Institutional, intercorporate, interregional cooperation - in fact, they are precisely a mesoeconomical phenomenon.

Let's highlight the main theses of the hypothesis proposed by the authors.

1. Management in the conditions of uncertainty characteristic of modern turbulence of global processes requires, on the one hand, operational intervention (regulation, relief of various risks), and on the other, scientific understanding, allowing to improve and increase (and/or maintain) the effectiveness of management (regulation, including risk relief). socioeconomic systems of various levels.

2. In modern economic theory and practice, there is a problem of the «middle level link» — mesoeconomics, management/regulation of the level between the economy of a region and/or an enterprise/corporation and the national economy.

3. Among the concepts of mesoeconomics, the most popular today is the institutional concept focused on the role and importance of institutions (social, economic, political, etc.) in the process of regulating the mesoeconomical level.

4. From the point of view of an integrated/systemic approach, the institutional approach needs to be supplemented with the concept of a framework approach, which is based on cooperation, multiplicative socio-economic effects that go beyond the region/corporation, and import substitution. The framework approach is of particular importance for ensuring the goals of balanced spatial development and security of the country.

5. The framework approach in mesoeconomics involves, among other things, rethinking hypotheses and theories of both Soviet/Russian classics of spatial development (Kolosovsky, Baransky, Zimin, etc.) and foreign ones (Tyunen, Lesh, Kristaller, etc.).

6. The framework of the territory (region and interregional zones) consists of linear and nodal objects. However, the justification of nodes (including their ranking), as well as the significance and versatility of linear objects, needs additional research.

7. The Russian Scientific School has extensive experience not only in fundamental research in the field of mesoeconomics, but also in the practical implementation of individual achievements (both positive and negative). In modern conditions, this experience requires rethinking.

In general, at this stage of research, it can be stated that the mesoeconomics of research is characterized by relevance, interdisciplinarity, synergetic and predictive potentials.


1. Grebennikov V.F., Plyaskina N.I. Competitive environment and entrepreneurial activity in the local markets of mass-demand goods in Russia. Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2021. 196 p. (In Russ).

2. Shchetinina I.V., Kalugina Z.I., Fadeeva O.P., Chupin R.I. Food security of Russia in the context of globalization and international restrictions. Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2019. 264 p. (In Russ).

3. Kravchenko N.A., Markova V.D., Baldina N.P. Challenges of digital transformation and high-tech business. Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2019. 352 p. (In Russ).

4. Sergienko A.M., Kolesnikova O.N., Perekarenkova Yu.A., Rodionova L.V., Snegireva O.A., Tarasov E.V. Migration of rural youth: the Altai Territory is in focus. Barnaul: Publishing house of Alt. un-ta, 2019. 325 p. (In Russ).

5. Suslov V.I., Valieva O.V. Development of innovative economy: analysis, methods and models. Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2020. 440 p. (In Russ).

6. Minakir P.A., Najden S.N. The development of the economy of the Russian Far East: the effects of state policy. Khabarovsk: IEI FEB RAS, 2021. 208 p. (In Russ).

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8. Aseeva T.A., Kiselev E.P., Sukhomirov G.I. Agriculture of the Far East: conditions, problems and potential of development. Khabarovsk: IEI FEB RAS, 2020. 162 p. (In Russ).

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12. Andreev V.A., Sultanova E.V., Ivelskaya N.G., Kuzmin S.B. Industrial complexes of the Russian Far East - ecosystems of mesoeconomics or enclaves? // Economy: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Volume 11. No. 9A. 2021. pp. 282-291. (In Russ).

13. Burmatova O.P. Methodology and tools for the analysis of ecological and economic aspects of regional development // Edited by A.S. Novoselov. Novosibirsk, IEOPP SB RAS. 2021. 442 p. (In Russ).

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16. Kryukov V.A., Suslov N.I., Kryukov Ya.V. The fuel and energy complex of Asian Russia in the world of change. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of IEOPP SB RAS, 2021. 52 p. (In Russ).

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25. Dyachenko A.V., Kosulnikova T.L., Sizeneva L.A., Kazieva Z.M. Metatheory of the impact of tourist and recreational activities on natural parks. Service in Russia and abroad. Vol. 13. 2019. No. 1 (83). (In Russ).

26. Tarasova O.V. Infrastructure of spatial development of the Russian Federation: transport, energy, innovative system, life support. Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2020. 456 p. (In Russ).

27. Kolomak E.A. Spatial development of modern Russia: trends, factors, mechanisms, institutions // Ed. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of IEOPP SB RAS. 2020. 502 p. (In Russ).

28. Pershukevich P.M., Aleshchenko V.V. Promising agricultural specialization of the macro-regions of Siberia // Ed. Omsk: IEOPP SB RAS, SIBNIIIESH SFNCA RAS; LLC IC «Omsk scientific Bulletin», 2020. 240 p. (In Russ).

29. Culture and economy. Overview of relationships. Electronic publication: Center for Humanitarian Technologies. 06.12.2006. (In Russ).

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Младший научный сотрудник

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Авторы исследуют теоретические основы мезоэкономики. Актуальность публикации обусловлена, с одной стороны, растущими современными рисками развития региональных и национальных социально-экономических систем, а с другой -потенциалом переформатирования межрегиональных связей, обеспечивающих безопасность и стабильность социоприродной системы. Настоящее исследование основано на гипотезе о ключевой роли каркасного подхода в обеспечении сбалансированного социально-экономического развития совокупности социоприродных комплексов. В рамках предложенной гипотезы авторы выделяют три ключевые структуры - экологическую, экономическую и культурно-историческую. Взаимосвязь фреймворков охватывает факторы развития, выходящие за пределы региона, предприятия/корпорации, отрасли - кооперацию, мультипликативные социально-экономические эффекты, импортозамещение, выходящие за пределы региона, корпорации. На данном этапе исследования использовались методы научного наблюдения, экспертных оценок и факторного анализа. Статья включает краткий обзор состояния современных исследований в области мезоэкономики. Основываясь на проведенном исследовании, авторы, помимо прочего, приходят к выводу, что необходимо дополнить

институциональный подход концепцией каркасного подхода. Рамочный подход имеет особое значение для обеспечения целей сбалансированного пространственного развития и безопасности страны.

Ключевые слова

макроэкономика, рамочный подход, эколого-экономические рамки территории, безопасность.

Финансирование: Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 23-28-00486, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-28-00486

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